Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 347 Tianyuan Myopia Pill (First Update)

"Master Su, the three products you asked us to research, the Myopia Pill has been developed as required."

After Su Jie received the news that day and rushed to the Alchemy Pavilion, several disciples who had been commissioned at the time came to greet him and showed him their achievements.

On a tray, there was a blue pill, which was the Myopia Pill developed by the disciples.

Su Jie picked up the blue Myopia Pill and asked, "Have you tested it?"

"It has been tested. After swallowing the Myopia Pill, the vision will gradually return to normal within the next three days."

"What about the side effects?"

"There are no other side effects. The production cost is also simplified as much as possible according to your instructions. Most of them are ordinary materials. It doesn't cost much for mortals. Refining a furnace of concentrated liquid and mixing it with several common medicinal materials is enough to supply millions of pills."

After listening, Su Jie was extremely satisfied. Such a pill perfectly met his needs.

"We are still developing slimming pills and whitening powder. It is difficult to research this, and we are also working hard."

"Research slowly. This is a reward for your achievements."

Su Jie poured out a pile of spiritual stones, which made the disciples jealous. They didn't expect to get extra rewards.

"Master Su, we must research whitening powder and slimming pills as soon as possible."

With the respectful farewell of the disciples of the Alchemy Pavilion, Su Jie took the formula of the Myopia Pill, returned to his mansion, and took out the medicine furnace to refine it.

Su Jie knew nothing about alchemy.

But the Myopia Pill was too simple.

After scrapping hundreds of furnaces, Su Jie mastered it completely in three days.

Alchemy requires the control of spiritual power to mobilize spiritual flames for refining, and the control of spiritual power in the Secret Realm is far more sophisticated than that of disciples. In addition, the difficulty of these pills is too low, that is, the level of alchemy apprentices, so it is not a big deal for Su Jie to master it.

"It's done."

The elixir furnace contains concentrated liquid. You only need to extract a small amount of concentrated liquid and mix it with ordinary herbs to make a large amount of elixir.

Su Jie collected it, then opened the ancient mirror and stepped into the portal.

Blue Star!

Su Jie returned with the concentrated liquid and called Liu Yingying.

"Su Jie, you are back."

"Yeah, I missed you."

Su Jie touched Liu Yingying's face.

Although she knew that Su Jie was trying to make her happy, Liu Yingying still enjoyed it very much and rubbed Su Jie's hand with her face, like a cat.

"Look at what I brought back this time."

Su Jie took out the blue myopia pill and placed it in front of Liu Yingying.

"What is this?"

Liu Yingying looked back and forth, but didn't understand what the ingredients were.

"A kind of myopia pill, once swallowed, will start to improve myopia and adjust it to the range of normal vision within just three days.

Didn't you say that Jieke Group is short of money? With this myopia pill, we can make a lot of money and give Jieke Group back its blood."

Su Jie tossed the myopia pill in his hand and told the effect.


Liu Yingying's two thin eyebrows jumped up in surprise, and the expression on her face was nervous, excited, and a little bit unbelievable.

You know, myopia is a big industry. Although Liu Yingying has never been exposed to it, she also knows how profitable those glasses companies are.

Glasses that don't cost much, ranging from a few hundred yuan to a few thousand yuan, how many leeks have been harvested!

Liu Yingying is not sure how many people with myopia there are in the world, but most modern people are facing mobile phones and computers for a long time, and the number of myopic people is definitely more than one billion, and this number is increasing year by year.

It's just that many people with mild myopia don't wear glasses, or wear contact lenses and have laser correction surgery.

Even if not everyone buys the Myopia Pill, as long as it can replace the position of glasses, for the Jieke Group, it will undoubtedly add a supermarket worth hundreds of billions of dollars, provided that the Myopia Pill is as magical as Su Jie said.

Liu Yingying will not doubt this. She trusts Su Jie unconditionally. With the example of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, this Myopia Pill can definitely do it.

"You can have someone open a factory for this Myopia Pill, and we will produce it and put it on the market to earn war funds for the Jieke Group. The price is set at one thousand dollars per pill, named Tianyuan Myopia Pill."

The price Su Jie said was well thought out.

The current laser correction surgery is about 2500-6000 US dollars. Although this surgery is relatively safe, no matter what kind of myopia surgery, there is a possibility of sequelae or complications.

This is also the reason why many people are unwilling to do this kind of surgery in addition to the price factor, and some people are not suitable for this kind of surgery.

