Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Messenger of Peace: Datang Western Company

The Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century was at its peak, because the Ottoman Empire in this period had a very good monarch, which was Suleiman I. &1t;/

Since this person succeeded to the throne, the Ottoman Empire has ushered in ZTE and has a powerful military force. How powerful is it? &1t;/

Their 6th Army can slaughter neighboring countries, and their naval strength is not weak. Even for a certain period of time, they controlled the Mediterranean Sea, and even Spain was helpless in confrontation! &1t;/

The Ottoman Empire, with its powerful military power, completely controlled the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt and other large territories, and directly blocked the trade routes from the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden to the Mediterranean Sea, allowing the Ottoman Empire to gain a lot of wealth. &1t;/

For Western European countries, the powerful Ottoman Empire is at the junction of the east and west, which has cut off the trade between China and the West. This is also the direct reason for the active exploration of routes in Western European countries! &1t;/

If the six trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean are smooth, why do they travel far and wide across the oceans and go all the way around Africa to the East? What they do is to leave the Atlantic Ocean and travel all the way westward, trying to find a new route to the East. &1t;/

All of this is because the Ottoman Empire controlled the Arabian Peninsula where east and west meet and Egypt, a key area, and then levied extremely high taxes on the caravans in the past. &1t;/

The Ottoman Empire, which controls the strategic location where the East meets the West, has earned a lot of wealth, and with this wealth, it has built a powerful military force, exhibited a good culture, and made the Ottoman Empire stand for thousands of years. . &1t;/

Ying Zihua didn't know much about the situation of the Ottoman Empire! &1t;/

Although he has information about the current European countries compiled by the Royal Institute of Technology, and also collected some information about the Ottoman Empire from the Portuguese and Spaniards from China, most of these materials are relatively superficial things. &1t;/

Before seeing it with his own eyes, Ying Zihua had doubts about the authenticity of the information! &1t;/

At the same time, it also maintains a certain vigilance against the evil Ottomans in the Portuguese and Spanish populations! &1t;/

So when he led the fleet and entered the Gulf of Aden, he did not foolishly lead all the ships of the fleet directly into its port, but prepared to send a small boat to test the situation. &1t;/

What should I do after trying the situation? &1t;/

It depends on the reaction of the Ottomans. If the Ottoman officials at the local port have a good attitude, then the two sides will have a basis for cooperation and see if they can sign a business cooperation agreement. stations, supply ports, etc. &1t;/

If the local Ottoman officials were tough, Ying Zihua would have to consider the risk of entering his port. &1t;/

After all, the situation of Ying Zihua's fleet is not very good now, and his mission is not to reach an agreement with the Ottomans, he is just here to explore the route, there is no need to take unnecessary risks. Zihua can directly find a small port in a remote place, take a simple rest, and then go south! &1t;/

It didn't take long for the three ships led by Ying Zihua to arrive in the middle of the Red Sea, which is also the southernmost sea area of ​​the current Ottoman Empire. On the northern shore of the Red Sea, there is a city with great influence in the peninsula: Merga ( ). &1t;/

Of course, Ying Zihua and the others are not going to Merga, they want to go to Jeddah Port! &1t;/

When Ying Zihua's fleet appeared outside the port of Jeddah, no accident, it immediately aroused a strong reaction from the local indigenous people, and more than ten ships quickly opened out of the port. These ships have strong Mediterranean characteristics, and It is different from the Western-style Galen boats that are common in the sea. &1t;/

Ying Zihua has seen this situation a lot. When he was in India before, he also entered the port of the local indigenous people several times to supply supplies. The local indigenous people always made such a fuss, as if they were looking for them to attack the port. Same. &1t;/

A bunch of idiots, even if our Datang Western Company is going to go to war, we have to bring a huge fleet here. What can I do with my lonely ships? I, Ying Zihua, are at most just here to test the situation. &1t;/

Of course, if the defensive strength of their port is not good, then Ying Zihua will not waste the opportunity, shoot a few rounds of salvos, let them collect a little money, and sell or lease a piece of land to him in a symbolic way to build trade station. &1t;/

Well, so to speak, it is reasonable for these natives to be wary! &1t;/

But this time, speaking with conscience, Ying Zihua really did not intend to start a war. After all, the Ottoman Empire is a regional power, and it is also a potential good trading partner. It is very important for Western companies. &1t;/

As for what will happen in the future when Datang Western Company has established a firm foothold in this place, nonsense, it must be a war to expand the colony, this question still needs to be asked? &1t;/

Therefore, this time, Ying Zihua rarely let the two cruisers come forward, opened the gun windows, revealing dozens of dark cannons, and aimed at the port in several rounds of salvos! &1t;/

Instead, a small boat was sent over, ready to have a good talk with the local Ottoman officials. &1t;/

However, what happened next made Ying Zihua a little angry! &1t;/

Those Ottomans turned out to be using small-caliber artillery to fire at the transport boat sent by Ying Zihua. Although it was only a small-caliber shotgun, it didn't hit the transport boat at all, but it also made a few people in the traffic. Frightened enough, I just turned around and paddled to escape! &1t;/

