Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1147: Weird Eugene Hong Top Discount

Jinling City, Li Xuan left the front hall early today and returned to the harem!

After the Songjiang Prefecture officials' major adjustment, Li Xuan suddenly realized that he was suddenly idle. Although he said that there were still a lot of discounts sent, most of them were trivial matters.

In the morning, he reviewed more than 40 papers, and then he was not interested in reviewing. Why, because half of these papers were about trivial matters, and what left him speechless was that the remaining half All of them are discounts sent by local officials to brush their sense of presence.

I won't talk about these trivial matters. After all, although the matter is small, it is still a matter of fact, and the imperial study has already given a review opinion, and the Hanlin Academy has also sorted out a summary, so he simply read the summary and then looked at the handling opinion of the minister on duty in the imperial study. , generally if there is no problem, just approve a 'know' or 'read'.

However, he was speechless with those excerpts that brushed the sense of existence!

What is a fold that brushes the sense of presence?

It is the local officials, in order to keep themselves from being forgotten by the Holy Son of Heaven, Li Xuan, and they will submit papers if they have anything to do. For example, the current governor of Guizhou, Eugene Hong, who just took office in October, has already submitted more than ten papers after taking office. , how long has it been? It has only been more than two months, not counting the time when he went to Guiyang to take office. If this time is deducted, the time for this person to be the governor of Guizhou is at most a month, and then this person was sent over a dozen times. Folding sub.

And most of these quotes are nonsense. !

His first letter, just after he left Jinling City, he sent a letter within three days. This first letter said goodbye and so on. I feel sorry for not being able to listen to the teachings of the Son of Heaven in person in the future. , This is quite normal, Li Xuan commented: Don't read.

It means, stop talking nonsense, and go to Guiyang to take office!

The second booklet was written by Eugene Hong when he arrived at Dangtu. The booklet said that the north wind blew in Dangtu that night and the temperature dropped greatly. He asked if the Eucharist was healthy and should wear more clothes to take care of the dragon's body. Li Xuan was at that time. Commentary: I am safe, it is a cold winter, and you should go to Guiyang to preside over the cold affairs, so that the people will not be naked.

The third envelope was sent by Eugene Hong when he arrived in Jiujiang. This time there was no nonsense, just a simple greeting.

Li Xuan commented: I am safe, I already know about your filial piety, so please don’t ask for peace again.

Then, within a few days, Li Xuan received Eugene Hong's book again, and he was a **** goodbye!

Li Xuan commented very rudely at that time: "Zhenan, please don't worry about anything!"

Later, for a while, this Eugene Hongan shared it for a while!

But half a month later, this Eugene Hong took office, and he sent a book again, saying that he had already taken office, and asked Li Xuanlong if he was healthy.

Li Xuan continued to endure, and commented: "Zhen An!"

A few days later, Li Xuan received this person's account again. This time, it was not a blessing, but it was raining in Guiyang. Seeing the rain, Li Xuan thought there was going to be a flood or something in Guiyang. As a result, Nima, Just an ordinary winter rain.

It rains when it rains. The Tang Dynasty is so hot. It rains everywhere every day. Okay, this is not some kind of heavy rain or a long drought. It’s just an ordinary rain. The governor specially wrote a book and sent it up?

At that time, Li Xuan commented, "I know!"

Then, a few days later, this person sent the book again, saying that the rain in Guiyang Mansion stopped, the sun was out, the weather was fine, and by the way, please be safe!

Li Xuan commented: "Zhen An, don't make any more discounts on ordinary trivial matters!"

Then, Eugene Hong made another discount in a few days!

Said that the New Year was approaching, he wanted to go to Beijing to pay New Year's greetings to the Son of Heaven, and by the way, he would like to say goodbye.

Li Xuan commented: "Zhen An, there are many things to do in the first time of the Qing Dynasty, please do not return to Beijing to pay New Year's greetings"

But this person will not change his stubbornness. He continues to write the book, saying that he will feel uncomfortable if he does not go to pay New Year's greetings. He begged Li Xuan to allow him to return to Beijing to pay New Year's greetings. Li Xuan commented rudely: "No!"

During the period, there were several other papers. Although they talked about some government affairs, they were all trivial matters.

This morning, he received a note from Eugene Hong again, saying that since he was unable to return to Beijing to pay New Year's greetings, he would send his eldest son to return to Beijing to pay New Year's greetings to the Son of Heaven instead of him and present the New Year's gift.

Li Xuan was very popular at the time. Before promoting this Eugene Hong, why didn't he feel that this person was so long-winded. Before this person was very honest when he served as the chief envoy in Shandong. Now, why do you just file a petition for the big things, and please pay attention to it if you have nothing to do with it? You are so idle as a dignified governor?