There is no such concern for the Myopia Pill. People will instinctively resist surgery, but if it is replaced by taking medicine, and it can be effective in just a few days, then the acceptance level is too high, and anyone with myopia can take it.

Myopia Pill is cheaper in price, with a very high cost performance, and can also conquer the glasses market and eat up a large amount of revenue in the glasses market.

"I'll do it right away."

Liu Yingying got excited and ran out in a hurry.

The operation of the Jieke Group is very efficient. Liu Yingying personally presided over the work and produced a large number of Tianyuan Myopia Pills in a short time.

After confirming the effect, it was put into various parts of the world and sold through the sales network of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid.

In Georgia, the United States, Reinek Jaca walked on the street, heading to a black market location that specializes in selling Tianyuan hair growth liquid.

Reinek himself works in an Internet company. As we all know, the hair loss rate of Internet companies is high. Reinek is also bald at a young age. He was still full of white hair in college, and he became a Mediterranean in less than ten years of work.

In order to save his hair, Reinek naturally became a loyal customer of Tianyuan hair growth liquid. Only this can save his appearance.

Coming to a more hidden corner of the street, after contacting by phone, a Latino man came over.

"McGill, why did you change the trading place again."

As soon as they met, Reinek complained, he recognized the guy opposite.

The man in front of him was called McGill. He used to be a street gangster. Later, he didn't know where he got on the road of smuggling Tianyuan hair growth liquid and turned to this business.

People like McGill are everywhere in the United States.

The Jake Company distributed the goods to the Tijuana Group in Mexico. The Tijuana Group smuggled a large amount of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid into the United States and then distributed it to local people, mostly gangsters, homeless people and drug addicts, and then distributed it to all kinds of buyers, forming a huge smuggling network.

"Fuck, it's those policemen who keep watching us all day long. If they find out, my work for a week will be in vain."

McGill cursed. Gangsters like them now rely on Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid to make a living, so they naturally won't have a good face for the police who crack down on them.

Although they will not be severely punished even if they are caught selling this stuff, they can come out in a few days, but the Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid they carry with them will be confiscated, which is a heavy blow that cannot be suffered.

Amid the shouting and cursing, McGill opened his jacket, and bottles of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid were hanging inside. Reinek is also his old customer and has bought Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid many times.

"How many bottles should I buy this time?"

"Let's have three bottles, so that we don't have to worry about it all the time."

"Yes, three bottles."

The two parties exchanged money and goods. At the end, McGill looked at Reinecke's thick glasses and asked, "I almost forgot, Reinecke, I have a new product here, Tianyuan Myopia Pills, one thousand dollars a piece, which can cure your myopia after taking it. Do you want to buy one?"

"Tianyuan Myopia Pills, what's the origin?"

Reinecke pushed the lens, a little surprised.

"You can tell from the name, it's from the same company as Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, both are products of the Jeko Group."

McGill took out a small bottle with a blue pill in it.

"Your myopia should be very high. This Tianyuan Myopia Pill can cure your myopia after three days of swallowing, and you won't have to wear glasses anymore."

"Three days of cure, is it true?"

Reinecke's brain was a little down when he heard the effect. What kind of medicine can have such an effect?

"It's already said that it's produced by the JECO Group. It's a big company with a big brand. It's absolutely trustworthy. Look at the Tianyuan hair growth liquid in your hand. Doesn't it take effect in just one week?"

McGill said confidently that there would be absolutely no problem.

Reinek thought so too. The products produced by the JECO Group are probably the same magical oriental medicine as the Tianyuan hair growth liquid.

Thinking of this, Reinek hesitated for a moment. Thinking of the discomfort of wearing thick glasses on weekdays, he took out a thousand dollars and said, "If it doesn't work, I'll come to you to refund the money."

"No problem. I've been selling Tianyuan hair growth liquid in this neighborhood for so long. I can't afford to lose your thousand dollars to ruin my reputation."

The two parties successfully reached a deal and completed the first order of Tianyuan Myopia Pills in the United States.


Three days passed in a flash.

Reinek's experience was wonderful. After taking Tianyuan Myopia Pills, the skin and muscles around his eyes were cool and refreshing, just like soaking in ice packs.

At first he was a little nervous and ran to the hospital for a check-up. The eyes were too fragile and he was afraid that there was something wrong.

As a result, all kinds of examinations showed nothing wrong. Reinecke returned home, and on the second day, he felt that his myopia had begun to improve significantly.

