Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 365: The Iron Battalion Attacks (First Update)

On Xinfan Avenue, an army is marching.

Tanks and armored vehicles rolled over the tattered road, with a large number of soldiers walking on both sides, and many heavy trucks loaded with logistical supplies following behind.

Xinfan Avenue is just a simple paved dirt road. After being crushed by these steel behemoths and the heavy rain, the road has become more and more dilapidated.

Even though most of their armor is mainly tracked, it is very difficult to pass through the muddy road, the failure rate is extremely high, and there are many grounded.

This unit belongs to a mixed team of Zen Country and Sakura Country. The whole unit has more than 15,000 people, divided into an armored regiment, a mechanized brigade, an artillery regiment, and two infantry regiments.

They are the closest troops to Jibang among the hundreds of thousands of troops marching in the Rakhine Mountains.

At this time, it is only 80 kilometers away from Jibang.

In a command vehicle, Yusuke Isaka sat here with a map in front of him.

The map shows the route of Jibang and the Rakhine Mountains, as well as the terrain along the way.

"Let the team speed up and try to get out of the Rakhine Mountains and reach Jibang tomorrow afternoon."

Yusuke Izaka looked at the heavy rain outside the window. The news from the rear headquarters that the collapse of Scorpion Cloud Mountain had cut off traffic made him feel uneasy.

Modern warfare consumes too much ammunition. Apart from other things, the steel behemoths in his team consume astronomical amounts of fuel every day, and logistics needs to keep up.

Pushing open the door of the command vehicle, Yusuke Izaka got out of the command vehicle.

Seeing another tank stuck in the mud pit in front, the logistics and engineers are working hard to keep the gravel and wood underneath to make the tracks as slippery as possible.

Two hundred meters away, a heavy truck overturned and fell to the ground, and the canned food on it was scattered all over the ground.

Further ahead, engineers are reinforcing and repairing a bridge. Because of the heavy rains in recent days, the river water level has risen sharply and the water is turbulent. If it is not reinforced, it is impossible to cross.

Similar situations happen from time to time. Although the first half of the march went smoothly, the second half was tortured by the continuous heavy rain. Sometimes the armored troops did not walk as fast as the infantry every day.

The tropical rain forest on the Rakhine Mountains of Zen Country, coupled with heavy rain and basically zero infrastructure, is a nightmare for any armored unit.

A normal armored unit can pass a distance of just a few dozen kilometers in three or two hours.

But in the Rakhine Mountains, this is a double test of the soldiers' physical strength and mental will, and it takes a day to pass.

Coupled with the humid and sultry air after the heavy rain in the forest, even the local Zen soldiers were tortured and exhausted, not to mention the Sakura soldiers who experienced this kind of battle for the first time. At this time, the team had no energy.

"The meteorological department said that there will be thunderstorms in the next week."

The staff officer held an umbrella for Yusuke Isaka and spoke.

"This is such a horrible weather. Fortunately, we only have the last 80 kilometers left. We will soon be able to get out of this quagmire hell. It's just that the brother troops behind us are suffering."

Isaka Yusuke shook his head. When the war broke out, there was no way to choose the weather.

We couldn't just stop fighting because the weather was bad. The rear command didn't let them stop and rest.

"Let the brothers work harder. Once we pass the Rakhine Mountains, we will be really relaxed."


Just when this mixed force of Sakura and Zen Kingdom was marching hard on Xinfan Avenue.

They didn't know that a terrible opponent had already set their sights on them.

In the lush primitive jungles on both sides of Xinfan Avenue, the gene warriors of the Iron Camp, wearing biological colonization suits, were scattered and ambushed here.

The rain hit the biological colonization suits, but it couldn't extinguish their fiery and warlike hearts. The desire to fight was rising.

Miao Lun picked up the intercom and said coldly: "Artillery Department, confirm the enemy's position again and decide when to fire."

"Captain Zi, I have no problem."

"Captain Zi, the enemy has entered our ambush position, you can open fire at any time."

After a few seconds, some noisy and distorted sounds came from the intercom.

The dense vegetation in the jungle greatly weakened the range of sensors and traffic equipment.

In addition to the heavy rain, the thick vegetation caused the radio signal to be severely attenuated.

In some places in the rainforest, the artillery unit mentioned by Miao Lun was not the traditional artillery.

They were all soldiers of the Iron Battalion. In addition to conventional weapons, each of them carried a special 120mm caliber heavy mortar on his back.

