Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 389: A Great Victory (Second Update)

Su Jie's Purple Sky Thunder was so fast that Zhang Xin was hit by it before he ran ten meters. His protective talismans flickered a few times and then dissipated like bubbles.

Those protective talismans could not protect him from the Purple Sky Thunder at all, and his skin was carbonized under the electric current.

When he moved his body, his flesh and blood were exposed, and some parts of his body were covered with white bones.

"Secret Treasure Realm Level 2.2."

Zhang Xin opened his mouth wide and vomited blood. His fingers trembled as he pointed at Su Jie.

It was Su Jie's Purple Sky Thunder, which also added the burning properties of the heart and the armor-breaking properties of the lungs.

There were two additional damages, which was clearly the level of the second level of the Secret Treasure Realm.

Zhang Xin was hit by the Purple Sky Thunder, which was equivalent to suffering triple damage. More than half of his flesh and blood tissues were necrotic. After saying a word, he was like a big bird with broken wings, unable to even maintain flight, and staggered and fell on a mountain on the ground.

"Not good."

Bian Yannan roared and found the White Bone Sword that was coming at him at high speed.

The White Bone Sword was heading for Zhang Xin's neck. In Zhang Xin's current state, he had no power to dodge and defend. One sword could cut off his neck and cut off his head.

Bian Yannan couldn't just watch his helper being killed. He pushed his hands forward, and the water waves turned into waves, like a round lake, sinking Zhang Xin into it.

The White Bone Sword hit the water surface of the lake. It looked like the sword had cut Zhang Xin's neck, but Su Jie frowned.

Because the White Bone Sword didn't cut off the touch of the real object, Zhang Xin was also safe and sound, and his head was still on his neck.

"It's useless. This is one of my sect's unique skills, Mirror Flower and Water Moon. You can't hurt us. Now retreat, we can pretend that nothing happened."

Bian Yannan himself was also in the lake, and he had already felt the horror of Su Jie.

Su Jie's ease made Bian Yannan feel terrified. He no longer had the confidence to defeat Su Jie. Now he just wanted to escape from Su Jie.


The White Bone Sky Sword flew back and forth several times, and Su Jie understood.

It was like stabbing a fish from the water. You seemed to be aiming at the fish, but because the light refracted into the water, you would only stab empty space.

"There are some tricks, but not many."

Su Jie raised his eyebrows. Guanchao Pavilion was indeed the first sect in Qingzhou, but it was far from enough to stop him from killing people.

Without using his trump cards, Su Jie's chest suddenly collapsed, almost sticking to his back, and the air in his chest was squeezed out.

Su Jie opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The strong wind in front of him swept into a funnel-shaped tornado. With Su Jie's mouth as the center, it was like a monster that swallowed the sky and the earth. The six-color tornado swallowed everything.

The terrifying suction force spread out, and the trees, soil, and rocks hundreds of meters ahead were constantly peeled off the ground. Once they entered the tornado, they would be crushed and then annihilated into ash by the spiritual light.

This is exactly the use of the six demon wings.

The water light lake that was blocked was also sucked into the tornado, and Zhang Xin and Bian Yannan were also sucked in at the same time.

This is not a flying sword piercing a fish. The fish is hiding under the lake and cannot be pierced. Su Jie is going to drain the entire lake.

"What a joke, such a huge amount of spiritual power."

Bian Yannan's face was ashen, and his eyes were a little more terrified. He tried desperately to maintain the lake, but he couldn't stop it at all. The spiritual power of both sides was not of the same order of magnitude.

Because of the purple thunder body, Su Jie's spiritual power far exceeded that of the cultivators of the same level. He took advantage of this domineering swallowing and crushed Bian Yannan with his upright spiritual power.

No matter how exquisite your magic is, I will break it with my own strength.

Su Jie's method is simple and crude, but it is effective.

Bian Yannan tried his best. Even the seriously injured Zhang Xin bit his tongue and tried to cheer himself up in the desperate situation of life and death. He used his spiritual power to try to stop Su Jie's swallowing.

The two sides were like tug-of-war. One side wanted to suck in the whale, and the other side wanted to repel. It was a competition of who had more spiritual power, relying on absolute hard power.

But Su Jie was obviously stronger. Bian Yannan and Zhang Xin could not beat Su Jie together.

The two also knew that they would lose. Zhang Xin gritted his teeth with a look of heartache and took out a talisman from the storage bag. It was a top-grade talisman.

"Reverse talisman, break it."

Zhang Xin tore this top-grade reverse talisman. This was Zhang Xin's last trump card, a special talisman obtained by chance.

After using this talisman, it can reverse the enemy's attack effect. It is only suitable for some special combat environments.

Now is the right time to use it. If he doesn't use it, he will die.

