Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: Is Chen Lifu going to be promoted again?

With this rank, he is basically the second-in-command of Jiangnan Province, and Jiangnan Province's political participation rank is comparable.

After the prefect level of Songjiang Prefecture has been improved, Shanghai County can also be changed to a special county in Shanghai, with two more words, just to express its particularity and make arrangements easier.

The magistrate of the special county in Shanghai is of the fourth grade, which is comparable to the post-reform Songjiang prefecture!

Several other counties in Songjiang Prefecture remain unchanged!

A county magistrate of the fourth rank can only appear in a place like Shanghai. There is no way, although the economy of this place is too concentrated, the official in charge does not have enough rank, can not hold the place, and it is easy to cause turmoil. .

If an official of the fourth grade was dispatched by the central government to Shanghai to serve, then the fool knew that he had a bright future, and he would not mess around like the previous Zhou Lide.

The previous Zhou Lide was only a sixth-rank official, and he was already in his forties. Even if he had a resume as a magistrate of Shanghai, he should not expect to be an official of the fourth-rank or higher in his life. He had no hope of promotion. There is a big golden river, if you don't make a fortune, you can't help yourself.

Most of his predecessors thought so too!

Therefore, Li Xuan's first step in the reform of Songjiang Prefecture in Shanghai is to upgrade Songjiang Prefecture and Shanghai's administrative level. After paying more attention, he can make better arrangements.

Li Xuan made such a decision. Naturally, the people below have no opinions. If there are opinions, they have to be swallowed. Do you dare to object to the opinions of the Son of Heaven?

Only in this way, the many candidates who were prepared before can no longer be used. Those are officials of the sixth rank. Now the magistrates of the special county in Shanghai have become the fourth rank. Naturally, they do not match.

But in this way, those ministers did not complain much, but were even more delighted!

It is still a little troublesome for them to choose a county magistrate of the sixth grade, but it is not easy to choose a county magistrate of the fourth grade!

There are only a few hundred candidates who can be qualified for this rank first, and then after filtering according to their abilities and resumes, it is estimated that there are only a few dozen left.

Then, although this broken place is a county, its economic volume is larger than that of a province. All people must be people with outstanding ability, and they must be people of the Holy Family. In this election, there are not many candidates. In the end, the personnel department picked them up and down, and finally came up with a shortlist of exactly ten people!

The above ten people are all middle-level officials with relatively big names in recent years. Behind each person's profile and resume, there is an evaluation of the words "loyal to the emperor's affairs". In other words, they are all empires. Li Xuan has more or less heard the names of the people who are going to focus on training.

In the final decision, Li Xuan did not assign it to the imperial study, and the Ministry of Personnel did not have this authority, but even if the Ministry of Personnel had authority, it is estimated that Ma Wei would not have the courage to decide directly.

Don't talk about him, even Liu Bagou is reluctant to get involved in the mess in Shanghai!

The special county in Shanghai, the county magistrate of the fourth grade, and it was created by the Son of Heaven, just from this point, it can be seen that the broken place is very sensitive, and if something goes wrong, it will affect him. of.

For example, if the person they recommended goes to Shanghai to become a county magistrate, and then embezzles several million taels again, even an important imperial official like Liu Bagou will inevitably lose his skin!

Therefore, Liu Bagou and the other ministers on duty cleverly acted as if they did not know about it, and let the Ministry of Personnel directly send the list of the last ten candidates to the Son of Heaven and let the Son of Heaven make the final decision. .

Now this matter, in addition to the Son of Heaven's own decision, there is actually no good way!

If it was the Son of Heaven who made the decision and the selected people did a good job, then the Son of Heaven was naturally wise and great, and his eyes were like torches.

If the person chosen by the Son of Heaven is also corrupt in the end, then it is this person who has failed the Son of Heaven's high hopes and deserves to be killed, but Son of Heaven was blinded by this corrupt official.

In this case, only Li Xuan can choose people without pressure.

When Li Xuan opened this list, he felt that the names above were all familiar, and several were not only familiar, but also very familiar. One of the names caught his interest: Chen Lifu!

Li Xuan is not unfamiliar with Chen Lifu. He has seen him several times before and after, and he has heard of this young official many times before, and he also agrees with this person in his heart.

But let him be the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai? Li Xuan hesitated!

His name was selected for the ten-person candidate list. Chen Lifu, who was the party, didn't know it at first, but there is no airtight wall in this world, not to mention, this matter is not a secret. When making a list of people, they all follow the formal way, not the secret way.

