Urban PokéMon Tyrant

Chapter 63 Official Summit

Zhao Shuan is very clear about how much effort he has devoted to Tyrunt, coupled with the infusion of Gold energy, Tyrunt's combat power is no longer comparable to that of Normal Pokémon.

Following Zhao Shuan's order, Tyrunt rushed towards Vigoroth like a heavy truck Normal.

As for Vigoroth, perhaps because he had just defeated Froakie, he was a little excited now, and disregarded Zhu Feiyun's instructions, and directly waved his fist at Tyrunt who was rushing towards him.

Because of the good timing, Vigoroth's fist hit Tyrunt's body, but the effect was not ideal.

The fist wrapped in flames did not cause any effective damage to Tyrunt, but Vigoroth himself was knocked out defenselessly.

Before Vigoroth could react, the Rock Slide trick was used quickly, and a huge Rock fell from the sky, pressing Vigoroth down firmly. Obviously, Vigoroth's own strength is not bad, even if he is injured, it is not too difficult to move such a big Rock. difficult things.

But no matter how hard Vigoroth tried, the Rock that was pressing on it didn't move at all. After several attempts, not only did it not have any effect, but it exhausted itself.

Under such circumstances, Tyrunt stopped attacking and watched Vigoroth Struggle quietly.

I wish Feiyun looked at Vigoroth, who was desperately struggling but had no effect, and couldn't help but gasp. While making an insignificant contribution to global warming 28, he had a recognition of Tyrunt's combat power that was comparable to Smelling Salts. Know.

If before the battle started, Zhu Feiyun conservatively estimated that he would have an 80% winning rate, and after the battle started, he thought he had a 60% winning rate, then after seeing Tyrunt's combat performance now, the winning rate has quietly dropped to below 40% .

"I admit defeat in this game!"

Under Vigoroth's unwilling roar, Zhu Feiyun took it back into the Poké Ball, and then solemnly released his strongest Pokémon Machoke.

Although Zhu Feiyun's Machoke is not like Tyrunt Normal, who has received Gold energy accumulation and adjustment, but its well-developed muscles look big but not exaggerated, but rather well-proportioned.

Facing such a Rival, Tyrunt was obviously more interested than before, and without Zhao Shuan's instructions, after Machoke stood still for a while, he took the initiative to charge.

"Hold it!" Zhu Feiyun didn't know if his Machoke had the power to surpass Tyrunt, but he wanted to try.

Facing Machoke with his hands open and ready to fight, Tyrunt also felt a bit more competitive, lowering his head and bumping straight at Machoke.

However, it turns out that Tyrunt, who is bigger in size, is definitely stronger than Machoke in terms of strength.

Pushed a long way by Tyrunt.

Seeing this scene, I wish Feiyun completely gave up on the competition of strength, but when Tyrunt finished exerting his strength and Machoke stopped retreating, he directly ordered: "It's now, throw it down."

It is Tyrunt of the Contest Condition whose old strength has gone and new strength has not been born. Faced with Machoke's sudden force, Tyrunt is somewhat unable to resist, but its body structure is destined to be more difficult to get up after falling to the ground than a humanoid Pokémon like Machoke, so Zhao Shuan had already trained it similarly.

A large piece of Rock appeared on the side where Tyrunt was about to fall, giving Tyrunt a chance to fight back.

Tyrunt, who had an absolute advantage in strength, started to exert strength, but Machoke did not have the strength to overthrow it at all, so he quickly regained his stature.

"Kick it down!"

When Machoke realized that the opportunity was lost, he immediately let go of Tyrunt. When Zhu Feiyun's order came, it also aimed at Tyrunt's thigh without hesitation.


Zhao Shuan's order came soon, and Tyrunt raised his left foot in a timely manner, while avoiding Machoke's kick attack, he stepped on Machoke fiercely.

Machoke rolled a few times, managed to stay away from Tyrunt, and after standing up, he rushed towards Tyrunt fiercely again, with two clenched fists, one wrapped in flames, the other wrapped in cold air, and hit the Tyrunt army one after another.

Tyrunt couldn't dodge in time, but he didn't use other tricks to resist, but after resisting a punch, he quickly lowered his head and bit Machoke.

Seeing this, Machoke squatted down hastily, and continued to swing his fist towards Tyrunt.

But at this moment, Tyrunt's right foot stepped on the ground fiercely, and the effect of Earthquake's trick was quickly revealed.