This made Li Xuan very helpless and even annoyed!

I was annoyed because this person was talking about trivial things in the book for three days and two days. Unfortunately, this person did not do anything out of the ordinary. He did a good job as the governor of Guizhou, and there was no trouble. remove him.

After reading the book, Li Xuan really wanted to scold people. In the end, he wrote a long paragraph of comments on the book, and then sent it through the secret book.

What critique? It is not a good thing to say that it needs to be transmitted with a secret folding!

Some simple translations in vernacular are: bastard, don't make any mistakes, if you dare to make mistakes again, I will directly ban you to Gohe, India!

I just don't know if this person will be honest in the future. If he continues like this, Li Xuan can't really ask him to prepare a few candidates for the governor of Guizhou.

This Eugene Hong can only be said to be one of the more special representatives. In fact, there are many such people, and most of the officials who are basically qualified to be listed on the Zhezi are unavoidable to ask An Zhezi at the meeting. Most of the petitions for Anzhe sent by middle and low-level officials without any gold content will be filtered out, but Eugene Hong is the governor of a province. No one dares to filter out his petitions, even if they are petitions for Anzhe.

And other provincial governors, Taoists, and even some important local officials such as prefects, generally have this situation, either talking about trivial matters, or simply asking An Zhezi.

After all, major events don't happen every day. Many places are safe and sound, and officials have no good reason to ask for a formal report.

Most of the papers reviewed every day are trivial matters. It is normal for Li Xuan to be a little annoyed. You should always read the official transcripts, otherwise, how would you know the local situation?

Today, I was disgusted by Eugene Hong again. Li Xuan simply went back to the palace after he had dealt with the case. This imperial meeting was not held, and the courtiers who were about to be summoned were also gone. Anyway, today's imperial meeting was nothing. The ministers who were summoned were all ordinary debriefings and inauguration reports, nothing important, and it would not be a hindrance to postpone them until tomorrow.

This situation, in fact, started at the beginning of this year, and it is almost like this!

During the Unification War, the entire Tang Empire was very busy. In the second half of the eighth year of Xuanping and the ninth year of Xuanping after the war had just ended, there were many things to restore people's livelihood and reform, and Li Xuan was still busy every day.

But ten years after entering Xuanping, there is basically no war, and there is no large-scale reform in reform affairs for the time being. The major events this year are generally only the reform of the imperial examination and the split of the tax department, plus the affairs of Songjiang Prefecture. .

Apart from these, the rest are basically trivial matters.

However, for Li Xuan, many things are only trivial matters, but for others, it is not the case.

For example, the end of this year is approaching, and the annual budget allocation is about to start. The military and the cabinet have already begun to argue about the proportion of military spending next year, and the 6th army and the navy within the military are also arguing about the internal allocation ratio of military spending. The same is true for the various departments on the cabinet side, all arguing over the budget.

But the matter of the budget happens once a year. Li Xuan already has a complete set of response plans. He has long been accustomed to it. He even has a rough distribution plan in his heart. Li Xuan basically doesn't care much.

Anyway, the big frame has been determined, and the details are left to the courtiers to quarrel, he doesn't care.

Next year, that is, Xuanping's 11-year fiscal revenue budget, the figure given by the Ministry of Finance is 86 million taels, which is a little more than this year, but it is not too much.

In the past two years, the financial revenue of the Datang Empire has generally maintained a steady upward trend, from 60 million in the early years, to more than 70 million, then to 80 million, and then to 86 million , the growth rate has not doubled, but it has increased by leaps and bounds, but it has maintained this steady increase every year. In Li Xuan's view, this situation is very healthy.

At present, the Tang Dynasty has unified the whole country, and basically accepted the territory of the former Ming Dynasty. In addition, there is another Goryeo Peninsula and part of the Northeast However, these places are poor places and can not provide much financial resources. income.

Therefore, in terms of agricultural tax, the agricultural tax collected by the empire in recent years has remained generally stable after the eighth year of Xuanping, because the land is constant, even in recent years because the empire has encouraged reclamation and wasteland, but this incentive policy is tax-free. As a matter of policy, that is to say, the land that has been reclaimed in recent years is not taxable, and the agricultural tax still relies on the original existing land.

In this way, the development of industry and commerce has become the main growth driver of the imperial economy, and as the economy increases, fiscal revenue will naturally increase.

Due to the fact that the current empire’s statistics on the entire industry and commerce are still relatively primitive, it is difficult to actually count data such as gross national product. Statistics of various types of data are still quite troublesome for the current empire.

The only thing that can be accurately counted is probably the fiscal revenue!


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