Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 140: Scheming boy, Zhuge Liang's childhood

After hearing the last sentence, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but think of a possibility.

"What do you think? If there is really a person who is about to become an immortal and calculates the location of the immortal corpse, but fails to calculate that the Wancai Qingsui Gu is also inside the immortal corpse."

"Will he be killed directly?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Zhang Chulan's guess.

I didn't expect him to think of such a way of thinking.

Dr. Xia adjusted his glasses.

"Don't say it, it's really possible."

"As far as I know, the only one who can escape underground in the alien world now is probably the earth-walking immortal."

"Even if it is very powerful and full of true qi, the alien can only dive more than 100 meters."

"This is nine thousand meters underground."

"Only those aliens who are about to become immortals and cannot be described by common sense can touch it."

"Speaking of which, the Wancai Qingsui Gu is probably still buried underground."

Xu Si sighed.

"Such a powerful insect, it's a pity."

Su Zaiqiao shook his head after hearing it.

"No, it's not a pity."

"This kind of poisonous insect that has its own intelligence and can poison others to death can be said to be against the harmony of nature."

"Our Five Immortals Sect has also cultivated some powerful poisonous insects that are invincible. Although they are not as powerful as the Wancai Qingsui Gu, they can also be regarded as invisible killers."

"But these poisonous insects were later abandoned by our Five Immortals Sect."

"The main reason is that this kind of poisonous insect reduces blessings and shortens life."

After hearing Su Zaiqiao say this, everyone suddenly realized.

So there is such a thing.

It seems that evil must not be done to the extreme.

Zhang Chulan suddenly remembered something at this time.

"What do you think, the owner of this notebook, will my master's father dig out the immortal corpse after returning from the Three Kingdoms period?"

"Sister Baoer, read quickly."


Feng Baobao did not delay any longer and began to read quickly from the notebook.

[After returning from the Five Immortals Sect, I began to investigate the tomb of King Mu of Zhou, wanting to take a look at what the situation in the tomb of King Mu of Zhou is now. 】

【Although I have come to the Three Kingdoms period, King Zhou Mu has been away from this era for more than a thousand years. With geological changes and dynasties changing, it is difficult to find King Zhou Mu's tomb in this situation. 】

【I had no choice but to use the inner scene to ask, but because I am not from this era, I cannot ask the inner scene. 】

【I can only go to the hermit Sima Hui of the time to ask for divination. 】

【Speaking of which, Zhuge Liang seems to be only five years old now, and is studying under Sima Hui. 】

After hearing this.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

I didn't expect that the owner of the notebook had met Zhuge Liang.

I don't know what this person, who is respected as the greatest person in history, looked like when he was a child.

Thinking of this.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but show a kind of expectation.

And Feng Baobao has continued to read at this time.

【When I came to Yingchuan where Sima Hui was, because of the war, many people came here to ask Sima Hui for advice on the way forward. 】

【Among them, I also saw Cao Cao, who was evaluated by Sima Hui as "a capable minister in prosperous times and a tyrant in troubled times". 】

When they heard that it was Cao Cao, everyone was excited.

This person can be regarded as the first tyrant in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

【What surprised me was that Cao Cao was actually a congenital person, with the ability to blow other people's souls out of his body at will. 】

After hearing this ability, everyone was a little surprised.

The congenital version of blowing qi?

Is Cao Cao actually a congenital person?

This matter has never been recorded in history.

【I communicated with Cao Cao for a long time. At this moment, he was still a passionate young man with a passion for serving the country, and his words were full of dissatisfaction with the so-called Ten Attendants. 】

【It was three days later when it was our turn to line up. 】

【Sima Hui's comments on Cao Cao were just as recorded in history, a capable minister in prosperous times and a treacherous hero in troubled times. 】

【However, when he saw me, he saw at a glance that I did not belong to this era. 】

【This top-level sorcerer is indeed so terrifying. 】

【I asked him where the tomb of King Mu of Zhou was, but Sima Hui did not tell me where the tomb of King Mu of Zhou was, but told me where the tomb of King Shang of Lu was. 】

【He did not tell me the specific reason, but gave me a riddle. 】

【I naturally know this riddle. 】

【This King Shang of Lu might have done the same thing as Li Chunfeng and occupied the magpie's nest. 】

【But in this case, I am very worried about whether the body of King Mu of Zhou is still there, otherwise it is not worth studying at all. 】

【Before I left, I met Zhuge Liang who was studying with Mr. Sima Hui of the Water Mirror. 】

【Short blue hair, squinting eyes, harmless smile, a scheming boy at first glance. 】

After hearing the evaluation of Zhuge Liang.

