Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1059: Go to Fusang to suppress bandits

They don't have to study the military to become soldiers. They can study liberal arts or science. Even if they can't become high officials or scientists in the future, they can still be ordinary staff members or research institutes.

Anyway, what Li Xuan is worried about is only military issues, to avoid creating tens of thousands of middle and senior officers from young military camps in the future, which is a monster for the existing Datang military system and cannot appear.

And as long as this is solved, then the follow-up is not a big problem.

The Royal Youth Military Academy is not only recruiting graduates from the infant military camp, but will also recruit other outstanding students in the future.

But in order to avoid creating several college factions in the future, Li Xuan also plans to merge with the Wuxuetang and the Royal Youth Military Academy in a few years. In an empire, it is enough to have a military academy that trains low-level officers. There are too many, and the funds for teachers are scattered. When the army needs to be expanded and more grass-roots military personnel are needed, it is enough to directly expand the enrollment scale, and it is not necessary to have many military schools.

After such reforms by Li Xuan, in fact, the young army camp in the future will become a pure genius school, and these gifted students are the follow-up echelons of the Royal Institute of Technology.

After all, the teaching level of primary schools and middle schools in various parts of the Tang Dynasty is really poor, and they are far from Li Xuan's requirements.

Comparing the reformed infantry barracks with the existing primary and secondary schools is generally the difference between general education and elite education.

The reform of the infant military camps is not a matter of one or two days. Li Xuan made a decision, but it is estimated that it will take more than a year to make adjustments. After the reform, the recruitment of infant military camps in various provinces is estimated to be a matter of next spring.

After busy with the young army camp, Li Xuan also paid attention to the Liaodong war again. It is now March, and according to the plan of the Privy Council, the spring war has already begun.

But the distance is too far. Li Xuan didn't know how the fight in Liaodong was going on for a while. But since last winter, the military has been preparing for several months. If nothing else happens, this The Liaodong War in the summer is almost coming to an end.

No way, now that the Tang Dynasty has pacified the southwest, and the northwest and north are generally stable, you can devote your main energy to the Liaodong battlefield. In this case, it is really not easy to defeat the battle!

If you really want to lose the battle, there must be a problem, and it is a big problem. Li Xuan must have a major rectification of the military.

And things are indeed the same as Li Xuan predicted. In the face of absolute strength, the fake King Hui of Liaodong will not be able to make any waves at all.

In April, he finally received a battle report from Liaodong. The report said that the Liaodong Temporary Brigade had already entered the Liaohetao area, completely cutting off the contact of the Ming army in the surrounding areas of Liaohetao, and then taking 50,000 people in the Ningyuan area. The Doming Army was completely surrounded.

Half a month later, Li Xuan once again received a report that the Sixth Army launched a general attack on the Ming army in the Ningyuan area. , the 50,000 Ming army was completely defeated, more than half of the dead and wounded, and the rest were all prisoners.

After this battle, basically it can be declared that the victory on the Liaodong side has been determined, and although there will be battles in the follow-up, it is all over.

Therefore, Li Xuan also officially issued a decree to establish Liaodong Province, and selected officials at all levels such as governors and political envoys. At the same time, he ordered a clear forest to the Immigration and Reclamation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Cabinet, requiring them to quickly and massively dispatch immigrants to Liaodong. !

This is not only used to develop Liaodong, but also to completely occupy Liaodong and take advantage of the huge population to establish the rule of Datang in this area.

Liaodong was considered stable, but when Li Xuan heard that the pseudo-Minghui King led the remnants to flee into Goryeo, he knew that the war in the north was not over yet, at least before Goryeo was defeated.

To this end, he once again convened a strategic meeting of the imperial front, and called the army and navy generals over. Li Xuan did not say much at the meeting, but only announced his decision to many generals: occupy Korea, let Korea The peninsula, the territory of China since ancient times, has returned to the embrace of China and has become a province under the rule of the Tang Dynasty!

Li Xuan's decision made many still worried that after fighting Liaodong, the army would have nothing to do, and the generals who wanted the horse to release Nanshan were relieved.

As long as the war continues, they don't have to worry about being laid off, and they can continue to make contributions. In comparison, the reduction of military spending is nothing.

Therefore, even if there is no temporary military expenditure of a dime to fight the Korean Peninsula, the high-level generals of the army and navy also like it very much.

War, for these generals, is the best reward and the most practical reassurance. As long as there is war, they don't have to think about it, worry about being laid off, worry about being laid off, worrying about the death of rabbits and dogs!

Lieutenant General Lei Wan even said on the spot that since the financial difficulties and the military expenditure needed to attack the Korean Peninsula will be overcome by the Army itself, no additional financial support is needed.

The army's military expenditure of 2,000 a year is actually quite tight, but in order to fight the war, the military expenditure should be a little less, and the army will work hard to overcome it.

In order to squeeze out military expenses, the Army has even begun to reduce the salary of the officer class, and various combat subsidies have also been reduced, and the various units without war, regardless of whether it is a reserve division or a main force, are all set off. Haohaotangtang's reclamation.

In addition, the army has also begun a large-scale start to suppress bandits!

In the this kind of bandit suppression was just a political task, but now, it has become an independent act to subsidize military expenses. Why, because fighting bandits is a trophy.

If you are lucky, you may even get a few thousand taels or even tens of thousands of silver trophies if you lay down a bandit's lair.

So there is no need to say anything, the army itself is very good at suppressing bandits!

And this also directly maintains local law and order, makes people's livelihood develop more rapidly, people's livelihood develops well, and fiscal revenue increases, and military spending can be increased.

Li Xuan also gave a few words to the military leaders in private. Next year, the proportion of military expenditure will be about 30%. With a financial income of 80 million silver, the military expenditure will be 24 million.

But if the fiscal revenue is 100 million taels, then the military expenditure is 30 million!

Therefore, even if it is to increase military spending next year, the military will take the initiative to suppress bandits, promote the development of people's livelihood, and open up more business routes, so as to increase financial revenue and military spending.

Against this background, the military is very effective in suppressing bandits, especially in areas with a large number of bandits and refugees, such as Huguang, the southwestern provinces, and the northwest. .

Almost all the reserve divisions were dispatched, and even the main force would be involved.

One is time. Many bandit gangs in the land of China feel the same bleakness as winter in the spring and summer!

In the domestic mainland, the army mainly launched a bandit suppression operation, and the navy in the coastal and overseas areas was not far behind, and they launched a military operation against pirates.

The primary target is one of the most rampant piracy areas in the past two years: the western coast of Fusang.

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