Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 331: Holy Lotus Evolution (First Update)

Su Jie looked up in astonishment. In the void, there were black birds flying, purple air rushing into the courtyard, divine light shining in the room, and clouds hanging above his head like a car hood.

At this time, Su Jie's body was like soaking in a hot spring, extremely warm and comfortable. Some of his hidden injuries were directly eliminated, and his body was surrounded by purple air. The sound of dragon forehead bells came from inside, and scales were all over his body. His whole body became golden, like a golden god.

In this process, Su Jie's body was strengthened in the naked eye, and his bones, flesh, internal organs, and soul were all strengthened.

"The strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, congratulations from the way of heaven."

Su Jie muttered to himself, and his heart was very excited. This was a phenomenon that would only occur if he was loved by the way of heaven.

Although he was a demon cultivator, he was also loved by the way of heaven.

Because the way of heaven regards all things as straw dogs, there is no partiality and favoritism of human beings, that kind of right and wrong, good and evil concepts.

The way of heaven treats all human beings equally. As long as your talent is strong enough and excellent enough, it will bless you no matter you are a wicked person who kills countless people or a compassionate monk.

Because the way of heaven follows the law of nature, just like nature, it respects the law of the jungle.

Su Jie's body has benefited greatly from this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth.

But it is not only Su Jie who has benefited. Behind Su Jie, there are tender buds and leaves swaying, greedily absorbing the purple air filled with strange phenomena of heaven and earth.

That is Su Jie's ninth-grade holy lotus. This strange treasure is changing. The branches and leaves are sprouting quickly. Three lotus leaves are slowly taking shape, and the strange fragrance lasts all night.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede stared at the Ninth-Grade Holy Lotus, a trace of saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he was tempted by this strange treasure.

Han Ruyan patted the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede and said coldly: "Don't think about eating it."


The Thousand-Handed Centipede was very dissatisfied with Han Ruyan's behavior, and stood up and bared his teeth and claws at her.

But fortunately, it knew that this was the owner's thing, but it was just greedy and didn't really eat it.


Han Ruyan exhaled slowly and said, "Little bug."


The Thousand-Handed Centipede wanted to show its true form to see who was the little one.

A ghost and a bug confronted each other, and at this moment, the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth finally dissipated slowly.

Su Jie felt the changes in his body, gently clenched his fist, and the air in his palm was rapidly expelled, as if a bomb exploded in his palm.

Five Elements Demon Suppression Handprint!

Su Jie shouted softly and slapped out with his left hand.

After being promoted to the Secret Hidden Realm, the abundant spiritual power, with the blessing of fire spiritual power, the palm print became several feet in size. When it fell to the ground, it directly smashed a nearly ten-meter deep pit, and there was a burning smell rising on the surface.

The entire retreat room was shaking violently, with amazing power. If it weren't for the formation blocking it, I'm afraid it would be directly knocked down.


In the insect bag, a large number of human-faced moths rushed out. Su Jie controlled the insect cloud as if it were his own arm, and began to entangle with each other, vaguely forming a biological array.

In the sea, many weak fish will gather into a group, disguising themselves as giant beasts to intimidate predators.

However, the insect cloud formed by the human-faced moths is not just a scare in appearance.

Su Jie's soul spread out, connecting points into lines, and lines into surfaces, and the huge insect cloud seemed to be really formed into one.


The insect cloud trembled, and ripples appeared in the air. They were connected to each other through Su Jie's soul.

Su Jie took out an iron ingot, and one of the human-faced moths fell into Su Jie's palm and spit out acid.

The iron ingot squeaked due to corrosion, and fine honeycomb-like deep pits appeared, which were much more powerful than before.

Su Jie's soul acted as a wire for energy transmission, forming a biological array, and with the help of the blood, spiritual power, etc. of other human-faced moths, the acid strength of this human-faced moth was further improved.

Su Jie picked up the human-faced moth and put it on the ground, then took out a spiritual stone and fed it to the moth.

The moth happily ate it, and Su Jie placed his palm on top of the moth. A red light emerged from his palm, activating the spiritual stone that the moth had just eaten.

Under the red light, the moth's body slowly changed, just like high-particle radiation.

Its leg muscles became stronger than before, its wings became wider, and its poison sacs were more corrosive. Su Jie transformed the moth's body.

When he was promoted to the state of enlightenment in the secret realm, Su Jie had a new understanding of the various methods he had practiced.

Among them, the True Scripture of the Hundred Poisons Refining Gu, and the Three Secret Scriptures of the Gu Master (the method of controlling wild insects, the method of concentrating the body and the mind, and the method of human insect sacrifice and refining), these are the methods that Su Jie has practiced for the longest time, and Su Jie understands them the most deeply.

