"Come on, Yudie, eat more."

At the table, Ye Yan kept picking up food for Ying Yudie on her left.

Dongfang Yang, who was sitting on Ye Yan's right, looked at his mother with resentment.


Dongfang Yang was helpless in front of this old woman who was determined to prevent him from getting close to his girlfriend.

"Yes, yes, yes, Yudie, don't be polite, eat more, just treat it like your own home."

Dongfang Yue, who was sitting on the left of Ying Yudie, kept picking up food for her.

Looking at the bowl full of dishes, Ying Yudie said with a bitter face.

"Mom, sister, that's enough. There's too much. I can't finish it."

"Come on, can't you two just let them have a good meal?"

Dongfang Long, who was sitting opposite, couldn't stand it anymore and spoke up for his daughter-in-law.

Ye Yan glared at him.

"Shut up, is there any place for you to speak in this house? Or do you want to sleep on the sofa tonight?"

Dongfang Long shut up instantly and buried his head in eating.

"Okay, mom, sister, if you keep doing this, I'm afraid Yudie won't dare to come next time.

Feeling sorry for his girlfriend who looked bitter, Dongfang Yang put down his bowl and chopsticks and persuaded her.


Ying Yudie quickly whispered

"Be good, Mom knows you won't do that."

Taking the opportunity to touch Ying Yudie's head, Ye Yan smiled, then glared at Dongfang Yang and said unhappily

"You are the only one who talks too much."



Having said that, Ye Yan and Dongfang Yue did not continue to serve food to Ying Yudie.

( ớ ₃ờ)ھ

Ying Yudie heaved a sigh of relief, but looking at the bowl full of food, she still looked helpless.


, there is nothing I can do. It is all because of my mother and sister's care. I should try to eat a little. I guess I will gain a lot of weight. 5555~

Stinky Ayang, why don't you sit next to me? You let me face my mother alone before, and now you are doing this again. Damn it, damn it.…

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)

If Dongfang Yang knew what Ying Yudie was thinking, he would definitely cry out for injustice.

My beloved, this is not my fault. I wanted to get close to you and we were already sitting together. But my mother was so unreasonable. She didn't snatch the emperor's sister away, but she forced herself between us. I was angry but dared not say anything. Ying

Yudie: No matter what, it's all your fault.



༊(´^`)༂I am not happy

Dongfang Yang: Ah, yes, yes, it is all my fault.

(>人<;) Sorry

Ying Yudie: No, what do you mean, do you think I am forcing you, ah.

Dongfang Yang: Ah, no


Ying Yudie: Then tell me where you went wrong.

Dongfang Yang:(〟-_・)ン?

Win Yudie:(◦`~´◦)

Dongfang Yang: I was wrong...

I will omit the 10,000-word self-review here.

Ying Yudie: Forget it, I forgive you.


Dongfang Yang:(ノ*•3•)ノMy beloved concubine

Ying Yudie: Yes.

Dongfang Yang:|•ω•)っ◆ I like you♪

Ying Yudie: Your concubine⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄…

Ye Yan, sandwiched between her son and daughter-in-law, felt mixed emotions as she watched the two of them exchange glances through her.

Her own pigs were digging up cabbages, and this cabbage was quite happy to be digged.

But weren't they too blatant? In public, did they really not consider themselves outsiders?

Wait, it seems that she is really not an outsider.

This... eating melons, eating melons

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Watching the show

Like Ye Yan, Dongfang Long, Dongfang Yue and Zhao Gang all kept a calm mind and watched the show.

Dinner was spent with two people winking at each other and four people lying down to eat the show.

Leaning on the chairs, enjoying the snacks prepared by the nanny, Ye Yan and Dongfang Long looked at each other and each took out a gift box and handed it to Ying Yudie.

""Mom, Dad, what's going on?"

This sudden scene made Ying Yudie a little overwhelmed.

""It's okay, my dear daughter. You already call us mom and dad, so we should at least prepare some gifts for you."

Ye Yan said with a smile, holding Ying Yudie's hand and patting it.


Dongfang Long interrupted Ying Yudie before she finished speaking.

"Girl, I know what you are worried about. I know this brat Ayang. Although he is sometimes stupid, he is stubborn. If he makes you unhappy in the future, come and tell your parents, we will help you. The brat has been missing for so many years. If he dares to cause trouble again, I will break his legs."

Listening to Dongfang Long's words, Ying Yudie blushed and lowered her head.

Seeing this, Ye Yan also struck while the iron was hot and added fuel to the fire.

"We have discussed with your grandfather and you will get engaged after the new year. As for when to get married, it is up to you two to decide."

"Moreover, no matter the Ying family or the Dongfang family, they are not simple families. The union of our two families must be widely publicized. Engagement and marriage, one of them must be celebrated with great fanfare. Therefore, we have discussed that the marriage should be based on the preferences of you young people, while the engagement should be based on family rituals. What do you think?"

