Most of the Uchiha went home.

But Fugaku didn’t.

Behind him stood several Uchiha elites, waiting in front of Elder Danzo’s mansion.

An hour ago, under the “escort” of the Sandaime and the Anbu, Elder Danzo had returned to the mansion.

Changed clothes, took a bath, and gave his last words to the clan members.

To be honest, Elder Danzo’s last words… were really a bit too much.

He talked to the Sandaime for a long time outside Konoha, and talked for more than an hour after returning.

Fugaku was indeed a little impatient, and he hadn’t even eaten dinner yet.

Elder Danzo was at fault, assassinating Wakaka and taking away the eyes of the Uchiha clan. Such crimes are too numerous to list.

But Fugaku could only wait.

After all, this was also the last moment of Elder Danzo’s life.

Elder Danzo has already confessed his crime, and he did so under the “coercion” of the Uchiha clan. He can’t urge the Third Hokage to take action now, right?

“Fugaku-kun, everyone.”

Suddenly, at this moment, Fugaku heard a familiar voice, gentle as water, which immediately dispelled his inner irritability.

“Misakato, why are you here?” Looking at his wife carrying a lunch box and walking slowly, Fugaku smiled from the bottom of his heart.

“Misakato!” Several Uchiha elites nodded and saluted.

“You are really something, you don’t eat yourself, and you don’t let others eat… Come on, here are some cooked food I bought, everyone eat it while it’s hot.”

Misakato opened the lunch box, which was full of freshly bought sushi and rice balls, neatly arranged, and there was also a big chicken leg, which looked a bit abrupt.

“Why is there only one chicken leg?” Fugaku raised his eyebrows.

“This, this is specially given to you by Obito-kun…”

Mikoto smiled gently, took out a big chicken leg and handed it to Fugaku, “He said he was thanking you for bringing his brother back to the village.”

“This kid…” Fugaku laughed dumbly, and the touch of his palm sliding made him stunned again. His wife was secretly writing on his hand with her fingers. Fugaku looked at his wife who was smiling gently and realized something.

“Wakaka-kun and the Five-Tails are ready to destroy the Hyuga clan tonight.”

This was the first sentence Mikoto delivered.

This sentence also made Fugaku feel the weight of this chicken leg.

“This child’s way of thanking seems a bit special…” Fugaku smiled a little reluctantly.

He kept confirming with Mikoto with his eyes, but saw Mikoto shook her head and continued to slide in his palm.

“He needs you to hold the Sandaime and give him a signal.”

Hold the Sandaime?


No…are you serious, kid?

Indeed, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan are not on good terms. Not only children, but even adults sometimes say things like “I will destroy the Hyuga clan sooner or later.”

Especially when there is a conflict.

Even some old Uchiha seniors talk about how to attack the Hyuga clan after dinner…

But don’t joke about the tailed beasts!

“Tonight, inform the Sandaime that you agree to hand over the tailed beasts, launch the tailed beast jade, and destroy the Hyuga clan.”

Mikoto passed the last information to her husband.

Both husband and wife saw solemnity in each other’s eyes.

“By the way, where is that kid?” Fugaku forced a smile, “Why didn’t he come over…”

“Obito-kun said that Lord Orochimaru was visiting his home, and Wakana-kun and grandma were entertaining him.”


Fugaku was silent.

Orochimaru… was visiting Wakana’s home?

At this time?

Orochimaru is a student of the Sandaime, and is very likely to be the future Fourth Hokage.

He has been following Wakana closely, obviously preparing for the next “negotiation” in advance.

He may even be guiding Wakana to hand over the Five-Tails to the village…

From the information passed on by his wife.

Wakana at least knows about the next negotiation, and there is a high probability that he will participate.


Is this kid serious?

“Chief Fugaku.”

Just as Fugaku was thinking, a middle-aged woman came out with a cold expression and a cold tone: “Danzo has reached the end of his life.”

“In his last words, there is something to be returned to Uchiha, and he asked Fugaku to confirm his death.”

“If Fugaku doesn’t mind, please come with me.”

The middle-aged woman turned around and left after saying this.

It seems that the murderer who killed Danzo is Fugaku.

Fugaku frowned.

The other Uchiha elites couldn’t stand it any longer, “He’s clearly a criminal, but he’s still acting like a victim.. ”

“That’s right, the victims are obviously the Uchiha whose eyes were gouged out, and that boy Ruokuo!”

“Be restrained!”

Fugaku said in a low voice, “After all, he is an elder of Konoha. He has chosen to apologize. Look at the clan emblem on his body and maintain the demeanor of a big clan!”

Several Uchiha stopped talking.

Fugaku exhaled, “Wait here for a while. ”

After saying that, Fugaku walked towards the middle-aged woman.

Come to the main hall.

Danzo was lying on a clean quilt, covered with a white sheet with the Shimura family crest.

Several women were sobbing not far away, and several Shimura clan ninjas were glaring at Fugaku at the door.

Fugaku frowned, and the words “my condolences” that he wanted to say were directly invalidated by him.

The Sandaime stood aside, sighed, and walked towards Fugaku, “Fugaku, this is the Sharingan that Danzo asked me to pass on to you.”

The Sandaime handed Fugaku a box, and Fugaku took it and opened it. Inside was a pair of eyes soaked in nutrient solution.

It was a pair of three magatama.

“The origin of this pair of eyes… Alas, in fact, I have always known it, but because I was too sensitive, I kept it as a secret. ”

The Sandaime sighed again and revealed a shocking secret.

“Sander…” Fugaku was very surprised.

“Let’s talk while we walk, Fugaku.”

The Sandaime shook his head and walked out of the main hall.

Fugaku looked back at the body of Elder Danzo, and then glanced at the Shimura clan members who were full of resentment but few in number in the room, frowned, and finally nodded.

“My condolences.”

After saying that, Fugaku did not stay any longer, turned around and followed the Sandaime.

The two walked to the door of the Shimura clan’s house, and Fugaku gestured for the clan members and his wife to go back first.

Looking at his wife’s back, Fugaku’s doubts became even greater.

He even temporarily forgot about the heavy chicken leg.

“Sander…” I don’t understand. “Fugaku frowned.

“That’s right, Fugaku…” The Sandaime exhaled a puff of smoke.

“Just like back then, Danzo and I didn’t understand why an Uchiha would suddenly assassinate the Second Hokage…”

“Fugaku, Danzo’s eyes were not stolen.”

“I can assure you of this with Danzo’s soul…”

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