Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 18 Chapter 1595: Gourmet hunter

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Sates led the candidates to move on, but although the fog faded, there were still people who had left the team, the nest of the fraudsters, and there was an ambush in the wrong step.

For example, the misty tortoise turtle borrows the plants grown on the back to deceive people, and then suddenly rises and attacks; for example, the mine mushroom is trampled to release poison gas to make people coma; for example, the hypnotic butterfly flies in front of the eyes, and the hypnotic ability releases to make people coma. For example, the imitating crow imitates the examiner's voice to confuse the candidate; for example, the ambush frog, lurking on the ground, and when the person walks over it, it will swallow it instantly...

These creatures have the instinct of deception, the bio-chain recycling ecological moor system established by deception, and any living animals and plants have various deceptions to confuse candidates.

However, because many candidates are players who log in from the Earth, most of them are from the life of the dominant world, so they have the unique ability of nature and the foundation is very powerful.

The system can seal the power of the bloodline, but it can not seal the physical quality, and the physical quality is affected by the bloodline, so the stronger the physiology of the human body, the better.

This is a force that is not available to the local residents of the full-time hunter world. Of course, the hunter world also lacks some geniuses. The ability to inherit from the patriarchal or maternal line makes their physical quality and potential greatly improved.

The boy named Xiaojie was especially noticed by the wind and rain. It was because he could distinguish the ability to use fog in the rain and rain, and the nose was even worse than the dog. It is simply incredible.

gradually. In the storm, they began to cross the nest of the fraudster. After the fog dissipated, a passage appeared in front of it. Although the trees were still on both sides, the road under the foot was obviously flattened.

"Well, inside is the location of the second hunter exam - Wiscon Forest Park, I wish you a smooth exam."

Satz disappeared into the forest.


Then, in the wind and rain, the park gate in front of them began to open, revealing the scene inside. It is not a special examination room. It is more suitable. It can be said that the chefs are considering the cooking skills, stoves, barbecues and various kitchen utensils.

In front of the gate in the middle of the courtyard, there are two men and women who are not so well-coordinated, a girl with a green square horn, dressed in cool, super shorts and a brown translucent gauze that can be seen clearly. Vague, unclear can see the black chest inside; the other is a big fat man who looks very fat. Sitting behind a girl like a meat mountain.

"The candidates who pass the first exam are welcome to enter the examination room of the second exam. I am the examiner of the second hunter test..." The girl said with a high leg.

"I am the examiner Buha..."

The big fat man said.


Everyone hesitated into the examination room, compared to the first game is still a test of the test field, this second assessment is confusing, what kind of exam is it, not to say cooking, That's really a joke.

Door Qi stood up and smiled a little at the corner of his mouth. He said: "As you can see, the content of this second assessment is cooking..."

"Ha? Cooking? No mistakes?"

"When the hunter is not going to be a chef..."

"That is..."


One by one, the candidates began to grin.

"Hunters also have gourmet hunters. If you want to explore, all the dishes above must be made by yourself, especially in some magical environments, illusions or ruins. You need to do your own cooking, and what foods are not there? Being able to eat, what foods can be eaten needs to be clearly defined, so there is the existence of gourmet hunters..."

The wind and rain explained and said.

Door Qi looked at the wind and rain in surprise and nodded. "That's it. Everyone starts to cook. If you can satisfy me and Buha, you will be able to pass the customs smoothly..."

“As for the main ingredients for cooking, it is pork. You can go to the forest outside, and the assessment is now starting!”

Buha's big hand was heavily on his big belly, as if it was a copper-like sound, indicating the beginning of this second test.


All the candidates ran out and started looking for ingredients. There was only one pig outside, a pig with a big nose, and the strength and strength of the nose made all the players abused. Everyone was gray-faced. They can only avoid the wind and rain, but Xiaojie, who was paying attention to this time, discovered that the weakness of this huge pig is the head that is protected by the big nose at the head.

A seemingly huge creature has a fatal weakness.

The discovery of Xiaojie made the step of obtaining the ingredients complete successfully, and the next step was cooking.

If you want to say cooking, the wind and rain will say that you are the world's number one, and no one will stand up and dare to say the second. Of course, this is just an exaggeration, but it also shows the strength of the kitchen.

Everyone except the wind and rain is roasting whole pigs, but the wind and rain is made of pig's trotters. This part of the pig's trotters can be regarded as the most difficult part to deal with, but if done well, it is very delicious.

Then, under the stunned expression of everyone, the rain and the beat of the table shook the pig into the air, and several sharp knives flew in the hands quickly. Almost no one could see the knife. All that could be seen was a single disability. Shadow, more than a dozen pig's trotters were perfectly shaved in a flash, all the pig hairs on them were gone...

Then skilled washing, boiling water, scrape off the floating skin, stained with wine, soy sauce for half an hour, the oil is hot and slightly blasted ginger, put the hoof into the skin, fry until the skin is golden yellow ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ add water, cinnamon , fennel, peanuts, soy sauce, sugar and yellow wine, boil, stir fry, use micro-fire to cook...

Without time, the scent was heard, and the strong fragrance was circulated throughout the courtyard. The two examiners, Qiao Qi and Buha, even personally waited in front of the stove in the storm, but they were disdainful for other people's cooking. Gu...

This strong fragrance also makes the candidates not stop their appetite. After all, they have been running for such a long time, they have long been hungry, how can this scent stimulation be tolerated.

"Not good yet?"

Buha's saliva flowed all over the place.

"As a gourmet hunter, don't you know that real cooking takes time, and it ends too early, but it will destroy the taste. As a chef, I can't allow my food to be destroyed..."

The stormy weather is waiting for the perfect moment to come... (to be continued.)



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