A flock of crows flew over everyone's head.

But to be honest, who would believe that Zhuge Liang, as a counselor, was innocent since childhood.

[But speaking of it, I seem to have seen him somewhere, but I can’t remember where. ]

[Mr. Shuijing told me that this is Zhuge Liang, who was sent here by his family to study. ]

[At the same time, he is also a congenital alien with very powerful abilities. He was born with Samadhi True Fire, so he was sent here to learn spells and how to control power. 】

When they heard this sentence, everyone was extremely surprised.

Zhang Chulan was even more surprised.

"I remember that it took more than half a year for the owner of the notebook to learn and master the True Fire of Samadhi even with his incredible understanding."

"The innate power is Samadhi True Fire, which is simply too buggy."

"Isn't this just like the red boy in Journey to the West?"

Among them, Xu Si, who knew the Zhuge family better, said:

"As far as I know, no one in the Zhuge family has ever learned this Samadhi True Fire. I don't know how difficult it is, but so many talented people can't master this Samadhi True Fire!"

After hearing what Xu Si said, Su Zaiqiao on the side said:

"Speaking of which, I know a little about this Samadhi True Fire. It takes a lot of opportunity to learn it."

"If there is no opportunity, there is no way to learn even if you have talent."

Xu Si felt a little emotional at the moment.

"It seems that even if the Zhuge family puts the practice method of Samadhi True Fire in front of us, we still won't be able to learn it."

Everyone nodded again and again.

Yes, this kind of thing is indeed disappointing. What is even more desperate is that most people have no talent and no opportunity.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the notes.

[Zhuge Liang is very curious about me, and I am also very curious about this little guy. 】

[And I also showed my Samadhi True Fire to Zhuge Liang, which scared little Zhuge Liang. He was stunned for a long time before he cried. 】

[Sima Hui told me that Zhuge Liang always believed that he was the only one in the world who knew Samadhi True Fire, so he was frightened to tears when he saw that I knew Samadhi True Fire. 】

[Zhuge Liang cried non-stop this time. Finally, I had to tell Zhuge Liang my method of cultivating Samadhi True Fire. Zhuge Liang stopped crying immediately and went away to study it with great interest. 】

[Only now do I realize that the purpose of this little guy is to find out how I cultivate Samadhi True Fire. 】

[Out of being unprepared for children, I took the bait. 】

[Most adults don’t have this kind of scheming, but now it appears on a child. It’s really incredible. 】

[I don’t think it is an accident that he later became one of the best counselors in the Three Kingdoms. 】

Everyone was very surprised when they heard the owner of the note telling this story about Zhuge Liang.

Zhang Chulan even said:

"I really didn't expect that the methods of the Five Immortals Sect and the Zhuge Family were actually passed down from the owner of the notebook."

"Isn't this considered a negative effect?"

Dr. Xia also nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, it is indeed a reverse effect. Perhaps it is a historical necessity that the owner of the notebook can come to the Three Kingdoms period."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan rubbed the back of his head helplessly.

"Then this sense of fate is too despairing."

"Everything is decided in advance, and there is no chance for people to change."

After hearing what Zhang Chulan said, the Heavenly Master in the video said:

"Chu Lan, don't belittle yourself."

"The reason why we have this unchangeable sense of destiny now is because we know the history in advance, but there are still many uncertainties in the future. No matter what choice you make, it will change the established history."

"In fact, the future is still decided by us and our choices."

When hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, Master, I understand."

Seeing Zhang Chulan looking so dejected, the Heavenly Master couldn't help but sigh.

"Chu Lan, when you have nothing to do, read more Taoist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures and Confucian classics."

"These classics can help you cultivate the five qi and keep your ambitions and concerns."

"Otherwise, how can you persevere with so many difficulties and obstacles in the future?"

