Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 376 Swallowing the Nation

The Jeko Group attacked from the Rakhine Mountains and completely occupied the entire Magway State in just three days.

During this process, almost all cities surrendered to the Jeko Group's troops.

There were basically only a few police and militias left in these cities. Facing the attack of the Jeko Group, unless they wanted to use simple weapons to deal with the Jeko Group's machine guns and gene warriors, they had no choice but to surrender.

These militias and police had no awareness of sacrificing their lives for the Zen government.

Every time a city was occupied, the Jeko Group did not need to draw many troops to garrison, because the local people were completely willing to be ruled by the Jeko Group.

Even the citizens of many cities could not wait, and before the Jeko Group arrived, they attacked the government agencies and police stations in the city, planted the Jeko Group's flags, and took the initiative to declare that they belonged to the rule of the Jeko Group.

And this trend of surrendering at the sight of the wind is still spreading, after the capture of Magway State.

The neighboring states of Sije, Ilowa, Mon, and Naile were transformed into the shape of the Jeko Group by the advance of the Jeko Group's army.

The Zen government also wanted to defend, but their soldiers had been exhausted, with only 20,000 to 30,000 veterans left, and the rest were all conscripted recruits.

Moreover, the army's morale was low and its will was scattered, which was not enough to defend the capital Yangcheng, let alone to fight against the Jeko Group in other states.

The Jeko Group continued to encroach on the Zen government's core territory with a whale-like attitude, and the territory it controlled had reached most of the entire Zen country, with a population of more than 30 million.

If it were not for the need to guard against the harassment of the air force, the Jeko Group would choose to march in the wild at night, so that the territory occupied could be occupied faster.

However, the Zen government's advantage in air supremacy was also being disintegrated by the Jeko Group, because as a large amount of territory was occupied by the Jeko Group, the military airports of the Zen government army and the Sakura soldiers were becoming less and less.

They wanted to use the Siam airport as a base, but the Siamese government rejected this proposal because they were worried about retaliation from the Jeko Group.

In the process of the Jeko Group swallowing up the territory, many of the territories were not under the jurisdiction of the Zen government, but the land of some warlords.

But for the Jeko Group, whether it was the Zen government army or the warlord soldiers, they would be attacked and destroyed if they did not surrender.

Facing the fierce attack of the Jeko Group, how could these warlords stop the wolf-like and tiger-like Jeko Group? The large number of conventional troops, various tanks and aircraft were all weapons that crushed the light infantry of the warlords.

What's more, the Jeko Group also had super soldiers and genetic warriors. It was even more unrealistic to want to fight guerrilla warfare in the mountains and forests. Many warlord soldiers were killed and fled in panic, and surrendered in large numbers.

It can be said that at this time, the Jeko Group was sweeping across the world and looking at the majestic momentum, and wanted to become the new master of the country of Zen.

At this time, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Zen government was about to collapse.

At this time, some people began to get anxious. The G8, led by the United States, issued a public statement when the Jeko Group approached the capital of Zen.

"The Jeko Group ignored the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, was unwilling to seal up the biochemical gene technology and hand it over, and wantonly expanded the scale of the war, causing great suffering to the people in Zen. If the Jeko Group does not stop, as a member of the G8, we do not mind intervening by force. 》

This news did not cause any response in the world, because it was not the first time that the United States threatened the Jeko Group.

However, for the Zen government, the statement of the United States was like a life-saving straw, and they began to transfer all their troops to Yangcheng, the capital of Zen, and prepared to hold on here and wait for the United States' army to come to help.

But even for the United States, it would take time for them to complete the transfer of troops.


The capital of Zen, with a population of more than 7 million, has been a little restless recently.

The front of the Jeko Group is approaching like a landslide and tsunami. The most economically developed city in Zen Country also feels the approach of war.

As many as 200,000 troops gathered here, built barricades and trenches, and transformed many buildings into fortresses for war.

The Zen government intends to stay here and wait for the rescue of the United States.

In addition to the army of the Zen government, the last 3,000 troops of the Sakura Country are also here. They want to go back, but the country does not allow it.

Because their masters are going to die, what's the point of retreating now.

