Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3618 All lost

There is a valley a hundred miles away from Apple City. It is a vast area, but it is private territory. It is the residence of the Lodin family.

The landmark is a huge manor, with various pavilions, flowers, trees and trees, which looks extremely beautiful.

There are two floors of buildings hidden underground. The first floor is a military research and development base, and the second floor is a biochemical research base that cannot see light.

According to Stevenson's memory, the entire family's virus cultivation and biochemical research were done here.

And it has achieved very significant results, and it will not be long before an attack is launched.

In the middle of the manor is a four-story villa. In the hall at this moment, the owner Puyol is holding a phone in his hand and looking extremely ugly.

"What did you say? So many people failed to protect the young master. He was taken away. Who did it?

What? It’s still unclear, waste! It's all rubbish!

Check for me quickly, you must find out clearly, and rescue the young master immediately! "

Puyol was furious and his eyes were on fire.

In the past few years, their family's power has been at its peak, and they have become one of the top families in the entire M country.

It is precisely because of this that he has the confidence to allow his son to misbehave without fear of any sanctions.

But something like this happened today. My precious son was lost and was taken away. I don’t know who did it.

After hanging up the phone, before he could calm down the anger in his heart, the landline phone on the table rang again.

When he saw the red phone, his heart tightened.

This is the emergency contact number in the industrial area. Under normal circumstances, no one will call. If it rings, it means something big has happened.

Picking up the phone, the urgent voice of the supervisor David came over there.

"Boss, no, something big happened!"

"If you have something to say, tell me quickly. What happened?"

Puyol was on fire. In his heart, the park was heavily guarded and heavily guarded. Normally, there should be no accidents.

David swallowed hard: "Such a boss, our arsenal was stolen."

"How is this possible? We are so tightly guarded. How can anyone get in?"

Puyol said this, but his heart felt relieved.

The park is mainly responsible for production, and all the high-tech information belonging to the Lodin family is hidden under his manor. Even if a few weapons are lost, it is not a big deal.

In his mind, since it was said to be stolen, the other party should have come in quietly. There would not be too many people, and it was impossible to take too many weapons.

In this case, as long as we find out who did it and make up for the security loopholes in the future, it is not a big loss.

But then David’s trembling voice came from the other side: “Boss, it’s not that a few items were lost, but not a single item was left. They were all lost!”

"What is it? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Puyol looked in disbelief. It was a family property. He knew very well how many weapons were stored in such a large warehouse.

Even if Country M sends people to pick it up, it will still be a huge project, requiring countless vehicles, and it will take several days to completely transport it away.

Therefore, he did not believe that what the other party said was true anyway. This was completely impossible to happen.

"Boss, what I said is true..."

David was really frightened just now. The security of the entire warehouse was not touched at all, and there was no trace of damage at all.

If he hadn't sent a new batch of products to the warehouse, the theft would never have been discovered.

So many weapons are made of steel. If they add up to more than 10,000 tons, why were they lost like this?

At that time, he didn't believe it at all, thinking that he was dazzled, but even after rubbing his eyes, he didn't see where the weapon was.

Even when I reached out and touched it, I still didn't touch anything.

I called a few more assistants down to make sure that the entire weapons depot had been evacuated and it was not my hallucination, and then I called my boss.

David told the story in detail, but Puyol still couldn't believe it.

"Bastard, if you dare to lie to me, I will beat your head into a rotten watermelon..."

"Boss, I don't dare to lie even half a word. It's really like this. So many of our weapons were lost like this..."

Convinced that the other party was not lying to him or joking, Puyol sat down on the sofa behind him.

He raised his hand and hit his swollen head hard. What's going on? Could it be that he saw a ghost?

Before he could figure out what happened? The phone on the table rang again.

I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was not David, but the caller from the dock on the beach.

"What's wrong?"

Puyol had a bad feeling in his heart when he spoke, and even his voice was trembling.

"Boss, something big happened!"

"If you fart, hurry up. What happened?"

First he lost his son, and then he lost a warehouse full of weapons. Puyol was on the verge of breaking out. Where could he have any good temper?

The person on the phone trembled with fright and said quickly: "Boss, the three seaplane carriers we just built are missing..."


Puyol was stunned for a moment, then punched the table in front of him.

"You bastard, do you know what you're talking about?

Lost the seaplane carrier, or three ships, do you think God can believe this kind of lie? "

The person on the phone was panicked: “Boss, how dare I lie to you about such a big thing.

What I said is true. Just now those three ships were completely lost, and not even the crew members on the ships were left..."

The guy who was talking was the person in charge of the dock. When he saw all three seaplane carriers disappear, he was so frightened that he peed his pants.

At first I thought it was because the power supply system on the ship was broken, so I couldn't see it, but then I turned on all the lights, and it was still empty, leaving only the calm sea.

Those three huge seaplane carriers, with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons, mysteriously disappeared.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

Puyol kept shaking his head, and he even suspected that he was dreaming.

Although it was night, there were plenty of lights over there at the dock, shining like daylight. How could the three seaplane carriers be lost?

Moreover, the thing was so huge that even officials from Country M would have to go through a lot of trouble to take it away.

You have to fill the dock with water first, and then slowly drive out. How could it be lost all at once? Still silent!

"God, what the hell happened?"

Puyol raised his hand and gave himself a big mouth, and the severe pain told him that everything was real and not a dream.

It's still okay to lose his son, after all, it's just one person.

But it was too strange for so many munitions and three such large seaplane carriers to disappear out of thin air.

Suddenly something moved in his mind, and he thought of something. Could it be that those characters from Chinese Legends were out?

At this moment, there was a loud bang outside the room, followed by a piercing siren that echoed through the sky.

Puyol's expression suddenly changed. Is this someone attacking his family's manor?

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