Late at night, after dinner, Dongfang Ling closed the live broadcast room.

After that, he said goodbye to Gu Feiyan and rejected her offer to arrange accommodation. Dongfang Ling and the other two found a hotel to stay in.

Lying on the bed, Bai Mengyao, who was puzzled, asked Dongfang Ling her own question.

"Ling'er, why did you agree to Sister Gu's request? Just because she treated me to a meal? No way."

"How is that possible?"

Dongfang Ling rolled her eyes and said unhappily

"Why is that?"

After pondering for a while, Dongfang Ling finally satisfied her best friend's curiosity.

"First, Sister Gu is a nice person. We asked her many personal questions and she answered them all."

"That's because the other party wants to ask for something. Of course, you can answer unimportant questions. This is to win our favor."

"Yes, I know, this is just an insignificant point. Second, did you pay attention to what Ying Ziyi said?"

"What did you say?"

Bai Mengyao was stunned.

Seeing that her best friend didn't react, Dongfang Ling raised the corner of her mouth.

"My sister-in-law once beat up her own brother because of Sister Gu. Although this brother is not her biological brother, he is still a family member."

After hearing this, Bai Mengyao finally reacted and her pupils shrank sharply.

"This is Ying Ziyi and Cao Lin doing me a favor.

Dongfang Ling sighed.

"Otherwise, Sister Gu could have asked my brother through my sister-in-law if he knew anything. She is asking me now to do me a favor."

""I see."

At this time, Bai Mengyao also figured out everything, and the look she gave her bestie changed.

Ling'er had already figured out what she needed to be reminded of at the dinner table.

"And I also want to know if my brother knows anything about this."


As soon as Dongfang Ling finished speaking, Bai Mengyao screamed and threw herself on her best friend with the quilt.

"Xiao Ling'er is so smart now. Let me see if there are any other changes."

""It's annoying, stop it."

Seeing that he couldn't stop Bai Mengyao's hands from doing evil, Dongfang Ling simply gave up defense and attacked with all his strength.

For a moment, the room was filled with spring scenery.

After the frolicking, Dongfang Ling looked at Bai Mengyao lying beside him, with a trace of guilt in his eyes."

I'm sorry, Mengyao, I lied to you.

My brother must know about the third form of the Werewolf.

It was recorded in the notes he left behind.

After I came back, I also saw a photo of him and the Dusk Form Werewolf on his mobile phone, but I can't tell you without my brother's consent.

I'm sorry.

Dongfang Ling said,"I'm sorry, Mengyao, I lied to you.

My brother must know about the third form of the Werewolf.

It's recorded in the notes he left behind.

After I came back, I also saw a photo of him and the Werewolf in the Dusk Form on his mobile phone.

It's just that I can't tell you without my brother's consent.

I'm sorry.

Fang Ling clearly remembered that in the photo of Dongfang Yang and the dusk form of the werewolf, there was also a smirking boy with lightning marks on his cheeks.

On the other side, after separating from Dongfang Ling and the others, Gu Feiyan returned to her own manor.

In the dim room, standing in front of the French window, looking at the courtyard designed by the famous designer under the light, Gu Feiyan was silent for a long time, lowered his head to look at the number on the phone, thought about it and decided to dial.

Seeing that the call was answered almost immediately, Gu Feiyan showed a touching smile on his face. In the reflection of the moonlight, even the delicate roses in the room were eclipsed.

"Well, I'm"

"I thought you would call me, but I was the one calling you. You don't care about my sister's situation."

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then he said



Gu Feiyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud

"Sorry, I couldn't help it, but how did you become known as a playboy in the imperial capital when you were so stupid?"

"You are different from those women."

"Oh, really?"

Hearing this, Gu Feiyan was still very happy.

"I've been watching the live broadcast"

"Oh, how is it? It meets your requirements."


After a short silence, a voice came from the phone.

"Well, it performed very well."


Gu Feiyan laughed out loud

"Little brother, you are so cute. By the way, why do you insist that I ask Dongfang Yang through Xiao Ling'er? Considering the relationship between Yudie and me, it is not impossible. You don't just want me to owe her a favor, right?"

"Sometimes owing favors is also a form of relationship."

"Oh, you think so highly of her?"


"Okay, I know how to do it."

"By the way, why didn't you tell me about you and Ying Ziyi?"

"Oh, why do you feel sorry for your sister and want to protect her?"

Faced with Gu Feiyan's ridicule, the person on the other end of the phone remained silent.

"Well, that's all business stuff, it's okay. If you want to drop out of school like Ying Ziyi, I'll tell you, now, just focus on your studies and don't waste your talent."

"…Okay, I'll remember it first."

Gu Feiyan also understood what the other party meant, smiled and nodded, and replied

"Well, I'll write it down first."

Then, the two chatted casually for a while and hung up the phone.

Looking at the charming night view outside the window, Gu Feiyan was in a particularly good mood at the moment.

The next morning.

Dongfang Ling and the others got up early.

