Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2337: Benevolence

Chapter 2337

Ye Hao silently walked to the front of the tied soldier.

The soldier seemed to smell the breath of living things on Ye Hao, grinning hoarsely.

"Young Master Ye, don't get too close, be careful of getting hurt!"

"Be careful, the soldiers who tied him just now were all scratched by him."

"Who would say no? A month ago, another soldier accidentally bit his ear by a man with a demon barrier."

When the people around saw Ye Hao approaching, they hurriedly persuaded him.

But Ye Hao was doing his own thing, looking lightly at the unreasonable soldier in front of him.

He could see that in this soldier's sea of ​​consciousness, there was something black like a small bug.

This thing is constantly eroding the soldiers' consciousness.

Ye Hao had seen this thing, something similar to what was in the sea when Qiao Linying was controlled.

"Soul-level stuff. The trick Xingqiang taught me before should work." Ye Hao raised his hand, a ray of light appeared on the palm of his right hand.

Then a white shadow of the palm rushed out of Ye Hao's palm and directly traversed the soldier's head.

The soldiers next to him in this scene were all startled, thinking that Young Master Ye was going to kill the soldier directly, giving him a good time.

But soon they discovered that the white palm phantom did not disappear after passing through behind the soldier's head. Instead, it was located behind the soldier's head. In the white palm, there was still a black shadow that looked like a worm.

The black shadow of the worm plopped for a while, then disappeared by itself.

While he was still roaring at the soldier just now, he calmed down, lowered his head, looking like he didn't know what to do.

"Young Master Ye is..." the soldier next to him asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, he's fine. It's just that Zhihai is injured and needs a certain period of rest. His magic barrier has been lifted. You can untie him and take him down to rest." Ye Hao said.

This trick was given to him by Xingqiang's profound spirit hand, specifically to deal with those intangible things. Ye Hao made a slight change, added some research on the soul level, and easily took it out of others' minds. This devil.

Others are still a little skeptical when they see this situation. After all, this magic barrier, let alone Chiyang City, even the quasi-god-level powerhouses of the three major cities have no such means that can be completely eliminated.

At most, it is to take some high-end pill to increase the hope of survival as much as possible.

"You guys carefully checked the symptoms of the devil's barrier, and then went to notify City Master Lin and General Lin." The captain of the soldiers managing here ordered.

When he turned his head and wanted to interrogate Ye Hao, he found that Ye Hao had disappeared.

"Where is Young Master Ye? Who of you saw Young Master Ye?"

"Captain, Ye Gongzi went there." The soldier next to him pointed to the rows of medical sheds in the distance.

The soldier captain walked over quickly. Although there were many sheds, he quickly discovered where Ye Hao was.

Because there are three floors and three floors surrounded by people.

"Allow, let me." The soldier captain pushed away the people around him, he saw Ye Hao's back, and just as he was about to shout, his open mouth stopped there.

Because Ye Hao was standing in front of a **** hospital bed with several doctors standing beside him.

The patient on the hospital bed was very miserable. His right arm broke all the way, his left leg suffered a twisted fracture, and a large area of ​​his chest collapsed.

It seemed that during the battle, the demon hunting armor on his body reached its limit and shattered directly.

In many wounds, fragments of the hunting magic armor were still inserted.

Every time the patient breathed, blood flowed from the seven orifices, and the eyelids could not be opened.

With such symptoms, if I changed to an ordinary person, I would have died long ago.

This is all because this patient is a Tier 5 fighter, relying on his strong body to resist, and he did not die.

But even the doctors here cannot cure such a situation.

This is the most serious patient here.

And Ye Hao was raising his hand now, and first directly shook away the debris that had been inserted into the soldier's body, because the debris removed the wound, causing massive bleeding.

Ye Hao then used Holy Healing.

The light of Holy Healing technique enveloped the soldier. Some small wounds on the soldier's body began to recover at an extremely fast speed, and the blood loss symptoms soon disappeared.

At the same time, his twisted left leg began to make the sound of bone rubbing, returning to its original state a little.

In the cross section of the broken right arm, those flesh and blood are like small bugs, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The people around who saw this scene were stunned.

Because there is very little aura energy in the void here, this kind of spell can only be used by the very strong.

This is not the treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

It took only three minutes for such a severe patient to recover in Ye Hao's hands.

Look at the gentle breathing, and the undulating abdomen.

Had it not been for the blood stains on his body, who would have believed that this person was almost dead just now.

"Snoring...snoring..." At the end, the soldier even snores.

The people next to it were all taken aback.

"This old Shen has come alive and is still snoring here." The old comrade next to him was tearful and wanted to wake him up.

"He has recovered from his physical injuries, but he is still quite tired mentally. Let him rest like this." Ye Hao's words stopped the soldier next to him from waking his comrades.

Ye Hao turned around, and the people behind him immediately made way for Ye Hao.

Ye Hao went straight to the hospital bed next to him and began to heal the next soldier.


Everyone watched the young man walk past the hospital beds without saying a word, and pulled the soldiers who had been tortured from the death line.

Everyone is full of sincere respect for this young man.

Before, they may have only a kind of admiration and awe for this young man.

And now they are grateful, admire, and admire this young man from the bottom of their hearts.

Time did not know how long it had passed, and their eyes never looked away from this young man.

The soldier captain also stood there in a daze, forgetting that he was still looking for Ye Hao to talk to.

But now Lin Yanghai and Lin Qiangwei arrived one after another.

"What's wrong? What happened."

"What's wrong with Ye Gongzi? You said that Ye Gongzi is here?"

When the two heard about Ye Gongzi, when they arrived, they worried that some people who didn't know the current affairs would ask for trouble.

It's okay to suffer, but don't drag Chiyangcheng to leave a bad impression in front of Ye Gongzi.

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