That night, Dongfang Ling, who was lying on the bed reading a book, received a face-to-face notice from Dongfang Yang.

The holiday ended early, and everyone should gather at school tomorrow, and don't be late.

After that, Dongfang Yang left.

The reserve team members could notify by text message, but the official team members in the secret realm had to go there in person.

The next day, everyone gathered at the playground of Magic City University.

In addition to Qin Xun and others, there were Dongfang Ling and others, and even the instructors were called to gather.

The logistics team did not arrive at the scene.

Everyone could probably guess what happened, but they didn't expect that even the reserve team would be called.

In fact, even Dongfang Ling and the others were confused, not knowing why they were called.


Soon, Dongfang Yang appeared in everyone's sight.

But what surprised them was that in addition to Dongfang Yang, Dongfang Long and Ye Yan also came, and even the principal Wu Yucai followed behind Dongfang Yang.

"You should know what we are going to do. According to the news from the League, the organization that is causing trouble this time is called the"Scholars Association". There are three champion-level trainers, ten semi-champion-level trainers, and countless others. This time we are going to deal with them."

"Due to insufficient numbers, the alliance can only provide more than ten people to join us this time. They are already in place there. This time we are led by me, the principal, my parents, and us. We, including Li Yuan, will only deal with semi-champion level and above. The others are your opponents."

"This trip is somewhat dangerous, and the members of the coaching team can choose not to participate. Those who don't want to participate can leave."

However, no one paid any attention to Dongfang Yang, and everyone was motionless.

Looking at the wolf-like eyes of the coaching team, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched.

(≖_≖ )

"Okay, I told you, these people are eager to fight against criminal organizations."

Wu Yucai patted Dongfang Yang on the shoulder and said with a smile

"These people are all smart people, and they all know that helping the alliance is beneficial. Besides, with you in charge, there won't be any accidents, so who would quit?"

Hearing this, Dongfang Yang was even more speechless.


You've been babysitting yourself for so long.

Go away!(╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□. \)

""Okay, since you all choose not to quit, let's get ready to go." As soon as Dongfang Yang finished speaking, a low buzzing sound came from the sky. Everyone looked up and saw four transport helicopters hanging in the air.


The friends were all stunned.

What was going on? Was the alliance's support so strong?

In the stunned eyes of the crowd, four helicopters slowly descended.

"Now divide into four groups and board the helicopter, move quickly."

When the helicopter stabilized, Dongfang Yang gave an order and everyone started to move.

In order to be on the safe side, Dongfang Yang, Dongfang Long, Ye Yan and Wu Yucai boarded one helicopter each to prevent accidents.

On the helicopter, Dongfang Ling leaned on the window and looked at the scenery outside excitedly.

"Brother, are we flying directly there?"

"How is that possible? Things like helicopters are not allowed to enter without the permission of other countries."

Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes and said unhappily

"Ah, where are we going then?"

Dongfang Ling was startled, blinked her bright eyes, and asked

"Aircraft carrier."

Closing his eyes, Dongfang Yang replied

"Because our country is very powerful and often fights against criminal organizations, we have three aircraft carriers that can freely enter and exit the world, but we will still politely let you know in advance."

"Um, will other countries agree to this?"

"There is no other way. If we do not hold them accountable for funding and condoning criminal organizations to cause trouble in our country, they must agree to our condition. To be honest, this condition is completely dispensable. The American Alliance drives their aircraft carriers around to cause trouble all day long. It means that they cannot beat us, otherwise they would dare to drive aircraft carriers into our faces to cause trouble."

"Humph, if they dare to come, we will dig up their ancestral graves."

Ying Yudie, who was sitting next to Dongfang Yang, snorted and said coldly when she heard this.



"That's right, if you dare to come, scatter their ashes"

"that is"

"If they dare to come to our Dragon Country to cause trouble, we will make them suffer the consequences."

… s(・`ヘ´・;)Suddenly

, there was a shout of indignation in the cabin. Most of the people present were from the top families of Dragon Country. Their families played an important role in Dragon Country, and many of them held important positions.

For example, Long Yun's brother, Long Ze, the current strongest champion of Dragon Country

"Okay, save some energy, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to make trouble when we get there."

Dongfang Yang said to Ying Yudie after calming down the excited emotions of the crowd.

"Yudie, your grandfather is leading the team this time. There should be many people you know in the team. Take Ling'er and follow behind them. Be careful."

"Ah, isn’t grandpa retired?"

∑( ̄□ ̄;)

Ying Yudie was stunned, her face full of surprise.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yang curled his lips in displeasure and said angrily

"Long Ze actually plotted against me. Sooner or later, he will lose face. NND."Long Yun, who was sitting behind Dongfang Yang and eavesdropping, suddenly froze and tiptoed back.

He was afraid that Dongfang Yang would take his anger out on him.

He didn't want to take the blame for his brother. When gods fight, it's better for a mortal like him to stay away.

Others showed expressions of gloating.

( ̄y▽ ̄)~*Cover your mouth and laugh

"What are you doing? Why are you hiding? I haven't bullied you yet.

