"No, does this 'mysterious space' really exist? Could it be that Xu Yan is talking nonsense?"

Sitting on a tree stump, Cao Lin took a gulp of water and said angrily.

Since entering the secret realm, under Dongfang Yang's arrangement, the coaching staff has been separated from the reserve team. Before leaving, they left enough food for the reserve team members. In addition, with Dongfang Yang following them, there will be no accidents in the dense forest.

Therefore, they went to pursue their own opportunities.

"It shouldn't be. The man we met three days ago should be Xu Yan. He should know what will happen to him if he lies. After all, there are many family members in the dense forest now. If he arouses public anger, the Xu family will not be able to protect him, and even the Xu family will suffer a disaster."

Wipe the sweat from her forehead, Bai Mengyao analyzed

"Damn, this space is too hard to find.

Scratching his head, Cao Lin complained.


The others were also depressed. Three days had passed, and nothing had happened. They were just running around in the jungle. It was impossible for them not to get angry.

Looking at his brother who was sitting on the branch, Dongfang Ling paused and asked,

"Brother, do you know where that space is?"

""I know."

Dongfang Yang leaned against the tree, swinging his right leg and replied lazily.

On the day he entered the dense forest, Dongfang Yang's superpowers sensed a strange fluctuation, and he knew the approximate location of the"mysterious space" at that time.

"You know?!"

Everyone was stunned.

""Instructor, Principal, Brother Yang, Brother Dongfang, please take us directly there."

Cao Lin came to Dongfang Yang and said with a playful smile.

Dongfang Yang did not say anything, but just looked at Cao Lin quietly with a half-smile on his face.

Cao Lin's hair stood up because of the stare, and he quickly turned his head and ran away to avoid Dongfang Yang's sight.

"Actually, it's not impossible to take you there."

After a moment's silence, Dongfang Yang slowly spoke.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Dongfang Yang with surprise.


"I will take you there, but there are conditions."

Dongfang Yang turned over, jumped down from the tree, and walked slowly towards the crowd, with a slight smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Ling suddenly had a bad premonition. Before he could say anything, he heard Dongfang Yang lazily say

"Each of you will have one chance to fight me one-on-one. As long as one of you wins, I will take you over. Oh, the doubles players will play two-on-two with me."

After hearing this, everyone was silent.

It's not that they are afraid, but they know themselves.

In the special training last month, they fought with Dongfang Yang a lot and were often beaten in various ways.

Although this can greatly improve, no one wants to lose all the time.

Therefore, for Dongfang Yang's conditions, they seriously suspected that the other party was bored during this period and wanted to use them to relieve his boredom and tease him.

"It seems that you are not ready yet, so I will keep the opportunity."

After turning around and seeing the different expressions on their faces, Dongfang Yang smiled, put his hands in his pockets, and said softly.

Long Yun and others looked at each other, and could only shake their heads and sigh helplessly.

They didn't mind fighting with Dongfang Yang, but it was still difficult for them to defeat Dongfang Yang at this stage, unless there was a big level gap, otherwise it would be impossible.

There was no other way, everyone could only continue their journey and rely on themselves to find the location of the"mysterious space".

Looking at the backs of the people moving forward, Dongfang Yang smiled and quietly followed behind with his superpowers. It's still early now, after all, they are here to gain experience, so it's better to let them experience it. In the last three days, if they don't find it, he will take them there, after all I am also full of curiosity about that"mysterious space".

Now let them wander around on their own, so that I can relax a little.

The Pokémon with bad tempers and who would fight at the slightest disagreement along the way were basically dealt with by Dongfang Ling and her friends. Even the quasi-king-level Pokémon were defeated by their human wave tactics.

If a king-level Pokémon appeared, they would be taught a lesson by Dongfang Yang, and then thrown to Dongfang Ling and her friends to practice.

Soon, time passed little by little, and Dongfang Ling and her friends did not find the location of the"mysterious space" by their own abilities.

Finally, after signing a series of unequal treaties with Dongfang Yang, under the super powers of the other party and his Gardevoir, they were instantly moved to the entrance of the"mysterious space".

""Okay, let's get ready to go in. Really, Psychic Pokémons are so useful."

Dongfang Yang muttered before going in.

Dongfang Ling paused and immediately understood what his brother meant. He was reminding him. If his brother could use his superpowers to confirm the location of the"mysterious space", then so could Psychic Pokémons. Fang

Zhifan's was indeed not mentioned, but his own Slow King was a very good Psychic Pokémon. Not only was he excellent in qualifications, but his superpowers were also not bad. He could use Slow King to determine the location without waiting for his brother's help. It seemed that he was still too weak and overly dependent on his brother.

