Universe Infinite Canteen

Chapter 280 Self-reflection

After leaving the giant tower, Malu went to the Witch House to pick up Yun Que and others.

Although he had a large amount of redemption points on hand, the previous attack on the mine triggered a wave of panic buying, resulting in no good goods in the weapons and equipment department.

At least we have to wait until next month to find new equipment worth buying. In this way, Malu is not in a hurry to expand the team. After all, the recruited people must have good equipment to play an effective role.

Then he opened the task system and looked through the tasks updated this week.

I don’t know if it’s because of the promotion, there are many more tasks to choose from this time, a full 3 pages, and there are locations in the Redstone Grand Canyon, where someone has found traces of the singer’s sour berries.

It is also Malu’s target location this time.

However, this is an investigation task, requiring the search for traces of the remnants of the fallen witch in the Redstone Grand Canyon.

Malu is a little reluctant to get involved in the matter involving the Witch Alliance, but then he thought of something and his spirit was shocked again.

If he just searches for traces and doesn't need to arrest anyone, he still has a lot of room for maneuver, especially since he has a spy from the Witch Alliance buried in the Temple City.

Sitting on the warhorse, Malu sent the photos taken in the library to Bird of Paradise, who fell silent after reading them.

Seeing that she had been silent, Yun Que was a little worried, and stopped playing Go with the Hellhound, and handed her a piece of honey cake stolen from the cafeteria.

She originally intended to give this cake to Malu, because she mentioned it when they chatted before, and Malu casually said that he wanted to try it, and Yun Que remembered it in his heart.

But seeing that Bird of Paradise was in a low mood, she hesitated and thought it was more important to coax Bird of Paradise first.

However, the red-haired girl shook her head and didn't eat it, and then she looked at Malu again.

"Do you know what's written on the page?"

"Well... I met an old nun in the library, and she insisted on pulling me to give me a history lesson."

"What do you think?" Bird of Paradise asked with a deep breath.

"What do you mean by my opinion?"

"I want to know how you view the relationship between us witches and the church from a human perspective. Do you think what the church is doing is right?"

"Does it matter?" Malu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why should you, as a witch, care about the opinions of humans? And you know me, I'm not a local, I'm just passing by."

However, the red-haired girl seemed dissatisfied with this ambiguous and cunning answer, so she went further.

"Then let me ask it another way. If you were a witch, what would you do?"

"Break the ring of order and overturn the church." Malu said without hesitation.

"So you will also choose to stand on the side of the Witch Alliance?"

"That's not necessarily the case. I lack trust in politicians. In comparison, I prefer to believe in myself," Malu paused, "But if I have to choose a side, I will stand on the Witch Alliance first. After all, if they win, at least the situation of the witches will not get worse."

"Do you think the Witch Alliance can solve the disputes between witches and humans?"

"No," Malu shook his head, "If the X-Men can't solve it, let alone the Shrike."

"Who are the X-Men?"

"A group of superpowers led by a bald old cripple, their situation is a bit similar to your witches, and they also live very hard. Unfortunately, I am not the same kind of person as you, and I can't give you too much life advice."

"Are we different?" Bird of Paradise was puzzled.

Malu thought for a while, "You are all kind-hearted, noble-minded, and persistent in finding the right answers. You will think about the fate of mankind and the world, and transform the world with a purpose.

"But I am different. I am vulgar and superficial. From the beginning, I accepted the reality that the world is chaotic. The best thing I do is to use the rules to make profits for myself. I indulge in vulgar things such as money, video games, thighs, and breasts, and I never get tired of it."

Malu became more and more ashamed as he spoke, "...I have been busy collecting food during this period. I have never cared about the conflict between witches and humans, and I have never thought about how to solve it."

"Even if I knew what happened in the 14th year of the Holy Calendar, I was not moved. When the old woman grabbed me and told me the tragic history of humans and witches, I was thinking about why the forced plot could not be skipped, and whether this part was a tribute to the X-Men.

Malu counted on his fingers, "...As a knight of the Paladin Order, I found that Ouroboros had problems but did not report it to the church. Instead, I secretly protected her. Later, when we fought the Witch Alliance, I was always slacking off. Seeing my colleagues fall one by one beside me, I felt that I was almost a traitor to the Witch Alliance.

"However, when I saw the witches being burned, I did not stand up. Later, Shrike and other witches were killed by Levi with missiles. I had the opportunity to avenge them, but considering that I had to collect food later, I did not kill Levi. Instead, I used this incident to become a master. Of course, I was also very puzzled about the latter incident.

"I don't know what Levi saw in me. There are obviously many more honest and loyal people in the Paladin Order than me. He is probably a little blind.

"In short, at this critical moment that determines the fate of the two tribes, the only thing I did was...robber the blame, which is indeed a bit...what."


After reflecting on his fence-sitting behavior, Malu said sincerely, "But you are different. I don't treat you as my weapons or consumables like other knights, but I always treat you as my friends. As a friend, I sincerely hope that you can live a better life.

"So you can tell me what you want to do or what you plan to do. Whether you want to join the church's top leaders or leave the Temple City and reunite with the rest of the Witch Alliance, I can help you find a way. I will respect the choice of each of you."

After hearing this, Skylark looked around and saw that no one was talking. He spoke boldly and said weakly, "I... I think it's good now. I am very happy to be able to follow the Knight all the time."

The Hellhound pointed to his Ring of Order, "Humph, you may be mean, but you are still honest. Then I will trust you for once. No matter what method you use, as long as you can remove this thing on my neck, it will be fine."

Malu looked at the Ouroboros and the Bird of Paradise again. The former shook his head slightly, "I have my own path... You don't have to worry about it. You have done enough for me. I will remember this kindness. "

The last red-haired girl frowned and said, "I... haven't thought about it yet. I need to digest the knowledge I got today first."

"It's okay. When you think it through, you can tell me anytime." Malu said.

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