The information transmitted by the ancient mirror was full of chaos. Su Jie sorted it out carefully and understood it in his heart.

The so-called Dharma image can be simply regarded as the weapon of the Yuanshen.

However, this kind of weapon does not refer to ordinary swords, guns, sticks, and clubs, but the Yuanshen itself is forged and condensed into the form of the Great Dao.

For example, the monster images that Su Jie saw in the ancient mirror were the chaotic creatures in the long river of the Great Dao. In fact, the ancient mirror helped Su Jie to recognize the Dharma image.

Because the Yuanshen of the human body is too fragile, only by presenting the form of non-human Great Dao creatures can the Dharma image be achieved for fighting, and the external form is like a monster.

The Dharma image needs to be repeatedly branded with the breath of the Great Dao before it can take shape.

To condense the Dharma image, the Yuanshen needs to be split and a part of the Yuanshen is thrown into the long river of the Great Dao.

The Yuanshen has experienced the baptism of the long river of the Great Dao. Because the Yuanshen is invisible and intangible, it is the most suitable medium for the Great Dao.

Ordinary Yuanshen cultivators also rely on the Yuanshen to contact the Great Dao.

Through repeated baptism and tempering by the Great Dao River, the Yuan Shen will slowly adapt to the breath of the Great Dao River, and mix part of the breath of the Great Dao into the Yuan Shen, mix according to a certain proportion, and finally condense the Dharma Image into shape.

Because of the disordered rules of the Great Dao River, the Dharma Image can become extremely powerful and terrifying. The mass and energy in the Great Dao River are almost endless, as long as your Yuan Shen can withstand the power of the Great Dao River.

In theory, only the souls at the Yang Shen level can try to condense the Dharma Image.

Su Jie is only in the realm of the God, and he can do this with the help of the ancient mirror.

"Dharma Image, that's it."

Su Jie covered his aching head and took a breath of cold air after receiving this information. In addition to shock, he was also excited and almost overflowed from his chest.

After a short rest, Su Jie swallowed some pills to repair the soul.

An hour later, after the pain of the Yuan Shen dissipated a little, Su Jie couldn't wait to try again.

Su Jie took the initiative to tear off a part of the Yuan Shen and threw it onto the mirror of the ancient mirror.

The silent mirror surface lit up with a dark yellow halo again, and the mirror showed an unpredictable chaotic scene.

This is the convenience brought by the ancient mirror. If it weren't for the ancient mirror, Su Jie could only last for a dozen seconds at most, and he would be exhausted after doing it once a day.

But with the help of the ancient mirror, Su Jie was able to try again in a short time, because the pressure of the avenue was borne by the ancient mirror.

Looking at the vast fluctuations that gave birth to unknown life emerging again in the chaos.

Su Jie took a deep breath, immersed his consciousness in it, and tried to fabricate his own Dharma image.

This time, Su Jie no longer relied on his human image to fabricate, but tried towards the monster-like image.

Because Su Jie already understood that the images of those terrifying chaotic creatures reflected by the ancient mirror just now were hinting that Su Jie would imitate their Dharma images.

Since those terrifying chaotic creatures can survive in the long river of the avenue, it proves that their forms are suitable for the disordered rules of the long river of the avenue.

Imitating them to condense your own soul must be an excellent comparison target.

However, Su Jie still underestimated the difficulty of practicing the Dharma Image. When Su Jie was halfway through, the chaotic rules in the long river of the road suddenly changed.

Su Jie had no time to control it, and the half-formed Dharma Image dissipated like a bubble.

Su Jie could only recover the pain caused by the loss of his soul again, and then try again.

This time, Su Jie was pinching and pinching, and suddenly he could not sense the semi-finished Dharma Image of his split soul. He didn't know where it was teleported by space, far beyond the distance Su Jie could sense.

Trying again, when Su Jie finally and painstakingly pinched the Dharma Image, the time in the long river of the road was disordered.

The Dharma Image that Su Jie pinched suddenly went backwards in time and became the unformed appearance at the beginning.

This feeling is like working hard on the computer for a day, but the computer crashed, and all the hard work was wasted without saving. Su Jie was so angry that he almost burst into swearing.

Gritting his teeth to calm down, Su Jie was not discouraged, and tried again and again after failure.

There are too many uncertain factors in the chaos. Because the long river of the avenue has no rules, time, space, energy and matter are all disordered, which causes Su Jie to often fail due to various unexpected factors.

Su Jie can only sum up experience in constant failure and make adjustments according to failure.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Until the seventh day, Su Jie finally felt that his Dharma image had completed its formation.

In the chaos that seemed to be the beginning of the world, chaos covered the sky and the earth, and everything was in disorder. Only a mass of flesh and blood was constantly shrinking and expanding, like a new life that had just developed from an embryo, but the volume was slightly larger.

Through the gaps caused by the disturbance of the chaotic airflow, the embryo continued to expand and develop, and a huge creature slowly took shape.

Its body was huge, like a towering mountain, with wings on its back, no obvious hands and feet, and a face with only vortices, without ordinary facial features. A single eye could be vaguely seen in the vortex. The eye was black and red, and it seemed to reflect the human soul, making people tremble all over at a glance.

