“You guys also take my attack!”

Uchiha Xuan, with an excited smile on his face under the mask, controlled Susanoo to drop the giant sword.


The ground within a radius of dozens of meters shook and exploded, and seven Root ninjas died under the Susanoo giant sword with just one strike.

But even though they realized the obvious gap between the enemy and us, the Root ninjas did not give in at all, and even tried to fight with Uchiha Xuan.

As Root ninjas, they have no names and no emotions, and completing the mission is the meaning of their lives.

And facing these Root ninjas who don’t know how to live or die, Uchiha Xuan also smiled and gave them the end they deserved.

That is death!!!

“Chidori Flow!”

Uchiha Xuan injected the Lightning Chakra into Susanoo, and instantly thousands of electric shocks burst out from the skeleton.

The strong electric current covered all the root ninjas, causing their bodies to become paralyzed and stiff.

This moment of opportunity was easily captured by Uchiha Xuan, and in an instant the giant sword in the hand of Susanoo slashed horizontally.


A horizontal slash swept across the body, and the surging electric light mixed with sword energy was like a sickle cutting wheat, cutting the root ninja and the tree in half!

A breeze blew gently, and the broken bodies and the tree fell down at the same time..

The forest centered on Uchiha Xuan instantly swept out a playground-sized open space!

The Uzumaki clan and Tsunade, who had the foresight to stay away from the battlefield, looked at the scene not far away with their hearts and lungs stopping.

The sharp sword energy and surging lightning exploded in front of their eyes.

If several senior ninjas had not performed earth escape defense in time, they would probably have died in the aftermath!

From the time Uchiha Xuan showed the incomplete form of Susanoo to the end, less than three minutes had passed.

Uchiha Xuan, with his back to the crowd, had a slight bleed in his eyes, but it was not serious.

“The first time I used Susanoo, I was a little unskilled. Fortunately, I had accumulated enough pupil power and obtained the Uzumaki Sage Body before.”

Uchiha Xuan could clearly feel that his body was under a heavy burden.

Every cell was overly drained of chakra. If Susanoo was used for a long time, it would definitely shorten his life.

The tenacious vitality of the Uzumaki Sage Body helped to withstand this shortcoming.

So far, he just felt that his breathing was not smooth, as if he had run for dozens of kilometers.

The golden Susanoo skeleton slowly dissipated and was gradually taken back into Uchiha Xuan’s body.

After Susanoo disappeared, the body without the burden began to regenerate and recover more quickly.

After taking two breaths, Uchiha Xuan felt that he had recovered.

“These corpses cannot be wasted, transfer souls and sacrifice them!”

A ball of black flame burned on the corpse, burning it to ashes and then flew back into Uchiha Xuan’s right eye.

Rich chakra and vitality poured into his body. Although he failed to replenish the consumed pupil power and chakra, his body was completely fine. After sorting out the abnormalities in his body, Uchiha Xuan turned his head and looked at the Uzumaki clan not far away.

Seeing his gaze, the Senju ninja and Tsunade felt their hearts tighten.

Even though they knew that the person in front of them had just saved them, Tsunade and the others still couldn’t tell whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

However, the patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Asui, and the members of the Uzumaki clan looked at Uchiha Xuan very gently.

They didn’t care who the other party was. To them, anyone who could help in the critical moment of genocide was the best friend.

“”My benefactor of the Uchiha clan, what do you need?”

Seeing Uchiha Xuan approaching, Uzumaki Roshimi spoke first in the silence. Uchiha

Xuan glanced at Tsunade and the vigilant Senju ninja, and said lightly:”I only represent myself. If I have to say what I need, I do have it.”

When the hoarse voice produced by changing the voice channel said this, the atmosphere was a little tense for a while.

Uzumaki Roshimi pressed his hand, showed a kind smile and asked:”I don’t know what you want, benefactor?”

Perhaps because of his old age, he judged that Uchiha Xuan in front of him had no ill intentions based on only a brief contact.

He took the initiative to speak and let Uchiha Xuan express his needs. Uchiha

Xuan did not beat around the bush, and said bluntly:”I want the ninjutsu of your clan.”

This proposal was made by Uchiha Xuan on the spur of the moment. It’s not right to come back empty-handed.

Hearing Uchiha Xuan’s request, Uzumaki Roshimizu’s expression was indescribable.

It’s not that this request is too much. For the current Uzumaki clan, it’s not even a price.

It’s just that there is an embarrassing problem at the moment. Due to the hasty escape, the sealing techniques they brought with them are very precious and exclusive to their Uzumaki clan.

Even if they teach it to other ninjas, they can’t learn it and can’t use it.

“My benefactor, the ninjutsu scrolls we have now only contain the secret techniques of our Uzumaki clan. It is not so easy for outsiders to learn them.”

Uzumaki Rosui thought for a moment and spoke more tactfully.

It was not that he didn’t want to give it, but he just wanted to give a reminder.

Uchiha Xuan didn’t care and replied casually:”It’s okay, just let me take a look.”

“All right then.

Uzumaki Rosui didn’t dare to refuse, and immediately ordered his tribe to bring the ninjutsu scrolls.

A timid red-haired girl then walked out of the team, holding a few ninjutsu scrolls and came to Uchiha Xuan.

Looking at her flaming red shawl hair and round cute face, Uchiha Xuan pinched her round face while taking the ninjutsu scrolls.

“So cute, what’s your name?”

This kind tone eased the fear in the girl’s heart.

She mustered up the courage to look directly at Uchiha Xuan, who was much taller than her, and whispered:”Kushina, Kushina, my name is Uzumaki Kushina”

“Benefactor, this is my granddaughter. She is still young and not very sensible. Please don’t mind.”

Uzumaki Rusui was also trying to smooth things over, trying to prevent Uzumaki Kushina from angering Uchiha Xuan.

Now their lives are in his hands.

“Kushina… a nice name.”

Uchiha Xuan, who already felt that the girl looked familiar, showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

After smiling and nodding, he opened the ninjutsu scroll and glanced at it.

【King Kong Lockdown】、【Four Elephant Seals】、【Kagura Heart Eyes】、【Contract Seal】、【Shiki Seal].

Uchiha Xuan only glanced at each ninjutsu scroll and then handed it back to Uzumaki Kushina.

“This is your reward, take the scroll back.”

Uchiha Xuan took out a candy from his pocket like a magician and put it in Uzumaki Kushina’s hand.

After doing all this, he glanced at Tsunade, a smile appeared in his eyes and then left the place.

Tsunade looked at each other and felt a little puzzled.

She always felt that the”mysterious man” who left seemed to be laughing at her current embarrassing appearance!

This inexplicable and annoying feeling was another guy who brought her this emotion after Uchiha Xuan.

“I really want to tear off that mask.”

After muttering to herself, Tsunade looked at Uzumaki Kushina who was standing there blankly, looking down at the candy in her hand.

Uzumaki Kushina didn’t expect that she would get a”reward”.

She carefully peeled off the candy coating and put it in her mouth.

Amid the negative emotions of the crisis of genocide, this sweetness mixed with the joy of escaping death filled her heart. ps: The picture shows Uzumaki Kushina when she was a child.

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