Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1956: real Tang Dynasty

Elizabeth, who was on the special train, was curious about the train even though it was the first time to take the train, but along the way, she didn't look sideways, and didn't even ask a question, as if she was not surprised by the train.

This is because although she has never taken a train, she has heard about the train in the Tang Dynasty many years ago, and has read the picture album. On the way, a maid from the Palace Affairs Office quietly reminded her of some precautions, so although she It was the first time to take a train, but in fact she already had a basic understanding of trains.

In addition, even 10,000-ton luxury passenger ships have been on board, and they have flown thousands of miles across the sea.

Those who should have been surprised, those who should have been shocked, have been surprised and shocked.

So on the way, Elizabeth behaved quite calmly.

In the special train compartment, she turned her head slightly to the side of the window and looked at the scene of constantly flying back and forth, feeling the Tang Dynasty that she could not feel in the picture album before!

Before she came to Datang, like everyone else, her understanding of the Tang Dynasty was basically limited to people's narratives, text descriptions and pictures.

This kind of understanding is superficial, even exaggerated, and is not enough to let outsiders really understand the true face of the Tang Dynasty.

But now sitting on the train, she can really feel the true appearance of the Tang Dynasty.

How can I say it, it's not as beautiful as she imagined!

In fact, most of the descriptions of the Tang Dynasty in many books and picture albums in Europe are one-sided, exaggerated and beautified.

How to say, if it is not shocking enough, not beautiful enough, those writers and painters will not record it.

For example, in Europe, people can easily see the city scenes of the Tang Dynasty painted by painters. Whether it is Shanghai, Guangzhou or Jinling City, most of them will have various paintings.

Among them, the most famous scene should belong to the high-rise buildings along the Huangpu River in Shanghai.

However, it is actually very difficult for you to fully understand the real Tang Dynasty from these written descriptions and paintings.

Most of the outsiders' understanding of the Tang Dynasty is based on guesswork, and they are basically fantasizing in a better direction.

People will habitually forget that in the Tang Dynasty, not all places are prosperous cities, and not everyone lives in cities.

In the vast mainland of Datang, the cities are only a very small part, and the current residents of the cities of Datang only temporarily account for about 18% of the total population.

What is more noteworthy is that most of the 18 percent of the urban population are not doing well.

Even in a prosperous place like Shanghai, more than 80% of its more than one million urban population live on the line of food and clothing.

Of course, even if it is only on the line of food and clothing, it is still better than the people in other places in the contemporary world. At least if you work hard, you don't have to worry about starving to death.

At the same time, in the vast rural areas, solving the problem of feeding the majority of the people has always been the top task of the Tang government in recent decades. It is foreseeable that it will still be the most important task of the Tang Dynasty in the next few decades.

In fact, if this were not the case, Datang would not have millions of people immigrating to the frontiers or overseas territories every year. To put it bluntly, it is just to survive and eat.

However, these situations are naturally not recorded with much fanfare.

After all, human nature likes all kinds of beautiful things, and often turns a blind eye to dark and ugly things.

And now, what Elizabeth sees in the Tang Dynasty is the real Tang Dynasty!

At the Wusongjiang Naval Base, she could see a huge shipyard not far away. After getting on the train, she saw many factories along the way, especially a huge steel factory that made her speechless.

In her opinion, the area occupied by just one steel factory is larger than the entire city of Madrid!

Many factories, magnificent buildings, this is her first impression.

The bustling and lively Suzhou City gave her a new experience.

But beyond the cities, she also saw vast rural areas.

In rural areas, it seems to be more normal. It does not say that everyone lives in paradise. On the contrary, they still have to work hard in the fields. The houses of the villagers are good and bad.

How should I put it, there are still some differences between Datang and the heaven imagined by outsiders.

It has a beautiful and great side, as well as a dark and ugly side.

But even so, Elizabeth was deeply envious of it.

Although she can see that there are many ordinary workers in the city and many farmers in ordinary clothes in the countryside, no matter what, it can be called living and working in peace and contentment.

You can see hope in people's eyes.

Not the despair of the poor in Madrid.

The stable situation, the smooth development of industry and commerce, the good water conservancy facilities, the unified agricultural tax and many other conditions have combined to create the current Datang mainland.

And these are not available in other countries in the world.

As the special train drove all the way to Jinling City, Elizabeth gradually got used to what she saw.

In order to ensure the safety of the special train, the special train from the Palace Affairs Office was not in a hurry.

If it is replaced by an express train, it will not take a day from Shanghai to Jinling City.

Datang has developed trains for many years, and has successively formulated many strict rules and regulations for train dispatching. After the emergence of many communication methods such as wired telegraphy, Datang's train dispatching has been quite smooth.

Today, the speed of the railway running on the Jiangnan Railway is a double-track railroad on the whole line. The stations along the way, tunnels, bridges, etc. all have perfect dispatching measures.

This also led to the listing of passenger express trains on the Jiangnan Railway, whose average speed has reached 65 kilometers per hour. Even if this data specifically refers to the data of express trains running during the day, it is still quite an astonishing data.

Even if it is listed for driving at night, the speed is not slow.

But these are just ordinary trains, and over the years, there have been many accidents in the train operation of Datang.

In the 24th year of Xuanping, Zhongyuan Railway had a very serious accident. A passenger train running at night was paralyzed due to a fault, and the staff of the railway company failed to report the fault and adjust it in time. The follow-up train, so that a passenger train that did not know the fault ahead slammed into it, came into a super rear-end collision. Fortunately, the speed of the situation at night was relatively slow, and hundreds of passengers were killed and injured only more than 20 people.

Interestingly, the accident investigation was conducted afterwards, and the number of people sentenced to death because of this accident exceeded the casualties of the accident.

In this accident, from the relevant officials to the dispatchers, more than 30 people were sentenced to death, and more than 300 people were sentenced to exile!

Many lessons and strict rectifications have prompted the improvement of the rules and regulations of railway transportation in the Tang Empire.

This is why today's express train with an average of 65 kilometers per hour.

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