Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1787: they are crazy

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After several technical discussions between Feng Shipping Company and the Naval Steam Engine Factory, the final power plan was finalized by the Naval Steam Engine Factory.

That is to use the wider hull of the Nova, directly install three steam engines and use three-shaft three-propeller propulsion, while plugging more coal-fired boilers to obtain higher speeds.

In order to supply the full power operation of these three high-power three-expansion steam engines, there are 18 supporting coal-fired boilers.

In the end, they estimated that the entire system should be able to reach 23,000 horses.

Although the power system is still a little less, ordinary civilian ships do not need to consider armor protection like naval battleships, so battleships are short and thick.

Civilian ships do not need to consider armor protection issues, and can achieve optimal design, so the hull design of Nova is very slender.

After adopting a larger aspect ratio, the speed of Nova is expected to reach 20 knots, and most importantly, it is expected to maintain a high speed of 18 knots for a long time to cruise.

The speed of the new star will instantly kill all passenger ships currently in service or under construction.

It will even kill most of the battleships in seconds.

At that time, it is estimated that only the West India-class cruisers that rely on the speed will be able to compete with the Nova in speed!

However, even in order to obtain high speed, the hull is slender, resulting in a relatively large aspect ratio, but the standard displacement of 30,000 tons is not enough for dry meals. Even if the hull is slender, the seaworthiness performance such as rolling still far exceeds those A passenger ship of over ten thousand tons.

Liu Dongyi, the chief designer of Fung Shipping Company and the designer of Nova, commented on his work: "When Nova sails on the ocean, if passengers don't look out the window, they won't feel that they are on board. ."

The huge ship tonnage gives Nova a lot of design margins.

These design margins also indirectly prompted the design and construction of this huge passenger ship to be completed.

Of course, the price is also very expensive!

Just that power system would cost Feng Shipping Company hundreds of thousands of Tang Yuan at least!

The power and hull plus the extravagant decoration, the total cost is expected to reach three million Tang Yuan!

After the Fung Shipping Company finalized the specific design, it could not wait to start construction in its first shipyard.

After the construction of the Nova, although Feng's Shipping Company kept a certain degree of secrecy, the construction of such a huge ship could not be kept secret. Guessed that the first shipyard is expected to have a big move.

As a result, the No. 1 Shipyard directly built a dock of more than 30,000 tons, and built a lot of equipment such as gantry cranes. .

A 30,000-ton ship?

Are you sure you can make it?

Are you sure it won't sink once it's made?

If it doesn't sink, are you sure you can drive away?

Songjiang House is the most famous, and the Songjiang Commercial Daily, which can also enter the top ten in China in terms of circulation, was reported on the front page. Feng's No. 1 Shipyard is building an epoch-making super ship.

And it is speculated that the displacement may reach more than 30,000 tons. As for whether it is a luxury passenger ship or a freighter or any other ship, it is not known for the time being.

But the next day, before the official response from Feng Shipping Company, the Naval Steam Engine Factory jumped out and took the initiative to find the newspaper.

They didn't say much, except that their factory provided a steam engine system of up to 23,000 horsepower for Feng's No. 1 Shipyard.

For the new generation of large luxury passenger ships under construction at Fung's No. 1 shipyard.

The Navy Steam Engine Factory managed to come up with such a power system of more than 20,000 tons, which is the only one in China. How can it be done without bragging.

After bragging about it, it’s time to sell more steam engines.

Nowadays, the domestic steam engine market is very competitive. On the ship-based steam engine, the Naval Steam Engine Factory and several other manufacturers have fought hard. Now that there is such an opportunity to show off their strength, it is naturally not to be missed.

Feng's Shipping Company obviously underestimated the curiosity of the onlookers. The ship has just begun to lay the keel, and the outside world has already paid widespread attention.

However, they didn't think about keeping it secret at first. They made a big move to change the company's image, gain market share, and revitalize the stock price. Otherwise, why would they spend the three million Tang yuan to build the new star?

Immediately, Guo Yadong officially announced the construction plan of the new star to the outside world.

The huge displacement of 30,000 tons, the ultra-high speed of 20 knots, the most luxurious decoration, and the most comfortable travel, all these have stimulated the excitement of the people one by one.

But what really made the onlookers of the entire empire, and even a group of colleagues silent, was the investment of up to three million Tang yuan.

This Fung Shipping Company is crazy!

Three million tang yuan, the market value of most listed companies is not so high, even large In fact, many large companies do not have such a high turnover.

Even for Fung Shipping itself, this will be their net profit in about five years.

After the news broke, several high-level executives in the headquarters of Pacific Shipping Company in Guangzhou also looked sluggish.

Take so much money to build a passenger ship?

This Guo Yadong is crazy!

Even if you want to build a ship, you can also build a passenger ship of about 10,000 tons. Now the price of a 10,000-ton passenger ship is not expensive, and you can get it for hundreds of thousands. The top-level luxury decoration is only 600,000 yuan.

Three million is enough for their Pacific Shipping Company to build five Pacific series passenger ships.

The passenger capacity of the Pacific series passenger ships is quite large. The total passenger capacity of the five Pacific passenger ships can reach about 7,500 people.

And how many people can a 30,000-ton Nova carry? Five thousand people died.

In fact, the Pacific Shipping Company still made a mistake. In order to ensure the speed, comfort and luxury of the new star luxury passenger liner, it sacrificed a lot of passenger space.

The number of passengers is expected to be only 2,500.

However, even if Pacific Shipping Company calculates it according to the 5,000 passengers it considers itself, after discussion, the people of Pacific Shipping Company believe that the luxury passenger ship of 30,000 tons will be built and operated under the current technical conditions and market environment, not to mention the recovery of construction. Costs, it is estimated that the operating costs will not be recovered!

In the end, it is estimated that it will be lost, or the kind of blood loss that can lead to the bankruptcy of the company!

Their Pacific Shipping Company has a small business and can't afford such a money-burning plan!

And the empire's shipping market leader, the Yangtze River Shipping Company, is full of vigilance against the new star of Feng Shipping Company!

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