Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 225: The night is dark and the wind is strong

The night is very dark, you can't see your fingers!

The wind was very strong, and the trees in the forest were smashed!

On this dark and windy night, Li Xuan and the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty gathered together to eat and drink, trying to relieve the exhaustion and depression of running away all day today by eating and drinking.

"Okay, okay, don't drink too much, the Ming army is behind you, you won't be able to get up after drinking too much, what should you do if the Ming army comes over? Are you going to fight with the Ming army when you are drunk?" Qian Mengjiu, who entered the camp, looked at the warriors who were drinking bowl after bowl, and was quite dissatisfied.

Fang Dongquan hiccupped and said, "Lao Jiu, you are so stupid, it's such a big night, and it's still so dark, the Ming soldiers behind them are stupid to come and beat us!"

"Yes, yes, if those Ming soldiers came to play some night raids, they would probably have dispersed on the way. Sir Qian, you are worrying too much!" Wang Danxu also took a bite of the fat, while eating Forgetting to scold Qian Mengjiu while saying:

Butcher Chen also said: "Come, come, Mr. Qian, we also left you half a pig's leg. Let me tell you, this wild boar tastes better than those domestic pigs, come, you too have a bite!"

Looking at the half pig leg that Butcher Chen handed over, Qian Mengjiu was very angry.

That's abominable!

These warriors dared to disregard etiquette in front of His Majesty, and the ugliness of drinking and eating meat can make people feel that they are sweeping the floor.

What's even worse is that the wild boar was almost eaten up by them. Looking at the scraps on a table and only half of the pig's leg left, his heart was bleeding!

On the road in the evening, they encountered a wild boar that ran out of nowhere. Although the wild boar was not big, it was plump, and it looked delicious at first glance. A few cavalrymen were the only ones who caught the wild boar, which weighed almost two hundred pounds.

He, Qian Mengjiu, had just arranged the camp, but he came a little late. They had eaten up all the fat in the goat pork, leaving him only half a pig's hoof.

It is really distressing. As a senior general of the Tang Dynasty, it is really outrageous to even look like a bandit.

At this time, Li Xuan also said: "Qian Aiqing is right, although the Ming army is unlikely to come up, but don't drink too much, so as not to make a mistake!"

Seeing Li Xuan speak, Fang Dongquan and Chen Tufu stopped drinking, but although they stopped drinking, their mouths did not stop, Chen Tufu said: "It's okay, it's okay, don't say we don't drink much, Even if I drink too much, Grandpa, I can still beat those **** from the Ming Army to the ground!"

Fang Dongquan said: "There are realm troops on the periphery of us who are on duty at night. If the Ming army dares to touch it, we will know immediately, and then we will be able to give them a ruthless attack!"

While they were talking at a high level, on a certain hillside a few miles away from their small ravine, a fire dragon was circling the winding road on the mountainside, like a giant snake.

After Su Jiakang climbed the hill pantingly, looking at the pitch-dark field ahead, there was a hint of excitement between his brows.

"Sir, the scouts have figured out that the pseudo-Tang bandit army is located in a small valley five miles away. When we arrive, we will definitely be able to kill those pseudo-Tang bandit army without leaving behind!" Su Jiakang said. Beside him, a young man with a short stature and a wretched face said in a flattering tone.

This is Su Jiakang's personal follower, Luo Mazi. He was panting when he spoke. He opened his mouth and cooperated with his demeanor and actions, just like a pug.

Su Jiakang nodded slightly: "Let the soldiers work harder, tonight we will wipe out the fake Tang bandit army!"

Su Jiakang was in high spirits, but the Ming army generals behind him were muttering in a low voice!

"Master Wang, we can't go on like this. If we go further, the brothers will not be able to walk, and even if we can catch up with the pseudo-Tang bandit army, we can beat the pseudo-Tang bandit army just like this? We won't be bitten by them. One bite is not bad!" A military general from the deputy Qianhu said with a worried look: "The brothers have not rested for a day and a night, and there are already many brothers who are left behind. There are less than half of the brothers in front of the Tang Bandit Army!"

Others said so, Wang Zhitan also frowned!

He looked at the high-spirited Su Jiakang in front of him, and in his heart he wanted to slash this self-righteous county magistrate with a knife.

This Su Jiakang's mind is full of defeating the main force of the pseudo-Tang bandit army and capturing the pseudo-emperor Li Xuan alive, without considering the life and death of these soldiers.

If he continued to chase according to Su Jiakang's words, Wang Zhitan could already predict the possible end, either he was defeated in the night attack, or he was scattered in the night attack.

And there is also the possibility that the soldiers below will mutiny directly.

Why do you say mutiny? Because he, Wang Zhitan, had this idea.

The ability of this Su Jiakang to lead troops is really unreliable, and he always makes some messy, self-conscious choices, such as those previously designed serial schemes to lure the pseudo-Tang thieves to Zhengtai County. He said that he rushed to attack when he arrived in Zhengtai County yesterday, and he was going to play night attack tonight.

But in the end, the pseudo-Tang thief army was led to the town of Zhengtai County, but when they turned around, they took the town of Zhengtai, and as a result, the Ming army was very passive. , I am afraid that one of these high-ranking generals will have to accompany Su Jiakang to death.

And yesterday evening, when he rushed to attack the city, he said that he wanted to take advantage of the unsteady footing of the pseudo-Tang bandit army, but he, Su Jiakang, didn't think about it. After running for a day, he hurriedly attacked the city. There were not many siege equipment, only a few long ladders, and this was abandoned by the pseudo-Tang thief army outside the city.

As a result, their two waves of offensive were blocked by the pseudo-Tang thief army, and they failed to take down Zhengtai County, and they also suffered heavy casualties.

Yesterday evening's World War killed and wounded hundreds of young adults. In addition, the regular army also lost more than 100 people. This adds up to nearly 300 casualties.

As a result, Su Jiakang didn't even blink when he heard the casualty report!

At that time, Wang Zhitan knew that Su Jiakang, the eldest man, did not take these warriors as human beings. There will be the slightest hesitation.

Now, what kind of night attack does this Su Jiakang want to play!

Night raids are so fun?

Not to mention that they are exhausted, and there is no way to fight, even if they are physically strong, it is difficult to carry out the extremely difficult tactic of night attack!

I can't play with this **** Su Jiakang anymore, I have to think of a way, or I won't know how I died by then.

After thinking for a while, he summoned a personal soldier beside him, and then lowered his head and said a few words to the personal soldier. The personal soldier was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly and turned away.

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