In the underground of the inner ring of Yangcheng, in an underground tunnel that was dug at an unknown time, Miao Lun, wearing a biological colonization suit, looked back at the back, and one by one, the genetic warriors and super soldiers were gathered here in a line.

"According to the pre-arranged goals, occupy the radio and television building, the police station, the telecommunications bureau, the command center, the power plant..."

Miao Lun made the final reminder. After checking that there were no enemies outside through the eyeworm, he decisively pressed the detonator in his hand.

The explosives that were specially detonated upwards blew up a huge passage leading to the ground, and Miao Lun took the lead and jumped up.

The soldiers of the Chan Kingdom who heard the explosion and rushed over just saw Miao Lun, and what greeted them was Miao Lun's 14.5mm caliber bullets, tearing their flesh.

The bullets they fired were easily deflected by the biological colonization suits.

Behind Miao Lun, more and more genetic warriors and super soldiers jumped out and began to kill in all directions.

Miao Lun personally led a group of people and rushed towards the radio and television building.

Not far away, Miao Lun ran into a group of Zen soldiers, but just when Miao Lun was about to shoot, the other party fell to his knees with a huff.

"It's the genetic warriors of the Jieko Group. You finally came to save me."

"Don't shoot. I was captured by the Zen government to serve as a soldier. I am innocent!"

"We are willing to surrender to the Jieko Group, please don't kill me."

"I can lead you. I know where the Sakura Country troops are."

These Zen soldiers burst into tears, with expressions on their faces as if they had seen their savior.

Miao Lun took a few glances at this group of Zen soldiers. Sure enough, there were no traces of military training. He saw that the Chan government had rushed to the hospital for treatment and had captured young men to make up the numbers, so it ignored them.

The team kept rushing forward. Normally, a battle for a city would be very difficult and complicated.

The bloody battle in Jiweicheng was a river of blood.

However, this time the Iron Battalion broke into the whole process without much threat. Not to mention the newly captured recruits, even the 20,000 to 30,000 veterans of the Zen government still chose to surrender when faced with the genetic warriors, and few were willing to fight to the end. of.

Soon, Miao Lun came to the radio and television building and broke in.

“The President of the Zen Kingdom is strict and will never forgive the Jieko Group, and will make every effort and unite the power of the international community to eradicate the cancer of the Jieko Group.

At this time of national crisis, we also ask the people of the country to believe in us. As the president, I will defend the country until the end. This is my responsibility and obligation as the president.

The 200,000 troops in Yangcheng will also fight to the last soldier of the Jieke Group. Victory will definitely belong to the Zen government. "

In the studio, the female host was reading the script and did not notice Miao Lun and the group of soldiers coming in. The colleagues next to her were almost scared to death.


Miao Lun stepped forward to hold the microphone, interrupted the female host's speech, and gave the other party a cold look: "Is that what you think?"

"What are you doing? Didn't you watch what I was recording?"

The female host frowned and was about to scold the person who interrupted her work, but when she saw Miao Lun's image, her face turned pale and she looked like she was about to cry without tears.

", my superior asked me to read it. I...I support the Jieke Group."

Miao Lun pushed the other party away. With the radio and television building under control, the entire Yangcheng was basically in the possession of the Jieke Group.

A few minutes ago, in the Yangcheng Parliament Building, the current president of the Zen Kingdom had a look of surprise on his face. He shook the hand of a white man and shook it vigorously.

"Colonel Mike, you are finally here. The Jieko Group is too rampant. You must help us fight back the Jieko Group. I will agree to any conditions then."

"Don't worry, we are sending only a regiment-level force now. Brigade-level and division-level forces will be sent over later. The Jieke Group will not be arrogant for long."

Mike said in a deep voice, he is the commander of the 3rd Parachute Regiment of the Beautiful Kingdom, with the rank of colonel. This time he was ordered to come to the Zen Kingdom to support the operation. More troops are being assembled through military bases around the world.

"Colonel Mike, the Jieke Group has now occupied Ranpan City, and there are only three hundred kilometers away from us."

On the other side, Yoshimura Yuichi reminded.

He has suffered such a huge defeat, and the reason why he can still stay in this position is because no one is willing to take over his position. The position under his butt is a hot potato, and everyone is afraid to avoid it.

"Three hundred kilometers. If you give us a few more days, more than 10,000 soldiers will come here. The beautiful country will not sit idly by."

