Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1758: ‘Talk’ begins

Chapter 1758'Talks' Start

On this morning, the sea in Venice was very calm.

Tourists are still playing here in an endless stream, and a small number of fishermen are ready to start their fishing life today.

A pub.

Ye Hao came out of the room with a pair of sunglasses and a peaked cap.

There were two women behind him, one looking older and the other younger.

Both of them wrapped themselves very tightly, concealing their identities on purpose.

Because in the main city of Venice, cruise ships are more convenient than vehicles, so Ye Hao and the three directly boarded the booked cruise ships and sailed along the waterway towards the dock.

After arriving at the dock, Ye Hao deliberately raised his head and looked around, as if he was checking for suspicious people around.

After waiting for a few minutes, Ye Hao took the two women on a yacht, and the yacht sailed away from the coastline towards the Mediterranean.

On the dock, a person took off his straw hat, revealing the headset in his ear.

"Target No. 1 has left the pier and sailed into the Mediterranean Sea on a yacht." A knight reported to several cardinals who were sitting on the cruise ship.

"Number two," Sonya asked.

"No. 2 has already left the hotel where he stayed at five cents. It is estimated that he will go to the nearest pier and board the yacht in ten minutes. According to their speed, it is estimated that they will arrive at the scheduled island at sunset in the afternoon." Knighthui reported.

"Have you found out the specific steps of their negotiation?" the Cardinal Adrian asked.

The knight shook his head: "No."

"Go and check for me to find out their combat power situation, as well as the time steps for the negotiation! And the specific situation on that island!" Adrian Cardinal yelled angrily.

"No need." At this moment, a man in a black robe came out with a bird mask on his face.

"Your Lord Son, this time only brought two people, his guardian knight Olena, and Cardinal Judy.

As for the Greek temple, their saint will carry eight constellation saints and one hundred temple warriors. The statistics of the combat power here, as well as the map of the island.

The small houses marked on the map are the tents they will set up on the island.

Their negotiations will be divided into half a day and one night. Tonight will be the first half of the negotiations, the evening will be spent on the island, and tomorrow morning will be the second half of the negotiations, and finally a conclusion will be reached by tomorrow afternoon. "The black robe man said lightly.

A stack of paper was thrown on the tables of several cardinals.

Sonia and Adrian looked at the black-robed man with a little unhappy.

"Thank you sir for the information, God will remember your help." Hermann smiled and looked at the man in black.

"But their negotiation steps are a bit weird. Does a simple meeting take half a day and a night?" Adrian asked questioningly.

"This is very possible. How could the Greek temple only believe in what an Asian person said. Of course, this negotiation step will cost a lot of things." Sonia felt that there was no problem.

"If there are no problems, I will retire. This time it is your Holy See's business. Our organization is just to provide you with some information." said the black robe.

"Mr. Go slowly." Herman also stood up and sent off the man in black.

After the black-robed man left the room, Hermann's smile disappeared instantly.

"Master Hermann, why should we organize and cooperate with them! I felt an evil aura in that guy." Adrian is the master of the Knights of Judgment.

He hated heathens even more than Hermann.

Hermann smiled coldly and said: "Adrian, you also know that our current Holy See is no longer the previous Holy See. It is very difficult to change Europe by our own strength.

But they have a powerful intelligence system. If it weren't for the information and help they provided, we wouldn't be able to control the entire Holy See so easily and defeat that old thing.

What needs to be used still needs to be used, at least after we reach the goal. "

Herman stood up and walked to the window, looking at the sea outside.

"Our first step is Europe, and our second step is the whole world. I want the whole world to be immersed in the protection of God!

Adrian, determine the battle plan, and take a night attack. At midnight tonight, after they rest, we will go to the island quietly. "

"Yes." Adrian had excitement in his eyes.

"Master Herman, I have a doubt. Why don't we break them one by one while they are still in the hotel, if the Greek temple and the Asian man really cooperate.

That is also a great threat to us. "Sonia said worriedly.

The corner of Herman's mouth curled slightly, and a slight smile appeared: "You have to know that we are now representing the Holy See. We are forgiven for attacking the blood and the werewolves.

But if we kill the Son with our own hands, if we are discovered, our rule will be questioned.

So we simply waited for them to go to a deserted place and wiped them out in one fell swoop.

At that time, we can say that Lord Son was attacked and killed by evil Greek temple pagans, and we can just assault the Greek temple.

On the side of the Greek temple, there was a loss of so many saints and a goddess heir, and they couldn't fight our Holy See at all.

This can be said to serve multiple purposes! "

"Master Herman is really the messenger of God!" Both Adrian and Sonia looked at Herman with admiration.


When the sun was approaching the sea, Ye Hao's yacht finally came to the island.

At this moment, several cruise ships have docked here, and there are emblems of the gods of the Greek temples on the cruise ships.

"Mr. Ye, I am ordered by the young lady to come here to greet you all." Capricorn Saint Katie stood on the bank, waiting for Ye Hao's arrival.

"You are here really fast." Ye Hao watched over a hundred soldiers wearing ancient Greek armor and dozens of tents stationed on the shore.

"Mr. Ye, these hundred people are the temple warriors who came with them. Everyone has Tier 3 strength. Ten of them have Tier 4 strength." Katie introduced.

Ye Hao nodded, he turned his head and glanced at the sea in the distance.

The sun began to slowly set, and the last setting sun shone on this land, darkness officially enveloped this remote island in the Mediterranean, and night fell.

"Our'talks' are about to begin tonight. I hope we can get results that satisfy us." Ye Hao whispered.

Then followed Katie into the camp area.

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