Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2360: Battle of Beiyan City

Ye Hao let these high-level generals wait for nearly five hours.

During this period, the commander in charge of encircling the remaining demons kept coming back to report the situation.

When the reinforcements arrived just now, there were still 30,000 demons resisting.

Under the encroachment of multiple reinforcements, in just a few hours, only 30,000 demons were left with less than 5,000.

Then the five thousand demons began to fight each other, and even fled.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to let go of these demons, allowing these demons to run through the defenses of the Black Great Wall, but it is quite dangerous.

Then during these five hours, dozens of fleeing forces divided into five thousand demons were wiped out one by one by everyone, and the corpses spread over hundreds of kilometers in Beiyan City.

Until now, the Battle of Beiyan City lasted nearly ten hours before it was officially over.

"Finally it's done." Ye Hao sighed and stood up.

When Ye Hao turned around, he saw the seventh and eighth rank generals standing behind him, and bowed deeply to Ye Hao.

"City Lord Black Bull City, thank you son for taking the initiative to heal the soldiers of Black Bull City."


Ye Hao looked at this group of people and had to say that since he came to the Black Great Wall defense line, the people he saw and the things he encountered were very good.

Although I dare not say that there is no at all, it is not full of intrigue like the earth.

"Sorry, I was busy with things just now. I ignored you." Ye Hao smiled kindly.

Seeing that this young man didn't have any airs, everyone smiled and started talking with Ye Hao, and introduced their own identities.

Who is the lord of which city, or a general sent by the lord to support.

Ye Hao didn't conceal that he was from the earth, everyone was just a little surprised and didn't say much.

The battle ended and another four or five hours passed.

Beiyan City was completely settled down, the ruins on the street had been cleaned up, and the bodies of the dead had been burned to stand.

Except that the collapsed houses and city walls have not been repaired, and the energy of the shady enchantment has not been restored.

The entire Beiyan City has restored its former calm.

In addition to the energy of the shady enchantment, you need to pay a little attention. The collapsed houses and damaged city walls are all used to everyone, and everyone is a cultivator. It is relatively easier to repair these things.

When the war ended, some people took a rest and some held a banquet to celebrate.

In the main hall of the city lord's mansion, there are already tables and dishes.

"Some rough tea and light rice, I hope you don't mind. Sun, I would like to respect you three times in advance, thank you for your help this time." Sun Liancheng graciously picked up the wine glass and drank three drinks.

Everyone was drinking wine happily, and didn't care about the danger of 80,000 demons being pressured not long ago.

Perhaps this is the psychological quality of defending on this black Great Wall defense line for decades. After the battle, it will soon return to normal.

You should eat and drink. After all, if you are scared every day, no one can support it for decades.

On both sides of Ye Hao were sitting Xiaocui, Lin Qiangwei, Sun Yan, Ximen Jiansheng and Jianlao.

Ximen Juggernaut and Sword Master are very strong, and everyone present respects them and toasts them from time to time.

"Young Master Ye, I respect you for this cup. You saved me once in the coral colony, and you saved Beiyan City once. My Sun Yan owes you two lives. After today, what does Ye Gongzi need my Sun Yan? , Just speak.

Regardless of the swordsmanship, I, Sun Yan, are willing to go through fire and water for Ye Gongzi, and I will do it! "Sun Yanyu raised her neck, and a glass of wine directly lowered her abdomen.

"I said before, this is what I should do." Ye Hao smiled and shook his head, but seeing Sun Yan's firm look, I guess he would ignore Ye Hao's words.

Ye Hao did not want to talk more about this topic, and said: "This time, the casualties should have come out? How!"

Sun Yan's eyes darkened, and she did not hide from Ye Hao: "In this battle, more than 800 soldiers died in Beiyan City. This is still under the circumstances of Ye Gongzi's medical skills and the healing potions given to us before. Otherwise, The number of casualties will at least double!"

Eight hundred people.

The enemy is eighty thousand, and one's own loses eight hundred.

This seems to be a very large number, and it should be a very important victory.

But you must know that the entire population of Beiyan City is less than five thousand, and it has lost nearly one-fifth of its combat power.

For a short time, I can't help it.

"In addition, the wastage of combat materials reached 70%, of which 70% of the magic hunting guns were severely damaged, 20% had individual problems, and only three of them were usable.

There are also the equipment of the hunting series, the ammunition of the hunting cannon and so on. These also consumed as much as 80%, and the current Beiyan City could not even fight a decent defensive battle. Sun Yan sighed.

"Then what are you going to do?" Lin Qiangwei said worriedly beside her.

"Don't worry about this. All the reinforcements have already negotiated with my father before the banquet. They will leave half of their fleet's strategic materials and combat personnel, totaling 2,000 people, to help defend our Beiyan city in the near future." Sun Yan said.

Two thousand reinforcements assisted in the defense of Beiyan City, which can indeed help Beiyan City through the immediate difficulties.

"What about Cardinal City?" Ye Hao was a little curious about Cardinal City's handling methods.

When it comes to Cardinal City, Sun Yan and Lin Qiangwei are a little sad.

"A city has fallen. This needs to inform the three major cities, and then let the three major cities send special responsible personnel to select new islands with core amethysts and rebuild a city. Fill the vacancy of the black Great Wall defense line." Sun Yan said.

"Then how long does this take? After all, this gap is here. If it is left for too long, it will be easy for the devil to find a chance." Ye Hao said.

Sun Yan sighed: "There is no way. It takes a long time to build a new city and move the new city to the designated location. In history, it took us five years to build a city for the longest time, and the shortest one also took nearly One and a half years."

One and a half years.

In this year and a half, many things may happen.

"The devil's surprise attack team is probably trying to destroy our city, disrupt our defense line, and let their frontal attack have a chance." Sun Yan said.

Ye Hao didn't speak. He knew very well that the demons were so impatient because he broke their arrangements on the earth, so he focused on the defense line of the Black Great Wall.

The feast is over.

Ye Hao and others returned to the yard where they were arranged, and Ye Hao stood in the middle of the yard.

He raised his hand, and a mini Abyssal Fury Cannon appeared in his hand.

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