Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 29: Chiyo, I'm scratching you

Excuse me, brothers, have you seen the summoned thing that is neither from the knife man nor from the itch?

Chiyo really thought that with the attributes of his own emperor, if the summoning was not a sword, it might be an SSR, right?

Who can tell her!

Why was the dog general summoned? Why? !

It wasn't Sesshomaru or Inuyasha who was summoned, but their Lao Tzu Douya King? !

At the moment when he saw General Inu, Chiyo was stunned. If I remember correctly, this guy should be in the world of [Oyasha], right?

From the center of the formation, a handsome, rich and powerful monster suddenly appeared, and the scene suddenly became very silent.

Chiyo was silent because she couldn't think of the reason why General Inu came out, and in front of Tamamo, their silence was mainly because of a sense of crisis. As for General Inu, he didn't understand why he appeared here at all. night.

"Sixteen Nights!"

He suddenly became excited at the thought of Izayoi, and Chiyo also became excited.

Originally, there was no problem in summoning after always summoning, but when I heard the name from the other party's mouth, I was in a frenzy all of a sudden.

"I · Day! You big scumbag! I can go to your gentleness! Brave! Responsible! You are so affectionate! You are a big radish!"

Regarding the introduction of General Canine on Baidu Encyclopedia, Chiyo remembered that it was a clear one, and he was so angry that he almost bit someone, "You are cheating in marriage, see a scumbag who loves one! Responsibility is a ghost! I bite Damn you! Ahhh!"

If it hadn't been for Tamamo-mae who was biting her clothes, this girl would have been able to rush over. In the end, after Tamamo-mae gave Chiyo a paw, she calmed down completely, and a group of monsters could finally sit around and chat together calmly. Talk about what's going on now.

Now Inu Great God is very puzzled, obviously he died with Shanna Mengmaru in order to protect Izayoi and Inuyasha. After he died, he opened his eyes and arrived here, which is hundreds of years away from Heianjing when he died.

"Well, as a witch, I can see that after you die, one of your two geese is more worry-free than the other."

"Ah, I was worried that the two of them would grow crooked, so I tried my best to pass the two knives to them."


Don't mention the knife now. Chiyo feels very sad when she mentions the knife. She is afraid that in the future, all she has on her body will be the knife.

General Inu, as the only big monster with children among them, can be said to be heartbroken, and Chiyo doesn't make any comments on this. After all, she has never raised children, so she can't have too much common language with each other.

"Ah...Since you have been summoned, let's stay here for the time being."

General Inu became her shikigami, and Chiyo felt that Killing Nine and Inuyasha could kneel down and call Grandma directly.

Ah, this winter can be said to be very good. When it is cold, you can spend the winter with fox fur and dog fur. It must be very warm.

Holding Tamamo's knees to warm her knees, Chiyo sat on the rocking chair like an old man, and when she looked up, she saw Kamo Yuuki with a shocked face.

"This is really because I came here once and you have an extra monster... God! So handsome!"

The appearance of General Inu can be said to be very high, otherwise it is impossible to have two wives, and the prosperous beauty of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha can be seen.

As far as the beauty of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's two mothers is concerned, if the general Inu can only rely on the spirit of a monster, it is difficult to understand the strategy, and the most important thing is the appearance.

No matter what era it is, it's all about the face.

"Chiyo, you are so beautiful right now, just look at the people around you, which one is not so beautiful?"

For Kamo Yuuki's envy, Chiyo waved his hand, "Why, let's switch?"

"No, thank you, you are too polite, one is enough, I can't bear so much."

The most important thing is that Tamamo Mae, Shuten Doji and Otengu were not summoned by Chiyo. They were only sealed by Chiyo's right hand of God. They will leave when Chiyo has the ability to lift the seal. God will not leave.

Not only will they not leave, as long as Chiyo's soul is not scattered, they will always follow.

"I owe it all by myself, and I will never summon it again next time."

Chiyo felt like she had erected a flying flag, and maybe in a few days the flag would fall so she couldn't even see it.

In fact, this time Kamo Yuuki came here just to see how Chiyo is doing recently. Due to the influence of the weather after winter, Chiyo has not gone to the Yin Yang ryokan for more than ten days, thinking about the other person living in the deep mountains and forests as a human being There are many inconvenient places, so she came to take a look.

"It's nothing, it's just past the eighth birthday."

Chiyo didn't remember her birthday, but when she was sorting out the old witch's relics, she discovered that the other party had written down the time of her birth.

Because she didn't know Japanese very well, she was also mocked by Tamamo before, the kind that showed no mercy at all.

"Yeah! I've been eight since yesterday!"

Seeing Yuuki Kamo's excitement, Chiyo shook her hand up and down, "Congratulations! I will strive for the two of us to become priestesses who can be independent as soon as possible!"

Yuuki, who was still excited at first, took out her hand from Chiyo's after hearing this, and then held the other's shoulder even more excitedly, "No! I just want to be a salted fish!"


The ideal of the other party is too noble, and Chiyo even feels that he is speechless.

This winter has been very long, at least for Chiyo, it is really long. Although there is no need to go to the Yin Yang Dormitory, the couple in the family will not let her go.

"You! You have to grow up."

Standing in front of Tamamo on the railing, he looked down at Chiyo, the child was growing up, and although it had only been a few months, Chiyo was already at least five centimeters taller than before.

She always thought that Japanese girls were much smaller in stature, but she didn't expect that her stature had begun to fly up uncontrollably.

