"By the way, where is your brother, Xiao Ling'er? I didn't see him during the cheerleading performance just now, and now he appears in the live broadcast room like this."

Suddenly, a netizen posted a barrage to ask about Dongfang Yang's situation.

Others also reacted immediately and posted barrages to ask Dongfang Ling'er about his situation.

"Xiao Ling'er, where is your brother?"

"Let's chat again."

"That's right, weren't we all having a good time just now?"

Dongfang Ling was a little depressed. This was obviously her live broadcast room, why did everyone care about her brother? It was really annoying.

Although she was a little unhappy, Dongfang Ling rolled her eyes and explained.

"What else can I do? His wife is on the field, so I ran to cheer her on."

Hearing this, netizens were like hungry wolves that suddenly smelled meat and began to urge Dongfang Ling to

"Xiao Ling'er, let's make a deal. I'll give you a gift and you take us to another place to see how it goes."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Ling'er, take us to have a look."

"Well, we are very curious. We really want to know what kind of woman can conquer a being like your brother."

Glancing at the live broadcast room with disdain, Dongfang Ling's words were full of sarcasm.

"Yo, how come I didn't know you had this side? Curious about what kind of person your sister-in-law is? How could you people from Xijing University not know? If you want to get information, just say it directly, really."

Although Dongfang Ling said so, she still walked to another venue with her mobile phone.

After all, she also wanted to see how strong Ying Yudie was.

While chatting with netizens and watching netizens constantly go off topic, she walked into venue No. 2.

As soon as she entered the venue, Dongfang Ling saw Ying Yudie competing with her opponent, and also saw her brother who disappeared at some point near her arena.

Watching the fierce battle between Ying Yudie's Galar form Slowpoke and the opponent's Serpent, Dongfang Ling silently walked straight to Dongfang Yang's side.

"What's the situation now?"

"The strength of Yudie's elves is quite different. The three strongest ones are close to the king level, or even the quasi-king level. The remaining three have just reached the quasi-king level, and the gap with the opponent is not big."

As early as when Dongfang Ling entered the No. 2 venue, Dongfang Yang felt her wave guide and spoke without turning his head.

Through the system panel, he knew clearly how similar the strength of the two elves was.

Elves: Slowpoke (Galar)

Attribute: Poison Psychic

Level: 63

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Quick Attack

Carrying Item: Curved Spoon (Top Quality 24%)

Elves: Monarch Serpent

Attribute: Grass

Level: 61

Qualification: Blue

Feature: Opposition

Carrying Item: Miracle Seed (Middle Quality 15%)

"Sister-in-law, are you using the weakest elf to fight against the opponent's strongest elf?"

Dongfang Ling smiled, touched her chin, and her eyes flashed with a different light.

Seeing his sister like this, Dongfang Yang shook his head and smiled, wondering what this girl was up to.

"WQ, this is the game we should see. The previous crushing game was short and weak and had no meaning at all."

"Yes, it's exciting when there's a give and take."

"You guys are asking for too much, aren't you happy to crush your opponent? If they are stronger than you in terms of ability, why should I play a trick with you?"

"The above, if you want to watch it, go to the live broadcast room of the official website. This is Xiao Ling'er's live broadcast room. Only watch what we old fans want to watch. If you don't want to watch it, don't bother."


"What? You don't agree? Come and bite me."

"Okay, pay attention to your manners and don't bring bad things to Xiao Ling'er"

"Oh, sorry, my son-in-law"


"You are NB"

"WK, that's not right, Serpenti used Leaf Storm so early."

"Idiot, the Monarch Snake is a hidden feature, so you're just playing the opposite tune"

"Envy, I want it too."

"That's right"

Just as everyone in the live broadcast room was envious and jealous, Dongfang Ling fixed the mobile phone used for live broadcast, watched the game, frowned slightly, and suddenly looked at Dongfang Yang and asked

"Brother, I remember you said that Xue Xingxuan is better than my sister-in-law, is that true?"

"Yes, it's just as you thought. I just found out about it this morning. With the help of school resources yesterday, he achieved it."

Dongfang Yang said with some emotion.

"This time, Principal Wu even took out all the treasures in his chest. It is said that several professors in charge of the warehouse and finance cried. Wow, he is really aiming for something big."

"That's not as good as my sister-in-law."

With a snort, Dongfang Ling crossed her arms over her chest and said softly

"You will be better than them in the future."

