Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 1 Dark Shadow

Li Yelai found himself in a strange space, surrounded by thick fog. Through the fog, he could see the distorted and dim light spots in the outside world.

The air around him became thicker and thicker, trapping him in place and making it difficult to move.

"Here we go again." Li Yelai felt sad.

I entered this dreamland again.

Every once in a while these years, he would always enter this weird dream.

And in the distance, a twisted dark figure was approaching him continuously.

as always.

What was different from last time was that the black shadow was getting closer and closer to him.

How many years has it been? He still didn't give up.

Li Yelai could even vaguely see the twisted figure of the black shadow through the thick fog. Countless tentacles spread and twisted from behind him, and blurred faces or strange limbs appeared on his body. In the deeper light and shadow, there are four thick chains stretching out to drag the black shadow, restraining its progress.

And as the black shadow approached, the huge suffocation feeling as if sinking to the bottom of the sea seemed to make him die, until his eyes were completely dark and black.

My ears were surrounded by tiny sounds, like chanting and screaming, like mourning and whispering.

The words were obscure and mysterious, and the voice was neither male nor female, but Li Yelai understood the meaning.

'Where are you? ’

Border City No. 3, in an apartment in the old town, a handsome young man suddenly woke up from his sleep.

The dream just now put a huge burden on his body.

Li Yelai's body trembled and convulsed, and he struggled to sit up. He suppressed the discomfort of nausea and quickly grabbed the objects on the bedside table.

Among them, there are talismans, Buddha statues, crosses, voodoo dolls, and even some paper money.

"Those who are facing a battle will march forward in formation."



"Hurry like a law"

He panted hard and muttered prayers.

Perhaps it really had an effect, or it was a psychological comfort, and Li Yelai's mood eased slightly. The violently beating heart gradually stabilized.

At this time, the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open, and Li Yelai's body trembled in shock.

But he saw a young girl wearing pink pajamas with fluffy but beautiful hair standing in front of the door.

That is his sister, Li Yunyan.

"Have you had that dream again?" Li Yunyan asked with a yawn.

"Can't you just knock on the door? There's no sense of boundaries at all!" Li Yelai immediately put back his frightened look and reluctantly nodded in response.

This strange dream has haunted Li Yelai for many years.

At first, I could only see figures moving far away in the dream.

As time went on, the dark figure got closer and closer to Li Yelai.

But he couldn't move, he could only watch the black figure approaching step by step.

But the doctor at the clinic couldn't tell what was wrong with it, so he could only prescribe some medicine to help Li Yelai sleep.

"Is this kind of metaphysical prop before a disaster really useful?" Li Yunyan stretched out his finger, pointed at the talisman and Buddha statue in Li Yelai's hand and asked: "Do these gods and gods have to fight before they save you? What the hell is this paper money?”

"I suspect that the dark guy may be the legendary Hei Wuchang. Paper money may be able to bribe him." Li Yelai said with a serious face.

He didn't know if they were useful.

These were all things Li Yelai picked up in the antique shop where he worked.

However, this industry is very deep. A CD full of learning materials from the pre-disaster era seventy years ago can actually sell for three thousand giant city coins?

Li Yelai said he couldn't understand. Maybe, this is the power of knowledge, right?

"You must believe in the wisdom of the sages." Li Yunyan said: "You can't talk about the strange power and the gods."

"I understand, what this sentence means is that the old man Confucius doesn't want to talk, and the person who uses strange power to beat him is unconscious." Li Yelai thought seriously: "You want me to learn from the old man Confucius and beat up that black shadow? In fact, I have too This kind of thinking.”

Hearing Li Yelai's understanding.

Li Yunyan's eyes widened, and a question mark seemed to appear above his head.

Li Yelai took the opportunity to ask: "Sister, have you noticed any changes in my bedroom?"

Li Yunyan glanced at the bedroom, a little confused: "Has there been any change? What furniture did you buy again?"

Li Ye glanced at the ceiling. The twisted black image was a remnant of the night. It was not dispersed by the sunlight passing through the high wall. Instead, it lingered on the ceiling, and the hanging tentacles twisted wantonly on the wall. But the little girl didn't seem to notice anything.