Therefore, there are many people who know the specific list of candidates!

The first to know was the staff from the Ministry of Personnel, because the name of Chen Lifu was chosen by them.

People from the Ministry of Personnel chose Chen Lifu to be on the list of ten people, and naturally they had their own reasons!

It is true that these officials in the Ministry of Personnel actually do not like people like Chen Lifu. In the officialdom, many people are too violent and murderous to do things for Chen Lifu. Look at him at the Ministry of Taxation. How many people were killed while in office?

These officials, even the officials of the Tang Empire, whether they were left over from the former Ming Dynasty or entered through the imperial examinations of the Tang Dynasty, but in the final analysis, they were still scholars.

And the group of scholars and gentry landlords cannot be separated!

Even the officials who were admitted to universities in recent years and became officials after passing the imperial examinations, they all abandoned the Four Books and Five Classics and devoted themselves to new subjects, and then passed the imperial examinations and became officials of the Tang Dynasty, but in their hearts, they were still Scholars and traditional gentry landlords and businessmen are combined.

This situation will not change because of the change of dynasties and the reform of the imperial examinations.

Therefore, many officials of the Tang Dynasty actually despised some of Chen Lifu's behaviors, but their inner thoughts are inner thoughts, and work is work.

On the Ministry of Personnel's side, after so many years, there has long been a complete system for selecting officials, and even Ma Wei, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel, is difficult to change easily.

When selecting candidates, personal preferences are not important, what is important is the candidate's resume, and then various ratings.

Very helpless, Chen Lifu's resume is quite perfect, and his evaluation is also quite high. Among officials of the same rank, he is almost a first-class existence. Even those who hate him cannot brush him down by personal preference. of.

Otherwise, I will be impeached by my political opponents, saying why Chen Lifu was not selected, and is there something tricky in the selection process? Then the official career of this official was ended.

Whoever is an official has few political opponents. Needless to say, the others, colleagues, subordinates, and bosses around them must be guarded!

The subordinates want to pull you down and take over.

Colleagues want to kill you, gain a greater competitive advantage, and rise to the top.

The boss is also suppressing you, for fear that you will make trouble and bring him down.

Entering an official position is very dangerous, and if you take a wrong step, you will be doomed.

Therefore, being an official is often involuntarily involuntary, and there are often times that even if you are against it in your heart, and hate someone again. He had to hold back a smile at him.

With his perfect resume as an official for many years, Chen Lifu made the selection of officials from the Ministry of Personnel almost impeccable, and finally pinched his nose and put him on the list of ten people.

Of course, if he was put in, the possibility of Chen Lifu wanting to become the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai is very small.

Because Chen Lifu just took office as Deputy Director-General of the Financial Department, and it took less than three months in total. Before that, he had been the prefect of Xingquan Prefecture for a short period of half a month. It was also done.

That is to say, in just over three months, Chen Lifu has changed from the head of the inspection office of the fifth grade, to the prefect of Xingquan Mansion of the fourth grade, and then to the right deputy of the financial department of the fourth grade. Secretary.

In this case, in a short period of time, Chen Lifu's position and rank will basically not change for at least a year. Otherwise, the unspoken rules of official promotion in the entire empire will be messed up.

However, this time, the selection of magistrates of special counties in Shanghai is rather special. The Son of Heaven personally ordered special affairs to be specially handled to select outstanding talents from all over the country.

In this case, Chen Lifu fits this position.

But even so, it is unlikely that Chen Lifei really wants to become the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai.

Chen Lifu knew it himself, so when he heard that he had become a candidate for magistrate of a special county in Shanghai, he just laughed!

Now he has a firm foothold in the Finance Although he has made some achievements, there is still a period of time before he can be transferred!

Besides, he himself has no experience in running a local government. He went straight to become the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai. He was not afraid that he would mess up Shanghai, he was afraid of it himself!

According to his assumptions, his greatest possibility in the future is to be transferred to a general government. It would be even better if he could be promoted to become a provincial inspector. As for directly being promoted to director general in Gyeonggi, this possibility is unlikely.

If he, the deputy director, wants to be promoted to director according to the normal procedure, there is only one rank difference, but in fact, it is a few grades. It takes a few years to exercise the position of the third-rank, and then it is possible to become the director of the third-rank Beijing official with real power like Xie Yiwei.

So Chen Lifu felt that it was impossible for him to become the magistrate of a special county in Shanghai!


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