Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 19 Chapter 1691: Visit of the 1st lady

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On the second day, Ah Xiu rushed to his hometown alone to receive his sister from the college. ,

And Angela was appointed a teacher of the college, but the action was restricted. Sylvia woke up and wanted to go back with Acura, but as a prince, she had to stay to monitor Angela’s every move. After all, the disappearance of Xingjing Road can't be separated from her!

And Yasho also found the same dragon doll from Sylvia from his room.

At the time of the separation, Sylvia gave the doll to the teenager to express her gratitude. She also hoped that the teenager would not forget her. Although the memory at that time gradually became blurred, Sylvia still clearly remembered the boy who took the doll. A smile on his face.

Recently, Sylvia has asked Cosette to find an identical dragon doll, thinking about what he would think of if he saw her dragon doll, and hoped that one day would coincide, and now the truth is finally revealed.

Xia Dulu knows that after the storm and Ai Ke lived together, there was no movement, but he soaked himself in the library and began to study magic.

And it really has to make Xia Dulu have a result, as a genius magic girl, Xia Duolu gradually learned the magical composition of the world - dragon media magic.

Long Yu Hua Jing is the crystallization of the dragon's magic power. It is also the catalyst of dragon media magic. Without the magic power of Long Yao Hua Jing, humans can't use magic. The dragons brought magic to this continent.

Therefore, magic can only use the dragon 绮 Hua Jing to display the magic, on this basis, Xia Dulu carried out some transformation of magic. The first is the study of Longjing Huajing. Where did the dragon's magic come from?

The dragon's life grows from the star. Humans with Stars will not use magic.

In addition to being used to launch dragon magic, Long Yu Hua Jing is now used as a light source and heat source by non-magic humans, and is widely used in daily life.

And Long Hao Hua Jing said that the white is the secretion of the dragon.

Xia Dulu now has the dragon and dragon Huajing secreted by the wind and rain, used to study magic. According to her expectations, it can completely create a magic wand and a magic guide through the dragon medium alchemy magic. In various theoretical aspects of magic, she is Genius...

And caught in this kind of research. Probably also to make myself normal, to find the original one, in the relationship with the wind and rain, she gradually lost herself, although she is expected to stay in this world forever, but how can he be so decadent And, as long as she broke through the dimension of the present and the stars, her Arthur could follow her, so that would be fine.

What she is pursuing is something that should be considered.

Today is the date of the remembrance of the first king of the city of Lorea, Veronica, to visit Ansari. Under the leadership of the student president, Rebecca. The wind and rain also participated in it. As a hero who killed the corpse, he was included in today's welcome list.

"It’s really trouble... it’s a slut’s king...”

Thinking in the heart of the storm, probably the same as Sylvia?

As time passed, a dark shadow appeared in the blue sky, and as the approach gradually grew larger, the seven dragon knights guarded around the flying object.

The shadows gradually show up. Compared to the dragon flying next to it, this volley mechanical warship is quite huge. The guarded dragon is just like the difference between the stars and the moon.

Rebecca’s face next to the wind and rain was solemn and said:

"That is the special machine of the Queen of Veronica" - the magical ship Shivanas, this is the scientist who was commemorated by the Emperor Veronica from the exile of the Safran Empire, and successfully developed a trial military flight. Ship."

"Imagine the use of the Millennium Dragonfly Huajing? This kind of warship can only support the huge magic power of the Millennium Dragonfly Huajing. The Millennium Dragonfly Huajing is the dragon's fossil after a thousand years of sleep on the ground, it will have great magic. Crystals... But even then, the warships and the military warships made by the Safran Empire still differ, and there is a gap between size, attack, and defense. Otherwise, the dragon knight will not be added to assist the defense..."

Xia Dulu said that he closed the magic book in his hand.

"You still have to close the magic book, but it is very rude..."

Rebecca reminds Xia Dulu.


The magical ship Shivanas seemed to occupy the entire open space and landed slowly on the front of the first school building. Just like the waterfowl stopped on the lake, the landing was very smooth and it was clearly visible. The structure of the hull is widely used in a streamlined shape, which makes people associate with the sacred dragon of the wings. The bright red line is matched with the magnificent appearance of white armor, and multiple sets of gun doors are installed in the fuselage. Has a sense of pressure.

Such a warship is similar to the plane above the earth in the eyes of the wind and rain. The plane is also made with reference to the shape of the bird, and it flies in the airflow in the sky. The magical guide also emulates the shape of the dragon, not Simply for the sake of gorgeousness.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, the door of Shivanas slowly opened with the noise of the gear running, and the boarding ladder automatically lowered.

Everyone is watching the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who is walking down from the magical ship. It is known as the first woman of the "Ironian Valkyrie", Veronica, with the footsteps of each other. Her feet stepped on the surface.

At this time, the wind and rain have self-interested in their appearance, the imposing manner, the heroic Valkyrie, and Sylvia are sisters, the faces of the two are very beautiful, the dazzling blond hair and the fair skin are also common. Features, however, Sylvia is eclipsed by the temperament of the slender figure of the superior.

However, what makes the rain and rain pay attention to her eyes. Like the eagle who hunted the prey from high altitude, her eyes were sharp and sharp, but she was only squinted at her. It felt like the heart was penetrated. The self-destructive killing of the blood after killing the gods has a gesture.

This kind of gesture has to let the wind and rain think of Akasaka and Essex. Compared with Essex, Veronica can’t match Essex because Vivenica’s eyes are left. Human emotions, while Aistus is the real queen, as everything is like a mustard, so it is somewhat similar to Akasaka...

After the magic ship was released, Veronica began to patrol the left and right, and then said in a loud voice: "There are labors to pick up the plane, hard work!" (To be continued.) u

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