He knew that his illness was getting worse.

If it is a mental illness, then he has already started to hallucinate.

If not, it means that the monster really came from the dream to reality!

No matter what, he couldn't stay at home any longer.

So, Li Yelai looked at the black shadow twisting and disappearing on the ceiling, and said calmly: "No."

He did not tell his sister about the strange scene he saw.

After stuffing all the prayer beads and crosses into his backpack, he put on his backpack and left the apartment.

He was worried about the danger he might bring to his sister if he continued to stay at home.

No one knows what will happen when the black shadow really finds Li Yelai.

He wanted to rush to the nearest guard hall as quickly as possible.

It was the safest place he could think of.

If the black shadow really appears, let it taste the power of modern technology.

However, Li Yelai also knew that this journey would not be peaceful.

Because whenever I have this strange dream, my luck will be very bad for a period of time.

This is also the main reason why he believes that the black shadow is real. How can there be a mental illness that brings such bad luck to people?

Now, after he leaves the apartment, he must be careful about the bad luck that may appear on the street at any time.

However, just as he walked out of the apartment, he heard a cry.


Li Yelai turned around and saw a middle-aged man with gray temples in a suit, waving to him not far away.

That was Dr. Wang from the clinic that Li Yelai often visited. They are also old acquaintances.

"I was planning to go upstairs to find you?" Dr. Wang approached with a kind face and smiled.

Li Yelai felt strange and inconsistent for no reason.

But he still responded: "Dr. Wang, I had that weird dream again."

"It just so happens that I'm looking for you for this too." Dr. Wang smiled kindly and said, "Let's talk upstairs?"

Li Yelai's sense of disobedience became stronger and stronger, and he felt vaguely that he did not want to, or dare not, let Dr. Wang enter his home.

So, he said: "Let's go to the hospital to talk."

Dr. Wang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's fine, I drove."

drive? Li Yelai forced a smile and nodded.

Then, the two got into a black car and drove out of the apartment.

The two of them said nothing on the road.

Only the radio broadcast in the car echoed.

‘Yesterday, a nasty criminal case occurred in the old town of Border City on the 3rd, and the murderer is still at large. Anyone with information is asked to call

Listening to the radio broadcast, Li Yelai in the back seat hugged his backpack tightly and looked silently at Dr. Wang in the driver's seat in the front. In his hand, he silently dialed the number he just heard.

When the car suddenly drove into a private underground garage, Li Yelai felt a certain uneasiness in his heart.

So, Li Yelai said with a pale face: "Is Dr. Wang still alive?"

The middle-aged man in the driver's seat paused, but did not look back and said calmly: "You actually noticed it? His voice, appearance, and body shape have not changed. How did you notice it?"

He was a little surprised, but not much, more of a mockery and malice.

Yes, that sense of disobedience and uneasiness comes from this ‘Dr. Wang’ himself. He is not Dr. Wang at all!

Is someone pretending to be Dr. Wang to get close to me and my sister? And it can be imitated so closely?

After realizing this, Li Yelai didn't dare to let him stay near the apartment.

This was also the reason why Li Yelai got into the car with him. He couldn't put his sister who was still in the apartment in danger.

The moment the middle-aged man admitted it, a huge fear spread throughout Li Yelai's body, making his body feel a little weak.

It seemed like he was really involved in some terrible incident.

"Why are you looking for me?" Li Yelai hugged his backpack tightly and asked in a trembling voice.

"I am being chased very closely, and I need a new skin and identity, and yours is quite good." The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Li Yelai, and smiled with a cold face: "However, since you know I’m not Dr. Wang, so how dare you get in the car with me?”

Skin? identity? Li Yelai's body was shaking more and more. How weird was this?

Are you going to take someone else's skin off and replace someone else? Monsters really exist in this world!

But the fear drove him to quickly reach out and open the seat belt of 'Dr. Wang', and gritted his teeth and said: "No, it should be, how dare you let me get in the car?"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. The next moment, he discovered that the brakes were malfunctioning. He subconsciously turned the steering wheel, but he directly pulled out the entire steering wheel.

