Chapter 117: I Really Want to Have a Baby with You!

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Even if he didn’t watch it, Shen Zhi knew that everyone couldn’t accept the talk show for a while.

But since the system gave this skill, he was going to be the first to eat crabs and introduce stand-up comedy.

He told everything about “Ghost Blowing the Light”, what is a talk show.

The four female stars sat on the sofa and looked at him stunned.

“What about your manuscript?” Gao Yuanyuan asked.

“No, I’m out of script.”

Shen Zhi did not write the paragraph in his head on paper.

He believes that only casual words are the best.

If you have a manuscript in your hand, you can’t help but read it.

Like Zhou Libo when he first started doing talk shows, he got a prompt board for putting manuscripts.

Say one sentence to see one sentence, say three words to read one sentence.

Later, I was scolded, and then I slowly began to get out of the manuscript.

However, Shen Zhi does not need this process.

They are very confident in Shen Zhi’s memory ability.

But they all know one word, just in case.

Some female stars can’t remember their lines while filming and need a prompt board.

What’s more, I don’t even memorize the lines, all relying on post-dubbing.

At this point in the comment area:

“I lean on! Unexpectedly! ”

“So confident?”

“Shen Zhi once memorized pi, don’t you know?”

“But it feels a bit perfunctory not to prepare a manuscript.”

“Shen Zhi can’t be improvised, right?”

“It’s possible that the director sent them a message and told them to prepare in less than half an hour now.”

“Improvising is too challenging, don’t make a mess at the end.”

“This may be the legendary art master boldness?”

The event was added temporarily, so everyone didn’t believe that Shen Zhi had the ability to perform a talk show off the script!

Not only that, they also doubted whether Shen Zhi had the ability to perform stand-up comedy.

Stand-up comedy is mainly about making people laugh.

And Shen Zhi always has a cold poker face.

It’s good not to cry, how can you laugh!

In fact, Shen Zhi also thought of this problem.

But decided to give it a try.

After all, if you want to enter the entertainment industry and become a superstar, you have to try any way in the future.

This time it should be a small test for yourself!

“Hello everyone, I’m Shen Zhi.” Shen Zhi said lightly.

As soon as they heard the opening, everyone shook their heads helplessly.

Sure enough, this is still the previous Shen Zhi.

How can this attitude make people laugh!

Suddenly he took out a few pieces of cardboard from his pocket.

Something the size of a business card, this is a setting and a joke in “Storm Events”.

Shen Zhi felt good and used it in the opening scene.

“Since I participated in this show, many friends care about me, thank you, before the director gave me a few fan letters, let me read it, see what sincere care and concern my enthusiastic fans sent!”

Fan letters?

Is there even this link?

The director, who was sitting in front of the computer, was even more stunned, and then muttered, “When did I write to his fans?” ”

I saw Shen Zhi take out the first card, bow his head and read, “Look at the first fan, the most gentle who bows his head, he said Shen Zhi!” I’ll go to your sister’s! Why don’t you write new novels yet! Do you fucking believe me to smash your glass bastard! ”

Shen Zhi paused, threw the card in his hand back, and said with a dry smile, “I am so touched by the concern and enthusiasm of the fans!” Thank you, thank you! ”

The four women were already happy and couldn’t stand up straight with laughter.

Which is the concern!

People are obviously scolding you!

Shen Zhi read the next one, “The second fan letter, this is a person who claims to be a diehard fan, he said so, Shen Zhi!” If you don’t write a new novel this week! I’ll die! ”

Speaking of this, Shen Zhi wiped his sweat, looked up at the camera blankly, and continued, “This letter was sent a week ago!” I just received it today, so what, I’m sorry, brother diehard fan, I thought about it for a long time, and I really didn’t have the courage to reply to you. ”


The four female stars laughed again.

Although when performing a talk show, the audience’s reaction greatly affects the effect of the whole show.

But the four female stars laughed forward and back, which is not acting at all.

The audience sitting in front of the screen also burst out laughing.

At this time, the comment area was brushed by countless “hahaha”.

“666! This is a bit of something! ”

“I thought I couldn’t laugh at Shen Zhi’s poker face, but I didn’t expect him to be even funnier when he talked about it seriously!”

“Hahahahaha! No more water! ”

“I’ve managed to wake up the napping kid next to me laughing!”

“It’s funny!”

“It’s amazing, if you listen to it on the spot, you may die laughing to death!”


They looked at Shen Zhi in the picture, only to see him continue to look down at the card in his hand.

“This is sent to me by a female fan…” Halfway through speaking, I saw Shen Zhi look down excitedly and read, “I! Good! Think! And! You! Bear! Child! Child! Shen Zhi! ”

The four female stars exclaimed.


Are fans so blunt now?

Saying that, Shen Zhi’s face was dumbfounded, and Mu Nedi continued to read in a weak tone, “… Please put this sentence… Tell Reba? ”

Several female stars burst out laughing when they boarded.

The camera switches to Reba when boarding.

Reba was stunned, and laughed even more.

Why did you piggyback on me?

Several female stars next to her also patted their thighs and smiled.

Shen Zhi looked at the incoming letter with a speechless face and made a move.

Gritting his teeth in front of the camera, he tore off the words “Please forward this sentence to Reba” on the back of the card.

This is not in “The Big Event”, and it is the wisdom that Shen Zhi himself added.

I saw him purse his lips and smile, and after clearing his throat, he raised his head again and said, “… I really want to have a baby with you! Shen Zhi! ”

Then he spread his hands and sighed, “Oh, now fans, so enthusiastic!” ”


The four female stars burst into laughter.

“Stinky don’t face.” Reba snorted softly, then pursed her lips and smiled.

Her cheeks flushed with shame.

It turns out that Shen Zhi also has improper times.

The audience members sitting in front of the computer watching the show laughed and slammed the table.

This Shen Zhi usually looks serious, but he didn’t expect that a talk show would be so unorthodox!

Your bottom line?!

Where are you going!

Shen Zhi ignored the coaxing of the four female stars.

Because you can’t see the reaction of the audience in front of the computer.

Just looking at the four female stars, you can know that he is half the success.

Shen Zhi continued to flip through the new card.

“Well, there is another fan who said so, Shen Zhi, I really like your novel style, well, can you please tell Reba…”

Speaking of this, Shen Zhi pursed his lips and smiled, and directly tore off the card.

It’s like throwing away the card as if you hadn’t read it.

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