On the third day, this trend became more obvious.

On the morning of the fourth day, Reinecke instinctively wanted to wear glasses.

But after putting on the glasses, he felt that his vision was extremely blurred.

"My eyes..."

Reinecke pushed open the window, took off his glasses and looked into the distance.

Originally, he could not see clearly with his 800-degree myopia.

But now he can see the license plate of the car below and the words on the billboard in the distance.

Even those walking men and women, Reinecke can see their faces clearly, instead of being far away like in the past, not to mention seeing their faces clearly, not to mention being able to tell whether they are men or women.

"Okay, my myopia is completely cured."

Reinecke's lips collided, and the whole person jumped high with excitement. He originally thought that myopia would accompany him for life, but it only cost a mere one thousand US dollars to completely cure it.

"Tianyuan Myopia Pills, great, really great, it feels so good to see clearly with this kind of eyes!"

Reinek yelled and screamed, he felt like he was reborn, and his excitement was beyond words.

Taking out his mobile phone, Reinek turned his excitement into words and began to share this joy with thousands of netizens.

Gradually, the news of Tianyuan Myopia Pills began to spread on the Internet.

As more and more myopic people were cured, Tianyuan Myopia Pills also became popular.

'I recommend patients with severe myopia to buy Tianyuan Myopia Pills. One pill can say goodbye to myopia. It is cheap and easy to use. '

‘It is worthy of being produced by the Jieke Group. It is as powerful as the Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. It can be effective in just three days. There is no need to worry about the risks of surgery. It is much better than myopia correction surgery. ’

‘Holy Mary! This Tianyuan Myopia Pill is simply a masterpiece of God. I, a severe myopia patient, can be saved. ’

‘A bunch of bastards, do you know that the Jieke Group is an extremely radical organization that endangers our national security? You buy their products to help the enemy. Every penny you spend will become a bullet shot at our soldiers. ’

‘Shit, who do you think you are? If you don’t run to Zen Country, how can others fight you? Do you want to say that Zen Country is also our territory? ’

‘Others sell Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid well, but they took it off the shelves. Now I buy smuggled Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid at a much higher price. ’

‘Those politicians are just controlled by capitalists. They start to cheat when they can’t win the commercial competition. Who doesn’t understand this! ’

‘I don’t care about that. Tianyuan Myopia Pills are good medicines anyway. It’s not wrong for me to treat my myopia. You are so patriotic, so continue to accept those expensive myopia surgeries. ’

‘The glasses manufacturing company I work for has started to lay off employees. Yesterday, HR came to talk to me about dismissal. Jieke Group should be destroyed quickly. It destroys one company after another. In the past, hair growth-related companies entered a cold winter. Now it’s our glasses manufacturing company’s turn. ’

There was a lot of quarrels on the Internet. This is also the menstrual post of the United States. Netizens always have endless topics to talk about about how to face the position of Jieke Group.

Although there are quarrels online, the sales of Tianyuan Myopia Pills offline are not affected. The sales are rising steadily.

Tianyuan Myopia Pills were launched not long ago, and immediately seized a large market with its magical efficacy and cheap price.

Not only in the United States, the smuggling channels of Jieke Group have long been all over the world.

These underground organizations in European and American countries used to make a fortune by relying on Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid. Now they have a new way to make money. Naturally, they will not refuse profitable business.

The shipment volume of Tianyuan Myopia Pills is increasing, from 100,000, 1 million, to 10 million. Its customers cover all myopic people, including men, women, the elderly, and children. There are more than 1 billion myopic patients in the world, and 200 to 300 million high myopic patients. These are all potential customers of Tianyuan Myopia Pills.

Affected by this, the sales of major companies producing glasses began to decline, and the stocks of related glasses companies could not stop falling like taking laxatives.

When the sales of Tianyuan Myopia Pills exceeded 10 million and the good news was issued to celebrate, it also meant that this new product brought billions of US dollars in net income to the Jieke Group.

Although Tianyuan Myopia Pills are disposable drugs, the price is there, and the income is still very considerable.

It’s just that as more and more myopic patients are cured in the future, sales can only rely on new myopic patients, and future income will decline, but at least in the next few years, Jieke Group does not have to worry about this at all. The existing myopic patients alone are enough for Jieke Group to make huge profits for several years.

In the face of the income of Tianyuan Myopia Pills, a little calculation can show that many medical-related companies are jealous.

In this context, a global medical conference specially held for the JECCO Group was held in the United States.

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