Under the shocked and horrified gaze of the middle-aged man, the vehicle lost control instantly and quickly hit the garage wall.

Yes, this is Li Yelai's 'bad luck'! It was the negative effect that strange dreams brought to him!

specific effect

Anyway, last time, he insisted on going to work after having a nightmare.

As a result, the bus would stall for no reason after just one stop, and it would not start no matter what the driver did.

I reluctantly spent money to take a taxi, but it broke down before I paid the starting price.

I got on my bicycle and the tire blew out.

Walking to work and walking into an alley, a half-person-high potted plant suddenly fell on his head from the balcony of a nearby house.

He narrowly avoided a potted plant, but stepped on a loose sewer manhole cover.

When you finally get to the street, you'll encounter billboards that have been blown down by the wind or dump trucks that have slipped out of control.

It seems like the whole world is against him!

If Li Yelai hadn't been somewhat accustomed to bad luck, he would have been on high alert after every strange dream.

Be alert to any possible dangers, otherwise you would have been killed long ago.

From a certain perspective, Li Yelai is a vehicle killer!

Therefore, Dr. Wang, who was more or less aware of the situation, did not dare to let Li Yelai get in the car.

This was also the main reason why Li Yelai knew that the person in front of him was not Dr. Wang.

You dared to let yourself get in the car even though you said you were having a nightmare. Do you still want the car?

The moment the vehicle hit the wall, the front of the vehicle instantly deformed and twisted, and the airbag suddenly deployed. The whole person of 'Doctor Wang' was trapped in it.

Li Yelai, who grabbed the handle and fastened his seat belt in advance, quickly regained consciousness.

He immediately opened the back door and climbed out of the smoky car with his numb body.

Since his bad luck is so terrible, those who travel with him will also be in danger.

This is also Li Yelai's method to deal with this 'Doctor Wang'.

No matter what kind of monster you are, eat my lucky E first!

However, he could not wait for Li Ye to stay away from the car. I saw the garage door not far away slowly closing.

But from the twisted car behind him, the malicious laughter of 'Doctor Wang' could be heard.

With a crisp sound, the deformed car door was neatly cut open.

A figure walked out of it, it was 'Doctor Wang'!

His face seemed to have been completely torn off, revealing his red body and eyes. Disgusting and terrifying.

He looked at the pale Li Yelai and showed a terrifying smile: "Fortunately, his face is not injured."

Li Yelai looked horrified, feeling the fear of facing the monster head-on.

After he reacted, he took out items one by one from his backpack.

It is the previous talismans, Buddha statues, crosses, etc.

"Those who are facing a battle will march forward in formation."



"Hurry like a law"

He held each object and prayed hurriedly, hoping that these objects could protect him and drive away the monsters in front of him.

This was originally a prop for him to deal with the 'black shadow', but now it was used to deal with the monster in front of him.

However, 'Doctor Wang' had no influence at all and approached him step by step, his eyes full of mockery.

Although the accident that just happened surprised 'Dr. Wang', he was already beyond ordinary people, and a mere car accident could not hurt him much. And when he entered this garage, he was already invincible. This is the hunting ground he prepared.

Here, he will carefully peel off Li Yelai's skin and replace his life from now on.

As for prayer? It even made ‘Dr. Wang’ laugh. How can illusory faith fight against gods?

"Don't be afraid, it was Dr. Wang who died in this accident, and I will live on as you and take good care of your sister. Speaking of which, your sister is also very beautiful." He showed a malicious look smile. Even the bloody face can feel the vileness and vulgarity in it.

When he heard the last sentence, Li Yelai's frightened face froze.

In fact, he is not a brave person in many situations, and he never chooses dangerous jobs.

He still has concerns and reasons why he can't die.

And now, this skinned monster not only wants to kill himself, but also wants to hurt his sister?

Never allow it!

Then the frightened face turned into a violent and fierce one!

An angry Li Yelai discovered that these items were of no use at all.

Angrily, he dropped all his belongings and took out an ax from his backpack.

“If you don’t eat the damn toast, you’ll be fined with alcohol!”

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