Generally speaking, this heavy mortar weighs 200 kilograms and requires several strong soldiers to carry it separately. It usually requires four or five people to operate it.

When moving over long distances, wheels will be installed underneath, and the maneuvering method is generally towed by wheeled jeeps and armored transport vehicles.

But the mortars of these gene warriors are different. They are completely clipped on the backs of the warriors, as if integrated with the biological suit.

Wu Wo is the commander of this artillery unit, managing more than 20 artillerymen.

The entire Iron and Steel Battalion has a total of more than 120 people.

Usually three people form a combat team, three teams plus a platoon leader form a combat platoon, and three platoons form a combat company. The entire Iron and Steel Battalion has a total of four companies.

Gene warriors perform differently in the use of weapons according to the different insect genes they have integrated.

For example, the artillery unit commanded by Wu Wo is the best at firing artillery in the Iron and Steel Battalion.

It's not that other gene warriors can't fight, but they are not as accurate as them.

In addition to firing artillery, they can also use various weapons to fight in medium and short distances. Almost every gene warrior is a generalist.

More than 20 artillerymen have all released their eyeworms at this time. With a radius of three kilometers and a flight altitude of one thousand meters, the eyeworms can observe targets within fifteen kilometers at most.

One by one, the eyeworms flew into the sky. The eyeworms, which were only the size of a palm, were inconspicuous. The visual field data they observed was completely shared with the gene warriors' thoughts. All kinds of distances, heights, and quantities would be calculated by the eyeworms.

It was like a personal information terminal, and there would be no information loss or deviation caused by the transmission process.

"One and a half minutes of coverage shooting."

Wu Wo saw that the time had come and all the enemies had entered the ambush circle, and he decisively issued an order.

The artillerymen of the Steel Battalion were scattered one by one, and they received the firing information from the walkie-talkie and crouched down one after another.


Wu Wo himself also half-crouched on the ground, lowered his head slightly, the muzzle of the 120mm mortar extended from his neck, and ammunition boxes were piled in front of him.

Generally speaking, traditional heavy mortars need to build a firing position, complete the mortar installation and manual aiming, and the preparation takes about half an hour.

But Wu Wo completely skipped these steps. He was the gun carriage and gun mount himself.

He grabbed a mortar with one hand and stuffed it directly into the barrel behind him.

The 18-kilogram shell slid freely to the bottom of the barrel under gravity, collided with the firing pin, and triggered the primer.

The air at the muzzle raised a shock wave, and the recoil was transmitted to the body. Wu Wo's body shook. Ordinary people would have their internal organs and bones shattered if they did this, but with the protection of the biological colonization suit and the modified physique, he withstood the impact and vibration.

In milliseconds, the shell with a maximum range of eight kilometers quickly drilled out of the muzzle and fell towards the enemy on Xinfan Avenue in a curve.


The shell exploded at the side of the road. The terrifying shock wave and shrapnel smashed the human body more than ten meters away, and the broken limbs flew across, leaving a huge mud pit in the original place.

The surrounding Sakura and Zen soldiers fell down in a large number in an instant. Many soldiers who were farther away were pierced by shrapnel and covered their wounds and wailed in pain.

Even if they were lucky enough not to be injured, they would be shocked by the huge explosion and their blood would surge, and their internal organs would be extremely uncomfortable.

This 120mm heavy mortar is extremely powerful. Against soft targets such as infantry, those within a radius of 25 meters will almost certainly die, and those within a radius of 50 meters will be injured. Even if you stand more than 100 meters away, you cannot guarantee that you are absolutely safe.

"Where is the artillery firing?"

Isaka Yusuke was suddenly startled when he heard the explosion, but his mind was not confused. Instead, he issued combat orders through the command vehicle.

"There is an enemy ambush. The infantry will immediately hide and find shelter. The anti-artillery radar will capture the enemy's movements. The reconnaissance drone will be released. Contact the Army Aviation and the Air Force and report to the headquarters."

But Isaka Yusuke underestimated the strength of the attack. As soon as his order was conveyed, the torrential artillery shells kept falling, and the marching team was blown up.

"It's so cool! I'm going to blow up these bastards."

Wu Wo's face was full of excitement, and his left and right hands were alternating back and forth.

He grabbed a mortar shell with his left hand and just stuffed it into the barrel and fired it. Before the gun smoke from the muzzle had dissipated, the mortar shell in his right hand had already fallen into the barrel, without any extra or gap movements in between.

Wu Wo's hands were so fast that he could see the afterimage, and he fired this 120mm mortar at an amazing rate of fire.