Although Su Jie has only seen the method of human insect sacrifice and refining and has not really practiced it, the core of the method of human insect sacrifice and refining is the ability to transform the natal Gu worm and the cultivator's body. Su Jie can now use this transformation ability simply.

Essentially, everything that Gu Masters cultivate is to better use Gu worms.

When the realm is reached, many methods are still the same, and there is no need to stick to one path. Other routes can also achieve a seemingly good effect.

"Xiao Qian."

Su Jie shouted, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede jumped on Su Jie, looking at Su Jie eagerly.

Su Jie took out tens of thousands of spirit stones, and the upper body of the Thousand-Handed Centipede became several circles larger, and swallowed these spirit stones in a few mouthfuls.

Then, Su Jie used his transformation ability, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

This is not at all difficult to transform the human-faced moth.

Ten minutes later, Su Jie saw that the scales on the surface of the Thousand-Handed Centipede became deeper, and the defense power was improved a little bit, but not very obvious.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede was very excited, and its mouth opened wide, wanting to ask for more spirit stones to swallow, so that Su Jie could transform it more.


Su Jie didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The Thousand-Handed Centipede was a foodie, but it was a mid-grade five-refined poisonous insect.

Su Jie's entire fortune of spirit stones and blood marrow crystals could hardly strengthen it much.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede wrapped around Su Jie's arm. Su Jie looked at the spirit stone deposit in his storage bag. There were still hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, most of which were the 100,000 spirit stones given by Taoist Qiu last time.

Knocking on the forehead of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, Su Jie said helplessly: "I will help you transform it when I get rich in the future. Let's forget about it today."

After that, Su Jie looked at the ninth-grade holy lotus.

This strange treasure has completely changed its appearance. Before, it only had small cotyledons, like the shape of bean sprouts.

Now the ninth-grade holy lotus has grown to 20 centimeters tall, and the cotyledons have also fully developed and turned into three lotus leaves.

Overall, this ninth-grade holy lotus stands upright, with the spiritual power of the five elements of spiritual soil below, and the white bone tree planted next to it transforms the spiritual power into water mist, which condenses into water droplets on the leaves of the ninth-grade holy lotus.

The water droplets sparkle with crystal clear light, like pearls inlaid on the emerald green leaves, with a soft luster and a mouth-watering fragrance.

This rare treasure, the ninth-grade holy lotus, absorbs the benefits of the strange phenomena of heaven and earth, which greatly promotes its development and growth.

"Three lotus leaves, this is the first stage of development."

Su Jie was very surprised and couldn't wait to observe it.

After obtaining the ninth-grade holy lotus, Su Jie specifically consulted the classics about this rare treasure in the library of Guiling Palace.

When the three lotus leaves of the ninth-grade holy lotus grow, it can be used.

Of course, it is not for eating. The mature body of the ninth-grade holy lotus grows nine lotus leaves and blooms buds at the same time. The lotus blooms to be complete.

Now it was only the first stage. Su Jie followed the classics he had read before, pinched the spell, and shouted: "Control!"

The ninth-grade holy lotus floated up and spun around Su Jie.

In the past, Su Jie often used his own aura to imprint on this rare treasure. He repeatedly sacrificed and nurtured it. Now it was in a semi-recognized state with him, and Su Jie could easily control it.

"Xiao Qian, purple light ray."

Su Jie waved his hand at the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

After understanding the meaning, the Thousand-Handed Centipede's mask cracked, and terrifying purple light rays burst out.

The leaves of the ninth-grade holy lotus glowed slightly, and the leaves spread a blue light film to block the purple light ray.


The purple light ray only made ripples in front of the blue light film and was easily defended.

Han Ruyan saw this scene and suddenly raised her left hand, and the curse power spread.

Similarly, the blue light film blocked Su Jie, and the invisible curse power was eliminated and could not act on Su Jie.

This is the function of the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus, which is a first-class defensive treasure.

Now it is only the first stage of its birth, and its defensive ability is still limited, but every time it grows a lotus leaf in the future, its defensive ability will be improved.

Once it reaches its complete form, the nine leaves are formed, and the lotus opens, if a cultivator completely refines it.

At that time, the defensive power of the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus will be exaggerated to an extremely amazing level, and there will be all kinds of wonders.

The reason why the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus was blown up at the beginning was mainly because the Holy Lotus had no owner at that time, and no one refined it, and it could not automatically use its own defensive ability. Plants do not have much self-defense awareness.

Su Jie asked Han Ruyan and the Thousand Hands Centipede to increase their efforts to test the current defensive limit of the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus.

With the full force of the Thousand Hands Centipede, it was finally able to break through the defense, and Han Ruyan's curse could also penetrate a little, but it could not be completely blocked.

But even so, Su Jie couldn't help but smile.

The defense of the Ninth-Rank Holy Lotus was extremely exaggerated at this time. You have to know that the attackers were a middle-rank five-refined poisonous insect and a sixth-rank wedding ghost.

