Flame Chicken realized that he was in a mess, and couldn't help but think of the method that his master Lucario taught him to relieve himself from the mess.

Hit the ground with his head hard, and use the severe pain in his head to stimulate his brain, forcing himself to wake up.

So Flame Chicken did this.

The effect can be said to be quite good, but his head hurts a little.

When Flame Chicken woke up and got up to fight, he found that everyone was staring at him in amazement.

The opponent, Mosquito Swimmer, appeared behind him at some point, and a big pit appeared under his feet.

Dongfang Yang in the stands raised his mouth unconsciously.

I didn't expect that Lucario would teach him this technique. This is also what Dongfang Yang learned from Xiaozhi's world. The notes he left for Dongfang Ling did not record it, which can be seen from Dongfang Ling's confused expression.

He didn't teach Dongfang Ling either, because he didn't use it often and almost forgot it. After all, if Garchomp and the others were in a mess, he could just use the power of wave or superpowers to stimulate them, which is much more convenient than this.

When I first saw it, out of curiosity, I tried it with Lucario. I didn't expect it to remember it and give it to Flame Chicken. It's good.

While everyone was still confused, He Tian took back the Mosquito Repellent Swimmer, and then said in the referee's questioning eyes

"I gave up this game, my mentality collapsed, and I took the elf to get treatment."

After saying that, He Tian left without looking back.

The referee looked at He Tian with pity, this child is too pitiful, but the work that should be done still needs to be done.

"As He Tian gave up, the match was won by Dongfang Ling."

Scratching the back of his head, Dongfang Ling was still confused. Did he win in such a muddled way?

Flame Chicken was very unhappy. What's the matter? He came out just to get punched and then kowtow. Damn it!

Flame Chicken stared at He Tian fiercely and imprinted it deeply in his mind.

Next time I meet you, I will definitely beat you up.

Regarding He Tian's abstention, no one present said anything, and even felt a little sympathetic for him.

In order to get a better result, he insisted on playing a game with little hope, and even wanted to fight again in the end. This spirit is commendable.

However, first, Bulbasaur sprinkled"poison powder" at the last moment, poisoning the last Pokémon, and then there was a 1% chance of being paralyzed. Finally, an attack that was full of confidence failed because of the opponent's inexplicable action, and the opponent also released the confusion state.

Anyone would collapse.

Yes, everyone present felt that Flame Chicken's last action was a manifestation of the confusion state.

As for the release of the confusion state, it is a normal manifestation. After all, the time of confusion is long and short.

"Yang, does Flame Chicken use the last move to get rid of the confusion state?"

In the audience, Ying Yudie looked at Flame Chicken and frowned.

If this is really possible, then the confusion state can be said to be scrapped in the future.

"Look carefully at the eyes of the flame chicken."

Dongfang Yang did not directly answer his girlfriend's question.

Following Dongfang Yang's prompt, Ying Yudie looked carefully. She was in the first row of the audience. She was a martial artist and had good eyesight, so she could see clearly.

Suddenly, Ying Yudie got up from Dongfang Yang's legs and said in surprise

"No, the red thread in the pupil of the Flame Chicken has not disappeared, it has not resolved the state of confusion."

The people around were also surprised when they heard it, but the Flame Chicken did not look like it was in a state of confusion.

"The confusion is simply a state of confusion in the brain that makes it impossible to control the body."

At this time, Dongfang Yang explained.

"Hitting the ground with one's head is to stimulate the brain with severe headache pain, forcing the chaotic brain to calm down, but the chaos has already occurred."

"For example, 1-7, 7 numbers, if sorted normally, is 1234567. Now it is messed up, each number is constantly changing position. This is you forcing it to stop, it may be 1472536, or it may be 3216547. Although you can find the required number, they are still messed up. When the confusion is resolved, they should be"


Ying Yudie answered quickly.

The people around him also suddenly realized it, and then looked thoughtful.


Dongfang Yang nodded and continued

"Head-butting the ground is this pause. It does not eliminate the confusion, but only makes you awake temporarily. However, how much force is needed to wake you up? How long can you stay awake? All of these are unknown. The hardness of the field, the state of the elves, etc. are all factors to be considered. Maybe you haven't lost yet, but you hit the ground with your head and fainted."

Even though Dongfang Yang said so, Ying Yudie still thought this was a good idea.

"But you can't deny that this is a way to deal with chaos."

"Yes, I just don't think it works."

Dongfang Yang shrugged his shoulders and didn't argue. Everyone has different opinions.

He just expressed his own ideas. What others think is none of his business.

