The Stone Man King instantly lost his soul!

At this time, although it was afraid, it still did not lose its mind!

Seeing this scene in front of him, the stone man king almost did not have the slightest hesitation, pulled out his legs and ran!




The huge body stepped on the flower field, making a huge noise, and the stone man king fled madly in the flower field in panic, desperately trying to get away from that terrifying place!

I don’t know how long it took.

The Stone Man King finally stopped breathlessly.

He ran with all his strength in the flower field for dozens of minutes, but at this time, the boundary of the flower field still did not know where it was.

But fortunately, those terrifying flowers and leaves just now did not catch up again.

The Stone Man King sat on the ground, his face full of horror!

Even if all the brain cells try to imagine, it can’t imagine what happened just now!

The man-eating flowers in this flower field… What the hell is it?!

And this side of the world… What secrets are hidden?!

The Stone Man King didn’t know.

It only knew that the horror of this world had long exceeded its own understanding!

“The fourth is dead…”

“The second and third are probably already…”

The Stone Man King muttered in dismay, but the next moment, a faint voice suddenly reached his ears——

“Keep hiding! Why don’t you hide? Poor bug! ”

“Let you go? Don’t be naïve! ”

“As long as we kill you, we will win the battle, and this world and this flower field will be ours!”

“The Creator will surely reward us!”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, big brother, third brother, fourth brother, let’s go up together, crush this poor bug, and kill all the creatures here!”

“Completely destroy this whole world!”

“For our Stone Man World! For our great Creator! ”

A crazy voice laughed hysterically, and then a continuous thumping sound suddenly sounded, and one after another heavy sound entered the ears of the stone man king!

“This is … Second brother’s voice! ”

The Stone Man King’s eyes widened sharply!

“Could it be that the third brother has found the creature hiding in this flower field?!”

“Listen to this voice… Yes! Absolutely!! ”

The stone man king’s breathing suddenly became rapid!

The creatures of this strange world must know how to leave this flower field!


The thought of having the opportunity to escape from here, the Stone Man King instantly burst into tears!

It quickly got up from the ground and stumbled towards the place where the voice came from!

There…… It is the hope of life!

Then the Stone Man King saw such a scene-

A stone figure was riding on something, and it wielded a huge stone fist, raining down towards its body with a terrifying force!

“Die! Die! Give me all death! ”

“Keep hiding! Poor bug! ”

“Big brother, third brother and fourth brother, don’t be stunned, let’s kill him together!”

“Great Creator, have you seen it?! Win! We won hahahaha! ”

The stone man frantically waved his huge fist while making a confused whisper!

It urged the so-called eldest brother, third brother and fourth brother, but there was nothing around except the blood-red flower that swayed in the dark!

Seeing this scene, the stone man king only felt a complete chill climb up his back, drowning it to death!

This stone man who has fallen into madness is his second brother!

And the guy who was ridden under it, who had already shattered and shattered all over the ground and turned into powder after heavy blows, was not a creature of this world, but…

His own third brother!!!

Even though it was already dead and could no longer die, the second brother was still beating tirelessly and frantically, and even the ground was beaten out of a huge deep pit!

At this moment, the Stone Man King couldn’t even care about stopping the second brother, it just felt——



Outright fear!

Over here…… What the hell is this place!!!

These flowers are not only capable of eating people!

It can also make a silver second-order creature fall into the illusion, treating his companion as an enemy and desperate to kill him!!!

The stone king trembled irrepressibly, and its consciousness became blank at this moment because of extreme panic!

But at the same time, the hammering sound on the side suddenly stopped.

The stone king subconsciously looked up, but saw that the second brother was slowly getting up from the ground.

With a weird smile on its face, it smiled while looking at itself:

“You’re with them, too.”


“Second brother…”

The stone man king’s voice was a little dry.

The second brother is the second creation after himself in the world of stone people.

It’s the kind of person who has spent the longest time with you!

The friendship between the two is incomparably deep!

But at this moment….

The Stone Man King wanted to step forward to awaken him, but remembering his previous experience when saving his fourth brother, he deeply realized that not only was it futile to do so, but it might put itself in danger again!

So the stone king did not hesitate, turned around and ran!

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