Touching his sister's hair, Dongfang Yang said softly

"Yeah, I will work hard, and I will definitely become a reserve member this time."

Dongfang Ling nodded, waved his fist, and cheered himself up.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also encouraged Dongfang Ling.

"Come on, Xiao Ling'er, you can do it."

"Yes, come on, we all believe in you"

"come on"

"Little Ling'er, go!"

"Fly bravely, we will always be with you"

"Get out of here, fans"

Some anchors who were broadcasting the video also sent gifts and expressed their blessings.

Douyu officials even put up a banner, wishing Dongfang Ling good luck in the competition.

Just when the live broadcast room was peaceful, there were always people jumping out to ruin the atmosphere.

People from other universities who came to the live broadcast room to inquire about the news keenly noticed the conversation between Dongfang Yang and Dongfang Ling just now, including the previous intelligence, and some people suddenly couldn't sit still.

Could it be that Xue Xingxuan has become a king-level trainer?

Several impatient people immediately posted barrages in the live broadcast room to inquire about the situation.

"That anchor, I just heard you say that Xue Xingxuan has made a breakthrough, what does that mean?"

Seeing this barrage, Dongfang Ling turned his head to look at Dongfang Yang, without saying anything.

"It's okay, go ahead. Xue Xingxuan is the face we want to show off. The sooner he can play a role, the better. It doesn't matter if they know the situation."

Dongfang Yang smiled. He had no intention of hiding Xue Xingxuan.

Besides, it was impossible for intelligence personnel from other schools to know the specific situation of Xue Xingxuan.

Xue Xingxuan's several Pokémon were hidden very tightly, and he had only used Giant Claw Mantis outside. As for them, if they could get information about the Jade Washing Form of Slimy Dragon and the Jade Washing Form of Zoroark from other places, it would also be their ability.

Maybe they would think that it was the King of Leave who broke through.

In that case, do we need to help the King of Leave to break through as well?

In this way, we can confuse them when the competition comes.

It's just that this time the school helped his three Pokémon break through to the King level, which consumed a lot. If he took it out again, other people might complain.

Well, let's talk about it then.

Just as Dongfang Yang was thinking, Dongfang Ling also spoke to the people in the live broadcast room after Dongfang Yang nodded in agreement.

"I don't know if I've said this before, but Senior Xue Xingxuan is already a top-level trainer, isn't that amazing?"

This sentence was like a meteorite falling into the sea, causing a huge uproar.

"WC, a king-level trainer?"

"Are you kidding me? This is too exaggerated."

"This isn't a smokescreen you guys are putting out, come on, give others some experience."

"I remember the last person who became a top-level trainer in college was Champion Longze, right?"

"Be more confident, say it again in a positive tone."


"Champion Longze"

"The Magic City University has exploded this time, and such a celebrity has emerged"

The intelligence officers of other schools felt their hearts tremble and cried out"Not good".

The worst situation has happened.

They hurriedly called and told their own principals the news.

Especially the schools with higher rankings.

As for whether Dongfang Yang was shooting without purpose, they did not consider this.

Whether it was Dongfang Yang's strength or his status, it was not enough for him to lie like this.

After learning the news confirmed by Dongfang Yang, everyone was skeptical and called Wu Yucai to inquire about the situation.

"Hahaha, that's right, Xue Xingxuan has become a king-level trainer, are you ready to accept the darkness..."

Listening to Wu Yucai's endless words, Qiu Yi, the other principals did not give him a chance to get angry, and chose to hang up directly.

Many presidents of top universities like Imperial Capital University almost increased the resources allocated to the school team at the same time, and definitely did not want to let Magic City University take the lead.

On the other side, Wu Yucai, who was still unsatisfied, looked at his mobile phone, smiled, and sent a message to Dongfang Yang.

Inquire about the situation, hehe, I won't scare you to death, so it's okay to let you waste some resources. This time, the championship will be decided by our Magic City University.

Looking at the message on the phone, Dongfang Yang's mouth curled up obscurely.

As for resources, we can't let Magic City University consume a lot of them, you have to come more or less, right?���

At this time, the first match between Ying Yudie and her opponent was coming to an end.

"Monarch snake, thank you for your hard work, come again with the Leaf Storm’"

The panting Monarch Snake heard the voice of its master, strengthened its spirit, pointed its tail at the enemy in front of it, and launched the terrifying"Flying Leaf Storm".

