Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1963: Datang people's global trade

When Elizabeth entered the Datang Palace, her courtiers, that is, dozens of officials from the embassy she brought from Spain and hundreds of soldiers of the Knights, also sat on the seats provided by Datang. ships, ready to take them to the Principality of Chile.

Although these people were Spanish before, they all swore allegiance to Elizabeth when they were in Spain, so strictly speaking, their identities have become people of the Principality of Chile.

The Principality of Chile has now become a principality under Datang, because to a certain extent, they can be regarded as half of the Tang Dynasty.

Datang has also found a way to deal with these people, that is, to issue them temporary residence permits and treat them as temporary residents.

Not only them, but also the Spanish officials and soldiers currently serving and stationed in the Principality of Chile, if they do not leave and are willing to swear allegiance to Elizabeth, then these people will also become the people of the Principality of Chile, and they will also receive Datang temporary residence permit.

However, even if these people are added up, in fact, there will not be many people in the newly-born Principality of Chile. The colonial officials and soldiers dispatched before are only a few hundred people. Add up to a thousand people.

This is mainly because the previous Spanish rule in South America was mainly divided into two parts, one was the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the other was the trick area controlled by the Portuguese.

However, Portugal is now under the control of Spain. Although it still retains the name of the kingdom, the king has become Philip II, so the Tang Dynasty often treats the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Spain as one.

Although the Portuguese are very dissatisfied with this, the Tang people are too lazy to pay attention to them. Whoever is the king of the Tang Dynasty will talk to whomever is the king, and the Tang Dynasty is too lazy to pay attention to the intricate infighting between the natives.

The Spanish-controlled Viceroyalty of Peru has its ruling center in Lima, and its main business development area is the northern region of South America. They are not very concerned about the development of the Chilean region. They have only established a number of strongholds along the coast, and the total number of immigrants is only a few thousand people.

And quite a few were colonial officials and garrisoned soldiers.

In fact, these colonial strongholds were mostly used as supply ports and for trading with local indigenous people, mainly hiring local indigenous people to mine guano and saltpeter, and then resell them to the Tang people.

Therefore, it can be said that the foundation of the subsequent development and operation of the Principality of Chile is very weak. The Tang Dynasty attaches great importance to this, and the courtiers of the Principality of Chile under Elizabeth also attach great importance.

They knew that the Tang Empire was already preparing to develop the guano and saltpeter of the Principality of Chile on a large scale. If this was done well, it would not be a problem for the officials of the Principality of Chile to explode overnight.

It's just that the foundation is still too weak, and it is very difficult to develop on a large scale, which is even more difficult than when the Spanish developed the northern part of South America.

The areas where the Spaniards mainly immigrated and developed were mainly in the Mexican region of North America, and in South America, they were mainly concentrated in the northern region.

Not very concerned about the southern region.

The main reason is that the transportation in the northern region is more convenient. They do not need to bypass the dangerous southernmost tip of South America, but can cross the narrow Central American region by land and then reach the Caribbean Sea.

At the same time, it is also possible to get in touch with Mexico directly from Lima and other places. After connecting with Mexico, they can join together to trade directly across the Pacific to Asia.

That is, in the early years, the Spaniards engaged in the global treasure ship route for many years.

Of course, the current Spaniards have long stopped doing global routes. On the one hand, Datang has adopted strict localization measures, not to mention the local ports, even the ports in many overseas territories are prohibited from entering the indigenous ships. , Although in theory the Spanish ships can continue to enter the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, it has been difficult to get suitable supplies and trade ports.

And more importantly, the Datang Navy is not a good thing. They directly blocked the South African Strait and the South American Strait. Any passing ships must pass the test of the Datang Navy.

With the strength of the Datang Navy, it is absolutely possible for them to block these two sea areas.

On the other hand, they don't need it anymore, because Datang people have already transported their goods to Ceuta at their doorstep, and even through Ceuta, they can be directly transferred to various coastal ports in Europe.

There is no need for the Spaniards to risk their lives to fly across the sea on a sailboat to the Datang trade.

And their goods are sold, and they don't have to work hard to transport them to Datang, because the merchants of Datang will come to the door to buy them, and then ship them away.

Door-to-door delivery, door-to-door purchase.

How convenient is this kind of trade, and you don't need to venture out to sea to make money.

Therefore, most of the overseas trade of the Spaniards has already begun to transform, mainly focusing on the European offshore transportation trade, purchasing Datang goods from Ceuta, and then transporting them to other places for sale.

As for the ocean, they still retain the transportation from the mainland to the American colonies, but the scale of this ocean transportation is getting smaller and smaller, because most of their goods are directly sold to the Tang people in the colonies, and there is no need to transport them back to the mainland. .

The development and operation of the Spaniards in overseas colonies has become a colony operation, and the output is directly sold to the Datang people to make money.

Even sometimes, the Spanish immigration ships were directly hired from the Tang Dynasty, because they found that if they only transported them with their own sailboats, the cost was higher than the cheap immigration ships that hired the Datang people.

It can be seen from the thirty-seven years of Xuanping that the Spaniards had only 16 merchant ships to and from the Americas, and the Spaniards' ocean transportation has shrunk dramatically in just over a replaced by A large number of steamships of the Tang Dynasty are active in the global waters.

Datang people's ships transport various local industrial products to the world, and then return various agricultural products, industrial raw materials, specialty products and other products from around the world.

Not to mention the trade between Datang and its overseas territories, let alone the trade between Datang and the Spaniards, most of the specialty products produced by the Spaniards in the Americas, including coffee, cocoa, tobacco, mahogany, dyes and other commodities, more than 100. Ninety percent of them were purchased and transported by Datang people.

At the same time, the Spaniards used the money earned from selling these goods to purchase various commodities of the Tang Dynasty, including traditional tea, porcelain, silk and other commodities, as well as various industrial products, such as perfume, soap, cloth, steel products, agricultural tools, A variety of swords, plate armor, guns and weapons, etc.

Almost everything that the Tang people are willing to export, the Spaniards want it!

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