In the early morning, when Dongfang Yang and Bai Mengyao walked into the training ground together, Dongfang Yang had already been training there for a while.

"Beedrill, why are you slowing down? Are you out of energy? Go faster."

"Pikachu, your little brother is watching you, act like a big brother"

"What are you doing, Meow Meow, what are you doing? You who choose to stand on two legs must exercise the muscles of your legs well, otherwise, you can't outrun the four-legged Meow Meow and the cat boss, or is this the limit of your determination to become stronger?"

"Fly higher, Crow Chief. Your size is your advantage after evolution. In order to move very fast with this size, the power of your wings is of utmost importance. Fly higher, you can."

"Tan Xiaoshi, your sword is not sharp enough, not fierce enough, and too fancy. You should practice the basic moves first."


Hearing Dongfang Yang calling him, Dragonite turned his head and looked at his trainer.

Looking at the other's cute look, Dongfang Yang opened his mouth, was stunned for a while, sighed and said

"Forget it, it’s time for you to shed your skin. Wait until you shed your skin and then play by yourself."

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Mini Dragon wandered around and watched the training of other Pokémons.

Mushroom stayed at Dongfang Yang’s feet, eating energy cubes and looking at Pikachu with shining eyes.

Big brother really didn’t lie to me. He really has such a large group of brothers. Big brother is so awesome. He has been persisting for so long. I, I, I am so useless. Am I embarrassing big brother now?

Everyone is working hard, only I...

Mushroom looked up at Dongfang Yang, then lowered his head again, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao’s mouths twitched constantly.

You are really a training maniac. The old saying is right, there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames.

Although he knew that his brother was particularly cruel in training, Dongfang Ling thought he knew his sister-in-law. They thought they would be restrained later, but they became even more ruthless.

It’s only half past six, and it’s obvious that they started training at five. So, they got up at least at four.

Do you have to be so aggressive?

I’m most afraid that people who are stronger than you are more aggressive than you. Can I just lie down?

He took his sister-in-law to the North Pole before, why is he like this now?

They don’t know that Dongfang Yang is holding back his anger.

Mushroom is unwilling to talk about his anger about the Mushroom incident, and he can’t force others to talk about it. He doesn’t know whether Guan Yue’s investigation has any results.

Dongfang Yang, who has nowhere to vent, can only train his Pokémons hard.

Don’t think that only Pikachu and the others are like this. Last night at the training ground of the Magic City Gym, the Fossilized Pteranodon suffered a lot.

Greninja has taken that step, and Gardevoir and Lucario will soon.

It can be said that the transformation The Stone Pterosaur has fallen behind.

Now, Dongfang Yang and Dongfang Ling are basically together during the day, and Dongfang Ling has been at the Magic City University recently and will not go out.

So the job of protecting his sister was temporarily handed over to Gardevoir, and the Fossil Pterosaur was called back to his side for special training.

The content is also very simple, to survive the mixed doubles of Garchomp and Charizard.

Last night, the scene of the Fossil Pterosaur being beaten up made the Crystal Lamp Spirits dumbfounded.

The Fossil Pterosaur is as strong as the strongest Crystal Lamp Spirit among them, but it was beaten so badly.

This man is so powerful, but fortunately he surrendered at that time.

They are also glad that when Dongfang Yang asked them if they wanted to train, they all refused.

They are very satisfied with everything now. As they get older, they don’t want to fight too much. It’s enough to be good enough.

Now It seems that it is a good thing that he refused, otherwise he would have been beaten up.

Now, hehe.

Dongfang Yang was afraid that the pressure from the Liebite Land Shark and Charizard was not enough, so he asked the Crystal Lamp Spirit to join the team to beat the Pterosaur.

Under the leadership of the two big guys, the Pterosaur was beaten and screamed, and it had no momentum of the former sky overlord.

Well, it seems that it has never been like that when it comes to internal affairs. Dongfang Yang just likes the character of the Pterosaur, which is submissive to the internal affairs and unruly to the external affairs.

As for Lucario, Dongfang Yang will fight with it with weapons and hand-to-hand combat every night. Of course, Lucario will not use the energy in its body.

Back to the present, Dongfang Ling and Bai Mengyao sighed, without saying much, took out the Pokémon and started training.

Now it is completely an extra training, and you can practice whatever you want.

After all, the coaching staff has not started work yet.

Until 7:30, all the talents arrived one after another, and the morning training officially began.

In the next month, nothing special happened, and it was spent in boring training.

Although the training was boring, everyone's strength was significantly improved.

In the school team, Qin Xun's Bangilas and Ying Yudie's Dragonite both entered the King level.

Since then, Ying Yudie has officially become a King-level trainer, breaking the record held by Long Ze.

Dongfang Yang doesn't count, after all, he didn't grow up in school.

And all of Xue Xingxuan's Pokémon have entered the quasi-King level.

Others in the school team have also improved significantly.

On the reserve side, although they get fewer resources from the school, they can't stand the rich family background.

The most exaggerated is Long Yun.