In just one minute, at least thirty shells flew out, so that the sound of the muzzle was continuous without a pause.

You know, the 120mm vehicle-mounted mortar has an advanced fire control system and an automatic ammunition loading system, and the firing rate is only about ten rounds per minute.

As for the traditional heavy mortars that rely on human control, the continuous firing speed is even slower, generally only six or seven rounds per minute.

Because people get tired, their physical strength is limited, and their movements are not as fast, accurate and stable as machines.

But in front of the gene warriors of the Steel Battalion, they fired at a terrifying rate of fire far exceeding that of the vehicle-mounted heavy mortars.

Thirty rounds per minute, this is the firing rate of a 60mm light mortar, but it is reflected on a 120mm heavy mortar, and the gene warriors have played with the gun.

With super strength, speed and reaction, Wu Wo's movements are not only fast but also stable.

Two deep grooves have been stepped out of his feet due to the recoil, and his body will shake with each shell impact.

But he can fully adapt. After each shelling, he will actually fine-tune his body to ensure the stability of the mortar's aiming.

He also observes the results of the shelling through the eyeworm in the sky.

When the enemy is running away and looking for cover, he will directly re-aim the muzzle in less than a second by the ups and downs and turns of his body.

If it were other traditional mortars, the soldiers would need to calculate the firing parameters themselves, use the triangular gun mount turntable, and coordinate with the elevation machine to adjust the gun barrel elevation angle. The process was very troublesome and could easily delay the opportunity to fight, but Wu Wo could do it easily with just one body change.

Like Wu Wo, more than 20 genetic warriors were part-time artillerymen, and each of them had an average firing rate of more than 30 rounds per minute.

More than 20 people, the gun barrels roared like angry beasts, and the shells were like locusts, firing six or seven hundred shells at Xinfan Avenue in one minute.

Such a terrifying amount of shells, or the powerful 120mm caliber shells, caused extremely terrifying damage.

Under the bombardment, Xinfan Avenue was filled with howls.


A shell landed in a dense crowd, directly blasting a two-meter deep pit. The body parts of more than a dozen soldiers were scattered on the spot. There was not a single living person left on the spot. Various stumps and internal organs were mixed with the flying scorched earth to cover the ground. Together, the earth is filled with dark red.

An incoming armored vehicle was hit by a mortar. The mortar's muzzle speed was not high, the shell speed was below the speed of sound, and its armor-breaking ability was poor. But this was a direct hit, and it was a 120mm heavy artillery.

The artillery shell hit directly from the top, destroying the armored vehicle on the spot. All the crew members inside were not spared, and all died on the spot.

A tank was also hit by the initiation. Although the shell did not penetrate the armor, the external equipment of the tank was destroyed, the on-board equipment failed, and all the crew inside were stunned.

Several mortars fell one after another, knocking off the tank's tracks. One of them luckily hit the engine compartment behind the turret, causing the engine to catch fire.

The stunned crew members inside were unable to save themselves and died in the burning tank.


An ammunition transport truck got stuck in a mud pit and became an artillery target. When the mortar shell hit, a huge fireball flew into the sky. All the surrounding soldiers were hit by the fish pond and died in the explosion of a large amount of ammunition.

In just one and a half minutes of covering artillery fire, thousands of shells fell, and Xinfan Avenue turned into a meat grinder.

Countless soldiers were shaken by the roar of the explosion, their bodies were torn apart, and the ground was stained red with blood and internal organs fragments.

Because the shelling gave priority to the dense infantry, the soft infantry was extremely seriously injured, and at least thousands of them fell in a pool of blood.

Although a lot of the mortar shells brought have been consumed, the results are undoubtedly very gratifying.

After a minute and a half of rapid coverage and shooting, Wu Wo immediately ordered: "Everyone conduct mobile artillery fire, don't get bombed."

After saying that, Wu Wo picked up the ammunition box at his feet and quickly moved his position.

Because the enemy's counterattack, through the reconnaissance of Euglena, is coming soon.

Almost ten seconds before Wu Wo walked, a self-propelled howitzer counterattacked.

The fifty-kilogram shell landed near where he was just now. If he was still there, he would have been blown away along with his biological equipment.

Wu Wo ran hundreds of meters away, so the shells naturally did not threaten him.

If replaced by an ordinary mortar, it would be impossible to move the position at all, not even a vehicle-mounted one.

In a forest environment, it is impossible to run fast. Only genetic warriors can walk quickly in this environment, carrying hundreds of kilograms of mortars and ammunition.

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