Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1173: Wandan is in danger, Nanyang is in danger, the empire is in danger

After conquering the barbarian areas, you can obtain fiefs overseas. Although this statement is just gossip, there is not even any official statement. Even those ministers and even senior generals maintain an attitude of denial and silence.

But there is no wind and no waves. Everyone will never believe that there will be wind. Since there are such rumors, there must be some clues.

Therefore, many people, especially the current nobles, are looking forward to this, and then work hard towards this goal.

Who are the nobles of the Tang Dynasty today? Naturally, most of them are military nobles. Among the hundreds of officially sealed nobles in the Tang Dynasty, more than 90% are in the military. Active-duty generals, they have to work hard towards this goal. How to work hard? Naturally, they are actively preparing for the war, and then expanding the war.

If this doesn't come out enough overseas territory, you still want to count on the Holy Son of Heaven to assign land to the nobles! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Besides, even if you have conquered enough overseas territories, if you don't have high enough military merit, don't expect to be able to obtain actual fiefs, let alone large and fertile fiefs.

As the supreme ruler of the empire, Li Xuan also knew that there were such rumors, because the rumors actually leaked from his mouth, and he didn't stop them from spreading, because he really planned to do it.

In the past two years, he has been thinking about how to continue to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army in order to conquer the world.

Relying on the current measures alone, although the effect is good, it is impossible to maintain the initiative of the army in the next five, ten, or even twenty years, or a hundred years.

After all, fighting such a thing is always boring, even those officers in the military who have received professional military training, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not have all kinds of tiredness and fear of war in the long war, and at the same time lead to the society. There is also a mentality of war weariness and even anti-war. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

He can almost imagine it. After five or ten years, after the initial industrialization of the empire was completed, the entire empire was thriving, and the living standards of the people were greatly improved. At that time, people would think, we The money is not less, and life is pretty good. Why go overseas and fight those barbarians to death? It’s not good to let those barbarians continue in their ignorance.

The world is so big, why do you have to conquer it all?

This kind of mentality can be said to be the normal mentality of a person, or even the whole society. If you can live a good life, no one is willing to go to war. There are not many born war madmen.

And Li Xuan is one of them, it's just that his war is to let others fight to death, but he himself will never fight in person, at most even supervising one or two battles in the back.

If Li Xuan wants to complete his great cause of conquering the world, he naturally needs to prepare in many ways! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In terms of agriculture, he continued to reform the agricultural tax. Under the implementation of many policies such as the 'unified agricultural tax', the decree for land reclamation, and the decree to rent instead of purchase, the agriculture of the entire empire, especially the rural society, has experienced great changes. Compared with the previous and Ming Dynasty, the life of the peasants is one heaven and one underground.

Although it is limited by factors such as more people and less land, low productivity, and low grain output, most farmers still have difficulty eating enough every day, but even so, for contemporary farmers, it is hundreds of thousands Years, even thousands of years, have never been better days.

Otherwise, Li Xuan would not have such a deep position in the hearts of farmers in the vast rural areas!

You give them a bite to eat, even if this bite can't make them full, but as long as they see even the slightest hope, they will treat you as a saint. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The continuous reform in agriculture can be regarded as one of the most successful reforms in the Tang Dynasty for so many years, but Li Xuan feels that it is not enough. He also wants to implement a stepped agricultural tax, so that people with more land can pay more. A large amount of agricultural tax, so that the land will not be concentrated and annexed by a small number of people, and it is also to further stimulate those old and wealthy landlords. Don’t invest money in land, buy farmland and invest the money in the industry and commerce.

Agricultural reform can be regarded as an initial success, and education and the imperial examination system are also the key reform contents of Datang, and Li Xuan has never relaxed.

After these two aspects have achieved results, as long as the government gives a little stimulus to industry and commerce, mainly policy support, then in terms of the current social environment of Datang, the development of industry and commerce will naturally rise.

The rapid rise of Shanghai is actually the most obvious example! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In addition to the policy of giving Shanghai a commercial port, the government invested more than 100,000 silver in the early years for the construction of infrastructure, and the subsequent rapid development of Shanghai is mostly due to the stimulation of the overall social environment and people's profit-seeking nature. .

When people see that those who run factories are making money, they naturally follow suit.

Just like the "gold mining crisis" a few years ago, when a few people speculated on stocks to make money, a large number of people rushed in quickly.

Today's industrial and commercial exhibitions are also in a state where some people make money, and a lot of people follow suit.

And this state is crucial to the industrialization process of the empire.

