Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1976: This thing won't fall apart, will it?

The technical verification ship that the navy was working on was soon confirmed with a detailed design.

This time, the design process of the technical verification ship is different from the previous battleship shooting of the Datang Navy, because this time, the layout of the hull, firepower, armor and other properties of the existing battleship is completely ignored, but a completely new design is prepared.

In the past, when the Datang Navy designed new ships, it was rarely said that they would design new ships from scratch. Most of the time, they would refer to the original battleship design in order to inherit the technology and reduce the technical difficulty.

This is particularly evident in the design of Datang's battleships. Several ships of more than 10,000 tons, such as the Banten, Luzon, and Xi, have different tonnages and technical details.

However, the design concepts of the hull are almost the same. For example, the all-steel hull has a relatively small aspect ratio, comprehensive protection, hydraulic rotating turret, front and rear double-mounted main guns, and a large number of 150mm secondary guns.

Therefore, strictly speaking, in fact, the 10,000-ton battleships designed and built by the Datang Navy in recent years are basically the same type of battleships.

The design of other warships is similar. For example, the recent cruisers are designed on the basis of the West India-class dome cruiser. Whether it is to improve performance or reduce performance, it is still the set of the West India-class dome cruiser. thing.

Not to mention the frigate, because this thing does not even have an armor belt, and only relies on the steel hull and coal bunker as a means of protection, and this design was designed more than ten years ago, the first of the Datang Navy. The steel steam frigate, also known as the Qinzhou-class frigate, is such a protective arrangement.

At present, the most advanced and most powerful frigate of the Datang Navy is the new Antarctic frigate that started construction in Xuanping 33 years and served in 34 years. Although this thing uses better steel to build the hull, it uses the most advanced one. 120mm and 35 times the rear-mounted rifled gun, and the speed is faster, but in terms of design concept, this thing is actually no different from the Qinzhou-class frigate.

As for the latest generation of frigates, the Sanhe-class frigates currently under construction by the Datang Navy As for the frigate, because the Sanhe-class frigate was originally a cheap and shrunk version of the new Antarctic frigate, the firepower was weakened and the protection was weakened. The only thing worth mentioning is that the power system has been improved, but it still uses a mature technology. The steam engine, the maximum speed is only 14 Festival.

Throughout the history of the design and construction of the Datang Navy, although it has been in just a few decades, it has been divided into several periods. In the early days, it was a pure sail warship. The smoothbore gun is also the first professional ocean-going sailing warship in human history. This type of ship is called the Tang-style warship by the outside world. The Europeans in the same period were still playing armed merchant ships.

It's just that in a few years Europeans, especially the Portuguese and Spanish, successively designed and built professional ocean-going sailing warships that imitated Tang's warships, or improved from Galen ships.

In the second period, nineteen years after Xuanping, Datang made a breakthrough in high-pressure steam engine technology, and then the steam engine was put on the ship, opening the steam era, but at that time it was still a wooden ship, the sails were still retained, and the steam engine was only auxiliary Power, during this period, the Navy tried to build iron-ribbed wooden shells, and added a layer of steel to the wooden shells to build large-tonnage ships and increase protection capabilities. Smoothbore guns were still used on naval guns.

The important technical features are that the sail power, iron rib wooden shell, smoothbore gun, and pure steam engine power are relatively low, which can only be used as auxiliary power, and still rely heavily on sails for sailing.

The representative ship type is the Jiangnan-class ironclad.

In the third period, a breakthrough was made in Datang’s steel production technology, the price of steel dropped significantly, the performance of steam engines was further improved, and front-loaded rifled guns appeared. These new technologies were used to build and serve Guangxi-class battleships ( This type of battleship is represented by the armored belt cruiser), and its technical features are all-steel battleships, the speed of which is generally increased to more than 12 knots under pure steam power, and the front-loaded rifled guns.

In the fourth period, the rear-mounted rifled was successfully developed, the high-performance triple-expansion steam engine entered a mature period, and high-performance armor appeared.

During this period, the capital ships began to abandon sails, use pure steam power, adopt full steel construction, lay thick armor at the same time, and adopt rotating turrets, which are naturally 10,000-ton battleships.

These periods seem to be distinct, but in fact these classifications can only be used to distinguish the top warships at that time, and many auxiliary ships, that is, cruisers and frigates, in fact, the technological innovation is not so fast.

Battleships have been using all-steel hulls for a long time, but the Haizhou-class frigates built and commissioned in 31 years still have iron-ribbed wooden hulls.

Even many ship types have integrated technologies from different periods, such as the Zhangzhou-class cruiser. This thing was only built and served as the first ship in 34 years, but it is still an iron-ribbed wooden hull. However, it was later converted into a rifled gun. The armor is also made of wrought iron armor belt, and it is also a belt-type layout.

This is because after the industrialization of Datang, technological innovation has developed too fast, and there are different changes almost every year. New technologies continue to emerge, resulting in small changes every year when building year by year change.

This situation has only changed in the last four or five years.

With the completion and commissioning of the new Antarctic frigate, the West India-class cruiser, and the battleship Luzon, this is the official announcement that the Datang Navy has entered a new stage of development.

Many battleships newly designed in recent years, regardless of size, often follow the design concepts of earlier years.

Three 10,000-ton battleships have been built. Although the tonnage is larger than one, the core concept has not changed.

Most of the other ship types are the same.

However, the current technology verification ship intends to abandon the containment of existing warships and re-explore a new warship design and even combat mode.

Therefore, the technical verification ships designed by the Navy this time are not the same.

The first is firepower. It is expected to deploy four double-mounted guns with two 150mm and forty times naval guns in the front and rear. More importantly, it is expected to adopt a unified firing commander, requiring eight main guns to be able to align the same target. shoot.

And all other hull designs revolve around these eight main guns.

When building this technology verification ship, looking at the blueprints designed by the designers, many people were very worried that the whole ship would not fall apart after a salvo of this thing!


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