Zhang Chulan was shocked after hearing this.

"Yes, Master, I understand."

"Just understand!"

Dr. Xia was a little emotional when he saw this.

"If you have a good teacher and friend on the path of spiritual practice in life, it will definitely be considered a great blessing in life."

Everyone agreed deeply after hearing it.

This kind of thing is often not realized when you are young. Only when life is full of setbacks do you realize what kind of luck it is.

At this time, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[It’s a pity that I don’t have much time to stay here, so I didn’t communicate carefully and walked all the way towards Linzi. According to Sima Hui, the tomb of King Lu Shang is among them. 】

[When I came to Linzi, I immediately started collecting information about King Lu Shang. 】

[According to the locals, hundreds of years ago, an army carried some things into the depths of the mountains and never came out. No one knows where they went. 】

[According to this mythical legend, I started looking for the so-called tomb of King Lu Shang. 】

[The Feng Shui skills I learned from Ma Chenguang came into play, and I found that special place. 】

[However, after I found the tomb of King Lu Shang, I discovered that this was the tomb of King Mu of Zhou. The gold jade clothes worn by King Mu of Zhou had already been worn on the bodies of other people. 】

[The corpse of King Zhou Mu mutated into a blood corpse and was used to block the entrance of the tomb to guard the tomb of King Lu Shang. 】

[I also can’t laugh or cry about this change. 】

[After planning for such a long time, he finally made a wedding dress for someone else. It seems that King Mu was really wronged this time. 】

[Out of an experimental mentality, I took out the body of King Lu Shang from the golden jade robe, then put it on again for King Mu of Zhou Dynasty, and placed it in the bronze coffin. I don’t know that King Mu of Zhou Dynasty will be here thousands of years later. Will he be resurrected? 】

[Now that the purpose of coming to the Three Kingdoms has been achieved, it is time to go back. 】

[The remaining Hydra blood must be used sparingly, otherwise, I may not be able to go on such a wonderful journey again in this life. 】

[The only regret is that longevity substances are really hard to find. 】

Feng Baobao also finished the note at this moment.

After hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

This ability to walk through history at will is indeed enviable and enviable.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan thought of the brocade box that Dr. Xia had found in an ancient tomb of the Tang Dynasty, and couldn't help but make some guesses.

"Dr. Xia, didn't you find this brocade box in an ancient tomb of the Tang Dynasty? Could it be that the tombs of King Lu Shang and King Mu of Zhou were stolen during the Tang Dynasty?"

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Dr. Xia nodded.

"Don't tell me yet, it's really possible."

"It seems that no matter how good the arrangement is, it will never go as expected in the end."

"Historical certainties are very powerful."

At this time, seeing that the notes had been read, the board of directors had also turned off the video call, and the brocade box was taken away by Dr. Xia for study.

Until then.

Xu Sicai told everyone about the tasks he received after going to the company.

"You should know this by coincidence, that is, temporary workers from various regions will gather for a trip to Tantra."

"The Buddha currently believed in Tantric Buddhism is called the Great Black Buddha. He is suspected to be an evil god and has his own will."

"We'll go there this time."

"Just to investigate what happened to the tantric sect."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised after hearing this.

"what happened?"

"Is the Tantra causing trouble?"

"This is a sect that has been passed down for thousands of years."

Su Zaiqiao spoke at this time and said:

"After I separated from you, my convoy and I were attacked."

"The ones who attacked us were two lamas from Tantric Buddhism, two disciples of the current King Lankavatara."

"It took us more than ten interrogations to find out."

"Behind this incident is Dharma King Lankavatara who is causing trouble."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Then if that's the case, you really need to go and see it."

"By the way, do you know what their purpose is?"

Su Zaiqiao nodded.

"It's my magic weapon spiritual treasure house. I guess the tantric sect learned from somewhere that collecting eight magic weapon kitchen utensils can control people's hearts, so they sent disciples to rob my spiritual treasure house."

"It is precisely because of this that I did not bring back the Lingzangku when I went out this time."

"The Five Immortals Sect is surrounded by Gu insects. Even if a very powerful stranger comes in, he will be discovered."

"So it's the safest place to put it."

