Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1914: Datang law is crap

In the early days, there were only two sources of temporary residents, but as time passed, Datang opened another application channel for obtaining a temporary residence permit many years ago.

That is the talent application.

An application channel opened for special talents of different races.

This application channel is naturally difficult, but although the application requirements are very high, there are no other limitations. As long as you are a real talent and are willing to sincerely join Datang to work for Datang, then you can apply.

However, in order to be approved, in addition to one's own talent, there are many other requirements, such as the need to swear allegiance to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, to abandon the original religious belief, and change to the Tang Taoism or Daoism approved by the Tang Dynasty. Tang Buddhism.

These are the most basic conditions, and in different regions, there are often more stringent policies for indigenous people in different regions.

However, even so, there are still many people who pass the application every year.

So far, nearly 100,000 people have obtained Datang's temporary residence permit through the talent application channel.

Together with the original temporary residents and their descendants over the years, the number of temporary residents in Datang has exceeded 500,000.

These temporary residents can freely travel to and from the overseas territories of Datang and some overseas localized areas, and are governed and protected by the laws of Datang. Become a citizen of the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, these temporary resident branches provide various services for Datang people in various embassy districts, colonies, and leased areas.

For example, in the city of Ceuta today, many employees in the service industry are actually temporary residents.

Because the Datang people who have immigrated overseas, no matter how bad they are, they still have a large piece of land. The big deal is that they farm the land themselves, and the income after a year is also very considerable. Category.

Therefore, in overseas territories, Datang people basically do not do low-end jobs, either decent jobs, or they simply go home to farm, don't think farming is hard work.

A random immigrant family has hundreds or even hundreds of acres of land. They say they are farmers, but they are actually small farmers.

And these lands don't even need money, and the government distributes them free of charge!

Otherwise, why are there so many years of immigration every year? In China, where the local complex is so strong, and where leaves return to their roots, many people are reluctant to emigrate, even if they live very hard, they are not willing to emigrate overseas.

Therefore, in order to attract local immigrants, various overseas territories have many preferential policies.

In the overseas territories, the immigrants live a dashing life and are unwilling to do low-end jobs, but someone has to do it.

You might say that there are a lot of natives!

But there is a law in Datang that is particularly nonsense.

No matter any organization or individual of Datang, no natives can be employed in any name!

This law has always been strictly enforced, and its biggest purpose is to prevent aliens from entering the living and residential areas of the Datang people and encroaching on the working and living resources of the Datang people.

The land of Datang can only support the people of Datang!

Absolutely do not raise natives, even if this native is a slave!

So you will see that the Tang government would rather have large tracts of minerals in the overseas territories and the land is deserted, rather than capture the natives to mine and farm like the Spaniards.

Even though it is a few official labor service companies in Datang, although everyone knows that these labor service companies have a large group of indigenous laborers, legally speaking, these labor service companies have never hired indigenous people.

There are often natives acting as agents in the middle.

These labor service companies cooperate with labor service companies set up by indigenous people, and the indigenous companies provide labor services. As for whether other indigenous companies provide labor services, Datang Law does not care.

Behind this seemingly nonsense law, it also gave birth to a large number of temporary residents in Datang's overseas territories.

After all, some low-end jobs overseas always require people to do it, and the Datang people are extremely reluctant to go to indigenous control areas, especially indigenous cities.

Because if you are not careful, you will be infected with various diseases!

So it also needs a large number of people to deal with the indigenous people.

These people could not be indigenous people, and most of the immigrants from the Tang Dynasty were not very willing to do it, and finally a large number of temporary resident groups appeared.

According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, the people of the empire could hire temporary residents.

This is still an overseas territory, but if it is in an indigenous control area, the Tang people will be more inclined to cooperate with the indigenous people to circumvent this law.

For example, if a Datang company intends to mine coal in the UK, it must be inseparable from local labor, but they will never directly hire a large number of indigenous miners.

Instead, after purchasing the coal mine, he hired a native as an agent, and then signed a related contract with him. On the surface, the coal mine was handed over to the native agent for management, and the Datang Company was only responsible for transporting the excavated coal.

In fact, this situation is serious, and it also violates the laws of the Tang Dynasty, but in most cases, the Tang government will not investigate the behavior of the imperial subjects or enterprises in the indigenous control area.

But in the Datang-controlled area, this kind of thing can't be done, so there is a living space for temporary residents.

Brother George and John John came to Ceuta as a product of the Tang Dynasty, but these Earls of Carlton naturally didn't know it.

Although he is a **** in George's eyes, he is also an earl of the Kingdom of Denmark. Even if he has not yet entered the new territory, he has already obtained a large fief.

Enjoyed a few days in a European hotel, and held several talks with the officials of Datang. In addition to finalizing the transportation of the next two batches, on behalf of the Kingdom of Denmark, he also placed an order for a batch of materials from Datang for the purpose of Stand firm in new territory.

Afterwards, he took his men to the boat again, and the fleet continued south to Africa. This time they would arrive directly at the Port of Banjul.

Then, with the help of this small port city in Datang, they headed inland along the Gambia River to their new kingdom.

When Earl Carlton arrived at Banjul there was no fuss. After all, Banjul Port was only a small port city, and it was still a small port that was not valued by the Tang Dynasty.

On weekdays, even the Datang merchant ships going to and from Africa will not enter Banjul Port for supplies, so in recent years, Banjul Port has actually maintained the appearance of being under the jurisdiction of the Portuguese.

The only difference is that the sanitary conditions in the city are much better, there were fewer Portuguese in the past, and more immigrants from the Tang Dynasty.

But in general, this small port city with a resident population of only a thousand people is just like that.

Earl Carlton and the others were just shocked in Ceuta, and now they will not be shocked when they arrive at Banjul Port.

But the shock is gone, but it is full of hope, because behind the Port of Banjul is the new territory of their Kingdom of Denmark!

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