Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 3607 Self-service fruit salad

Lan Xi said dissatisfied: "But we have just paid the money!"

The waiter curled his lips: "You also know that I just handed it in, haven't you already taken it once?"

Lan Xi was a little stunned: "But my daughter is so young and she only took one cherry. Does this count?"

Normally, the little leaf is so small, and it only takes one small cherry, so it shouldn't be counted according to human nature.

"Of course it counts."

The waiter raised his hand and pointed to the sign next to him, "It's clearly written, one hundred yuan at a time, and there's no limit to how much you can take.

It doesn’t matter if you take one, or you can take them all if you can. "

Ye Bufan frowned. Although the waiter was a little unreasonable, he could barely explain it. This was the rule after all.

And one hundred yuan is really not even a drop in the bucket for his current net worth.

Just when he was about to take out another hundred yuan, the waiter spoke again.

"We are a high-end restaurant here. If you can afford it, eat it. If you can't afford it, don't eat it. Don't embarrass yourself here, okay?"


Lan Xi's face turned red with anger and she was about to get angry. Ye Bufan pulled her behind him and looked at the waiter with a gloomy expression: "What's your attitude?"

The waiter's face was full of disdain: "You come here to get food without paying. What attitude do you want me to have?"

Ye Bufan wears a robe and is easily looked down upon wherever he goes.

Lan Xi came here from the Kunlun Continent and had no awareness of the brand at all. She only wore ordinary sportswear, which was mainly loose and comfortable.

Because of this, the two people were directly looked down upon by the waiter.

Ye Bufan didn't bother to argue with him: "Call your supervisor over here."

The waiter raised his chin: "In your situation, it's useless to call anyone."

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Seeing more and more noisy people gathering here, a skinny man in his thirties walked over.

He was wearing a business suit and had a lobby steward sign on his chest.

Xu Qiang, the person in charge of this children's restaurant.

"Manager Xu, it's like this..."

The evil waiter complained first and stepped forward to tell what happened, but he placed all the blame on Ye Bufan's family.

"Manager Xu, that's what happened. These two parents didn't realize it at all. They paid once and wanted their children to eat twice."

Xu Qiang turned to look at Ye Bufan and the others with a gloomy expression.

"Sir, we are a high-end restaurant here. If your consumption level is not enough, please find another one. There are cheaper ones nearby. You must abide by our rules here."

Ye Bufan didn't want to care about it at first, but at this moment, the anger in his heart suddenly rose.

It's okay if the waiter is unreasonable. Unexpectedly, a steward came and was also unreasonable.

He smiled coldly: "A high-end restaurant? So the most important thing here for you is the rules?"

Xu Qiang looked proud: "Yes, you must abide by our rules when dining here."

"Okay then, I'll follow your rules."

After speaking, Ye Bufan took out a hundred-yuan bill and handed it over, "It's a hundred yuan a piece, right? It counts as one piece no matter how much you put in it, right?"

The waiter took the money, and Xu Qiang smiled coldly: "Yes, these are our rules. Taking more or less at a time depends entirely on your ability, and we will not interfere!"

However, it must not be wasted. If there is any spillage, compensation will be paid according to the price. "

"Okay, then I'll start."

Ye Bufan turned to Xiao Yezi and smiled, "Daughter, daddy is holding a plate for you. You can put whatever you want into it. The more the better.


Little Ye Zi didn't know what happened at all. After hearing what his father said, he happily put fruit salad on Ye Bufan's plate.

Others stood nearby and shook their heads when they saw this scene. They thought this man would do something different, but they didn't expect to be so cowardly.

Just as they were about to leave, they suddenly realized something was wrong.

The cafeteria has carefully calculated how to maximize profits, and the plates given are not too big, about the size of a palm.

Normally, even if adults use this kind of plate to take salad, they have to be careful. If there is too much, it will easily spill out.

But Ye Bufan's was different. No matter how casually the little leaves filled it, the fruits were piled on top without any signs of spraying.

At this moment, the plate is no longer an ordinary plate, as if there is an invisible container covering it, no matter how much it can hold.

In a short time, the fruit salad on the plate held by Ye Bufan was already one foot high.

He is now the spiritual power of the Immortal Lord, and he has inexhaustible immortal energy. It is not too easy to maintain a plate of fruit salad.

"Uh! What's going on? Am I dazzled?"

"Come and see, is the little girl's father a god? This simply violates the laws of physics!"

"Yes, yes, to be able to pile fruit salad so high, even Newton couldn't do it when he was alive..."

"It's over, the boss is going to pay to death now, hahaha, you really deserve it..."

The onlookers seemed to have seen some kind of miracle, and they all whispered to each other with excitement on their faces.

Xu Qiang and the waiter were completely dumbfounded. They had no idea what was going on.

It's obviously just an ordinary plate, but how can it hold so much fruit salad? It's more than a hundred times more than normal.

What the two people said before was good. This is indeed the top children's restaurant in the imperial capital. The ingredients used here are also the highest-end fruits, many of which are imported.

According to Ye Bufan's current installation method, the cost would be several thousand dollars.

The most terrible thing is that I still have no intention of stopping.

That plate of fruit salad is like magic and can be topped up without limit.

Ye Bufan's arms seemed to have endless strength. Logically speaking, this fruit salad weighed dozens of kilograms, but it was effortless to pick it up.

Seeing that Xiao Yezi was no longer as tall as the fruit salad and had no way to add more to it, Ye Bufan took the tools directly and put it on the plate himself.

When everyone around them saw this scene, they stopped what they were doing and stood nearby cheering.

Little Ye Zi was even more excited and clapped her hands: "Come on, Dad!"

The expressions on Xu Qiang and the waiter's faces were extremely ugly. If this continued, the restaurant would be in serious trouble.

Seeing that if things continued like this, today's ingredients would not be enough, Xu Qiang stepped forward and said, "Boy, that's about it, right?"

Ye Bufan looked at him and smiled slightly: "What do you mean, it's almost the same, I can still pretend here.

You made it clear before that you are a high-end restaurant and the most important thing is rules.

It is said that it is self-help, and it is up to me to pretend as much as I can, so there is no reason to stop it. "


Xu Qiang was blushing and speechless, but these words were what he had just said, and now they were slapped on his face, and he really couldn't refute them.

He couldn't figure out how the other party did it.

Ye Bufan looked at him again and smiled jokingly: "Don't be stunned. There are not enough ingredients here. Tell the kitchen to bring new ones quickly. I haven't finished loading them yet."

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