Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1244: Sail the Americas

Although it is said that the navy organized to explore and colonize the Americas, the navy, as a pure armed force, is not professional in terms of exploration and colonization.

What the Navy is best at is fighting!

Therefore, the more than 20 ships that went to the Americas this time were not all naval warships. In fact, there were only nine ships that truly belonged to the navy.

And only one cruiser and two frigates are official warships, while the other six naval ships are actually armed transport ships.

The source of the remaining thirteen ships is more complicated. There are three migrant transport ships leased and dispatched by the Immigration and Reclamation Division of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The remaining nine ships were owned by Datang America, but although they belonged to the company, most of the ships were leased by Datang America!

Among the nine ships, only two belong to the assets of Datang America Company, while the remaining seven ships, three belong to Datang Dongyang Company, and two belong to Datang Western Company. The two ships were leased from other private shipping companies.

Datang America Corporation is a new company established last year. It was jointly funded by the Royal Assets Division and the State-owned Enterprise Department. The registered assets are not much, only more than 200,000 taels of silver. The money is basically invested in the purchase of second-hand ships or Was ordering a new boat to go.

At the same time, the company, like the Toyo Trading Company and the Nanyang Trading Company, has an official background, but it does not have the same trade monopoly power as the Western Company, and it is even less possible to have a company armed.

Datang Western Company is a special product, and it is naturally impossible for this special product to appear too many.

Datang America is just an ordinary trading company. At most, it is an official investment and has an official background. However, in the Datang Empire, there are many enterprises invested and established by the official and the royal family. As of this year, the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises has invested in new , the number of companies controlled by acquisitions and other methods has reached more than 100. These more than 100 companies are generally typical companies, represented by three major weapons companies, several large shipyards, several large steel companies, and several machinery companies. Almost monopolized the heavy industry of the empire.

In addition, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises also manages many government-run enterprises controlled by local yamen financial investment. These enterprises are also regarded as enterprises of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises in a broad sense, but outsiders prefer to call them local government-run enterprises. The scale of these local government-run enterprises is quite large. There are small and large-scale Nantong Textile Company in Jiangnan Province, which employs more than 5,000 workers, and the small-scale only has dozens of employees.

If this part is also included, the number of enterprises managed by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises will exceed 2,000. Of course, there are only more than 100 large enterprises, and the rest are small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Royal Assets Division holds less than 30 companies in total, but the Royal Assets Division's holding companies are generally large-scale enterprises, and most of them are high-tech industries. .

Datang America, in terms of investment figures and background, can only be said to be an ordinary maritime trade enterprise with a certain official background.

However, since the establishment of the company, it has been to expand trade with the Americas, so this is also highly consistent with the Navy's strategy for the Americas.

Since last year, the navy has cooperated with Datang America Corporation, and is preparing to send a large fleet to the Americas to establish colonies.

At the end of last year, the expedition fleet sent by the Navy to explore the American route also returned. Their successful return also means that they have already explored the route to the Americas.

At the same time, the large amount of gold and silver brought back by the expedition fleet also blinded the eyes of the high-ranking navy. The crew said that after arriving in the Americas, they can exchange gold and silver from the local indigenous people with whatever they use.

A glass bead the size of a finger can even be exchanged for a basket of gold and silver!

Yes, it's just a bunch of bags, not fake at all!

America is full of gold and silver!

This also further stimulated the Navy's idea of ​​launching the Americas strategy to improve the status of the Navy.

After several months of preparation, the Navy and Datang America Company joined forces, along with the Immigration and Reclamation Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, which also dispatched three immigrant ships to form this huge fleet to prepare for the American continent.

The three parties join forces, and the goals they seek are naturally different!

The American company wanted to do trade, exchange gadgets such as glass beads for a large amount of gold and silver from the local indigenous people, and obtain a large amount of wealth.

The navy hopes to establish a stable colonial base in the Americas, and at the same time use the rich Americas to influence domestic high-level officials to promote the implementation of the Americas strategy.

As for the Immigration and Reclamation Division, they don't have any specific goals. Anyway, wherever the Tang soldiers go, they are the immigration goals of the Immigration and Reclamation Division. Whether it is in Southeast Asia or India, or in Australia or even the Americas, the Immigration and Reclamation Division will go there. .

Combining the strengths of the three parties, this huge fleet set sail and is ready to go to the Americas!

