Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: Datang's free trade policy

To put it bluntly, Datang people's free trade means that Datang merchants can do business wherever they like to do business, and you natives can't stop it.

If the native country officials dared to block the Datang merchant ships and wanted to play some kind of retreat, the Datang warships would directly kill them in minutes!

However, businessmen from other countries are not allowed to go to Datang's territory for free trade!

At the same time, these restrictions are limited to the direct shipment of goods to the empire by indigenous merchant ships. However, if the Tang merchant ships purchased the goods from the indigenous people and used the Tang Dynasty ships to transport them back to the mainland, then nothing would happen, and most of the goods Still tax free.

Datang people prohibited foreign merchant ships from running to the mainland of Datang and important overseas territories for trade, which was purely for localization considerations, and also took into account factors such as technical blockade.

Not that it's for trade reasons.

If we only discuss the trade itself, in addition to the fact that foreign merchants cannot directly go to Datang for trade, there are basically no restrictions on the export of goods to Datang. Anyway, the goods they export to Datang are basically agricultural products and agricultural raw materials.

Datang doesn't even collect tariffs.

Datang's tariffs on imported goods are actually very loose. There are basically no taxes on agricultural products and industrial raw materials. Only some special commodities and luxury accessories will be subject to tariffs.

On the contrary, Datang levies more tariffs on exported goods. Most of the exported goods will levy tariffs, and the export tariffs on some products, especially industrial raw materials and agricultural products, are very high.

In general, Datang has basically no restrictions on imports, but there are restrictions on exports.

Many high-tech products are not allowed to be exported, and some strategic materials, such as agricultural products, are even more restricted.

However, ordinary industrial products, such as textiles, smoothbore guns, cold weapons and other backward ordnance are basically not restricted.

This also led to a large proportion of ordinary industrial products such as textiles in Datang's export goods, and the large-scale export of these commodities would have a great impact on the traditional handicrafts of the indigenous people.

There are many examples of being squeezed into bankruptcy by the Datang Mechanism, and finally even leading to the disappearance of the entire country's textile processing industry.

For example, the woolen industry in Europe is basically finished now.

Because the wool from Datang is flooding the entire European market, even the price of Datang wool is cheaper than that produced by local handicraft workshops in Europe, and the quality is better.

This situation will naturally cause the dissatisfaction of the local woolen merchants and even the local officials.

But the Datang Navy is not for dry food, so why spend so much money on the Navy, isn't it just to protect the trade freedom of Datang merchants!

Many trade disputes are also the reason why Datang's warships are busy around the world and play gun diplomacy everywhere.

As for another bulk export commodity of Datang, that is, various military strategic products, such as arquebuses, flintlock guns, smoothbore guns, plate armor, swords and other weapons and ammunition, as well as various military supplies, ranging from Everything from military uniforms and shoes to military musical instruments.

In short, Datang can basically provide the military products that the indigenous people of various countries need these days, but this provides backward weapons.

But even these outdated weapons sell very well and are very profitable.

In Europe, an iron cast gun can basically reach fifteen Tang Yuan. If it is a steel barrel, the price will be higher.

It doesn't matter whether you make a flintlock gun or an arquebus, or even just exporting a barrel, because this thing is a Class 1 prohibited export material.

Now the Tatars and Europeans all know the Mini rifle, and even know the principle of the rear-loading rifle, and it is estimated that there are a lot of sample guns.

But they still can't imitate it, why? Because they do not have qualified high precision steel barrels.

Whether it is a Mini rifle or a Li Fu rifle, it is essentially a rifled rifle, and a rifled rifle has high requirements on the barrel because it needs to be rifled, and at the same time, the processing accuracy is also very high.

If the Tartars can achieve a large number of high-precision steel barrels from the Tang Dynasty, they also have a few machines and equipment smuggled from the Tang Dynasty. At that time, a batch of Mini rifles will be refitted in minutes.

People in Datang don’t want to see this kind of thing, so Datang not only doesn’t sell rifled guns, but also doesn’t sell high-precision steel barrels that can be converted into rifled guns, let alone the barrels, no steel pipes are exported. Avoid having rifled guns modified by other natives.

So no matter how many years have passed, the guns and guns exported by Datang are basically iron guns, iron guns or bronze guns.

But steel guns, steel guns, and anything that might be converted into rifled guns, are not exported.

However, even so, Datang people's ordnance is also selling well, and even arquebuses are still being exported in large quantities.

There are many models of guns that Datang can use for export. There are five models of arquebuses, with calibers ranging from ten millimeters to twenty millimeters, and the quality of the barrels ranges from poor to bad.

There are also more than a dozen models of flintlock guns, with different calibers, different qualities and different barrel lengths.

Artillery, too. Not only are there relatively new bronze field guns with a range of 800 to 900 meters, but even small-caliber shotguns converted from old Wankou guns are still on sale.

Not only guns, but also cold weapons.

After all, Datang's arms trade is aimed at the whole world, and the indigenous people in different places have different requirements for weapons. In some places, the indigenous people still use cold weapons to fight, so Datang mainly sells cold weapons, and some places such as Europe have already It is to fully enter the era of guns and guns, so the export of guns and guns is mainly.

For different customers in different places, Datang can provide different goods and even different prices to ensure more profits.

The most common operation of the arms dealers in Datang is to sell a batch of swords, swords and plate armor to the natives who are still using cold weapons, and then sell the same weapons and equipment to the natives B. When the two sides are evenly matched~ The arms dealers of Datang will provide one party with some arquebuses and small-caliber shotguns.

After breaking the balance, sell the same thing to another party.

When the balance appears, then buy the guns.

In this process, each generation of products often buys poor quality first, and then buys good quality.

This routine allows arms dealers to repeatedly sell several generations of weapons and equipment in the same indigenous country, from cold weapons to the best export bronze field guns.

In order to make the arms business more profitable and last longer, the three major arms companies of the empire have already reached an alliance for export.


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