He was only a few days older than Kamo Yuuki, but now the two were half a head apart.

Are you surprised? Surprised or not? Not irritating?

Moreover, Chiyo felt that Tamamo-mae Juju really hated that iron was not steel, and let her exercise almost every day. The worst thing was that whether it was Tamamo-mae or Dog General, one or two were there to spur her.

Too much, so one or two.

The days are going to pass, it is going to pass.

When the weather warmed up, Chiyo felt that he could rush to the monster's nest and take the other's nest directly.

When Chiyo came down the mountain and stood at the door of the Yin Yang Liao, she had already changed her outfit, with Hotaru on her left waist, Onikiri on her right, and Tamamo before in her arms. Standing next to her, in this posture, it is very much like a father taking several children out to play, and even bringing a pet.

"You really brought your family with you."

For Yuuki's complaints, Chiyo just sighed, "There is no way, who made me a European."

As the only two witches in the Yin Yang Liao, these two little girls stood at the door chatting endlessly, but they were stared at by the onmyoji, which is equivalent to the female classmate who was standing at the door of the class and was stunned by the class teacher. .

This caused the two little girls who were still chatting to shut up for a moment, and they all followed obediently behind, making this big Onmyoji's temper become like this, it is estimated that there must be some big problem.

Onmyoji is stationed in Kyoto every day, in order to prevent other monsters from coming, the same is true for other cities.

"You mean the city next door was attacked by a big spider?"

According to what the Onmyoji said, half a year ago there was a spider spirit that exclusively eats men, not the one from Chiyo. This one is only a bit more brutal. Many people died trying to catch it before, but in the end it was a powerful onmyoji. It chopped off a leg and chopped off its belly, and then the opponent was completely eliminated.

After listening to the description of the Great Onmyoji, Chiyo felt that this sounded a bit familiar. She always felt that where this plot appeared before, and she spoke directly without thinking.

"Spring is here. It's the season of revival of all things and animals. The monsters should come out to find food, but the spider spirit has already been killed. What's the problem?"

"The problem is that after the large spider's belly was cut open, there was a small human-shaped spider inside. In the end, the onmyoji didn't listen to the dissuasion and took the thing home and raised it."


This time Chiyo laughed even louder, and even accidentally took off a few hairs on Yuzao's head, "Hahaha, this Onmyoji is definitely a lo*ic*n, I don't accept the refutation..."

Having said that, Chiyo suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face changed several times.

Chiyo suddenly became irritable, and she found that the plot was too familiar to be outrageous.

Back then, when she was young and ignorant, she watched an anime that was said to be completely lost. Even now, she clearly remembered the name of the anime.

【Forget the Spider】Although it only lasted for more than 20 minutes, Chiyo clearly remembered what was said here, especially the last scene where the spider woman got the heroine into the water. It can be said that she was so angry that she almost died. Ascension.

OK, she already knew what was going on.

That Onmyoji was a lo*ic*n, and after saving Spider-Woman, he worked hard to raise him for half a year, and during this half-year, Spider-Woman completely controlled him and controlled his mind.

Afterwards, men continued to disappear in the nearby villages. Finally, the Onmyoji found out that the spider woman who ate the man was the spider woman he took in. He was also eaten, but before he died, he sealed the spider woman in the ancient book. middle.

Obviously, the plot has now progressed to the point where Spider-Woman eats men outside casually. She must get rid of this Spider-woman, or the Spider-Woman who has been unsealed in modern times will kill the heroine.

"I'll go, I'll do this thing, isn't it just to solve the spider girl."

Chiyo seldom acts so actively. Like Yuuki Kamo, she belongs to the type of salted fish. Although she has strong spiritual power, she cannot hold back that she is a salted fish in essence.

The essence of human beings is Cuckoo Salted Fish

He Mao Yuuki, who had been preparing to eat melons and listen to the play, suddenly looked confused. She never thought that her little friend would be so active.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to save humanity."

? ? ?

What is this all about?

Originally, this Kamo Yuuki was still confused, but after hearing this, she looked disgusted every minute.

In front of Tamamo, who was held in Chiyo's arms, he patted the little girl with his paws, and then picked his chin, "Did you see any future pictures?"

It can only be said that Tamamo-san's head is really good, and Chiyo felt that if he didn't say that he had the ability to predict, he would probably lose his vest in front of the other party in minutes.

"Yes, I saw that Spider Woman was particularly bad in the end. As a person with a strong sense of justice, I will definitely solve the other party. I am really a witch with a sense of justice."

"Wait, who are you talking about with a sense of justice? Who?"

After hearing Tamamo-mae's words, Chiyo twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally reached out his hand and threw out Tamamo-mae in his arms.

"Dad doesn't want you anymore, let's go!"


Looking at himself being thrown out, Yuzao Qian was called a coward, mainly because he really didn't expect that he would be thrown out often.


Chiyo never thought that he would actually throw Tamamomae out.

The scene became very embarrassing for a while, the little girl blinked, and finally hugged Tamao before, and rubbed the back of the place with her face.

"Wow! What just happened? Juju, why did you suddenly fall to the ground? Did it hurt?"

"...Chiyo, I'll scratch you to death."

The author has something to say:

Are you surprised? Surprised or not? The dog general is out! Sum up Inuyasha Oh! Sesshomaru will appear!

Strongly recommend [Forget Not Spider], this anime is really, mad at me!

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