Unlimited Anime Works

Vol 11 Chapter 1105: The heart of the devil: fight!

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The battle between the Magic Guild and the Six Devils finally began. However, the storm did not participate in the Alliance Army, but was alone in the heart of the devil. This time, the devil’s heart also had a movement, but they were Looking for the 'key' to resurrect Zelev.

Although the purpose of the Six Devils is different, the devil's heart is the real danger, so the storm was sent to the battlefield behind the magical council to stop the devil's heart.

According to the personal analysis of the storm, the reason why the Magic Council knows the heart of the devil is that there are unlimited players in the Magic Council. Even they have already heard the dynamics of the devil's heart. They can never look down. The wisdom of the players, although most of them are teasing, but there are not a few wise people.

The wind and rain are very clear, these infinite players through various measures to make him on the devil's heart, probably want to fisherman and the like, assuming that the devil's heart members are captured, these players should get benefits from the system, or The eighth genus is the same as the ability to seize, so that is very profitable.

However, although I understand that I am being used, the wind and rain still have not refused, and the younger generation, can you compete with Haoyue?

What's more, the storm was still looking for Urutia to settle the account, but before it was overcast, and the dissolution of the Wings of Liberty also had a major relationship with her.


Use gravity. The wind and rain slowly flew in one direction. If the clues provided by the Magic Council are not wrong, the heart of the devil must be less than one kilometer away from him.

Facing the heart of the entire devil. The wind and rain can be put together with all the power, and if the real battle is up, it must be a catastrophe, but the magical wizard power that absorbed the tower of the paradise has the infinite magical energy, as long as the physical strength can keep up. I can continue to fight.

gradually. A dark magical floating boat appeared in the view of the wind and rain, and the white eyes clearly saw the president of Hades and Urutia, Berunot... Belonot escaped at this time. Magic Council. There is also a person who is very impressed by the wind and rain, wearing a pair of ghost masks, should be the eighth genus.

"Hey. I will come and say hello to you first!"

A dark knives condensed in the hands of the wind and rain, and instantly slammed into the huge magical floating boat in front of him. A dark crescent condensed out and flew to the magical floating boat...


For a time, the entire huge magical floating boat was split into two, but -

The arc of time - recovery!

A purple magic wraps up the split magical floating boat. The next moment, the split magical floating boat is once again aggregated, as if it had not been damaged.

Otter - fog hidden technique!

For a time. The whole world was wrapped up in a lot of fog, and nothing could be seen around the square. The ordinary people’s sight was seriously disturbed.

The wind and rain instantly appeared in the magical floating boat of the devil's heart. There was an ice-covered throne behind him, sitting slowly on it.

"Oh, hello, the dark reptiles, there is no way, they are under the command of the council. You have to shoot you down!" The wind and rain looked at all the main members of the devil's heart.

"You are the tail of the fourth-generation goblin. Makarov really found a troublesome guy. But if you come here so brazenly, can you really retreat for you?"

Hades stood up slowly from the seat, and the whole body exudes an amazing magic!

The wind and rain have been somewhat shocked, and its powerful magic, like the abyss, almost can not see the side of the look, it seems that he still underestimated the power of Hades, the strength of the magic is obviously above him! ! !

"Yes, it is really a powerful force. Sure enough, the old guy still has some strength. The second generation president, Prehito, if it is not the relationship between darkness and light, maybe I can sit down and chat with you. However, you are unwilling to chat with me in the pursuit of the magic world. Well, this is inevitable.

After all, when you and the first generation came together with Zelev, the magic of you and the first generation was taught by Zerif. It is inevitable to pursue this existence. When a powerful person cannot become stronger, he will Want to make a breakthrough, and you choose to let Zelev resurrect, and then climb a higher level of magic.

Hey, is it easy to be confused when people are old? However, since I sat in the position of the leader of the fairy tail, I will inherit the legacy of the first generation and three generations of Makarov, guarding this guild, want to destroy the tail of the fairy, first defeat me! ”

The wind and rain also stood up from the Frozen Throne, and the power of the whole body came out. The space inside the magical floating boat could not help but shrouded an extreme ice! !

Urutia was shocked to feel the ice in the air. Even if she had the magic of ice, she still felt the coldness of her heart. This is not the ordinary cold, but the cold caused by the will, regardless of the coldness of her ability.

"Yes, yes, no wonder that Bellunnot is not your opponent. You are much stronger than Makarov. With your strength, you really have confidence and fight with me, but ah, young people are not too embarrassed. I have been waiting for a few years, maybe I am not your opponent, but now!"

Hades raised his right hand slightly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ stretched out the fingers, and a dark ball of light came out and shot against the wind and rain!


As soon as the dark bullets approached the body of the wind and rain, his figure gradually became a snow and ice, and then re-agglomerated in another place.

"It's useless, President Hades, you can't break the illusion..." The wind and rain gradually moved forward, and a frost condensed out under his feet.


Berunot Urutia and others can not help but retreat, joking, two monsters fighting, how can they intervene in it?

The wind and rain is a monster, and this has been truly experienced by Bellunnot.

"Sankullo, your flame can break his frost illusion!" said the eighth genus according to his own mask. "As far as I know, the magic of the dragon can destroy this illusion, that is, the temperature of the flame and After the intensity reaches a certain stage, you can destroy this frost illusion. Is it true that the magical magical magic should be eliminated?" (To be continued)

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