Uncle Raiders Diary

Chapter 219: The first step in reshaping the worldview

Famous detective Kudo Shinichi felt that he had been in dire straits. Originally, he thought that the new transfer student in the class was fine, but since he saw him just getting smaller at the door of Dr. Agasa's house, he found that this guy was looking at him. The look is wrong.

Oh, this look is really wrong, as if deliberately trying to tease yourself.

And Mochizuki Saki, another girl from the juvenile detective team, looked at him in the same way. He thought about it and finally realized that this person was watching a good show.

Watching a good show?

No, what the **** is going on? Could it be that his true identity has been discovered? Or do these people have any connection with that black organization?

The Shinigami primary school student who loves brain supplements thinks more after reasoning about this, and finally succeeds in falling asleep lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in front of him, accompanied by the snoring of Mouri Kogoro next door, he feels more and more. flustered.

It's over, it's over, if it's really from the Black Organization, what are these guys going to Didan High School for? Or did they have their eye on him from the very beginning and were ready to attack him?

In fact, this guy is a little narcissistic to some extent.

Of course, he couldn't sleep here, but Chiyo was very comfortable there. She didn't think that her previous actions would have any impact on this little guy. Anyway, it was interesting to tease him. Since she wants to reshape the world view for this guy Then it's time to hurry.

"Would you like to give Kudo a dream?"

"You can stop, this kind of thing has to come step by step. What if you are so abrupt and scare the child?"

Hearing this, Chiyo pouted, and turned over a little unhappily. She hadn't dragged anyone on a dream for a long time, she just wanted to try this skill. Why did she say that.

However, even if Chiyo didn't take action by himself, the primary school student had a nightmare at night. He dreamed that the transfer student who turned into a monster had been chasing him, and finally succeeded in screaming and sitting up.

"Why are you so startled child!"

His screaming voice successfully woke Uncle Maori, and he almost kicked the child directly.


Looking at Mouri Kogoro, who has some fried hair, if it is Kudo Shinichi himself, he may complain directly now, but he is now Edogawa Conan, who lives in the other party's house.

"Wow! I just had a nightmare, so scary!"

In an exaggerated and frightening tone, Conan said very loudly that he had just had a nightmare and was chased by a big monster in the dream, which was very scary.

Glancing at the opened comic book on the ground, Uncle Maori snorted indifferently, "Look at Ultraman at night, you won't be chased by monsters who will be chased and killed."


This is overkill.

In fact, the nightmare of the Shinigami primary school students has just begun. Chiyo can start with Xiaolan, but Saki can start with himself.

Since Chiyo showed her divination ability, she was surrounded by girls every day after class, and everyone generally had a question - when will my rightful son appear.

If the words she said to Xiaolan and Yuanzi at the beginning were made up by herself based on the plot, but now she really needs to tell fortunes according to everyone's situation.

She dug a big hole for herself.

I suddenly wanted to cry.


As a result, Chiyo became famous among high school girls, which made her feel that she could make a lot of money if she spent money on fortune-telling.

However, when it comes to the enthusiasm of girls, the Shinigami primary school students scoffed at it. He didn't think this kind of thing really existed.

It's because this guy really believes in science that Chiyo wants to reshape the worldview for this kid.

Before Time Travel, Chiyo read a lot of those fan novels, including Conan's fans, and many of the time travel heroines in them would think about saving the lives of those victims, mainly because they felt that they couldn't watch them die.

The young Chiyo only thought that this was an act of the Virgin, but now that it was her turn, she really slapped her face, and asked her how many people she had saved so far?

In fact, it's not just that she can't see those people being killed, but more importantly, she wants to use this to reshape the world view for Conan.

For example, in the Valentine's Day murder case at the beginning of the plot, she joined in the fun together. After Conan was discovered and brought into the house, Chiyo started her own performance.

"Kid Conan, do you believe that my sister can predict the future?"


She obviously saw Conan looking at her with a wise look, and he might even complain directly in the next second, but this guy probably thought that he was a naive elementary school student for one year, so he could only put this The words were swallowed back, not to mention that even Xiaolan was watching the two of them eagerly.

"Of course I believe~ Sister Qianxia is the best!"


At such a young age, he became a playwright, and Chiyo didn't know what to say. Could it be that in the legend, the blue is better than the blue? Or is it really worthy of being the son of Yukiko, and his acting skills are really not ordinary?

Chiyo stared at the Shinigami primary school student for a few seconds, and finally gave him a cold snort very rudely.

