Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Once we were normal people...


The son was still talking about Su Xiaoli there, but Zhao Wen's face turned dark here. Before, she thought she was an ordinary waiter, that is, she looks better and has a better temperament.

As a result, I didn’t expect to have such a big backing. I thought my family was already pretty good. I didn’t expect that people would make so much money to make a movie...

Therefore, this scene was a bit embarrassing. Seeing her son still chattering there, Zhao Wen wanted to go up and cover his mouth.

Maybe it was a mistake to bring my son here today...

And Zhang Ze, who was next to him, didn’t realize that his mother’s face was darkened, and kept talking there: “This tavern is really amazing. I didn’t expect Su Xiaoli to be here. What the **** is the boss here? I thought, actually let the little raccoon goddess be a waiter..."

"In other words, the previous legends are true. That boss should be broken into pieces!"

Su Xiaoli on one side was watching the show with his arms in arms, looking like an authentic crowd eating melons, without the feeling of "this matter has something to do with me".

Zhao Wen struggled there for a long time, and still said to Su Xiaoli: "Then trouble Miss Su, can you call the boss over, I have something to do with him!"

These words have already brought a little politeness, Zhao Wen also realized that this waiter is really not an ordinary person, although I don't know why she stayed in this tavern...

Legend has it that the boss seems to be a man, could it be...

She had already made up her mind, and after a while she met the boss and quickly asked about the wine, and then she bought the flashman. Today, she really lost everyone in this tavern.

Others spoke well, and Su Xiaoli certainly had a smile on his face, but what she said made Zhao Wen want to kill someone.

"Oh, our boss, our boss always doesn't leave the counter when he is open, so if you want to see him, you have to go to the counter by yourself."

"Is there anyone doing this business? Does your boss have bad legs and feet?" Zhao Wen is really shocked now. Look at other places, once he is called the boss, the boss runs more than anyone else, he almost nodded and bowed. Be a grandson.

As a result, I want to meet with the boss. People said that the boss will not leave the counter when he is in business... Okay, stand up and look at the counter. It’s not a few steps away. I’m afraid it’s not a problem with legs and feet, it’s directly a disability. ...

And Su Xiaoli was taken aback when he heard the words that there was a problem with his legs and feet, and then he laughed, the kind of laugh that can't stand it...

"Haha laughed at me, Boss Qin has bad legs and feet...This is the funniest thing I've heard recently. I'm not sick and take two steps, haha..."

The tears came out when I watched Su Xiaoli laughing there, Zhao Wen's mouth twitched again, saying that what I said just now was so funny, as for the laughter, I still say that the girl's smile is inexplicably low ?

But before my head turned my head, I saw a lot of people in the tavern who also started laughing there: "Boss Qin has bad legs... That must be the case. Boss Qin, please stand up and take two steps. Ah, two steps without sickness..."

... Zhao Wen felt that her whole person was not good, and she subconsciously moved towards her son. This tavern is a bit weird. From the owner to the waiter to the drinkers, it seems that nothing is normal!

Of course, if the drinkers knew Zhao Wen’s thoughts, they would definitely tell her that we used to be normal people until one day we entered a pub...

Finally Su Xiaoli barely held back his smile and looked at Zhao Wen and said, "Okay, I won't smile anymore, it's not funny at all... That's right, you go to the counter, since the waiter, Mr. Qin will basically not come out. ..."

Zhao Wen nodded expressionlessly. She has long given no hope to the effect of the wine here, and the tavern is too weird. The drinkers here seem to be abnormal...

Taking her son to the counter, Zhao Wen walked for two steps. Zhao Wen felt that the people behind were watching her and seemed to be saying something, but when she turned her head, she found that no one was saying anything. Everyone was drinking there and looked very Normal look...

Thinking of something bad in her mind, Zhao Wen shuddered, and hurried to the counter a few steps, and finally saw the legendary boss Qin.

To be more precise, it should be boss Qin's head, because boss Qin at the counter was there with his head down completely, and he didn't know what to do.

"Boss Qin? Boss Qin? Can I get up for a while, I have something to ask you..." Zhao Wen shouted toward the counter.

And in the tavern behind, there was a burst of whispering again.

"I bet on a cup of pear white, and this one will be taken away by boss Qin in ten minutes!"

"Too conservative, I bet three cups of pear white, five minutes, I will definitely leave in tears!"

"Cut, you are all too low on Boss Qin's combat power. Boss Qin is always Boss Qin. I bet ten pears for one minute!"

After all, up to now, people who come to Jiuxianju understand the rules, like this one who starts to call the waiter as soon as they come in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is definitely raw melon eggs.

Although Su Xiaolimei paper is a waiter, it is not a real waiter. Have you ever seen a waiter who is responsible for the boss’s three meals a day? I heard that sometimes boss Qin’s clothes are also washed by Su Xiaoli, of course. Just gossip.

If such a person goes to Boss Qin, it is naturally stunned. The only difference is whether she will leave Jiuxianju and how long she will leave.

As for the pear white, it is because the price of 999, which is one thousand yuan, of the pear white in Jiuxianju is the most standard, and it is the most suitable unit to use this as a unit.

The drunks are still whispering. At the counter, Boss Qin finally raised his head. There is no way. People stopped calling the waiter and started calling the boss. Who made him the boss.

Looking up, looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him, and then at the two hundred catties fat man behind, Boss Qin said in a calm tone: "If you have any problems, look at the wine list at the back!"

In the eyes of Boss Qin, this is already a preferential treatment. After all, I also said a word, you ask the guys before, I just give them a look to let them know...

But in Zhao Wen's opinion, this is contempt for her. I haven't asked any questions before you let me see the wine list. You are not contemptuous of me!

Just thinking of the weirdness of this tavern still forcibly held back...

As for the son... well, Brother Zhang Ze has been abolished. After seeing Su Xiaoli, he has completely fallen. He hasn't been rough without shouting to boss Qin to teach me.

Zhao Wen raised her head and just wanted to talk about her problem, and was immediately attracted by the large wine list. The string of numbers behind the wine was almost dizzy...

very long……

After enduring it for a long time, Zhao Wen shouted: "Boss, your wine is too expensive!"

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