After eating, Dongfang Yang put Lucario back into the Poké Ball to rest, and then returned to the snow house he had built.

"What was the result?"

Ying Yudie was curled up in the warm sleeping bag, with only her little head sticking out.

Dongfang Yang said as he entered his sleeping bag.

"I found quite a few teams. They are probably not too far away. As long as there is no snowstorm tomorrow, I will meet them soon."

"That's great, I will definitely deal with them tomorrow."

Ying Yudie's red face was full of excitement.

Reaching out to turn off the solar light, Dongfang Yang said softly

"Then go to bed early, good night"

"OK, good night"



"I can not sleep"

"What do you want to do?"

"Listen to music"

"Your phone is out of battery?"

"I want to hear you sing"




"If you don't want to, forget it"

"What do you want to hear?"

"Uh, whatever."

"Big River~"

"Stop, change song"

"Do you think I'm a music player?"

"I don't care, change it."

"The war is coming~"

"Cut again"

"Unity is~"

"Cut Song"

"Can't you just sing well?"

"Silence is Cambridge tonight"


"What do you want to hear?"

"Lovely woman"

"I want a helicopter..."

Dongfang Yang did not continue to do anything weird.

Ying Yudie also fell asleep to Dongfang Yang's cute woman's voice.

After turning his head to confirm that his girlfriend was really asleep, Dongfang Yang smiled silently, closed his eyes, and planned to go to sleep.

Subconsciously released the waveguide to explore the situation around.

Suddenly, he sensed that a powerful waveguide appeared around and was approaching this side.

Dongfang Yang opened his eyes suddenly, glanced at Ying Yudie, and then came outside carefully, waiting quietly.

Not long after, a snow-white horse slowly appeared in the blizzard.

Elf: Snow Blizzard Horse

Attribute: Ice

Level: 111

Qualification: Gold

Characteristics: Pale Neighing

Carrying Objects: None

Snow Blizzard Horse!!

How could it appear here?

Just when Dongfang Yang was puzzled, the Snow Blizzard Horse walked step by step in front of Dongfang Yang with an elegant pace.

During the day, the Snow Blizzard Horse noticed the existence of Dongfang Yang, especially the Charizard whose strength was not weaker than his own.

Therefore, the Snow Blizzard Horse was still very good to Dongfang Yang.

"Dear human warrior, I feel the aura of a divine beast on you. Can you tell me if you have ever met my master?"

Dongfang Yang knows the aura of a divine beast. It is something that divine beasts are born with.

Even the weakest divine beasts have the aura of a divine beast.

Even if ordinary elves have reached the first level of god, they will not have the aura of a divine beast. The same is true for quasi-gods.

As long as people come into contact with divine beasts, they will be attached to the aura of divine beasts, and it will not dissipate in one or two years.


Dongfang Yang shook his head slightly and answered truthfully.

Even in the previous world, Dongfang Yang met many mythical beasts and phantom spirits, but he had never met the Bud Crown King.

"You should be feeling the aura of Articuno and Yveltal."

"So you've fought with Yveltal, no wonder the aura of the divine beast on you smells a bit like death."

Snowstorm Horse nodded in understanding.

Before, it thought that Dongfang Yang had met the Spirit Horse, and wanted to ask if the Flower Crown King was with the Spirit Horse, or if the Spirit Horse had any news about the Flower Crown King, but now it seems that it is impossible.

"Thank you for your generous answer. I have to hurry to find my king. I have nothing to repay you. Please accept this."

Seeing what Snowstorm Horse put down, Dongfang Yang's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, these beasts have money.

The perfect-level secret treasure"Snow Source Flower" was given as soon as it was asked.

Dongfang Yang was a rich man. In fact, Dongfang Yang misunderstood. Snowstorm Horse knew his strength and put him on the same level. This was a meeting gift. Maybe they would meet again in the future. After all, it is not easy to give back to others.

When Snowstorm Horse turned around and was about to leave, Dongfang Yang said

"I don't know if you know this, but I came here chasing an Articuno. It lost its trace in the Arctic. I guess there is a secret realm here, and the secret realm that can attract divine beasts is most likely a divine secret realm. Maybe the Bud Crown King is in it."

Dongfang Yang was not wrong here.

At that time, Articuno was repelled by himself, but its combat power was definitely not affected, and it was not afraid of a Frost Snow.

Although Frost Snow chased it to the Arctic, Articuno did not flee.

In his opinion, Frost Snow was more like tracking it here.

The fact that Articuno flew directly to the Arctic means that something here attracted it. Something that can attract divine beasts is most likely a divine secret realm.

"Thank you."

The Snowstorm Horse paused, thanked without looking back, and walked away in the wind and snow.

After watching the Snowstorm Horse leave, Dongfang Yang put away the"Snow Source Flower" and returned to the snow house to rest. The next morning, Dongfang Yang walked out of the snow house, watched the scorching sun rise from the sea level, stretched his body, and prepared to cook.

As for the training of the elves, Dongfang Yang did not plan to let them train these days, so they had a good rest.

The holiday is over, with the school team and the reserve, there is plenty of time to train.

After Ying Yudie got up and had breakfast, the two, led by Lucario, rushed to the location of the people they had found before.

In order to facilitate the journey, Dongfang Yang also discussed with the Ivory Pig to act as a mount, and the cost was energy cubes.

One person and one elf even bargained in the stunned eyes of Ying Yudie.