Its body is even more peculiar, with different parts made of different substances.

Some parts are made of flames, some are condensed from flowing water, and some are made of flesh and blood. It looks both terrifying and beautiful. Every slight movement of its body will emit strong energy fluctuations, shaking the earth and turning the air into a vacuum, as if it were a walking natural disaster.


With a roar like the roar of an ancient god, the Dharma Image poked out half of its body from the ancient mirror.

With only half of its body exposed, the atmosphere of the entire underground space froze.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede subconsciously stood up and issued a threatening and warning sound to the Dharma Image.

But after the Thousand-Handed Centipede called a few times, it sensed the breath of its master on this terrifying Dharma Image that was even larger than its original body, which only showed half of its body.

This made the Thousand-Handed Centipede very confused, because the difference between this and the image of its master was too great.

Han Ruyan felt it more clearly than the Thousand-Handed Centipede, because the Dharma Image was a product of the mixed structure of the Yuanshen and the Great Dao. The monstrous power of the soul realm made Han Ruyan feel a strong threat. She couldn't help but spread her own strange power and collided with the Dharma Image's aura, but she was not the opponent of the Dharma Image. Han Ruyan took a few steps back in the invisible confrontation.

As if because of this action, the Dharma Image moved and looked at Han Ruyan with one eye.

At this moment, Han Ruyan's dead body was stiff for a moment.

This is not only the power of the soul, but also the mixture of the aura of the Great Dao. The combination of the two is the Dharma Image.

Like the mirror girl and the lantern ghost, these two fifth-grade evil spirits directly fell to the ground when facing Su Jie's Dharma Image, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

They are souls themselves, and their perception of the Dharma Image is more acute than that of ordinary creatures. The terrifying pressure of the superior makes it almost impossible for them to fight back.

Su Jie's Dharma Image retracted his gaze, and the vortex on his face expanded, and the natural forces and spiritual energy around him were instantly controlled.

Just like Su Jie usually uses a big move, borrowing the aura of the Great Dao to control the spiritual energy of the nearby heaven and earth.

When it is placed on the Dharma Image, the big move becomes a flat attack, because the Dharma Image itself is mixed with the aura of the Great Dao, allowing it to automatically control the nearby spiritual energy.


Huge gullies opened up under his feet. When the Dharma image opened the whirlpool, a light emanated from the inside. A large amount of stones and underground rivers were sucked into the whirlpool, forming part of the Dharma image's body, making it even more terrifying and tall.

On the surface of the Dharma image, as the Dharma image appeared in the world, gorgeous textures and patterns began to appear on its body surface.

These patterns are very complex, and it is difficult to distinguish the reason and meaning in them.

This is the breath of the Dharma image carrying the avenue. These patterns can actually be seen as the embodiment of the heavenly truth, but they are incomplete and disordered.

When these patterns appeared, the body structure of the Dharma image became more intricate, and the skin sometimes showed psychedelic rainbow light, and sometimes showed obscure dark tones, as if it was the edge of the night and day.

The body is changing slightly every moment, without a completely fixed form, just like the disordered field energy of the avenue river, without established rules and order.

"Wait, this kind of pressure."

Su Jie's face, which was just delighted by the appearance of the Dharma image, gradually showed a solemn look.

Before the Dharmadhatu was fully revealed, Su Jie felt a heavy burden.

It was too difficult for Su Jie to control the Dharmadhatu at the level of Heshen.

The Dharmadhatu at this time was still in the primary stage, which was clear from the extremely simple form of the Dharmadhatu condensed by Su Jie, which was simply a meat ball with a pair of wings.

The simpler the Dharmadhatu, the lower the control requirements.

And those complex Dharmadhatu, like modern weapons, the more sophisticated and beautiful the weapons, often represent stronger combat power.

Like Su Jie, who was round and had no hands and feet, it was obvious at a glance that Su Jie had insufficient control and his Yuanshen was not strong enough.

However, even with such a primary Dharmadhatu, Su Jie was very strenuous to control.

In just one minute, Su Jie's Yuanshen could no longer hold on, and the huge Dharmadhatu, as huge as a mountain, blew up and disappeared into the air.

Only when the soul was promoted to the Yangshen realm could the Dharmadhatu be used for normal combat.

But Su Jie estimated that the Yangshen level could control the Dharmadhatu for half an hour at most.


The soul returned to the body, and Su Jie was like being fished out of the water, breathing heavily.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede ran over and rubbed Su Jie's body, staring curiously at the place where the Dharma Image disappeared.

"What is that?"

Han Ruyan asked the question in her heart. When she saw the Dharma Image, she thought it was also a kind of ghost.

But after a careful feeling, Han Ruyan found that the Dharma Image seemed to be a more advanced form than the evil ghost, because it was mixed with the breath of the Great Dao, and the level of the Heavenly Dao was of course extremely high.

"The Dharma Image is the product of the mixture of the soul and the breath of the Great Dao. You can think of it as the weaponization of the soul. It is made of..."