Even the Secret Treasure Realm could not ignore their attacks, but the Ninth-Rank Holy Lotus could weaken most of their attacks under their full-strength attacks.

"The only pity is that the current third-rank holy lotus cannot be used for a long time."

Su Jie looked at the Ninth-Rank Holy Lotus, which seemed a little sluggish, and its original upright state also bent.

Because it was not a complete body, using it for defense would undoubtedly greatly consume its nutrients and slow down its growth rate. If it was injured, it would be even more distressing.

Su Jie placed the Ninth-Rank Holy Lotus under his feet. As his mind moved, the Ninth-Rank Holy Lotus exuded holy and beautiful starlight all over its body, and the sound of heaven and earth flowed automatically.


The leaves of the Ninth-Rank Holy Lotus swayed, and the starlight poured down, accompanied by thousands of purple clouds and auspicious air.

The spiritual power in Su Jie's body is running faster, and the speed of absorbing external spiritual energy is accelerating, which makes it easier for him to understand various practices.

In addition to providing defense, the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus is also a practice accelerator, which is the second ability of the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus.

Thinking back to the beginning, Su Jie only ate a lotus seed of the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus, and he improved his physical condition, obtained the Purple Thunder Body, and obtained the magical power of the Purple Thunder.

From this, it can be seen how powerful the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus is in helping people to realize the truth and practice.

Su Jie is still satisfied with the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus at the third-grade lotus leaf stage. At the critical moment of life and death, using the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus can undoubtedly make up for Su Jie's lack of defense.

Putting away the Ninth Grade Holy Lotus, Su Jie stood up, pushed open the retreat room, and walked outside.

Outside the mansion, a large number of disciples have already gathered.

These disciples saw the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by Su Jie's breakthrough for the first time, and they ran over to watch curiously.

As the door was pushed open, seeing Su Jie appear, all the disciples felt as if they were looking directly at the sun. The brilliant golden light spread around Su Jie, like an ancient god, with extraordinary momentum.

Some disciples who looked at Su Jie could feel that Su Jie's body was extremely vigorous, like an ancient tree that supported the sky, and there was a vague sound of Tao coming from it, which was mysterious and unpredictable.

This was the result of Su Jie's body not completely dissipating the strange phenomenon after the blessing of the Heavenly Dao, his body was still resonating with the Dao, and his Qi was not completely converged.

Seeing Su Jie's momentum far beyond the Soul Condensation Realm, all the disciples knew that Su Jie had successfully broken through.

"Congratulations to Elder Su for his promotion to the Secret Treasure Realm."

"Congratulations to Elder Su for his promotion to the Secret Treasure Realm."

"Congratulations to Elder Su for his promotion to the Secret Treasure Realm."

With a series of uniform shouts, Su Jie's identity was also promoted from Senior Brother Su to Elder Su.

The term elder is extremely respected in Guiling Palace, and it is the dream of countless disciples of Guiling Palace.

Su Jie's promotion undoubtedly adds a powerful fighting force at the time when Guiling Palace is fighting a sect war.

"I have lived up to everyone's expectations. Today, I, Su Jie, have been promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm."

Su Jie bowed to the people around him, and did not look down on other disciples because of his promotion to the Secret Treasure Realm.

"Elder Su!"

Chen Yun and Wu Bin were also in the crowd. After Su Jie was promoted, they had a proud smile on their faces.

"Don't be so polite. You should still call me by the old way. Calling me elder makes me feel like I am in my seventies or eighties. Let's have a drink together tonight."

Su Jie patted Chen Yun and Wu Bin on the shoulders.

"Yes, Brother Su, I wish you continue to rise to the top in the future."

Wu Bin looked at Su Jie, feeling very emotional.

When he first met Su Jie, he was still an outer disciple. At that time, Wu Bin thought that Su Jie's potential would end when he was promoted to an inner disciple.

As a result, Su Jie took off much faster than he expected. He watched Su Jie become stronger step by step, from being promoted to an inner disciple, to becoming the first disciple, and now he has been promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm, which is much further than he expected.

"Fellow Daoist Su, you will definitely be able to achieve great things in Guiling Palace in the future."

Chen Yun's face was quite excited. She is not an inner disciple yet, but only the fifth level of the Soul Condensation Realm.

But she can meet Su Jie, an elder of the Secret Treasure Realm, who is still young and has a promising future in the Secret Treasure Realm. Even the inner disciples will not provoke her.

"Thank you for your good words."

Su Jie laughed, looking at the envy and awe in the eyes of the disciples around him, and he couldn't help but feel ambitious.

After nearly three years in Guiling Palace, he finally took the most solid step and achieved the Secret Treasure Realm.

Soon, the news that Su Jie had been promoted to the Secret Treasure Realm and had caused strange phenomena in heaven and earth spread far and wide.

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