Mike looked at the map and said that the beautiful country would not give up on them.

The beautiful country has the strongest strategic transportation force in the world. In such an emergency, it cannot be reached quickly by sea, but strategic transport aircraft can do this.

For example, the C17 Globemaster strategic transport aircraft can transport MI main battle tanks and carry hundreds of infantry at one time, with a combat radius of about 5,000 kilometers.

The beautiful country has hundreds of military transport aircraft, not to mention the ability to recruit civilian aviation to help. It is not difficult for them to do this.

"When the troops arrive, we will help you stabilize the front, and then slowly kill the Jieko Group."

Mike continued to say that the main purpose of the beautiful country sending troops here this time was to help the Zen government stabilize its front and ensure that the Zen government would not be eliminated, so that in the future, it could continue to impose sanctions and sanctions on Jieko through the Zen government. Military pressure.

"With your promise, I feel much more psychologically stable. Then ask Colonel Mike—boom!"

While several people were discussing here, a violent explosion suddenly sounded.

"Where did the explosion come from?"

Mike felt an inexplicable suddenness in his heart, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

The President of Zen Kingdom also picked up his cell phone and started asking about the situation.

"Oh no, Mr. President, the Jieko Group is calling."

A few minutes later, the door to the conference room was pushed open, and the person who came was a general from the Zen Kingdom, but he was sweating on his forehead and nervousness was visible on his face.

"What, how come it's so fast? Isn't their main force still in Ranpan City?"

President Zen's face changed drastically, and the faces of Yoshimura Yuichi and Mike also became solemn.

"It's a tunnel. They entered the inner city through the tunnel, and what came were genetic warriors."

"Damn it, are you all idiots? Hurry up and send troops to drive them out."

"We have sent troops, but there are too many genetic warriors coming, and there are also many super soldiers."

The general hesitated to speak. He knew the current situation of the Zen army. Except for the few 20,000 to 30,000 veterans, the rest were all new recruits who were conscripted to serve as a show. They didn't even have a gun. They had no fighting power at all. How could they resist those wolf-like genetic warriors?


Suddenly, the TV in the room changed the picture, and the real-time broadcast of the studio appeared.

But next to the female host with a stiff expression, a man walked out of the biological colonization suit and stood in front of the microphone.

"I am Miao Lun, a genetic warrior from the Jeko Group. Now I declare that Yangcheng, Zen, has been formally taken over by the Jeko Group. All Zen soldiers should lay down their weapons and surrender now. The Jeko Group will forgive you for what happened. If you insist on resisting, you will be completely wiped out.

Please be patient, citizens of Yangcheng, stay at home and don't go out. Wait for our new notice. You will soon have a new life."

The cold words, coupled with the three-meter-high biological colonization suit standing aside, give people a great sense of oppression.

This news is not only broadcast on TV, but also on the radio stations and loudspeakers on the streets of Yangcheng.

"The news TV station was occupied by genetic warriors. It's over. It's all over now."

The president of Zen looked distraught. He knew that the morale of his troops was low, and now the enemy had occupied the news headquarters building, using this way to inform the whole city.

He knew that his troops would not have much courage to continue to resist.

"General Mike, I want to leave here. I can't fall into the hands of the Jeko Group. Quick, let's go while the airport is still in our hands."

The next moment, the president of Zen grabbed Mike's arm, his eyes full of desire to survive.

Ordinary soldiers can surrender, but he, the president of Zen who cooperated with the G8 to attack the Jeko Group, will definitely be pulled out by the Jeko Group to settle accounts.

"It's too fast, let's withdraw."

Mike sighed. He didn't think of using his paratroopers to fight against the Steel Battalion unless the Zen government forces in Yangcheng could unite with them.

But it is impossible to successfully fight against the Steel Battalion with just the paratroopers and the 3,000 people of Sakura Country.

"We have to run."

Yoshimura Yuichi was also nervous. The attitude of the Jeko Group towards the Sakura people was very bad. If he fell into the clutches of the Jeko Group, his fate could be imagined.

Several people left the Capitol Building and quickly drove to the airport under the escort of the guards.

At this time, the entire Yangcheng was in chaos because of the advance of the Jeko Group.

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