Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1737: Admirer Shirley

Chapter 1737 Admirer Shirley

Ye Hao walked on the dark aisle, and he could feel it clearly without light.

Because of the increase in soul power, Ye Hao's sensitivity has also improved a lot. Now he can feel things within a certain range without using his eyes, just like a high-definition radar.

And when he completely released the power of the soul, with him as the center, the surrounding area of ​​one kilometer was under his influence.

Within this kilometer, every channel, every person, even every mouse, Ye Hao could feel it.

But this is aimed at ordinary people. If someone with a certain level of strength intentionally hides their aura within this range, perhaps Ye Hao will not be able to feel it.

The specific situation also depends on the opponent's strength and hidden skills.

"Master!" When Ye Hao returned to the bar above.

Olena, who had been waiting impatiently, ran up to Ye Hao.

Looking at Olena's anxious look, Ye Hao knew that these few months and hours could make this girl wait miserable.

"Don't worry, I don't have much to do." Ye Hao smiled.

"Hey, the method you just said, can you say it again, I haven't written it down yet."

Behind her, Shirley was holding a notebook, densely remembering what Ye Hao had just said.

Now she is a student eager for knowledge in front of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao closed the notebook in Shirley's hand: "You should also pay attention to rest when studying. It's late all day outside, and I let you wait so long as a pity. I invite you to eat a big meal."

I haven't eaten for a whole year, and my beak has faded out of the bird.

Although he has stepped into a fairyland, he can maintain his body's supply by absorbing the surrounding energy, but as a Chinese who relies on food, Ye Hao still cannot give up his desire to speak.

Leaving the bar, Ye Hao took Shirley and Olena to a western restaurant that was about to close.

"Sir, I'm sorry. Our restaurant is closed. If you want to eat, please come back tomorrow." The waiter was about to close.

Ye Hao opened the door unceremoniously, found a position by the window, pulled out the chair and sat down.

The waiter was a little angry, and everyone said that he was out of business, and the man came in, just when he was about to rush people.

Ye Hao didn't hesitate to take out a dozen beautiful knives from his pocket, actually from the storage items, and put them on the table.

"Bring me the best dishes in your store, and the best wine."

The waiter dumbfoundedly looked at the stack of US knives. Although he did not know the exact number, the thickness... at least one hundred thousand US knives!

Not to mention eating, you can buy all of their stores.


A man in a suit suddenly rushed out, his eyes glinted and put away the stack of money: "Dear guests, please wait a moment. We will prepare the best dishes in this restaurant and the best wine for you right away. ."

"The manager... we have closed business, and I have an appointment with a girlfriend... and the chef has already left." The waiter looked at the man embarrassedly.

Now he is the only waiter left in the restaurant. The others have already left. If he entertains guests at this table, it means he has to work overtime.

"The head chef has just left for five minutes, and you immediately call him and ask him to come back. Just tell me that there is another special guest, and overtime is calculated according to his one month's salary!

Besides you, I remember that Tony just left, I think one month's salary should allow him... "The manager squinted his eyes.

The waiter’s eyes flashed: "Manager, I feel I am full of power. I like working overtime, I love working overtime, please let me stay and work overtime!"

One month's salary!

This is more important than dating a girlfriend, and one month's salary is enough to buy a lot of gifts for the girlfriend.

The manager smiled, with a good look on you.

"I didn't expect this restaurant to be still open. It's great..." At this moment a couple opened the door and walked in, but the next moment they were blocked by the manager.

"I'm very sorry, our shop has been booked tonight."

"Being wrapped up?" The man in the couple looked at the only table of guests. When he saw the two beauties, one big and one small, his eyes almost came out.

The most important thing is that they are surrounded by a Chinese man on the left and right. This is simply too happy!

Why, why two beautiful blonde women want to be with a Chinese man.

My girlfriend and these two blonde beauties are far apart, and one of them is a Gothic loli!

God, he felt he had the desire to sin.

"Jack, you bastard!"


The girlfriend next to her saw her boyfriend's dazed expression, slapped it directly, turned her head and left.

"Ruth, wait for me. Let me explain."

Ye Hao was also a little awkward about his situation at the moment.

It stands to reason that this position is a row of double seats, and there is a chair on the opposite side, why do they both have to squeeze beside themselves.

He looked at Olena on the left.

Because of the crowded seats, there was no gap between the two. Olena could clearly smell the scent of Lord Saint Son, and she lowered her head in fascination.

Olena was the first to sit down before, sitting inside. Because of the double row position, Ye Hao had to choose whether to sit with Olena or Shirley.

Olena and Shirley are naturally closer to Olena and herself.

So he sat next to Olena, but he didn't expect Shirley to even think about it, so he sat next to him and was close to him.

And Shirley quickly exposed why she was sitting next to Ye Hao. She took out her notebook and continued to ask Ye Hao various questions.

In previous academic research, Shirley thought that she had a lot of knowledge. She has been on the road of research alone since she was 300 years old.

But now, the talent that Ye Hao showed gave her a feeling of finding a companion, and this companion seemed to be better than her, of course she didn't want to let this opportunity pass.

Shirley looked at Ye Hao, who was watching her, and she subconsciously said, "Is it a bit crowded? This chair is a bit narrow, then I just sit on your lap."

With that, she sat on Ye Hao's lap very skillfully.

Perhaps it was the relationship that she often sat on top of her own blood leopard. After sitting, she even moved her **** to find a comfortable position for herself.

Ye Hao's breathing was a little short.

The increase in strength does not mean that he is pure in his six roots.

On the contrary, his whole year of cultivation gave him the desire for this volcano to erupt, and the Gothic Lolita in front of him was standing in the crater.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

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