"Well, I will listen to my parents."

He lowered his head and replied in a low voice. Ying Yudie's ears turned red.

Dongfang Yang, who was drinking tea leisurely, almost spit out the water in his mouth.


No, I’m getting engaged, how come I don’t know?


And Yudie, why did you agree to marry me so quickly?


, but, isn’t the procedure a bit wrong? I don’t even seem to have proposed, but we’re already engaged?


"Mom, when is the engagement party?"

""Next April, what? Do you have any objection?"

Ye Yan responded, and then glanced at Dongfang Yang with a dangerous look.

Others also looked at Dongfang Yang with strange eyes.

They were all warning Dongfang Yang that he had better not be ignorant.

(。ì _ í。)

"No, ask."

Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes, knowing what everyone meant. He was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he leaned back in his chair, thinking about something.

"Okay, ignore this stinky brother, he is like this, always acting crazy, I don't know what's wrong with him, Yudie, take a look at the gift your parents gave you."

Dongfang Yuejian felt the atmosphere was a little subtle, and quickly took Ying Yudie's hand and said with a smile

"Yes, come and see if you like it. If you don't like it, we will prepare a new one for you."

Ye Yan also looked at Ying Yudie with a smile on her face.

As for Dongfang Yang, no one cared about him. Just like Dongfang Yue said, he was thinking about random things all day long, and no one knew what he was thinking.

""Okay, thank you, Mom and Dad."

After smiling and thanking again, Ying Yudie opened the gift box prepared by Ye Yan and Dongfang Long.

As the gift box was opened, two crystal clear gems lay quietly inside.

One was lavender, and the other was golden yellow with golden light.

It exuded rich dragon and electric energy.

"Dragon Gem, Lightning Gem?"

Dongfang Yue was horrified, and in the blink of an eye, he shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Mom and Dad, you are too partial. I still use props."

"Don't you look at yourself? You took over the gym after graduation, and now you are only a king-level trainer. Can you use the gems if you are given them? Now you are the owner of the Magic City Gym, and you have the ability to earn money yourself. Do you still want to be a parasite?"

Ye Yan responded to her eldest daughter without any hesitation.

Dongfang Yue curled her lips and couldn't say anything wrong. It was true that she didn't become a king-level trainer when she graduated, and now she is the official owner of the Magic City Gym. It was a bit hard for her to be a parasite.

Moreover, more importantly, she also knew that it was not that Dongfang Long and Ye Yan didn't want to give it, but gems were also very rare, even less than super evolution stones.

Only in secret realms above SSS level can they exist in large quantities. The remaining secret realms may have extremely low production and low quality.

The one that Dongfang Yang discovered before was an exception, and the production was not high.

Looking at the two gems of high quality in front of her, Ying Yudie was stunned. Just when she was about to push them back, she was grabbed by Ye Yan's arm.

"Girl, don't worry. We don't need the Electric Gem. The Dragon Gem was also exchanged by Aaron. Just take it."


Ying Yudie felt very embarrassed. She was supposed to be the one who came today, so she should have prepared gifts for Dongfang Yang's family.

But she didn't prepare anything, but received so many things.

Ying Yudie felt very embarrassed.

"Take it."

Dongfang Yang, who had been thinking with his head down, spoke.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw Dongfang Yang saying without raising his head.

"The two old guys are very smart. I'll give you the things and I'll marry you later. The things are still in the Dongfang family, so don't feel any pressure and take them with peace of mind.���, and the gift from the elders cannot be declined"

"Well, okay, thank you, Mom and Dad."

After thinking about it, Ying Yudie felt the same way. After all, she was marrying Dongfang Yang, so it didn't matter whether she accepted it or not.

So Ying Yudie accepted the two gems and smiled sweetly at Dongfang Long and Ye Yan.

In her heart, Ying Yudie made up her mind that she would leave the two gems to her and Dongfang Yang's children in the future.

Seeing Ying Yudie accept the gift, Dongfang Long and Ye Yan also smiled slightly.

It was still the son who had a way. With just one word, the daughter-in-law accepted it, which was good.

As for how Ying Yudie dealt with it, they would not care, even if Ying Yudie sent the two gems to the Ying family, they would not care.

The principle they follow is that after the things are sold, they have something to do with them, and how to deal with them is up to others. thing.

Looking at the two top-quality gems in Ying Yudie's hand, with an increase of 47%, Dongfang Yang's mouth curled up, but he sighed in his heart.

These two gems must have been exchanged by his parents from the alliance. After all, he knew what gems his father used.

Dongfang Yang was very happy to see that his parents liked his girlfriend so much.

But seeing that they gave most of their life's hard work to him, Dongfang Yang was actually uncomfortable.

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to destroy a criminal organization to make some money. The one I encountered in the secret realm before was not bad. I don’t know if the alliance has found the location of the other party’s headquarters. If they know...

I can consider importing some goods.

A cold light flashed in Dongfang Yang’s eyes.

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