And this huge fleet is also called the American Fleet by the Navy. If it goes well, the Navy will directly establish a naval base on the American continent, and then set up a squadron, and this squadron, which is American Squadron.

It is worth mentioning that among the above-mentioned ships, except for the three naval warships, the other ships, regardless of whether they are called immigration transport ships, armed merchant ships or armed transport ships, are all of the new Tang Dynasty ships.

Even the tonnage is a lot the same, half of which are standard 680-ton ships, and most of the rest are 450-ton ships.

After years of development, the Datang ship type has become very mature and perfect. Because of the standard design, even the parts and components are the same, which greatly reduces the difficulty and cost of construction, making many domestic Large-scale shipyards are capable of building this standard vessel.

However, in this fleet, the most eye-catching is the cruiser Ryukyu sent by the Navy.

The Ryukyu cruiser is the first 800-ton cruiser of the Datang Navy, and the sixth ship of the Songjiang-class cruiser. It has a standard displacement of 830 tons and adopts a double-deck artillery layout, with two decks and the bow and stern. A total of fifty-two long-barreled artillery pieces of different calibers were carried.

Its firepower is second only to battleships!

Not to mention the powerful firepower, and this class of ships is designed according to the cruiser, and the long-lasting combat capability, seaworthiness and speed were taken into account at the beginning of the design.

At present, although the Tang Navy has the strongest combat power and the largest tonnage ship is the battleship, in fact, more cruisers and frigates of various types go out to sea to perform combat missions. Deter the Portuguese on the coast of the mainland or occasionally in the South Seas.

The Ryukyu cruiser, with its powerful firepower and good seaworthiness, is enough to act as the bodyguard of the entire fleet.

Under the leadership of the cruiser Ryukyu, this huge American fleet began to leave Shanghai, then headed to Naha, Osumi Prefecture, and finally continued eastward along the Fusang Islands, and finally broke into the depths of the Pacific Ocean!

According to the plan, they need to sail all the way for thousands of kilometers, and finally find Midway and Honolulu Island, which were found by the expedition fleet before, so that they can get fresh water and food supplies, and then start from Honolulu Island and continue to sail eastward. Okay, all the way to the coast of the North American continent, and there is their destination.

In this long route, there are not too many islands for them to supply, and this is the first large-scale voyage. In order to avoid accidents, the more than 20 ships in the fleet actually carry different personnel. There are many, not even much cargo, and most of the ships are used to carry various supplies.

The entire fleet, apart from the navy officers and sailors of the merchant ships, were pure immigrants, only more than 800 people organized by the Immigration and Reclamation Division, and these people, according to the plan, were not going to America, but were going to Honolulu. Finally, a stable colony is established, and the fleets of ships are docked for supplies.

As for colonizing the Americas, that would have to wait for the next voyage.

After the fleet arrived in Dayu County smoothly, after the last large-scale replenishment and rest, it directly entered the Pacific Ocean. At first, they continued to advance along the Fusang Islands, but soon stopped for a short time and replenished. After a while, it turned directly and plunged directly into the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

The reason why they did not continue along the Fusang Islands and finally made their way north, and finally crossed the northern Pacific into the northern Americas, was because it was more dangerous to do so than to cross the central Pacific.

The North Pacific is close to the North Pole, so low temperature is not a problem. The key is that the wind and waves are big, and it is very dangerous to sail.

After all, the boats these days are all sailboats, and their tonnage is no more than a few hundred Sailing in the seas with strong winds, big waves, and extremely cold waters is almost self-defeating.

The Datang Empire has already sent three expedition teams towards this sea area. None of the expedition teams successfully reached North America. Two of them suffered heavy losses and were forced to return, and the last expedition team was even more so. Directly disappeared, no need to guess to know, must be sleeping in the Pacific Ocean.

In such a dangerous North Pacific Ocean, the Datang Navy naturally would not choose to be in this sea area.

Although the central Pacific Ocean is vast, it is difficult to supply supplies, and sometimes it encounters a windless zone, but it is safer anyway. Anyway, there is enough food and fresh water, and even if it encounters a windless zone, it can last for several months.

After the American Fleet set off, it didn't take long for Li Xuan to receive the news from the Navy report, saying that the American Fleet had officially left the Fusang waters and entered the depths of the Pacific Ocean.


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