Xu Si answered at this time and said:

"The relationship between the Esoteric Sect and the Five Immortals Sect is a matter between aliens. Originally, the company should not care about it, but this matter is really too strange. Before this, these were two alien sects that could not be fought with each other."

"So I guess that the matter may be more than that simple. It is even possible that Dharma King Lankavatara has obtained some kitchen utensils."

"If you have the chance, I hope you can bring those kitchen utensils back."

"Kitchenware that can control people's hearts is really too scary. We absolutely cannot collect these eight pieces of kitchenware!"

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"Okay fourth brother!"

Xu Si then said:

"You have been to Death Valley in the Kunlun Mountains before, and the location of this Tantra is in the Kunlun Mountains in the other direction, about four hundred kilometers away from Death Valley."

"The snow area belongs to the southwest. Wang Zhenqiu has dealt with Tantric Buddhism a lot. He will take you there to the specific location."

Hearing that it was Wang Zhenqiu again, Zhang Chulan showed a hint of helplessness on his face.

This guy doesn't look very reliable.

"Okay Fourth Brother, I promise to complete the mission this time!"

Xu Si glanced at Su Zaiqiao.

"This time your job is the most complicated. I hope you can protect Chu Lan and the baby."

Su Zaiqiao nodded.

"This incident originally started because of the Five Immortals Sect. When we go there, I will naturally protect them!"

Hearing what Su Zaiqiao said, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel curious.

"Sister Qiao, how high is your martial arts?"

Su Zaiqiao laughed.

"We Gu masters specialize in Gu techniques, we definitely don't have any martial arts skills."

"But even if we meet Dharma King Lanka, it will be more than enough to protect you."

When everyone heard what Su Zaiqiao said, they all became curious about her true strength.

I don't know exactly how strong it is.

There are some snow areas.

At this time, temporary workers from the five major regions gathered here.

Black Guan'er, Wang Zhenqiu, Lao Meng, Xiao Zizai, Feng Baobao.

Erzhuang is always walking around everyone in the form of electronic ghosts.

Wang Zhenqiu looked at the two temporary assistants beside Feng Baobao with envy.

"I have to say that the treatment of these temporary workers is very different. I don't know what kind of luck it is that you can get the Saint of the Five Immortals to be your assistant."

Feng Baobao was stunned for a moment after hearing Wang Zhenqiu's words.

"Are you talking about me?"

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chulan quickly interrupted.

"Wang Zhenqiu, you are really a guy. If you are envious, just say so. Just ask your person in charge to recruit a few temporary assistants."

"I think Tang Wenlong is quite good, he is strong and his family background is clean."

Wang Zhenqiu waved his hand immediately after hearing this.

"Come on, I don't want to."

"I'm just joking. It's more suitable for me to fight alone."

At this time, Black Guan'er said:

"Have you figured out all the information about this tantric sect?"

"There is not much Tantra information on the market now, and it is simply not accessible to ordinary people."

Wang Zhenqiu nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Of course I got it."

"But speaking of it, there are really many unique skills and techniques in this Tantric sect. There are all kinds of fists, palms, knives, and weapons. The Xingqi method of practicing is also amazing."

"The kundalini fire among them is stronger than the Huode Sect method I learned."

"This time we are visiting the Tantra in the name of the company. We must not conflict with the Tantric people unless absolutely necessary."

"Otherwise, no matter how high the mountain is, the company will not be able to rescue him."

Seeing Wang Zhenqiu's cautious look, Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Is this Tantra really that strong?"

Wang Zhenqiu nodded.

"Of course, this Tantric Sect has not participated in the Anti-Japanese War. It can be said that it is the sect that best preserves its own secrets and techniques."

"There are many old monsters inside the door."

"In terms of individual strength, I'm afraid no sect in the mainland can match them!"

"In addition, this place is desolate and sparsely populated, and the company can't control them. God knows how many strangers there are here."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Chulan was also surprised.

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that this Tantric Sect is an extremely dangerous dragon's pond and tiger's den?"

Wang Zhenqiu nodded.

"You could put it that way."

"But as long as we don't reveal our intentions, Tantric has to worry about the company."

"Otherwise, there is no need for this tantra to exist!"

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