Never mind, the matter at hand was important. After calming down, Dongfang Ling stepped into the"mysterious space".

The surrounding environment changed, and soon, a lush, tall, sky-blocking and dense towering tree appeared in front of everyone.

Its branches and leaves were emerald green, and the branches kept stretching outward. The trunk was straight, constantly sucking in the sun and rain, exuding a misty and beautiful fairy air, which was simply the natural scene of a fairyland.

"Wow"*NEveryone saw this scene in front of them,���Make a sound of surprise

""Yang, you are here."

At this time, a clear and pleasant voice sounded beside him.

Dongfang Yang hugged Ying Yudie who flew over and said with a smile

""Yes, I'm here."

Then, looking at the others, he found that many people had gathered around.

The Zhuge couple, the Ma brothers and sisters, the Xue-Lu couple, the Qin family singles, his three little apprentices who had been forgotten for a while, the Fan-Zhao couple, and some people he didn't know mixed with the school team members. Many members of the coaching team also came in.

Zhou Mengyu and Ye Xing saw their sister and brother-in-law, and ran over excitedly, chattering about their recent experiences.

"What is the situation now?"

Dongfang Yang looked down at Ying Yudie in his arms and asked.

Ying Yudie whispered about the current situation.

"We also stumbled in the day before yesterday.

There was a group of people here before us.

We saw them standing in front of the giant tree motionless.

They must have been trapped in an illusion.

We observed them for a day and thought that these people were mentally unstable and could not break the environment.

But yesterday, one of them suddenly went crazy, and his elf went crazy with him.

Several people who were close to him and were still in the illusion were killed directly.

We subdued the crazy one first, but everyone was afraid to act rashly.


""Hello, this is interesting."

Holding Ying Yudie, Dongfang Yang rubbed his chin, his eyes flashing with surprise, his curiosity growing.

"Has anyone passed the test now?"


Zhuge Hongwen answered Dongfang Yang.

There was no other way. He didn't dare to act rashly now. No one knew what he would encounter.

To be on the safe side, they were also waiting for someone who had passed the test to explain.

"We are also waiting, but at the moment, it seems unlikely that anyone will be able to pass the test in a short time."


Dongfang Yang nodded and said in a deep voice

"There are three days left before the secret realm closes. We can't spend a year here, and..."

He looked around, powerful super powers emanating from him, and Dongfang Yang said with a serious face.

"It's hard to say whether we are in the secret place of 'Garden of Glory' now"

‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

The people around were stunned when they heard this.

"What do you mean?"

Ying Yudie frowned and asked, why did she not understand?

"You can understand space, right? After all, the secret realm is the existence of space, and this space is more like a special piece of space fragment. This time it was just accidentally connected to the"Garden of Wuhua", so we can come in. It itself is not in the"Garden of Wuhua"."

"The most direct point is that the energy concentration in the surrounding environment is different. The energy concentration of this space completely surpasses that of the"Garden of Magnificence", especially the grass energy, which is close to the concentration of the SSSS-level secret realm."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. The energy concentration is so high?

Some people directly called out their own energy.���Come out to train and absorb the energy around you

"Now this space is connected to the"Garden of Material Beauty", which is relatively stable, but no one knows how long it will be stable, a week, a month, or a year. No one knows, and no one knows which secret realm will be connected next. It would be fun if it was connected to an SSSS-level or god-level secret realm, but even an SSS-level one would be enough to make one suffer."

Hearing this, everyone agreed with it. Of course, they are not ascetics. If they stay in the secret realm for a long time and cannot return to human society, they will probably go crazy. Besides, everyone present has elderly parents and no children, and most of them have good family conditions. Generally, no one would live this kind of life.

"In this case, we must try it in three days no matter what, otherwise no one will be willing to leave like this."

Zhuge Hongwen narrowed his eyes and looked at the giant tree, and said in a deep voice


Dongfang Yang echoed and twisted his neck.

Although he knew that Zhuge Hongwen was suspected of using him as a gun, Dongfang Yang didn't care. He also wanted to experience the power of this illusion.

By the way, he paved the way for Ying Yudie and Dongfang Lingtan.

Glancing at Zhuge Hongwen, Dongfang Yang used his superpowers to fly towards the giant tree.

"Let me try it, it seems interesting."

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