As the reverse talisman was torn, it seemed that some rules were reversed.

The six-color storm that Su Jie swallowed turned from suction to repulsion. Affected by this, Zhang Xin and Bian Yannan were also blown away quickly, away from Su Jie.

"Take this opportunity to escape quickly."

Zhang Xin, who had his back to Su Jie, gritted his teeth, and the charred flesh on his body fell off. His face was distorted in pain, but he didn't dare to stop to heal his wounds. He just swallowed a few pills and wanted to take this opportunity to escape from Su Jie, the devil.

"Want to escape."

Seeing this, Su Jie exhaled from his mouth, and a black mist spread out, just following the tornado and spreading rapidly to the two of them.

"Okay, let's escape."

Bian Yannan didn't finish his words, and suddenly a sense of death swept over his body. He followed his instinct and quickly dodged.

But Zhang Xin, who was seriously injured, couldn't do it. A black mist instantly covered a large area.

This black mist carries the ultimate death curse. After passing over the earth, everything it comes into contact with will accelerate aging, decay, dissipate, and collapse.

The trees turned into rotten dead wood, and the earth turned into a gray-white dead land. The vegetation on it withered one after another, without any vitality and vitality, just like the land after nuclear radiation.

Zhang Xin, who was covered in black mist, couldn't even scream, and his body's flesh and blood were like snow melting in spring, rapidly aging and decaying.

His face has also become decrepit, his teeth, nails, and hair have all fallen out. His whole person is aging and withering, his vitality continues to dissipate, and his whole body exudes an aura of decay. He no longer has the majestic power of the Vault Realm.

This is the curse that makes all things age and wither, the Curse of Death and Decline.

Su Jie used his strength to fight, and in turn used the reverse talisman to speed up the death and decay curse cloud to cover it.

Even though Zhang Xin was in the secret realm, he was entangled in the cloud of death and decay curse. The curse spread all over his body in the blink of an eye, and even his soul was affected by the curse and became dim.

Bian Yannan was dumbfounded. He looked at Zhang Xin who rushed to the street immediately after the appearance. His lips trembled a few times. He didn't know if he wanted to accuse his pig teammates.

Glancing at the Tianhai Gang Sword that was still bitten by the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Bian Yannan gritted his teeth, turned around and ran away quickly.

He actually abandoned his high-grade Feijian and Zhang Xin, as well as the hundreds of righteous disciples below, and wanted to give up everything else in order to survive.

"Tsk, tsk, this is our friendship!"

Su Jie clicked his tongue twice, Zhang Xin's eyes showed despair, as if he wanted to say something, but in just a few seconds, the curse had spread all over his body.

His whole life was completely cut off and he fell into Su Jie's hands.

"Don't be impatient. I'll let him accompany you. It's always a bit lonely to go to the underworld alone. I'm a kind-hearted person and I can't bear to see such human tragedies."

Su Jie grabbed Zhang Xin's soul with his left hand, wiped his forehead with his right hand, and the soul in the sea of ​​​​consciousness bloomed with golden glow.

"Eye of Heaven! Dao of Heaven! Power of Heaven!"

In the center of Su Jie's eyebrows, a bloody streak opened, as if a vertical pupil had opened.

This is the real power of the soul. It uses the soul to connect to the heaven. At the level of the avenue, Su Jie's soul is just like a floating microorganism. But even so, for ordinary souls, it is a fundamental difference in the level of life. Dimensionality reduction Crushing.

When Su Jie had just achieved Yuan Shen, he was still in the Yunling realm, so he used the power of heaven to defeat the elders of the Secret Realm.

What's more, now, Su Jie has been promoted to the secret realm, and his soul has gone through several rounds of growth, and its power has doubled.

The opened vertical pupils connect to the heaven, opening a crack in the long river of the avenue, allowing the power of the avenue, a parallel river that does not intersect with the real world, to penetrate into the real world.


A ray of light floated out from the vertical pupil, and the spiritual energy in the void exploded, turning into a storm surrounding Su Jie.

At this moment, with the power of the avenue, Su Jie seemed to be the sole controller of this world.

Even though Su Jie's soul could only withstand the pressure of the avenue for more than ten seconds, it was enough for Su Jie to kill the enemy.

"Purple light ray!"

Su Jie's eyes bloomed with purple light, and two purple rays shot out from the pupils.

The spiritual energy from all directions is like iron filings attracted by magnets, automatically integrating into the purple rays.

The purple light rays drilled out from Su Jie's eyes were only as thick as chopsticks at first, but in the blink of an eye, they expanded exponentially and turned into a terrifying ray ten meters thick, covering Bian Yannan's body.

"Yuanshen, you are a fairy seedling"

Bian Yannan's pupils shrank violently. In the Secret Realm, those who possess the soul are strong.

