Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1066: Don't shoot, it's all trophies

When Feng Qirong's ship started shelling, the four frigates that followed also opened fire one after another. Although they were located a little back and the angle of the shelling was a little too small, it was impossible for all the broadside artillery to fire. However, they were also bombarded with the bow and part of the broadside artillery.

At the same time as the rumble of cannons sounded, numerous cannonballs also flew towards the fleet of the opposing Kojima clan.

Poor them, they have never seen such a large-scale shelling. When they saw many shells constantly flying over, some hit the hull, some fell into the nearby water surface, and splashed water columns, all of a sudden It was a little stunned.

In fact, the Zidao clan is most often in contact with the famous names in the sea. Although they are weak, their knowledge is still very broad. They have been in contact with businessmen from various countries, and even the Portuguese. In recent years, they have been in frequent contact with people from the Tang Dynasty businessmen contact.

They had also seen galleons and naval guns.

However, it was the first time they had seen such an intensive shelling!

Because they have been in contact with merchant ships before, even though most of the merchant ships these days are armed, the number of naval guns is naturally far from being comparable to that of professional warships. What's more, the previous merchant ships came here for trade, nothing. They wouldn't be able to fire, let alone a whole fleet of hundreds of artillery guns firing at them.

Today, strictly speaking, is the first time they have been exposed to such a large-scale shelling.

The scale of the bombardment far exceeded their imagination. At first, they thought that with more than ten ships and the total number of twenty or thirty artillery pieces equipped on each ship, they should be able to hit a dozen.

But when things came to an end, they discovered that the small cannons they were equipped with were useless at all!

I have to explain here that the naval guns equipped by the Zidao clan’s fleet are actually just some shotguns. They are similar products to the Wankou guns, general guns, and Folang machine guns of the Ming army in the past. No matter what name the Fuso people call them, these are all shotguns, and their calibers are relatively small.

This also means that the range is not far, and it is very good to be able to shoot 100 meters. At the same time, the projectile density of artillery shells is naturally not comparable to that of professional large-caliber naval guns.

These shotguns are only used by the former Ming army navy and the current Fusang people. The Koreans use them as treasures, and they are mostly used as the main naval guns. However, on the Tang Navy side, these shotguns are exclusively used When calculating the number of artillery pieces of a warship, the auxiliary artillery that is used to kill people at close range will not be counted at all.

This has created such an embarrassing situation today.

The Ryukyu Squadron of the Datang Navy was carrying out continuous shelling, but they were still more than 300 meters away. Due to the distance and the range of the artillery, they could not fight back at all.

Continue to charge forward?

After approaching, they were bombarded with shotguns to further engage in side-to-side battles. This is the naval combat mode of many contemporary East Asian indigenous countries, and the same is true of the previous Ming army navy.

But keep rushing? Didn't you see how intensive the firepower was? Now, more than 300 meters away, the hit rate was not high, but it was already frequently hit. If it was closer, every round of their shells would land on their own ship.

But what if you don't keep rushing?

Wandering around? Nonsense, didn't you see that other people's steering and speed were better than their own? The five battleships of the Ryukyu Squadron of the Datang Navy made two consecutive major turns and successfully seized the upper hand, and then used the broadside to fight, and the opposite The Fuso people also wanted to maneuver to seize the upper hand at the beginning, but they couldn't.

run away? This is a viable option, but the question arises, where to escape?

Fleeing back to the port, isn't this courting death? After being bombarded by other people's fleets blocking the port, there will be no chance of desperately trying.

It is also possible to retreat directly and escape to the sea. In this case, it is safe to live. However, the Fusang people in these fleets are all vassals and warriors of the Zidao clan. It has to be said that the loyalty of the Fusang people is quite good.

Not to mention, the main generals in this small fleet are all members of the Zidao clan.

This escape means giving up the family business. How can this be done?

Is it possible to escape back to Kyushu Island and then rely on others?

The warriors who have lost their masters can still be wandering warriors and find other masters who can be loyal to them, but their Zidao clan is a big name. Although they are only a small, very small name, they are also serious. 's big name.

After losing their territory, are they still big names?

So, it is especially tangled to make Fuso people right now!

It’s not about rushing up to fight, it’s not about escaping back to the port, and it’s not about escaping to the sea!

When they hesitated, the four frigates of the Ryukyu Squadron of the Datang Navy also entered the best position one after another, and the broadside artillery was fired at the same time. At this time, the density of the shelling became more fierce.

The leading Fusang boat was continuously hit by multiple arson bombs. Even the hull of the hull burned, not counting the sails. Dozens of Fuso people on the boat watched the boat catch fire, one by one. They are all hurriedly jumping into the sea holding various wooden boards, wooden barrels and the like.