For a moment, Machoke had difficulty stabilizing his figure, and the attack was naturally terminated, but just as it was about to retreat first, Tyrunt turned around, and Dragon Tail drew towards Machoke directly.

At the critical moment, Machoke covered his head with his right hand, staggered a few steps, and finally stabilized his figure.

And Tyrunt's next attack has already arrived. The powerful Dragon Claw swung down fiercely, but Machoke had no choice but to raise his arms to resist.

The powerful force caused Machoke to kneel down unconsciously. He wanted to get up but found that he didn't have that ability at all. Even if he used the superpower trick to increase his strength for a short time, he couldn't break free. And as Tyrunt gradually exerted force, Machoke's painful wailing followed.

"Machoke..... Fire Punch!"

I wish Feiyun had a flash of inspiration and let Machoke use Thunder Punch. Although his hands are suppressed and cannot be pulled away, when using Fire Punch, the high temperature of the flame can completely cause damage to Tyrunt through contact.

The burn of the flames did make Tyrunt feel the pain, but it didn't let go of Machoke's intentions, but increased his strength instead.

Machoke, who was already suppressed and kneeling on the ground, suffered even more when Tyrunt increased his strength. Even Fire Punch could barely maintain it.

"Damn it, is that the way it is?" Zhu Feiyun's complexion became a little ugly. Although part of the reason for losing to his junior was, it was more because of his annoyance and regret at the poor performance of his Trump Card Pokémon. Doubts about my Trainer talent.

"Okay, Tyrunt, destroy the Death Ray and fix it!"

Zhao Shuan also felt that if this dragged on, for Zhu Feiyun, the insult would explode, so he asked Tyrunt to resolve the battle as soon as possible, and he used the most powerful trick that Tyrunt had mastered at this stage.

At the moment when the destructive death ray was fully condensed, Tyrunt let go of the Dragon Claw that suppressed Machoke, and before Machoke could react, the destructive death ray poured down, submerging Machoke entirely in the weight.

The theory that there is smoke without injury is not feasible at this moment, and Machoke was directly beaten by the destruction and death light and lost the ability to fight.


The crowd suddenly boiled up. Although the last match was not very enjoyable to watch, the result of the battle was released, which meant that Zhao Shuan had officially reached the top of No. 2 Middle School at this moment.

The second and third graders were completely convinced by Zhao Shuan at the moment, and the freshmen who came over to watch the match were equally enthusiastic, wishing to join in right away, even if they shaved their heads.

The teachers who watched the whole process did not interrupt the carnival of the students, but looked at Zhao Shuan meaningfully, then turned and left.

The principal, who was watching the entire battle from a high place in the teaching building, took out his phone and dialed an unknown number with a smile on his face. After connecting, he talked triumphantly at 720 for a long time. After getting the feedback he wanted, he hung up the phone in satisfaction.

At this moment, Zhao Shuan was surrounded by the crowd, and together with Tyrunt, who had not recovered the Poké Ball, he was receiving the baptism of many eyes.

I don't know if these guys have rehearsed or what, after paying attention to Zhao Shuan for a while, they all shouted: "Boss!"

Zhao Shuan sounded pretty good, but he had the feeling that he had become the leader of a bad boy group. He was about to say something when he found Zhu Feiyun squeezed in from the crowd

"Zhao Shuan!" Like everyone else, Zhu Feiyun first paid attention to Zhao Shuan for a while, but he didn't call out the word 'boss', but directly called out Zhao Shuan's name.

Zhao Shuan looked at him with some confusion, but Zhu Feiyun said to himself: "At first, I thought that this school was just like this. It wasn't until your appearance that I became so passionate. This time it was me I lost, but I already know how to win you, and I hope that we will fight with six Pokémon in the next battle, I believe there is no problem with a genius like you."

Zhu Feiyun's monologue, if he hadn't learned from others that this guy was more withdrawn than himself, Zhao Shuan would have thought he came to Taunt.

But since he knew that he didn't mean that, Zhao Shuan naturally wouldn't get angry for no reason, and he really wanted to find a Rival, so he said to Zhu Feiyun very seriously: "Yes, at the end of this semester, let's call again." one game. "

"Okay!" After getting the answer she wanted, Zhu Feiyun turned around and left.

Seeing the interaction between the two, Dong Yuan and the others couldn't help but feel a little displeased with Zhu Feiyun, but Zhao Shuan didn't feel much.

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