Su Jie was clearly in the Yunling Realm not long ago, and even if he was promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm, it had only been a long time ago. This soul was so terrifying that it was definitely not something he could grow up in a short time.

There is only one possibility. Su Jie has raised Yuanshen in Yunling Realm, which is standard for fairy seedlings.

If he had known that Su Jie was a fairy with a soul, he would have run away the first time he saw Su Jie.

But now it was too late for him to regret it. Under the cover of the purple light rays, he didn't even hum. His body instantly disintegrated and exploded, leaving only a hazy ball of light to escape, which was Bian Yannan's soul.

Su Jie stretched out his right palm and grabbed Bian Yannan's soul in his hand.

At this time, Su Jie's left and right hands were holding the souls of Zhang Xin and Bian Yannan respectively. The fate of the two secret realms was extremely impactful in the eyes of the righteous and demonic disciples who were fighting below.

The morale of those righteous disciples collapsed one by one.

The troops in disarray, which had been killed by the human-faced moth, were the only motivation to persevere.

It was just relying on the two elders to defeat Su Jie, come back to save them, and turn the tide of the battle.

In the end, no one expected it, and the two elders he had high hopes for were killed first.

He was killed two against one, and he was still a newly promoted elder.

These righteous disciples all doubted whether their elders knew how to fight. How could they be so incompetent?

Naturally, the eyesight of these disciples cannot see the mystery of the soul.

On the contrary, the morale of the disciples in Ghost Ridge Palace skyrocketed. Everyone looked at Su Jie feverishly. With the support of Su Jie's heroic achievements, they seemed to feel the same way. They hunted down the collapsed righteous disciples and killed them. .

Su Jie ignored the battle on the ground and took out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner from his arms. While absorbing the souls generated by the battle, he put the souls of Zhang Xin and Bian Yannan into it.

Zhang Xin's soul was affected by the Death Curse Cloud, and his inner sanity had dissipated.

But Bian Yannan's soul still had a trace of consciousness left, and when he saw the Ten Thousand Souls Flag in Su Jie's hand, he cursed piercingly.

"You even want to play with the souls of the dead. I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Su Jie smiled faintly and directly threw the two souls into the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

"It's not easy for you to be a ghost. Why don't I help you now? Yinhun is also a ghost! You still look down on Yinhun."

After Su Jie finished speaking, after absorbing two powerful tonics, the Ten Thousand Soul Flags began to sound.

In the Ghost Mountain Palace above the banner, in a Netherworld Hall, there were now seven or eight more ghost generals, and they looked more powerful than the original ghost generals.

This also brought the number of ghost generals in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner to an astonishing twenty.

Su Jie could feel the changes and improvements in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner. He put it away with great satisfaction and looked at the Thousand-Hand Centipede.


The Thousand-Hand Centipede holds the Tianhai Gang Sword in its mouth. This high-grade flying sword was bitten with dense cracks by the Thousand-Hand Centipede in the previous fight.

If the battle hadn't ended early, this flying sword would have been bitten by the Thousand-Handed Centipede and shattered into pieces.

"The damage was too serious, so it had to be refurbished to extract materials."

Seeing the state of this high-grade flying sword, Su Jie shook his head with regret.

One hundred thousand spiritual stones were just gone. It would be a lie to say that I wasn't heartbroken.

However, Su Jie's heartache only lasted for a while. Su Jie still had Zhang Xin and Bian Yannan's storage bags in his hands.

Open the two storage bags and check them one by one. The resources inside are extremely rich. Not counting the bitten Tianhai Gang Sword, all the various magic weapons, spiritual materials, talismans, elixirs, etc. in Bian Yannan's storage bag. The total value is around 200,000 spirit stones.

Zhang Xin only has half of the former's assets, a wealth of 100,000 spiritual stones.

Together, the two stories provided Su Jie with a profit of 300,000 spirit stones, which was a huge amount of gold coins.

"These righteous people are richer than the devil!"

Su Jie sighed, now is the world of the Righteous Dao, the good spiritual mountains and blessed places, and the secret spiritual veins are basically occupied by the Righteous Dao sect.

Naturally, this money is much richer than the devil.

Such a huge wealth is enough to make up for Su Jie's pain at losing the Tianhai Gang Sword, not to mention being able to loot the camp.

Su Jie landed on the ground and came to Ding Twelve's camp.

The battle on the ground has also ended. The disciples of Guiling Palace have won a great victory and are happily cleaning the battlefield. When they see Su Jie coming, they all look at him with awe and admiration.

The glorious record of one against two made Su Jie's importance in the eyes of these disciples infinitely higher, and there was already a tendency to blindly worship him.

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