Obviously, Long Yun's little tricks could not escape Dongfang Yang's eyes.

Looking at Long Yun who was scratching his head and laughing awkwardly, Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes directly.


With the mutual support of the alliance's military forces, everyone quickly arrived at their destination, a temporary base.

Ying Chuyuan led people to welcome them.

"Haha, you guys are finally here. I've been itching to do it these past few days. If you don't come, I'll be ready to do it."

"Of course, there is no doubt about the strength of Mr. Ying. These trifles are no match for you."

Dongfang Yang bowed his hands and flattered with a smile.

As the saying goes, flattery never wears out.

A few nice words are nothing. After all, Ying Chuyuan is Yudie's grandfather.

""Why, you're still calling me Old Ying?"

Hearing Ying Chuyuan's teasing tone and feeling the gazes of others watching her, Ying Yudie's pretty face suddenly turned red. She ran over, hugged Ying Chuyuan's arm and shook it, and said coquettishly,



However, what Ying Yudie did not expect was that Dongfang Yang actually called out in unison with her.

Turning her head, Ying Yudie looked at Dongfang Yang with surprise.

When she saw her boyfriend smiling, very calm, and even a little excited, Ying Yudie smiled.

At this moment, Ying Yudie figured out a lot of things and understood Dongfang Yang's thoughts.

Indeed, when the two of them were together, it could be said that they fell in love at first sight or were attracted by each other.

But they are also slowly accepting each other, and both families can accept each other and even promote this matter.

Each of them has good talents, so there is nothing to be afraid of, and their affairs are already well known.

Ying Yudie, who figured it out, instantly let go of her grandfather's arm and threw herself into Dongfang Yang's arms.

""Okay, okay."

Seeing this scene, Ying Chuyuan was not displeased at all, but laughed three times.



(⌒Even the children of the Ying family behind Ying Chuyuan showed excitement.

All the children of the top families know who Dongfang Yang is. He is a ruthless man who attacked the alliance headquarters alone, and he is also a strong man who resisted Iveltal alone.

When they knew that Dongfang Yang was single, I don’t know how many families wanted to marry him.

If Dongfang Yang’s strength was not too strong, these families would not dare to mess around. God knows what would happen.

It can be said that as long as Dongfang Yang releases the news of marriage, all the families in Longguo will move, regardless of whether their children are willing or not, they will be escorted to Dongfang Yang for him to choose. It’s just that I didn’t expect that the third lady of my family would take down the other party without saying a word.

Although I heard some rumors before, seeing is believing in everything.

Now, they are sure that it is all true.

Awesome, the third lady, you are worthy of being the most talented eldest sister in the family. d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b Top

Standing behind Dongfang Yang, Dongfang Long and Ye Yan were very happy to see their son being respected and loved by his in-laws. Although they knew this was inevitable, after all, their son's strength was there, they couldn't help but be happy.

ヾ(Ő∀Ő3)ノ is too easy to mess with. In fact, only Dongfang Yang himself knows that if it weren’t for what happened in the illusion,���There may be many things that cannot be put down.

Touching his girlfriend's hair, looking up at the starry sky, Dongfang Yang whispered in his heart.

Thank you, Dad, Mom and little sister


After calming down his emotions, Dongfang Yang looked at Ying Chuyuan again, and his whole demeanor changed.

"Grandpa, we can talk about it later. Let's talk about the current situation first. We don't have much time. The league will start in four days. Let's make a quick decision."


Seeing this, Ying Chuyuan nodded and said in a deep voice

"Since time is short, it is better to act today than to wait for another day. Let's act tonight. It is eight o'clock now. How about launching a surprise attack at one o'clock in the middle of the night?"

"Okay, no problem."

Dongfang Yang had no objection to this. He also thought it would be better to end it as soon as possible.

As for whether they would be too tired, are you kidding? These wolf cubs have been eating, drinking and having fun all the way here, just waiting for the meat. They can't wait to rush over and start fighting now.

"On my side, besides me, there is one quasi-champion level trainer, four king level trainers, and the rest are quasi-king level and gym level trainers, a total of 18 people."

Seeing that Dongfang Yang had no objection, Ying Chuyuan began to report his side's combat power.

"The team I brought, in addition to me, also has three semi-champion level trainers, another trainer who is about to break through to the semi-champion level, several king-level and semi-king-level trainers, and some juniors who just came to see the world, a total of 70 people."

Ying Chuyuan and the others were shocked when they heard this.

‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

Too rich. Although we are not as many champions and semi-champions as the opponent, our number of Elite trainers is definitely much more than the opponent.

Although the opponent has more people, there are really not many Elite trainers, not even many Semi-Elite trainers. The total number of the two is less than 30. Dongfang Yang brought nearly 40 people, plus ours, it is enough to crush them.

As for the battle between champion and semi-champion trainers, haha, only Dongfang Yang can take action, and one will die.

"The members of the"Genesis Garden" will light firecrackers and beat drums to welcome you.

Even if Ying Lao is alone, it is enough to resist the three champion-level trainers on the opposite side. Rich, too rich.

(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Table slamming and laughing

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