“Who?” Shen Zhi asked out loud.

The person who was looking for food alone suddenly heard the sound and was startled.

She turned around in a panic.

Yang Mi?

She wore a red slip dress, which was short enough to cover her hips, and the career line of her upper body loomed.

At this time, netizens who originally planned to sleep looked at this scene and all woke up.

“Close your eyes and close your eyes! You beast! ”

“Oooooh, honey is wearing so little, now they have been seen!”

“How this person does not know shame! Don’t take your eyes off your eyes when you see a woman’s body?! ”

“Look at his squinting eyes!”


In fact, the audience didn’t see Shen Zhi’s eyes at all, everything was their own yy.

Before seeing who it was, he didn’t say anything.

Walk straight towards her.

“You, you, you…”

Seeing Shen Zhi’s firm steps, he walked towards her step by step.

Yang Mi reflexively took a few steps back.

“Don’t come over!”

Watch him get closer and closer to him.

She was completely panicked.

Although it is now a live broadcast, the director team is probably already asleep.

If something happened, she would not be able to resist an adult male with her strength.

I could only call the police afterwards, but it was too late.

She closed her eyes helplessly.

Forget it, whatever.

For a long time, he heard Shen Zhi’s footsteps gradually moving away from her.

She opened her eyes cautiously.

I saw that Shen Zhi had walked into the kitchen, and then picked up the kettle and poured water into the cup.

After pouring the water, he passed her with a cup in his hands, his movements simple and sharp, without a hint of hesitation.

Until she couldn’t see Shen Zhi’s figure, Yang Mi breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

“What am I thinking?”

Her body gradually slid down and leaned against the refrigerator.

What a shame.

But, is this still a normal man!

She looked down at herself.

It is customary to come out only in pajamas.

The part covered by this pajama is also just right.

Important parts are not exposed.

Just looking down from above, you can still see the proud career line.

With Shen Zhi’s height, it can also be seen completely.

When she thought of this, she blushed and covered her chest with her hands.

Suddenly Yang Mi was a little annoyed.

Why don’t you come out in a coat!

In the eyes of the audience, Yang Mi’s current dress is tempting enough.

But Shen Zhi from the beginning, to the end, only looked at her when he asked who it was!

Don’t say it’s physical contact!

There was no eye contact after that!

After all, this is a show, and the guests will not do anything to themselves.

She comforted herself like this, and her mood gradually improved.

Early the next morning.

As soon as it was dark, Shen Zhi got up to prepare breakfast.

He found slices of bread from the cupboard and rummaged raw dishes in the refrigerator.

“The tomatoes are gone?”

He was a little confused, but the refrigerator was so big.

There are only a few bundles of leafy greens left.

There are no tomatoes.

It may be that Yang Mi ate it yesterday.

He shrugged, took out eggs and ham, and boiled oil.

Prepare to fry an egg.

When everything is done, sandwich the eggs and ham in the slices of bread.

Still only doing my own part.

At this time, the star fruit also woke up and got up to find something to eat.

Although her attitude towards Shen Zhi was not so bad, she was still embarrassed to cook with him.

So much so that she, like everyone else, only had breakfast yesterday.

Walking into the kitchen, I was a little shocked to find that Shen Zhi woke up so early today.

Yesterday I woke up after nine o’clock.

“Early.” Carambola spoke.

Shen Zhisheng looked up and nodded lightly, “Early.” ”

“Where’s the bread?” Carambola asked.

Shen Zhi pointed to the kitchen cabinet, “The second from the left.” ”

“Thank you.” Carambola politely thanked him.

No wonder they didn’t find anything to eat yesterday.

They only rummaged through the refrigerator, not the cabinets.

A pack of slices of bread, only two were eaten, and there were eight left.

Just enough for four people.

Looking at the pots that had not yet been picked up in the kitchen, she also turned out eggs from the refrigerator.

Beat in the pan.

After that, he began to be stunned.

How do you turn on the gas stove?

She swallowed.

To be honest, in more than twenty years since her debut, she will feel nervous when she is with a male amateur for the first time.

Not to mention being alone.

“That…” said Carambola with some hesitation, “How do you turn on the gas stove?” ”

Shen Zhi put the sandwich down, got up and opened the cabinet below, and turned the button below.

Then he got up again and turned on the gas stove.

Watch the heat slowly rising in the pot.

She was a little happy and said excitedly, “Thank you! ”

Shen Zhi nodded, “No thanks.” ”

After that, he went back to eating sandwiches.

Carambola is very clever, after frying the egg, after learning his way to make a sandwich.

Turn off all the switches again.

After that, he sat opposite Shen Zhi with a plate.

“Have you figured out how to make money?” Carambola asked.

“Write fiction.”

“Novel?!” Carambola looked at him in shock, “You can also write novels!” ”

Shen Zhi nodded.

“It’s amazing!” Carambola couldn’t help but praise.

“But…” then she fell into a moment of contemplation, “do you make money writing novels?” ”

“It’s okay.”

“Oh…” Carambola didn’t know what to say for a moment.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

But being able to talk to her is already a good start!

Also taught her how to use the gas stove, how can this person be as bad as Yang Mi said!

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