At this time, Ying Zihua had an angry look on his face: "These damned barbarians actually dared to intercept the transport boat they sent over, God is pitiful, it's just a transport boat with only a few tons and no artillery. A symbol of peace!"&1t;/

But these damned barbarians actually opened fire on the peace messengers of Datang Xiyang Company! &1t;/

Absolutely intolerable! &1t;/

I, Datang Western Company, have never been actively attacked by the enemy. Along the way, Ying Zihua has always taken the initiative to beat others, and I have never been attacked by others! &1t;/

So at this time, Ying Zihua's previous rationality disappeared in an instant, heck, just now he was thinking of talking about business with good words and seeing if he could sign a few peaceful business and trade agreements, but now he's talking nonsense! &1t;/

Business is not something that can be done without signing a friendly trade agreement. After placing the fleet in the enemy's port and sending thousands of people to board the 6 to kill the enemy, it is still possible to do business in the same way! &1t;/

Datang Western has done this in Southeast Asia, Myanmar, and India before! &1t;/

And now, Ying Zihua finally came up with the idea of ​​doing business peacefully, but he was destroyed by these inexplicable Ottomans! &1t;/

Immediately, his face was black and he said, "Barbarians are barbarians, unreasonable, unreasonable!"&1t;/

"Send orders, fire cannons, and let them know that the envoy of peace of the upper kingdom of the heavens, the ships of the Datang Western Company, cannot attack!"&1t;/

After Ying Zihua's order was conveyed, dozens of artillery pieces on the sides of the two cruisers and a 680-armed merchant ship opened fire! &1t;/

The rumble of cannons rang out in this small port! &1t;/

Up to now, Ying Zihua still couldn't understand why these Ottomans attacked him. &1t;/

In the end, Ying Zihua could only explain it as barbarians are unreasonable! &1t;/

Ying Zihua was inexplicable, but the Ottomans on the opposite side were extremely frightened! &1t;/

Why, because they were attacked by a group of pirates three days ago, or more accurately, the Portuguese fleet disguised as pirates, but the Ottomans are not stupid, and they can tell at a glance that they are Portuguese. &1t;/

Three days ago, a Portuguese armed merchant ship pretended to enter the port to do business while the defenders in the port were not paying attention. As a result, it opened fire. Dozens of artillery guns gave the defenseless Ottoman port defense forces. Hit up and down. &1t;/

That is to say, their ground strength is not bad. After the Portuguese climbed to 6, they felt that they could not do it, and then they grabbed a handful and ran away! &1t;/

Three days later, that is, today, three huge ships appeared in the port of Jeddah once again. This ship can see at a glance that there are a lot of artillery pieces. The first thought of the Ottomans is, those **** Portugal. The human pirates are back, and with even more powerful reinforcements. &1t;/

Although it was a misunderstanding, the Ottomans on the opposite side didn't know it, nor did Ying Zihua, so the two sides fought on this sea! &1t;/

It's just this naval battle, but it's a one-sided naval battle! &1t;/

The Ottoman ships on the opposite side are not large. Although they are flexible, their firepower is very weak, and there are not many large-caliber artillery at all! &1t;/

As for the three ships of the Datang Western Company, two of them are professional warships. The firepower on the two cruisers is enough to cover the entire port, and the maneuverability of the warships of the Datang Navy is not comparable to those of the Galen ships. &1t;/

Therefore, the next result is needless to say, after the Aussians lost a few ships, the remaining ships were withdrawn to the port, and Ying Zihua's fleet followed, facing the port and the several ships on the shore. The place that was obviously an artillery position was bombarded wildly! &1t;/

The rumbling sound continued for more than an hour! &1t;/

In the end, this poor port was reduced to ruins! &1t;/

At this time, Ying Zihua said: "It's really bad luck, I don't do good business, you have to force me to use strong ones!"&1t;/

Then he turned around and said to his subordinates: "Go on, organize boarding 6 quickly, control the port, look for supplies, and see if you can find craftsmen and materials for emergency repairs!"&1t;/

Although this small port has been overturned, Ying Zihua is not careless! &1t;/

Although the defense force of this small port is not strong, most of the dozen or so boats that resisted just now have been destroyed, but this is a foreign country after all, the ghost knows if more barbarian troops will come later, so he needs to hurry up Supply supplies, repair and leave! &1t;/

As for occupying this broken place, he has no interest! &1t;/

It can't be said that he is not interested, but it should be said that he is powerless. His fleet is only a few hundred people in total. If he wants to seize the port city of a regional power, it is a bit boring to be honest, and it is a bit troublesome to keep it in the follow-up. &1t;/

When the 6th team members of Datang Western Company and the sailors jointly formed the 6th boarding team, when they started boarding 6th, many fast horses also galloped out of the port. They were messengers, carrying letters written hastily by local officials. ! &1t;/

The letter said that the damned Portuguese are calling again, dozens of large ships and thousands of people, hurry up to send troops to reinforce, otherwise the port of Jeddah will be completely destroyed! &1t;/


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