Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 2143: Elf Princess Alleria

The artifact of sealing space?

"Let's talk while walking, otherwise it's too late. This continent is huge, if we go late. That artifact will be taken away by the gang, and the Atlantis continent will usher in its end! "The elf beauty said anxiously.


Ye Hao took a few steps, and he found that the elf beauty was standing still.

"What's wrong with you? The wound hasn't healed yet." Ye Hao looked at the elf beauty in confusion.

The elf beauty breathed lightly, and she said with difficulty: "Yes...because of the ninth day, my body is already very weak. Even if the injury has recovered, it is difficult to move quickly.

When I ran away just now, I had used up all my strength. "

Ye Hao thought for a while, he walked in front of the elf beauty and directly hugged her.

The elf beauty exclaimed.

She is the princess of the Elves. Although she has lived for hundreds of years, she has never been treated so intimately by a man, and at such a close distance.

"Don't get me wrong, I want to make it easier to move like this. Let's say, where are we going now." Ye Hao asked.

The beautiful elf pointed at a red sun in the distance.

"Go in that direction and you will see a blood-red mountain!"

"Okay." Ye Hao bent his legs, and the next moment he exploded extremely fast.

The elf beauty was a little surprised by Ye Hao's strength. She suddenly thought of something and looked at Ye Hao in surprise: "How did you get to the ninth heaven?"

"I came up from the ladder." Ye Hao felt that the elf beauty asked a nonsense.

But the elven beauty widened her eyes: "How is it possible, no one has ever been on the ninth heaven! My mother said that unless it is a god-level powerhouse, can you climb the ninth heaven from the ladder."

"Anyway, I just walked up by myself, so how did you and your group get up?" Ye Hao asked.

"I know a teleportation circle from the third heaven directly to the ninth heaven. After we reached the third heaven, we passed that circle directly to the ninth heaven." The fairy beauty explained.

Ye Hao suddenly realized that after the third day before, he never saw these people again and dared to take a shortcut.

"But I heard that your elves can't enter the secret realm, why can you come in." Ye Hao thought of such a thing.

The elf beauty continued to explain: "There is such a thing, but it is not absolute. Before I entered the secret realm, hundreds of magic circle inscriptions were added to my body, so that my elf blood was suppressed in a short time. .

But because of this, my strength has also fallen from the holy rank to the platinum rank, otherwise those guys would never be my opponent. "

It turns out that there is such a method. No wonder this fairy princess is so weak. Ye Hao thought of a princess before, so she shouldn't be chased by a few people.

"Which group of people just said they belonged to the Dark Council? What organization is this Dark Council." Ye Hao mentioned the few people just now. The powers used by those few people are very similar to demons.

It's as if the five eagle eye kings could use the power of the devil to remind themselves.

"The Dark Council is an evil organization. Behind it are ancient demons. They do not belong to Atlantis, but they have always been thinking about Atlantis. They have led their own troops and followers to try to destroy Atlantis on several occasions. Tis.

But they were all destroyed by us, and after thousands of years of calm, these guys made a comeback.

The space in that place is still unstable. This time we are looking for an artifact that can seal the space in order to seal the space in the place and prevent the demons from coming back.

And this dark council is the minions of the group of demons. They know our plan, so they pretend to try to destroy our plan.

At the same time, that artifact not only used the function of sealing space, but also had the function of expanding space cracks.

Therefore, you must not let the people of the Dark Council get that thing! "The elf beauty said.

Ye Hao understood right now, this dark council is similar to the existence of eagle eyes, behind which is still a group of demons.

They are not only thinking about the earth, but also thinking about Atlantis.

These guys are really indispensable everywhere.

"Then you were the ones who attacked just now?" Ye Hao looked at the elf beauty.

The elf beauty nodded and began to tell about her being attacked just now.

Almost two hours ago, they passed through the teleportation circle to the ninth heaven. At that time, the group had not attacked the elf beauty.

Because if you want to get that artifact, you still need to find something, a weapon that contains divine blood.

And that weapon, the elf beauty also knew where.

After they successfully found the weapon, the group of guys finally revealed their minions.

They first attacked and killed other people who did not belong to them, and then snatched the weapon of God's blood, and then they wanted to catch the beautiful elf.

The strength of the elven beauty is not their opponent, but fortunately she is a princess of the elves, and she has some good things in her.

Relying on those good things, the elf beauty found a chance to escape.

Because of concerns about time, the guys in the Dark Council split up.

The three legendary guys took the weapons of sacred blood to the place where the artifacts were buried.

The other Black Yao-level people are here to hunt down the elf beauty, and then what happened just now.

Ye Hao happened to save the elf beauty.

"By the way, we have been talking for so long, I don't know what your name is. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ye Hao. As you can see, I am a human race, and my strength is a holy level." Ye Hao looked at the elf beauty.

The elf beauty also said frankly: "My name is very long, you can call me Eleria directly. I am a three-star holy."

"Ailelia, see if the red mountain in front is the place you mentioned before." Ye Hao suddenly stopped.

Alleria raised her head just now, in front of them.

A round of red sun hangs high, and a high mountain like blood is standing there.

This high mountain gives people a solemn and solemn feeling, and even a powerful energy fluctuation can be felt.

"Yes, it's here!" Alleria said excitedly: "Let's get in quickly! The entrance is on the top of the mountain!"

Ye Hao quickened his pace and soon came to the top of the mountain.

There was an intersection on the top of the mountain, and Ye Hao noticed that there were footprints on the red dirt on the intersection.

"It seems that the person who attacked you has already arrived before us."

"Hurry in, don't let the dark council get that artifact!" Alleria said excitedly.

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