The process was so intense that it was no less than the aunties buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

Finally, the Ivory Pig agreed to act as a mount for Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie at the price of five boxes of special energy cubes made by Snorlax.���

With the strength of the ivory pig, Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie arrived at the first camp soon.

At this time, the place was deserted, with only a few traces of human life left.

"It seems that we are unlucky. This team has already explored the surrounding environment and changed places."

Looking at the snow house that was partially buried by the wind and snow, Ying Yudie sighed.

She felt that it was bad luck.

After all, if there were people living there, the first thing they would do after getting up was to clean up the snow at the door.

But there was no such trace here.

Dongfang Yang stared at the trace on the top of a snow house for a long time.

"What happened?"

Seeing that her boyfriend hadn't said anything, Ying Yudie came directly to Dongfang Yang's side and observed the trace together.

"These seem to be two sword marks."

"There is a mythical beast named Ancient Sword Leopard, which is an evil ice spirit. Its most obvious feature is its two teeth formed by sharp swords."

At this time, Dongfang Yang slowly said

"Ancient Sword Leopard? Is there such a mythical beast?"

Ying Yudie was surprised that there was a mythical beast that was not included.

But seeing the two scratches, she had to believe it.

Without caring whether his girlfriend believed it or not, Dongfang Yang said lightly

"Lucario discovered this camp before noon."

"Suppose this is true."

Ying Yudie's pupils shrank and she said in shock

"When the people in this camp were packing their luggage, they happened to find the Ancient Sword Leopard. They thought it was a new species of elf and wanted to subdue it. However, they misjudged its strength and began to flee."

"This is not the point.

Dongfang Yang shook his head.

"The life and death of these people has little to do with me. If I meet them and I'm in a good mood, I'll help them. If I don't meet them, it's none of my business."



Dongfang Yang's words left Ying Yudie unable to refute.

It really didn't matter, or even that it didn't matter at all.

"So what are you worried about?"

"The reason why the Ancient Sword Leopard is unknown is that it is sealed. It is one of the treasures of disaster, which absorbs desires and curses. In ancient times, it destroyed a country together with the other three, the Ancient Jian Snail, the Ancient Ding Deer, and the Ancient Jade Fish. In the end, it was sealed by a powerful person. There are few records, so it is unknown."

Dongfang Yang briefly introduced the situation of the Ancient Sword Leopard.

"Are you worried that the seal has been broken and the other three have appeared in the world like the ancient sword leopard?"


Dongfang Yang nodded and acknowledged what Ying Yudie said.

"The treasure of disaster absorbs desire and curse, and when there are too many, it will go berserk. What is most lacking in today's society is desire. It is estimated that the desire and greed of the people in this camp attracted the ancient sword leopard."

Dongfang Yang's voice was a little heavy, which made Ying Yudie realize that the situation might be more serious than imagined.

Now is not the time for Xiaojia. The situation of the other three is unclear, and no one knows what will happen.

"We need to report to the alliance immediately."

Ying Yudie took out her phone and was about to contact Long Ze.

Dongfang Yang did not stop his girlfriend because there was something more important.

After the call was connected, Ying Yudie quickly reported everything to Long Ze.

Long Ze, who was at the alliance headquarters, was shocked.

"Are you sure?"

"Nine out of ten."

Facing Long Ze's question, Dongfang Yang replied calmly.

"Okay, I'll give the order right away."

For the Dragon Alliance, they are not afraid of the awakening of the beasts. At worst, the two sides will fight with real swords and guns. They are worried that the masses will be harmed, just like the Yveltal incident in the Magic City not long ago.

The three beasts that have awakened and are missing and may go berserk at any time are a few levels more dangerous.

Just when Long Ze was about to hang up the phone, Dongfang Yang continued

"Also, contact Han Tianxue to withdraw those who are not strong enough."


Long Ze did not agree immediately. After all, this was related to a very likely divine secret realm.

"I saw the Snowstorm Horse last night"

""What did you say!!!"

Long Ze's incredulous roar suddenly rang out in the office.

Even the Champion Office, which had excellent sound insulation, could not block the spread of Long Ze's voice.

The staff outside heard it clearly.

"There's no need to joke with you."

Dongfang Yang picked his ears with a look of disgust.

"Damn, why are you so lucky? Articuno, Yveltal, Snowstorm Horse, plus traces of the suspected ancient sword leopard, you must be the chosen one."

Listening to Long Ze's sour words, Dongfang Yang rolled his eyes

"This is not the point. Articuno, Snowstorm Horse, and Ancient Sword Leopard, there are already three ice beasts in the Arctic Circle, two of which have clear goals."

"By the way, the strength of the Ancient Sword Leopard is unknown. Articuno is on the same level as your Lizard King. Snowstorm Horse hitting you is as easy as a father hitting his son."

"My dad can't beat me, and your dad can't beat you either."

Long Ze was a little dissatisfied with Dongfang Yang using himself as a standard. After all, he was the champion of Long Country, so he didn't have any face. However, he only dared to grumble a few times, after all, he couldn't beat Dongfang Yang.

Then Long Ze went back to work.

"You are afraid that this secret realm will attract ice beasts to gather here."

Long Ze frowned. If this happens, it will be really troublesome.

"I remember there are Reggie Ike and…"

Hearing Ying Yudie’s words, Long Ze suddenly woke up.

"Damn, Kyurem! I’m going to call Han Tianxue right now."

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