At this moment in the live broadcast room, netizens said they learned a lot.

"Take notes quickly. An unwieldy method is also a method."

"Yes, generally speaking, the only way to get out of the confusion state is to wait for it to be resolved, or to hold on, or to put it back into the Poké Ball and wait. There is no such active way."

"Why do I have a bad feeling that a certain type of Pokémon will become stronger?"

"Brother, you are right, and I can tell you it is the Dragon type."

"‼(•'╻'• )꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ"

"No way, the dragon type is already strong enough, and it needs to become even stronger��?"

"class president:ε=(´ο`*)))well"

"Class Representative: What the previous brother said is right, it is indeed a dragon type"


"Class Representative: Because of the skill 'Reverse Scale’"

"Class Representative: Under normal circumstances, 'Reverse Scale' is rarely used. Although it is very powerful, trainers generally do not use it due to the uncontrollable nature of the confusion state. Now that confusion can be suppressed, isn't it equivalent to 'Reverse Scale' becoming a skill with a power of 120 and no side effects?"

"Class Representative: As for the flaws of this technique, haha, with the physical fitness of a dragon, would you be afraid of kowtow?"

"Class Representative: Oh, by the way, except for the dragon-type traitor. I really don’t know why Qixi Bluebird is a dragon-type elf."

"Class Representative: Other types may have skills similar to"Reverse Scale", but they don't have the physical fitness of dragon-type elves. They can kowtow as hard as they want, so the dragon type will benefit the most from this technique."

"Damn, is it too late for me to get a dragon-type elf now?"

"Bro, can you afford it?"

"Can't we capture it in the wild?"

"Haha, do you have a chance?"

"_(:з」∠)_ Serious nonsense"

"Ahhhh, damn it!!!"


"When Ying Yudie thought of the words"class representative", she also thought that her Dragonite and Dragonite also applied to her.

Just as Ying Yudie lowered her head in thought, Dongfang Yang gently tapped her head.

"Don't think about it, this skill is optional, don't think too much, as long as you reach a certain level of strength, the elf can directly suppress the chaotic state with its own strength. You have seen a lot of Long Ze's battle videos, and he often uses"Reverse Scale". This is the reason. You are not far from this level. There is no need to use this. What you should do is to speed up the improvement of your strength."

Touching the place where Dongfang Yang knocked, Ying Yudie pouted and responded softly.


After a while, Dongfang Ling, who had finished the game, came to the audience and ran quickly towards Dongfang Yang's position.

"Brother, the more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. Did you teach the Blaziken how to do it in the end? And, and…"

Dongfang Ling blurted out all her doubts before she calmed down.

Looking at the girl in front of him who was chattering and asking questions non-stop, Dongfang Yang listened to her questions with a smile, and opened a bottle of water and handed it to her.

Dongfang Ling immediately calmed down, took a sip of the water, and quietly waited for Dongfang Yang to answer her doubts.

Dongfang Yang smiled and repeated what he had just said.

"That's about it, any ideas?"

"Well, this is indeed a good technique, but I think only fighting and dragon-type elves can handle it."

Dongfang Ling held his chin, thought for a while, and said


Neither confirming nor denying, Dongfang Yang motioned for Dongfang Ling to continue.

"These are all my guesses. Confusion acts on the brain, which has already touched upon the spiritual aspect. How much force is needed to produce sufficient stimulation?���Suppression? I think it is not low, and it can even be said to be quite large. The blow of the flame chicken just now can be reacted from the side. With such a strong force, other types of Pokémon will probably be even more dizzy due to the reaction force. I guess only fighting and dragon types can withstand it."

After listening to Dongfang Ling's thoughts, Dongfang Yang nodded with relief.

"Right and wrong"

"This method does require a very high level of physical fitness, but the final forms of most elves can meet the requirements, and it does not necessarily require a fighting or dragon type."


Dongfang Ling was a little confused.

He stretched out his hand to rub Dongfang Ling's little head and messed up her hair. Dongfang Yang smiled and said

"I don't recommend you to use it. First, it's not practical. After all, when the level reaches a certain level, the elves can suppress some negative states with their own strength. I just said this to Yudie."

"The second point is that the brain is the most complex organ. Whether it is for an elf or a human, if the brain is stimulated repeatedly and strongly, the consequences are unpredictable."

"Of course, I don't object to your use, but you just need to be more careful."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Dongfang Yang clapped his hands and said

"Okay, don't worry about it, the second game is about to start, just focus on the game."

At this time, everyone realized that the competition venue had been repaired, and Cao Lin and Lin Jin were ready for the second game.

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