Su Jie's sitting body slowly stood up. Although his soul was still very weak, the joy in his eyes could not be suppressed at all.

Even though the Dharma Image still has various defects now, there is no doubt that the appearance of the Dharma Image will become a powerful trump card for Su Jie, greatly enhancing Su Jie's combat effectiveness and foundation.

"Dharma form, the long river of the Great Dao..."

Han Ruyan listened carefully and gradually memorized it in her heart. Finally, an idea came to her mind. Can a fierce ghost achieve a Dharma form?

Have to say, seeing Su Jie's Dharma form, Han Ruyan was a little envious.

"After ten days of delay, we don't know what the outside world is like. We should leave and prepare to deal with the sect war."

Su Jie said while checking the strengthening of the Thousand Hands Centipede.

The strengthening effect of millions of spirit stones is very good. The current Thousand Hands Centipede has no weaknesses at all.


The pale corpse hands of the Thousand-Handed Centipede danced. The cruel nature of the poisonous insect made the Thousand-Handed Centipede not afraid of the coming of war, but only excited and wanting to kill.

"I am looking forward to it."

Han Ruyan flew up, shook her white hands, and opened the hole leading to the ground. The sunlight shone on her body, just like shining on a layer of opaque darkness, revealing only coldness and murder.


"Still no news about Su Jie?"

At the Guiling Palace troop station, Zhang Junwei stood on a mountain peak. The cold wind blew. He put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance. He was gloomy and spoke slowly.

Behind him, stood Tang Peiqing, the most experienced elder of the Guiling Palace.

And Su Jie's master, Taoist Qiu.

"No, we have learned that Su Jie did attack the Baichuan Fuhai Formation, but the Baichuan Fuhai Formation has now been repaired by Guanchao Pavilion, but there is no trace of Su Jie anymore."

Tang Peiqing's tone was heavy. Although he was unwilling to admit this fact, from the information he had learned, it seemed that Su Jie failed to attack the Baichuan Fuhai Formation and was killed by Guanchao Pavilion.

"I shouldn't have asked him to carry out this mission."

Zhang Junwei was in a complicated mood and felt very regretful.

Because the one who was killed was the fairy seedling of Guiling Palace, he was the sect master and it was also the task he assigned. Now that something went wrong, he felt heartbroken and regretful about the disappearance of the sect's strongest genius.

Although the magic way emphasizes the survival of the fittest and the competition is cruel, it is for ordinary disciples.

For example, the fairy seedling is a treasure among treasures no matter in which force.

"My disciples will not fall so easily. If it was really Guanchao Pavilion who killed him, with their hatred for Su Jie, they would have spread it all over the world long ago, instead of being silent like now."

Old Taoist Qiu spoke decisively, believing that Su Jie was still safe.

Tang Peiqing sighed. Losing contact during a sect mission often meant that no one would be found alive.

In Tang Peiqing's opinion, no matter how confident Qiu Laodao was in Su Jie, he should have known that Su Jie might really fall into a place like the Hundred Rivers Covering the Sea Array. It was just that Qiu Laodao himself was unwilling to admit it because of his reliance on Su Jie, a fairy seedling.

With this thought in mind, Tang Peiqing took the initiative to change the subject.

"Master, the situation is very tense now. Our sect is fighting with the five righteous sects. We are weak, so we mainly avoid fighting and lead them to the Gaoli Mountain area where we have scheduled the decisive battle.

It is worth noting that recently, a figure has emerged on the side of the righteous coalition. Wei Ji, the immortal seedling cultivated by Guanchao Pavilion, is powerful and has many treasures and means. As many as four elders of our sect have died in his hands.

The day before yesterday, we set up an ambush specifically for the opponent. We sent out five elders but he escaped. He killed one elder in return. It was very difficult to deal with him.

This person is now being used by the righteous sects to publicize everywhere to hit our morale. Under his influence, our morale has dropped a lot.

The righteous side has been very arrogant recently. Fortunately, it is precisely because of their arrogance that they did not doubt our actions of luring the enemy and approached the decisive battle site we have scheduled. At that time, they will attack from the front and back with the Tianhun Sect, and those righteous bull noses will definitely feel the taste of a lost dog."

Tang Peiqing's face was a little ugly when he talked about this.

The immortal seedlings on his side were unknown whether they were alive or dead, but the immortal seedlings on the Guanchao Pavilion were showing their power, which was like rubbing salt into the wound.

Moreover, so many elders died because of this immortal seedling, which made Tang Peiqing want to skin him alive.

"Immortal seedling Wei Ji, I have heard of this person's reputation. He is a leader of the younger generation in Qingzhou. If Su Jie were still here."

The first person Zhang Junwei thought of was Su Jie. As a young and outstanding immortal seedling, if Su Jie were still here, based on his understanding of Su Jie, immortal seedlings against immortal seedlings would most likely be able to compete with each other, and they could also take advantage of the situation to boost the morale and prestige of Guiling Palace.

Taoist Qiu did not speak, but his back was a little desolate, and the three of them were speechless for a while.

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