Seeing this, Ying Yudie did not panic and ordered Slowpoke :

"Use 'Jet Flame' to block it."

Slowpoke raised its left arm, aimed its shell at the sweeping"Leaf Storm", and sprayed out blazing fire.

In an instant, the opponent's attack was completely burned away.

Finding the opponent's gap, Ying Yudie immediately gave orders to Slowpoke.

"Now, use the 'arm shell attack’"

As soon as the words fell, Slowpoke did not lower its arm, and continued to spray a large amount of purple poisonous liquid at the Monarch Snake.

Unprepared, the Monarch Snake was hit by Slowpoke's"arm shell attack" and flew backwards.

After landing and climbing up again, the Monarch Snake's face was covered with a strange purple color.

"This is poisoning, damn it."

Seeing that something was wrong with the Monarch Snake, the champion looked constipated. He had no choice but to fight quickly and try to exchange with the Slowpoke.

"Come on, hold on, Monarch Snake, Leaf Storm’"

As if sensing the other party's thoughts, Ying Yudie issued an order almost at the same time.

"Slowpokemon, block it with Jet Flame.

Once again, Jet Flame and Leaf Storm collided in the air.

This time, the fire failed to burn Leaf Storm, and it broke and hit Slowpokemon.

Ying Yudie narrowed her eyes, glanced at Slowpokemon who quickly got up, and said in a deep voice:

"‘be lazy’"

Ying Yudie was trying to delay time, and the champion immediately said

"Don't let the opponent stall, then use Leaf Storm’"

However, what he never expected was that Slowpoke didn't use"laziness" at all."

"See where you can hide, Slowpoke, now is the time, seize the opportunity to use 'Character Swap’"

Almost instantly, Slowpoke activated its superpower, using"Character Swap", exchanging its Quick Attack trait with the Opposition trait of King Serpent.

King Serpent, which was using"Leaf Storm", had nowhere to hide, and its trait was directly swapped by Slowpoke.

Although Slowpoke was directly hit by the full-power"Leaf Storm" that even strengthened the special attack by six times, it destroyed King Serpent's most important Opposition trait, which was not a loss.

"Now use 'lazy’"

Following Ying Yudie's instructions, Slowpoke relaxed and"lazyed" to recover from its injuries and physical strength.

The champion was now completely dumbfounded, and Serpent was basically useless.

His Serpent used the characteristic of playing the opposite tune and used"Leaf Storm" to attack, but now it was directly useless. Although he could at least use the"Leaf Storm" at full power three times, it was useless, because Serpent was still poisoned.

The champion, who couldn't think of a good way, habitually let Serpent use"Leaf Storm" to attack.���Slowpoke.

This time, Slowpoke did not choose to fight head-on or resist, but rolled over to avoid it under the instruction of Ying Yudie.

The host immediately guessed that this was going to be a protracted war with him.

No matter what, he would make the same choice if they switched positions.

The next moment, the host asked Serpent to use"Sunny Day" in an attempt to start a weather battle.

Ying Yudie would never let him have his way, and immediately used"Pray for Rain" to grab the weather.

However, due to its quick-attack feature, Serpent used"Sunlight Blade" to interrupt Slowpoke's"Pray for Rain" after using"Sunny Day".

The two sides fought back and forth, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were amazed.

"Awesome! They are indeed top students from Shanghai University. They are really awesome!"

"That 'lazy' feint is really powerful"

"Yes, the characteristics of the monarch snake were directly replaced, which is fine."

"However, now Monarch Snake has successfully opened"Sunny Day" because of its quick attack characteristic, which gives it a bit of an advantage. It is really the case that success and failure are both due to Xiao He."

"The above person's words are not stupid at all."

"Understand that the monarch snake is now poisoned. Even if it is sunny, photosynthesis can only restore injuries and physical strength, but cannot remove the poison. Reality is not a game. If it really gets into a protracted war and is poisoned for a long time, it will leave hidden dangers."

"Besides, the Monarch Snake cannot learn"Photosynthesis" by itself through strength improvement. It needs to be taught by a trainer, and this one probably doesn't know how to do it."


"Stupid, if you know how to do it, don't use it."


"WC, this is the boss"





Dongfang Yang didn't expect that there were still some knowledgeable people in the live broadcast room.

As expected, the monarch snake did not know how to"photosynthesize" and eventually died of poisoning.

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