To complete the industrialization of the Tang Dynasty, the official leading force represented by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises is of course important, but if the private sector does not participate, it will be limited no matter how fast the development is, because the enterprises of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises cannot do everything, they need Concentrate on the defense industry, but don't have much thought about participating in ordinary industries. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The advancement of industrialization is not as simple as a few factories, but the advancement of a whole society. The core of it is the "substantial increase in productivity", not just a few factories that can build guns and warships.

Of course, the advancement of industrialization will inevitably bring some other positive effects, such as the improvement of people's living standards!

For example, the question of eating!

After the empire is completely industrialized, unless it is a large-scale famine, otherwise, if you want to starve to death on a large scale, it is estimated that it will be more difficult to live in a thousand miles, at most small-scale starvation.

It's just the improvement of living standards, not a happiness index. In fact, workers in the industrial age are still very hard, and farmers are also hard-working. In fact, they also do not enjoy the two words happiness. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

This happiness cannot be realized even in later generations, because people's definitions of happiness are different in different eras and under different productive forces.

In the past, they felt that they starved to death, but the child was still alive, maybe it was a very happy thing.

In the future, they may feel that they can't get enough to eat, but it is a very happy thing for the children to be full. If there are people who starve to death, they will definitely feel very strange.

In a few hundred years, they will feel that having a house is a very happy thing, and if there is no house, they will feel very dissatisfied.

Or, after thousands of years, they will feel that they can live, that is the greatest happiness!

Happiness or satisfaction, these relatively illusory words, each era has a different definition, Li Xuan naturally will not toss these ghosts, Li Xuan thinks, based on the current technology and future technology exhibitions. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It is not easy to be able to initially solve the problem of food within 20 years without causing a large-scale famine.

Fifty years later, if you can initially solve the poverty problem, and if you are willing to work, then you will not starve to death, then it is already burning high incense.

To achieve all this, industrialization is required.

And industrialization requires resources, resources from the world!

This is also the secondary purpose of why Li Xuan needs to conquer the world.

As for the main purpose, it goes without saying, pretend!

If he conquered the whole world, Li Xuan felt that he should be considered as the first and never before. This later refers to the fact that human beings are still trapped on the earth and have not entered the interstellar era. After all, in the interstellar era, conquering a planet and conquering another now. Planets are not the same concept. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

As for other great people, they can't compare to Li Xuan who has accomplished such a feat.

Conquering the earth and becoming the village head of the global village, this is Li Xuan's dream now, at least until something unexpected happens, his dream will not change easily.

In addition to the people's livelihood economy, the same is true for the reform and promotion of the military, and fiefs are one of them.

If you want the horse to run, but don't let the horse graze, how can there be such a good thing.

However, it is still not suitable to announce these things now. Li Xuan feels that in a few years, when the military taxis are not so expensive, they can be used as the ultimate move.

Now, it's too early to use this method, it's a waste.

After all, the situation on the military side is still good. The 6th Army has been preparing for war in the north for many years, just waiting for the northern expedition, and the navy has been tossing frequently recently. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

No, in late March, the Navy sent a report. This report was about Banten Province. The Navy requested to increase domestic support to Banten Province in order to completely control Banten Island and other islands. .

Why did the navy make a special report, because although the navy attaches the most importance to the matter of Wandan, it is actually a matter of the cabinet, the 6th army, and the navy. To clear the island of Dan, it would require at least several thousand troops, and with so many people, the navy does not have it, so the 6th army can only be dispatched.

At the same time, after this military attack, immigrants also need to take over these lands and expel the local lands. Otherwise, even if the local indigenous army is attacked militarily, it will be useless. The army will be reorganized to fight, and if this continues, it will fall into an endless cycle of repression, rebellion, repression, rebellion.

Therefore, sending migrants to Banten is a must!

The issue of immigration is also related to the Cabinet.

Whether it is to increase troops or emigrate, the navy cannot decide on its own, so although they want to completely control Banten Island, the navy can only use its own strength first. Before this report came out, the navy had already A 6th battalion was dispatched to prepare to be stationed on Banten Island.

In addition, UU Kanshu also used a number of transport ships, and took the initiative to propose to the Immigration and Reclamation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture that these transport ships can help you transport immigrants to Southeast Asia, free of charge, no charge!

But because of the difference between the military and the government, all the navy can do when it comes to immigration is to provide ships, but they do not have the authority to recruit immigrants.

Therefore, this is the report of Banten House submitted by the Navy, requesting the Son of Heaven to come out from the overall situation and coordinate the various departments to organize materials and personnel to reinforce the Banten House!

In order to show the seriousness of this matter, the navy also said that once Banten loses, the Portuguese will definitely take the opportunity to completely control the islands of Banten. By then, Banten will be in danger, Nanyang will be in danger, and the empire will be in danger!

After reading it, Li Xuan was speechless to these people in the navy: Do you want to be so exaggerated, there must be a limit to alarmism!


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