Sitting on the bed, rubbing her messy hair, Bai Mengyao said dazedly

"It's really weird. The biological clock I developed at school can't be changed in a short time. I can't even sleep in."


Dongfang Ling, who was washing up, responded.

"I just talked to Yan Zi on the phone. They woke up and were washing up. They have become accustomed to waking up early."

"Getting up early is a good habit, but sometimes I really don't want this habit."

Patting her face to wake herself up, Bai Mengyao complained.

Dongfang Ling laughed and didn't say much.

After an hour of hesitation, the four girls came to the first floor to gather.

"What are we going to do today?"

"I do not know"

"Anyway, I don't want to go out into the wild again for a while."




"What are we going to do then?"

Bai Mengyao's words silenced the three people.

"If you don't know what to do, how about I take you around the capital of this Plateau Province, Sunlight City?"

At this time, a voice sounded behind the few people.

The four girls looked in the direction of the voice and saw a royal sister walking towards them with lotus steps.

Her clothes fluttered, her body was light and her steps were very small, but in an instant she was four or five feet away from the two of them.

"Sister Gu"*4The four girls were surprised.

Gu Feiyan smiled and nodded in response, saying softly

"Maybe you have been to Nikko City more than once, but there are some places you have never been to. These are good places that only locals know about. How about I take you to have a good look in the next two days?"


After looking at each other, the four girls nodded and agreed.

Then, after getting Gu Feiyan's consent, Dongfang Ling opened the live broadcast room.

The room name is"My Two or Three Things in Sunlight City".

At this moment, Dongfang Yang, who was in the Arctic ruins, had breakfast with his girlfriend and started today's work trip.

Ying Yudie, who followed the team, fiddled with the phone with no signal and sighed.

"There is no way, it is too deep, I can't get any signal, and I want to ask when the expedition team will arrive."

"It will probably be around twelve o'clock. At noon, we will go up and contact them. I estimate that there will not be many left after the palace is finished. Even if there are one or two that slip through the net, it is normal."

Although this is a bit irresponsible, Dongfang Yang does think so.

He has already dealt with four master-level elves and one champion-level elves, and basically there will be no omissions.

It is terrifying to have such strength in the remaining ruins of a destroyed country.

Therefore, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie were wandering around on the Charizard throughout the morning.

After flying over most of the ruins, no master-level elves were found, but there were about ten champion-level elves scattered here and there.

But Dongfang Yang ignored them.

At noon, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie returned to the surface, prepared lunch, and waited for the arrival of the expedition team.

""Wow, Yang, look quickly."

Ying Yudie suddenly realized something and ran to Dongfang Yang who was cooking porridge with her mobile phone and played a video.

After watching the video, the faint smile on Dongfang Yang's face froze instantly.

This video was none other than the video of the four girls of Dongfang Ling dancing with the ice-walking puppets.

At this moment, Dongfang Yang's mentality was more or less exploded.

He ran all the way to the uninhabited Arctic and endured the cold just to find a group of ice-walking puppets to jump around.

As a result, it can be said that apart from work, he was still working.

Rescuing people under the hands of Gu Jianbao, discovering a pseudo-god-level secret realm, and simply cleaning up the ruins.

Good guy, those who know that he is here to travel, and those who don't know think that he is here on a business trip.

What the hell?




Then look at your sister, she went out to play during the holidays, and ended up meeting what you wanted, MD, damn it.

It is true that what is destined to happen will happen, and what is not destined to happen should not be forced.

Although Dongfang Yang's expression did not change much on the surface, Ying Yudie knew that her boyfriend's heart had already set off a huge wave of shock.

( ̄y▽ ̄)~*Afterwards

, Ying Yudie showed Dongfang Yang some people's comments and updates.

Basically, they were requests to persuade the four girls to debut. There were even directors who wanted to invite them to act, and there were also agencies who wanted to sign them.

Although Dongfang Yang knew that his sister would not sign with those entertainment companies, he couldn't help it because he was a sister control.

Dongfang Yang took the phone and called Dongfang Ling who was enjoying the food.

Seeing that the caller was his sister-in-law, Dongfang Ling guessed that it was his brother who called.

He said something to the people around him and answered the phone.

"Hello, bro?"

"it's me"

"What's wrong?"

"Have you seen the trending searches online?"

"I saw it, netizens are making a fuss, it's not the first or second time."

It sounds like you opened the trending search, you can be on it whenever you want.

But it's almost the same, since Dongfang Yang returned, Dongfang Ling has been on the trending search countless times, she has long been used to it, she doesn't care about these

"What do you think of those words?"

"I won't. Even if I have to sign a contract, it's with Mengyao. I won't go to anyone else's."

Bai Mengyao, who was beside her, heard her best friend say this and was moved to throw herself on Dongfang Ling, twisting her body.

Dongfang Ling pushed her away with disgust.

"It's good to know what's going on."

After getting his sister's answer, Dongfang Yang nodded and was about to hang up the phone.

Feeling Gu Feiyan's expectant eyes, Dongfang Ling hurriedly said

"Brother, wait a minute before hanging up."

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