I really want to screw this guy's big head off.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also followed, mainly because the two of them are now convinced of Chiyo's ability, and they really feel that this person can predict the future.

Sitting on the tatami, Chiyo rolled his eyes and moved his fingers a few times, "There will be a murder here in a while."


She spoke in a very low voice, but several people around listened to all of her words, especially the primary school student of Death, who reacted more violently.

"I figured out that the wife's husband seemed to have some problems with the company and needed a relatively large amount of funds, so he decided to put his mind on his nephew, after all, his nephew has a huge amount of insurance money. "

Although she was invited to the party, she had no memory of the names of the people in it.

"And the boy with glasses also wanted to kill him with the cigarette in his hand..."

Pointing at the boy sitting not far from Sonoko, Chiyo's words froze for a moment, mainly because she really forgot what the boy's name was? !


What is it called? !

At that moment, she felt that her face began to sweat deadly, but fortunately, the three people's attention was all on the upcoming murders.

As the male and female protagonists in this anime, they will never sit idly by about the upcoming murders.

"Don't be so impulsive. You don't know the way this lady kills. What if she doesn't admit it."

If you do something wrong, you have to take responsibility.

What's the matter, if there is a problem with funds, you have to focus on other people's insurance money, and then kill them?

What's wrong with this?

"Next is my performance."

First, she called the police to report to the police, and then Chiyo publicly exposed the impending murder in the eyes of the pupils of the Shinigami school.

As she thought, the lady didn't admit it. It was murder, not that kind of trivial matter. Even if the coffee and cake were put here, she still wouldn't admit that she was going to kill herself. Nephew, "Is someone framing me?! Why should I kill him!"

"Don't you know the purpose of the murder? For your nephew's large insurance money, and the chest of your clothes must have poisonous chocolate ready to be replaced, right?"

If it weren't for Chiyo's trouble, the murder would have already happened, and the chocolate that I wanted to replace would have been replaced long ago, so it is impossible to keep it in my arms for such a long time.

Not exciting?

Very exciting.

Because of Chiyo's intervention, the murder case came to an end.

Having successfully saved a life, she looked so embarrassed that she couldn't even see the skeptical eyes of the primary school student of Death.

The Reaper pupil was indeed very skeptical, and he thought it might be a coincidence.

Well, it must be a coincidence.

If once is a coincidence, but two or three may not be a coincidence...


Looking at Chiyo who has overturned many murder cases, the Shinigami pupil fell silent.

Wait, does this person actually have something to do with all murders? Or did she plan these murders?

Chiyo didn't care much about what the Shinigami primary school student was thinking. What she cared more about was that she actually met Koizumi Hongko.

Who would have thought that it would be linked with the world of Kaitou Kidd, but it seems normal to think about it. In the Shinigami elementary school, Kuroba has played a lot of times, and there are many important plots.

Chiyo once wondered whether Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito were brothers, or how could they look so alike, but even Xiaolan admitted that he was wrong for a moment.

Because of this conjecture, a lot of strange little compositions popped up in her head, and finally found out that this is the problem of Aoyama Gosho's painting style. Hattori Heiji and Kudo Shinichi are very similar in appearance, but the colors are different. That's it! !


Koizumi Hongko is the descendant of the witch who is a serious witch, but she is a quail in front of the phoenix Chiyo.

Well, Chiyo felt that the other party was a quail, mainly because she didn't like each other very much.

This is not a lie, she really doesn't like each other very much, mainly because one of the other's skill points makes her very unhappy.

Although the Shinigami primary school student is linked with Kaito Kidd, the worlds of the two parties are their original worlds. Koizumi Koizumi's skill is that all men in Kaitou Kaito's world except Kaito Kuroba fall in love with her.

No, it's not a skill, it's what it is.


In other words, this guy's charm is so great that all men like her.

Chiyo wasn't happy about it. It wasn't that she didn't think she was as good-looking as the other party or something. She just thought it was ridiculous to ride a horse.

As a face control, in the world of Kaito Kidd, her favorite is White Horse Detective, and it can even be said to be her male god. If Qingshan Gangchang arranges for White Horse Detective an official match like Xiaolan or He Ye She didn't have any objections, but she was very unhappy with this casual act of liking the other party because they had the blood of a witch.

No, is this really just stepping on other characters in order to emphasize that Kuroba is different?

Sorry, she can't accept it.

Since the two worlds have been linked, she is really on the same page as Koizumi Hongzi from Jianggutian High School.

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