At the same time, on the largest ship behind, about 150 tons, a young man in plate armor was also chirping in bird language. The color on his face was changeable, sometimes angry, sometimes angry. Terrified, finally, when he saw another ship hit by a chain shot, the chain shot directly swept the main mast, causing the ship to lose all power in an instant.

At this time, his face no longer changed, but panic, and immediately ordered in bird language: retreat, retreat!

But he did not make it clear whether to withdraw to the port or to flee directly to the sea, so this also caused other ships to not know where to retreat at all.

Some people began to turn around and want to return to the port, while others turned to the open sea. As a result, the Fuso fleet, which was already a little overwhelmed, was in great chaos.

They don't only have a few boats, but seventeen or eighteen. Although the largest is only 150 tons, the rest are small boats of dozens of tons, which are relatively flexible in principle, but in This vague order, and at the same time the constant shelling, resulted in chaos.

In a panic, they even had two ships collide when they turned around, and the other ships also caused confusion because of the inconsistent turn.

When Feng Qirong saw this scene, he didn't know what to say!

This battle actually didn't take long, about ten minutes before and after, although the distance was more than 300 meters, so the hit rate of the artillery was not high, so although a lot of shells were fired, the actual hit rate was not as high as imagined.

Strictly speaking, relying on such powerful firepower, they only set one of the enemy's ships on fire, the main mast of one ship was interrupted, and although other ships were also hit by many shells, the power of the shells was not It's not as big as I imagined. Many shells hit the hull, leaving only a big hole. Whether it can kill people depends on luck. As for sinking the enemy's battleship, hehe, don't think about it!

It is even more difficult to directly sink enemy ships in naval battles these days than to capture them!

Even if they are set on fire with arson bombs, the fire can generally be extinguished. Only in extreme cases, the fire cannot be extinguished, and finally it burns down and sinks.

Therefore, in most of the naval battles these days, firepower is used to suppress the people on their ships, and then they are forced to flee or surrender. , sunk them.

Of course, the navies of other countries will more simply choose to carry out a pick-up battle, directly annihilate their crew members, and capture their warships.

This is also why the Datang Navy, even if it doesn't like to pick up the ship, prefers to use firepower to kill, and finally set them on fire, they will still assign a large number of marines to each warship, in order to Use it during a battle.

If you don't like it, it doesn't mean you won't use it!

However, the performance of the Fusang people today is a bit unbearable. It has only been a while since the fight. According to Feng Qirong's experience in fighting against the Ming army navy in his early years, even if his own side has an absolute firepower advantage, it is still quite possible to defeat them in a short time. It was difficult, he was already preparing to spend hours in a naval battle.

But I didn't expect that this was just the beginning, and the Fusang people ran straight away, and they didn't run cleanly enough. When they escaped, there was chaos!

To be honest, this made Feng Qirong a little speechless!

He also expects to conduct a live ammunition exercise, so that his fleet can train with live ammunition for a decisive battle. After all, the Datang Navy has not fought any serious naval battles since the Ming army navy was put on the ground. , the occasional naval battles were just chasing those pirate ships. As for the fleet battles above the squadron, there was never a single battle.

Since Feng Qirong was the commander of the Ryukyu Squadron, apart from chasing down pirates, he had never brought a fleet to fight in a more formal naval battle like today, but he never thought that these Fuso people would be so disrespectful and ran away as soon as they fought.

Forget it, live ammunition training is impossible to continue!

Immediately, he ordered that the fleet was divided into two and began to attack on both flanks to intercept the ships of the Fuso people fleeing to the sea. They wanted to escape back to the port Feng Qirong, but he did not want to see them escape to the open sea and then run to other places. The place is against the Datang Navy.

Driving them back to the port to block them was Feng Qirong's goal.

The next thing is that there is nothing to say. Of the dozen or so ships of the Zidao clan, except for one small boat that managed to break through the blockade and escaped north, all the other ships were intercepted and rushed back to their port. !

After driving them back to the port, Feng Qirong directly led the fleet to swing outside the port, and then Feng Qirong gave an order: No order, it is strictly forbidden to shoot the port without permission!

He said to the adjutant, "That's all money!"

Although the ships in the Fusang port are small in tonnage and their performance is not very good, they are still ships. The captives are the spoils of war. The navy will definitely not use them, but they can be sold for money.

This time, the cost of coming to the western sea area of ​​Fusang to suppress the bandits is not small. These shells are all money. If you don’t find some trophies to come back to subsidize one or two, wouldn’t it be a loss?

Feng Qirong knew very well that the senior officers of the navy did not want to see him do business at a loss, and even hoped to make a fortune himself.

The army can make a lot of money by suppressing bandits, but what else can the navy make from suppressing pirates?

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