Knowing that his younger brother is going to participate in the freshman competition and is training under Dongfang Yang, considering his younger brother's strength, Long Ze gave him part of the resources given to him by the family, and also used his own connections and other channels to get a lot of resources for his younger brother.

He only said one sentence to him.

"While Dongfang Yang is teaching you now, you should work hard to become stronger. If you don’t understand something, just ask directly. When the time comes, I can also take you with me on some things."

Long Yun, who knew some inside information, didn’t say anything and madly improved his strength.

Although he was not as good as Dongfang Yang, who was known as the"training maniac" and"the king of scrolls", he was much crazier than others.

The improvement in strength was also obvious.

The Lizard King had completely established himself at the gym level, the Aluminum Steel Dragon had also transitioned to the gym level, the Axe Fang Dragon had evolved into the Double Axe War Dragon, and the Kabutops was also on the verge of evolution, but he followed Dongfang Yang's advice and continued to accumulate energy with the Stone of Change.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, or the energy accumulated to the limit, the Kabutops would not be allowed to evolve.

At the same time, Long Yun also began to cultivate the fifth Pokémon. Long Ze came forward and exchanged the Pokémon egg of the Cold Back Dragon with Dongfang Long.

Dongfang Long also complained about this, wondering if the bastard had leaked the news. It was just laid and someone already knew about it.

As for why it was confirmed to be a Cold-Spine Dragon egg, in addition to the pattern, how could two Styracosaurus give birth to a Dragonite?

Well, it's hard to say. Don't be surprised if there is something strange. Don't be surprised if there is something strange.

The other Styracosaurus belongs to the winner. There are two eggs in total, one for each of the two families.

However, during this period of time, the winner has been at odds with the Long family, so Longze can only exchange elf eggs with Dongfang Long.

Originally, he wanted to give this egg to his youngest daughter, but his son Dongfang Yang said that the Cold-Spine Dragon was not suitable for Dongfang Ling's team and asked him to exchange it. The condition was that Dongfang Yang went to the Long family warehouse to choose an elf, plus a crown of kings of perfect quality.

Longze agreed without thinking.

Dongfang Yang has also seen this unborn Cold-Spine Dragon. It has purple qualifications, which can be said to be quite good, but , not to mention that there is a certain conflict with Dongfang Ling’s sister at present, at present, the purple qualification is just okay.

Now the two Styracosauruses are still sticking together, maybe they will give birth to a few more in the future. With his strength and his relationship with Ying Yudie, he is not afraid of Ying’s doing something.

Moreover, when he goes to the elf egg warehouse of the Long family, he will pick a blue-qualified elf for his sister. What a joke, the important thing is the crown of the king with perfect quality. This is not easy to get. It is related to whether Dongfang Ling’s Slowpoke can be further qualified after evolving. Dongfang Yang dare not be careless.

So, after getting the consent of the two Styracosauruses, Dongfang Long and Long Ze reached an agreement.

For this purpose, Dongfang Yang made a special trip to the Long family.

After selecting, Dongfang Yang chose one. Shellder with red qualifications.

Originally, the Long family saw that Shellder had good qualifications and wanted to train it for the younger generation, but since Dongfang Yang wanted it, they didn't hesitate and gave it to him quickly. After all, it was not a dragon-type Pokémon, so the Long family didn't care much about it.

Also, because Dongfang Yang chose a Shellder instead of other dragon-type Pokémon, the Long family treated Dongfang Yang very well, thinking that he was giving face to the Long family.

They didn't think that Dongfang Yang had no vision. Just kidding, if he had no vision, would he choose the one with the best qualifications among a group of Shellders at first sight?

In this regard, Dongfang Yang could only spread his hands and said that he was helpless.

So Dongfang Yang returned to the Magic City with a Shellder with red qualifications and a crown of kings of perfect quality.

Dongfang Ling's Slowpoke also began to evolve.

Pokémon: Slowpoke

Attribute: Water Psychic

Level: 41

Qualification: Red

Characteristics: Regeneration Power

Carried Items: None

Long Yun and Dongfang Ling were also very happy about this.


Leng Yue and others also shed tears of envy.

Although their family background is not bad, the support they get is not as good as Long Yun and Dongfang Ling.

Although everyone gets the same resources in the school, they don’t have Long Ze’s support for Long Yun, not to mention Dongfang Ling who was trained by their brother himself.

Only Cao Lin and Liu Yan are relatively better off, and they also have the help of Cao Yang and Liu Xin.

Leng Yue and Lie Yun are miserable, if it weren’t for Lin Jin, who didn’t join the team, sharing his resources with them and using the money he earned to provide them with resources.

They might not be able to match the support Ximen Yan and Bai Mengyao.

And Leng Yue’s second place was almost taken away by Cao Lin.


However, with only the resources provided by the school and minimal help from their families, He Tian and others kept their mouths shut.


Han Yue and Wang Yang, who came from ordinary families, lowered their heads and pretended to be ostriches.

If Dongfang Yang hadn't secretly given them special treatment, and some instructors had helped them privately, they might have fallen behind.


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